Fey Friend

Glorbe Goldendew's page

19 posts. Alias of Eric Swanson.


Init: +7 | AC: 18 / FF AC: 15 / Touch AC: 14 [+4 vs giants] | Fort: +3 / Ref: +12 / Will: +5 [+2 vs illusions, no damage on successful Reflex save] | Speed: 20' |


Favored Attack: Light Crossbow +11 ranged / 1d6 piercing damage / 80' range / 19-20 [x2] crit | Spell Save DC: 0 Level - 14; 1st Level - 15; 2nd Level - 16; 3rd Level - 17


Bardic Performance - Inspire Courage 0/9 used

About Glorbe Goldendew

Aka Glorb Goldendew
World of Greyhawk Character Sheet

Character Name: Glorb Bottleknott Goldendew
Character Race: Rock Gnome
Character Class: Rogue 2 / Bard 9
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Deity: Garl Glittergold

Gender: Male
Age: 45
Height: 3’0”
Weight: 45 lb.
Eyes: Green
Hair: Dark brown

Character Level: 11
EXP Points Gained: 55001
EXP To Next Level: 65000

Known Languages: Common, Gnomish, Dwarvish, Elven


Strength: 8 (-1)
Dexterity: 16 (+3)
Constitution: 10 (+0)
Intelligence: 15 (+2)
Wisdom: 8 (-1)
Charisma: 18 (+4)


Hit Points: 41 + 2 + 1d6 = 43


Armor Class: 18 [BASE (10) + ARMOR (4) + DEX (3) + SIZE (1)]

Flatfooted AC: 15
Touch AC: 14
AC Penalty: None
Maximum DEX bonus: +6

Armor Type/Weight: Mithral Chain Shirt [5.0 lb.]

Special Armor Class Notes: +4 dodge bonus against giants (Racial ability); +3 dodge AC bonus when taking a fight defensively action or +6 AC bonus when taking a full defense action (5 ranks in Tumble)


Total Encumbrance: Light Load

Overall AC Penalty: None
Overall Maximum DEX bonus: No Penalty

Base Movement: 20’/round
Encumbered Move: 20’/round


Save vs. Fortitude: +3 [BASE (3) + CON (0)]
Save vs. Reflex: +12 [BASE (9) + DEX (3)]
Save vs. Will: +5 [BASE (6) + WIS (-1)]

Special Saving Throw Notes: +2 bonus to saves against illusions (Racial ability); in situations where a Reflex saving throw is allowed for half damage, the PC takes no damage with a successful saving throw when wearing light or no armor (Evasion ability)


Initiative Modifier: +7 [DEX (3)+ MISC (4)]

Melee Attack Bonus: +7\+2 [BAB (6\1) + STR (-1) + SIZE (1)]

Ranged Attack Bonus: +11\+6 [BAB (6\1) + DEX (3) + SIZE (1)]

Special Combat Notes: Grapple attacks are made at -4 to the attack roll (Penalty for size); sneak Attack damage (+1d6) for melee attacks and ranged attacks under 30' range when opponent is flanked or flatfooted; +1 bonus to attack rolls against kobolds and goblinoids [goblins, hobgoblins and bugbears] (Racial ability); +4 on all initiative checks (Improved Initiative feat)



Light Crossbow (S) / +11 ranged attack / 1d6 damage / 80’ range / 19-20 [x2] critical / piercing damage
10 standard bolts

Dagger (S) / +11\+6 ranged attack / +6\+1 melee attack / 1d3 -1 damage / 10’ range / 19-20 [x2] critical / piercing damage
Use DEX modifier for attack rolls, a shield in off-hand applies AC penalty to attack rolls

Sap (S) / +7\+2 melee attack / 1d4 -1 subdual damage / [x2] critical / bludgeoning damage
Use DEX modifier for attack rolls, a shield in off-hand applies AC penalty to attack rolls

Total Weapon Weight: 4.0 lb.



Total Skill Points Earned = 106

Skill Name - Skill Total, number of Ranks and/or Racial Modifier

Appraise: = +7 (INT) 4 Ranks
Balance: = +9* (DEX) 4 Ranks +2 [synergy bonus from 5+ ranks in Tumble]
Bluff: = +8 (CHA) 4 Ranks
Climb: = -1* (STR) Untrained
Concentration: = +0 (CON) Untrained
Craft (Alchemy): = +4 (INT) Untrained +2 Racial Modifier
Diplomacy: = +4 (CHA) Untrained
Disable Device: = +11 (INT) 5 Ranks +2 [bonus for Nimble Fingers feat]+2 [Masterwork Thieves’ Tools]
Disguise: = +4 (CHA) Untrained
Escape Artist: = +3* (DEX) Untrained
Forgery: = +2 (INT) Untrained
Gather Information: = +9 (CHA) 5 Ranks
Heal: = -1 (WIS) Untrained
Hide: = +14* (DEX) 7 Ranks +4 Size Modifier
Intimidate: = +6 (CHA) 2 Ranks
Jump: = +1* (STR) Untrained +2 [synergy bonus from 5+ ranks in Tumble]
Knowledge Arcana = +4 (INT) 2 Ranks
Knowledge Dungeoneering = +4 (INT) 2 Ranks
Knowledge History = +4 (INT) 2 Ranks
Knowledge Local = +4 (INT) 2 Ranks
Knowledge Nobility = +4 (INT) 2 Ranks
Knowledge Planes = +4 (INT) 2 Ranks
Listen: = +1 (WIS) Untrained +2 Racial Modifier
Move Silently: = +14* (DEX) 11 Ranks
Open Lock: = +12 (DEX) 5 Ranks +2 [bonus for Nimble Fingers feat]+2 [Masterwork Thieves’ Tools]
Perform (Percussion Instruments): = +5 (CHA) 1 Rank
Perform (Song): = +16 (CHA) 12 Ranks
Perform (Wind Instruments): = +16 (CHA) 12 Ranks
Ride: = +3 (DEX) Untrained
Search: = +10 (INT) 8 Ranks
Sense Motive: = -1 (WIS) Untrained
Sleight of Hand: = +8* (DEX) 5 Ranks
Spot: = -1 (WIS) Untrained
Survival: = -1 (WIS) Untrained
Swim: = -1** (STR) Untrained
Tumble: = +15* (DEX) 12 Ranks
Use Magic Device: = +18 (CHA) 12 Ranks +2 [bonus for Magical Aptitude feat]
Use Rope: = +3 (DEX) Untrained

* Armor Check Penalty Applies
** Double Armor Check Penalty Applies


Improved Initiative: Gain a +4 bonus on initiative checks.

Nimble Fingers: Gain a +2 bonus on all Disable Device checks and Open Lock checks.

Magical Aptitude: Get a +2 bonus on all Spellcraft checks and use Magic Device checks.

Subsonics: You can play so softly that opponents do not notice it, yet your allies still gain all the usual benefits from your bardic music. Similarly, you can affect opponents within range with your music, and unless they can see you performing or have some other means of discovering it, they cannot determine the source of the effect.

Bard Spells / Songs:

Known Spells

0 Level: DC 14 Detect Magic, Lullaby, Mage Hand, Message, Open/Close, Read Magic
1st Level: DC 15 Charm Person, Comprehend Language, Hypnotism, Lesser Confusion
2nd Level: DC 16 Alter Self, Detect Thoughts, Invisibility
3rd Level: DC 17 Deep Slumber, Good Hope, Harmonic Chorus, Haste

Spells per day:

0 Level Spells: 3x per day
1st Level Spells: 3x per day + 1 bonus spell (CHA)
2nd Level Spells: 3x per day + 1 bonus spell (CHA)
3rd Level Spells: 2x per day + 1 bonus spell (CHA)

Songs per day:

Inspire Courage +2, Inspire Competence, Countersong, Fascinate (with Suggestion), Inspire Greatness - 9x per day


Equipment & Gear:

Entertainer’s Outfit [0.0 lb.]

Magical Wand of Magic Missiles (9 charges, Spell Trigger Activation, 7th Level Caster [4 Missiles per charge]) [0.5 lb.] - tucked into belt

Magical Wand of Acid Arrow (24 charges, Spell Trigger Activation, 3rd level caster) [0.5 lb.]

Magical Wand of Cure Light Wounds (50 charges; CL 1; 1d8+1 HP; Spell Trigger Activation, 1st level caster) - tucked into belt

Magical Necklace of Fireballs (2x 2d6 globes - globes can be hurled up to 70’ - Reflex Save vs. DC 14 halves damage) [0.0 lb.] - worn around neck

Beltpouch [0.25 lb.] holds:
Flint and steel [0.0 lb.]
Magnifying glass [0.25 lb.]
Small flute [0.25 lb.]
Juggling balls [0.25 lb.]

Magical Heward’s Handy Haversack [5.0 lb.] (everything in pack is weightless - requires a move action to retrieve any stored item, but does not provoke an AoO)

==Main Pouch [80 pound capacity]
Hand drum [0.75 lb.]
4 Days of Rations [1.0 lb.]
1 Waterskin [1.0 lb.]
Leather-bound book [2.0 lb.]
Ink [0.0 lb.]
Inkpen [0.0 lb.]
Merchant’s scale [1.0 lb.]
Magical Bag of Tricks (Rust) [0.25 lb.]
Magical Rope of Climbing [3.0 lb.]
Magical Scroll of Expeditious Retreat
Magical Scroll of Dimension Door
Magical Scroll of Wish
Old bottle containing remains of rare and ancient perfume [0.0 lb.]
Ownership papers for the Crown of Fire Inn in Dyvers [0.0 lb.]

==Side Pouch #1 [20 pound capacity]
Strongbox (w/ padded interior and secure pockets that hold maximum of 20 potions safely) [2.0 lb.] holds:
_3 Magical Potions of Lesser Restoration [0.0 lb.]
_2 Magical Potions of Cure Light Wounds [0.0 lb.]
_Magical Potions of Cure Moderate Wounds [0.0 lb.]
_Magical Potion of Jump [0.0 lb.]
_Magical Potion of Mage Armor [0.0 lb.]
_Magical Potion of Protection from Evil [0.0 lb.]
_Magical Potion of Remove Fear [0.0 lb.]
_Magical Potion of Shield of Faith [0.0 lb.]
_2 Vials of Antitoxin [0.0 lb.]
_Vial of Holy Water [0.0 lb.]

==Side Pouch #2 [20 pound capacity]
Masterwork Thieves’ Tools [2.0 lb.] carried on belt (+2 circumstance bonus on Open Locks and Disable Device checks)
Magical Pipes of Pain (Successful DC 15 Perform [wind instruments] check causes all within 30’ to make a DC 14 Well save or be Fascinated by the sound - when the music stops, the slightest noise causes 1d4 damage per round for 2d4 rounds, and thereafter the least noise causes those affected to be shaken [as though by a Bestow Curse spell]) [3.0 lb.]
Magical Flute of Mage Hand (Cast Mage Hand 1x/day on a successful DC 15 Perform [wind instruments] check, as 1st level caster) [0.5 lb.]
Magical Flute of Calming (Cast Calm Emotions 1x/day on a successful DC 15 Perform [wind instruments] check, as 3rd level caster) [0.5 lb.]
Coins [3.0 lb.]

Equipment Weight: 8.0 lb.

Total Weight Carried / Encumbrance Load: 17.0 lb. / Light Load [Max = 19 lb.]


Money: 40pp, 50gp, 35sp, 22cp; small bag of precious gems (3,000gp value)

Glorb’s Mount: Golden Stallion:

Medium Animal
Hit Dice: 2d8+2
Hit Points: 18
Initiative: +1
Speed: 40’
Armor Class: 13 (+1 Dex, +2 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 12
Base Attack/Grapple: +1/+2
Attack: Hoof -3 melee (1d3*)
Full Attack: 2 hooves -3 melee (1d3*)
Space/Reach: 5 ft. / 5 ft.
Special Attacks: --
Special Qualities: Low-light vision, scent
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +0
Abilities: Str 13, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 2, Wis 11, Cha 4
Skills: Listen +5; Spot +5
Feats: Endurance
Carrying Capacity: Light Load is up to 75 lb., Medium Load is 76 150 lb., Heavy Load is 151 225 lb., Drag up to 1,125 lb.

Pony’s AC Penalty: None
Pony’s Maximum DEX bonus: No Penalty
Pony’s Encumbered Move: 40’/round

Glorb’s pony carries the following gear:

Bit and bridle [0.5 lb.]
Riding Saddle [12.5 lb.]

Total Weight Carried / Encumbrance Load: 13.0 lb. This is a Light Load [Max = 75 lb.] when Glorb is not mounted, the pony carries 75.0 lb. a Light Load [Max = 75 lb.] when Glorb is mounted and in full gear


Character History:

Managing an inn can be fun at first, but it quickly becomes just another job; adding up the day's take and comparing it to the workers' wages, the cost of food and drink wholesale, city taxes, etc... Having to settle squabbles between the cook and the brewer, putting up with the weekly and daily complaints of the barmaids, the barman's surly manner... And when a barfight breaks out, or someone starts dancing on tables, instead of joining in, all one can think is, "Hey! Those plates cost two silver apiece, dammit!"

A vacation is needed. A sea voyage seems like just the thing, really. A wayfaring merchant out of Dyvers promotes a trip; exotic locations, a tour of fascinating ports, a chance for Glorb to sample wines and foods of many other cultures; that's right, it's a business expense! Perhaps they'll even see... pirates!

No pirates. Only a thick and heavy fog out of Irongate and a hard easterly wind that blows them miles off course. The ship springs a leak. Rather than risk the ship going down with all hands, the captain makes for a small island and drops off his paying passengers, including Glorb, at the small sleepy village there. There's not much to do, but it's warm and there is a tavern and great fishing. The ship remains in the bay as the crew try to restore it to seaworthy conditions.

Until the morning when the passengers look out to the bay and find the ship no longer there. Sunk in the night, suddenly, with all hands? Perhaps the damaged hull could not hold any longer; perhaps someone fell asleep at the pumps? Or perhaps the ship... sailed off without them? Hard to say.

The locals are sympathetic. There are hidden reefs out there, they say, and the ship might have run into one. Or perhaps a current carried them off. Passage off the island? Of course! But you must wait until the mistral wind comes up. Without it, passage east is too hard for our little boats. Soon the wind will turn and we will take you back to the big land; a week, two weeks at most. Until then, you are our guests! Rest, relax, enjoy the hospitality of our little island.

The other passengers seem somewhat molified, and even rather warm to the island. All are offered lodgings in the homes of the locals, as being more friendly and comfortable than the inn. A middle-aged man strikes up an aquaintance with a lady and soon has gone off to live with her on the other side of the island. A married couple and their son have gone off on a fishing tour with a charming local gentleman. A surly dwarven metalsmith from Irongate is taken in by a motherly old widow who bakes him delicious pies.

Glorb's hosts are a man and woman with a large family of children; the children seem fascinated by Glorb. Wild and feral as young leopards, they run fearlessly along the cliffside where their small cottage is built, and dive from great heights into the water, and try to get Glorb to join in their games and treat him as another child; sometimes a bit cruel, but with laughter rather than hate of his race. Glorb may suspect there is a touch of sea in these people; merfolk, perhaps, or sea-elves; for the children swim as easily as frogs and have a touch of webbing between their fingers. A query to their parents brings only a secret smile and a touch of a finger to lips; it is not something they talk about.

They warn him away from the ruins atop the highest point of the island, however; there are ghosts there, and danger, and a ruined tower! At times, from his bedroom window at night, Glorb can look up at it and see a dim light shining here and there in the rocks, and perhaps he means to go up there sometime soon with his adventuring gear!

And so he does.

In daylight he finds the dusty path that must lead up to the hilltop; now little more than a goat-trail with the brushpalms. He follows it a ways, though the late afternoon sun is hot and the path is steep, and he stops as he nears the summit to take a drink from a waterskin. As he stops to rest, a sound catches his keen ears. It sounds like a scream.

Up the path, the way hed been going, something is now coming towards him. A young man, sword in hand and buckler on the other arm, is running pell-mell down the steep slope, giving an occasional yelp but mainly using all his efforts on running as quickly as possible.

And well he might, for in slow ponderous pursuit of the human is some kind of large leafy creature, a tumbleweed tangle of vines and leaves that rolls after him, picking up increasing speed on the slope. It appears to be smouldering slightly.

Chasing after the plant is a smaller figure, brandishing a spear; a gnome or a halfling, though its hard to be sure at this distance. The leading human is about 150 ft away from Glorbs position. The terrain is rocky and uneven, the only other plants are bushes and scrub about five feet high at most.
