DrGabe's Pathfinder Society Game (Inactive)

Game Master DrGabe

PbP PFS adventures.
Its like playing at your local friendly gaming store, but with less Cheetos!

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The Exchange

Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I am starting recruitment for running a Pathfinder Society adventure, The Frostfur Captives (#3-01) for levels 1-5. This will be an open recruitment accepting a table of four to six players. If you have played other PFS scenarios on these forums, then it is nothing unusual. However, for players not familiar with PFS or posting here, I'll post a few guidelines.

  • You need a legal PFS (Pathfinder Society) character. PFS information is here.
  • Post your legal character. (Paizo People --> Aliases). Here is mine for example. Use of Hero Lab is helpful to the player, but not required by the GM.
  • Be ready to have fun!
  • Interact well with others!!
  • Serve the Society to the best of your ability!!!
  • Be able to post about 1-2 times per day
  • I do not require your previous Chronicle Sheets. I assume you will be honest with me and your fellow players. If a question of an item comes up, I may ask to know where and how you got said item.
  • Maps will be posted through google docs. Please make sure you can access this service if you sign up.

Recruitment will open now and will close once we have enough players to start.
If there are any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Please post your Character's Level and Class for consideration.

Grand Lodge

I'm certainly interested. Will have character to you soon

Very interested, will come up with a level 1 character soon.
Can you give any information on the scenario like what is a ok concept and what should be avoided?

Grand Lodge

Is gunslinger going to be acceptable and can we use myth weavers to store the character?

The Exchange

I have 4 free level 1s. I need to get them all in games, but for now, I can do whatever fills the greatest need. They are:
Tortella, the close-combat sorcerer;
Brik, the tough-as-nails barbarian;
Slypher Xen, the hard-hitting staff magus; and
Danyn, the mostly-useless cleric (seriously, he won't be useful until level 2);

I'm excited about playing all of the first 3. Whatever is needed works fine.

I have a lvl 3 fighter - trip/disarm build with a shield

I will send info tonight

Doc, I sent you:

character sheet
Hero Lab .POR file
character token and Background via Private Message

thanks for your consideration

another game i wish i could do, but alas have already played

Grand Lodge

Hey it Hawkwen. Here's my build.

Liberty's Edge

I think that I would like to throw Sorin at this adventure.

Grand Lodge

Sorry for some reason profile didn't save. Will have it up in about an hour.

Grand Lodge

Ok here it is.

The Exchange

Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Thanks all for the submissions. After I put the kids down tomorrow night from their sugar binge, I'll start going through characters in detail. For now, you can send me your character info through PM or post a link as I described above.

Alonzo Silvertongue wrote:
Is gunslinger going to be acceptable and can we use myth weavers to store the character?

Yes to the gun slinger, but I am unsure what 'myth weavers' are. Is this listed as legal in the PFS rules?

@Many others. Any race and class combo that is legal in PFS is free to play. The adventure has a few combat encounters and a few social events. As usual, a well rounded character will do best. There are a few other special considerations, but that will be reveled once the game starts.

Grand Lodge

First level dwarf inquisitor if there is room at the bar.

Grand Lodge

Mythweaver is just a site that stores actual char sheets.


Grand Lodge

interested with this char... lvl 1 cleric

The Exchange

Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Alonzo Silvertongue wrote:

Mythweaver is just a site that stores actual char sheets.


Oh cool, I have never heard of that site. I don't care much about where you host your character, as long as it is easily accessible to me.

Hayato, D-Kal, and Sorin- I still need a character idea/concept. Thanks. *Correction, got them all. THANKS!!*
Vuvu- get in touch with a scenario you haven't played. We can likely work something out!

Everyone else, I have your names and characters. I'll be posting a list tomorrow and hope to get started before the end of the week!

Scarab Sages

So i heard there is a job to do? Something to do with some prisoners in need of attendance? I guess im just the right person there.

If some other talents are needed, let me know, im quite flexible.

The Exchange

DrGabe wrote:
Hayato, D-Kal, and Sorin- I still need a character idea/concept. Thanks.

Haha I was like "You need... another??"

D-Kal wrote:
DrGabe wrote:
Hayato, D-Kal, and Sorin- I still need a character idea/concept. Thanks.

Haha I was like "You need... another??"

What he said? I'll post as soon as possible if still opening. Crossbreed sorceress of some sort.

Yay more PFS PBP goodness! I’ve already played Frostfur Captives so I will sit back and cheer you on!

Scarab Sages

Here is a crypt breaker alchemist that is brand new for consideration. All info is in the profile.

The Exchange

Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Well gang, thanks for the interest. Its awesome to see good support for PFS here on the forums. That being said, we have about 11 players show interest in the last two days!! So instead of sending half of you off, I'm going to spit the group into two sessions (as long as I can keep my sanity up!).

My general thought is to treat this like a Con or weekend gaming store of sorts. Without trying to get to in depth into party make up/balance and the like, I'll just split the party down the middle.

Group A will stay in this thread while Group B will move to another thread (I'll post the URL later today). Those of you with multiple characters need to make a quick decision and let me know which one you want to proceed with. I hope to start the adventure later tonight once everyone is settled in.

Group A

  • Osric Sarus (Cleric)
  • Jostrum (Ranger)
  • Pai Song (Sorc)
  • Alonzo (Gunslinger)
  • D-Kal (multiple :) )
  • Sorin (Barb)

Group B

  • Oday Remner (Fighter 3)
  • Brother Grimdoc (Inquis)
  • Lorelendral Teklet (Cleric)
  • BossBedlam (Sorc)
  • Ruprecht Antillious (Alchem)

If somehow I missed your name or listed your character twice, please let me know.
As of this posting, there is one slot left for Group B.

Awesome, im looking forward to this!
Thanks a lot for your efforts DrGabe!

Liberty's Edge

Finally, here's a rough character summary. Sweet, two groups and I'm still playing. You're awesome, Dr. Gabe!

The Exchange

Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Alright Group B, your thread is now open! Check it out HERE.

For now, unless someone knows some Paizo Board kungfu, I am going to move Group B to their own thread and Group A can stay here.
Initial gameplay post are up, the ball is now in the players court.

Liberty's Edge

If you still have that slot open then please consider Zondras.

Let me know when Group A is open to post. Osric Sarus (first level cleric of Desna) is ready to roll (not that I can figure out how to post a link to him here).

Keith / Osric

Top of thread, click on "gameplay" jumper.
Should take you directly there.

If not:

Is there still space in Group B?

Grand Lodge

Seems I didn't make it this round. Not to worry - always is next time :)

Have fun you guys and post regular.

Grand Lodge

Heh - confused this with another game I am applying for.

Still, enjoy. I've played this and I think you'll like it a lot.

The Exchange

Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Zondras wrote:
If you still have that slot open then please consider Zondras.

Zondras and MisterLurch- group B is closed now, But if a couple of other people want to start a new table, we can make a Group C.

Silver Crusade

I'm sure you'd have no shortage of takers for Group C. I'd like to throw my name into the hat if you're contemplating it.

Dark Archive

DrGabe wrote:
Zondras wrote:
If you still have that slot open then please consider Zondras.
Zondras and MisterLurch- group B is closed now, But if a couple of other people want to start a new table, we can make a Group C.

I'd throw my lot in with Group C, if you'd have me, mind you.

Relevant info for my character is in the profile :)

Silver Crusade

i will throw in for Group C as well. Feel free to peek at any of my Aliases, Posts, Games, etc. if you want any additional information.

I do have a folio, but no tee-shirt.

The Exchange

Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Ok, wow. It looks like we just might have enough for a third table! I'll post something more concrete later on today, but welcome to the fun everyone.
If anyone else is wanting to play, now is your chance. Once Group C starts, I'll be closing recruitment.

Liberty's Edge

Well i am definately interested in a group C

The Exchange

Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Group C:

  • Zondras- Magus
  • Mister Lurch (Jericho Daskin) Alchemist
  • Yoren Issarion- Fighter
  • Jezebel Savet- Gunslinger

    I'll keep this open for another day or so, but this can be done with this group. Watch this space for the link to Group C. :)

  • Dark Archive

    Any consideration for a 1st level Samurai (Sword Saint)?

    The Exchange

    Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

    Mifune, you are in.
    That brings the total up to 5. I'll start the first post later tonight. There is room for one more player.

    Silver Crusade

    Oh awesome! Honestly I was worried I was a little weak on background with this one but I like him mechanically and I really wanted to get a PFS character going. Thanks for the opportunity.

    Dark Archive

    DrGabe wrote:

    Mifune, you are in.

    That brings the total up to 5. I'll start the first post later tonight. There is room for one more player.

    Awesome news! First PbP game of PFS, so I may not know exactly what to do, but I'll look forward to the experience :)

    Hi DrGabe.

    Im new, as in totally new in PFS and playing PF! But i played D&D 3.0 years ago (darn more than a decade ago). Reading the pdr i feel confident i can get up to speed quick enough.

    So if no one else takes the last spot for group C in the time i put a char together id like to give this a try with lvl 1 druid (more than likely human).

    Lantern Lodge

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Nius wrote:

    Hi DrGabe.

    Im new, as in totally new in PFS and playing PF! But i played D&D 3.0 years ago (darn more than a decade ago). Reading the pdr i feel confident i can get up to speed quick enough.

    So if no one else takes the last spot for group C in the time i put a char together id like to give this a try with lvl 1 druid (more than likely human).

    Heya Nius,

    First off, welcome to Pathfinder and PFS!

    This is an excellent guide to PbP if you need such a reference. Also, Treantmonk wrote an amazing Guide to Druids. It is Core only, but the basic information is well organized, easy to follow, and quite an impressive and educational read.

    The Advice board can also be an amazing resource to help you analyze any given concept.

    Technically, you should own any materials you use to create your character, though it is harder to track on PbP. There are core books that the GM is assumed to have though, so anything from that list is usually considered good to go.

    Not all the materials in all the books are considered PFS legal. The list of approved material can be found at the Additional Resources PFS page.

    Sorry about all the links, but I hope you find some of it helpful!

    How to Post/Register your PFS Character:

    Characters must be registered PFS characters for PFS play. Alternatively, you can opt to play a PFS pregen, then apply the chronicle sheet (tracks experience, wealth, prestige, etc.) to a character you later create.

    1) Click on the My Account link at the top of the page.
    2) scroll down until you find the Pathfinder Society section of your account page (Between Message Board Aliases and Privacy Settings on the left side.
    3) Click Edit, and input information
    4) Once done, click the Click Here to make changes link.
    5) Select the Register a New Character link.
    6) Fill out the character sheet, and save.
    7) Enjoy!

    Silver Crusade

    Any chance that I could join in with another fighter? To be honest he is the only character I ever created for PFS :D

    Here is Telurion Andoren for your consideration.

    Hadassah Lokrien Savet wrote:
    Nius wrote:

    Hi DrGabe.

    Im new, as in totally new in PFS and playing PF! But i played D&D 3.0 years ago (darn more than a decade ago). Reading the pdr i feel confident i can get up to speed quick enough.

    So if no one else takes the last spot for group C in the time i put a char together id like to give this a try with lvl 1 druid (more than likely human).

    Heya Nius,

    First off, welcome to Pathfinder and PFS!

    This is an excellent guide to PbP if you need such a reference. Also, Treantmonk wrote an amazing Guide to Druids. It is Core only, but the basic information is well organized, easy to follow, and quite an impressive and educational read.

    The Advice board can also be an amazing resource to help you analyze any given concept.

    Technically, you should own any materials you use to create your character, though it is harder to track on PbP. There are core books that the GM is assumed to have though, so anything from that list is usually considered good to go.

    Not all the materials in all the books are considered PFS legal. The list of approved material can be found at the Additional Resources PFS page.

    Sorry about all the links, but I hope you find some of it helpful!

    ** spoiler omitted **...

    Hello Hadassah,

    Thank for the welcome and taking the time to send all the links! I had read part 1 of treantmonk's guide for druids some 2 years ago and is a very good read with very sound advice (from the mechanics point of view).

    Now im feeling I might be jumping the gun a little. This morning woke up thinking about RPGs and recalled about Pathfinder and dusted off my account, found out about PFS and now after work saw this posting and thought "shoots i shouldn't let this opportunity go by!".

    So even tho my my interest has not dwindled a bit, I think is prudent for me to withdraw my application of sorts and read a thru more while keeping an eye for this and other possible threads before I apply for a spot in a session.

    And thanks DrGabe for running games! Maybe I will get to play in one of your PFS PbP games in the future.

    Liberty's Edge

    I thought i might drop this gnome summoner here if you need some more characters :)

    The Exchange

    Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

    Nius I'd love for you to join us and see what all the fuss with Pathfinder Society and Pathfinder RPG is all about! So get cracking on making a character!
    If you have any questions, just shoot me a question and I'll be happy to answer them. Also Hadassah's comments are pretty dead on.

    That closes us at 6 players.

    Telurion and Badger- you are on the alternate list. If someone drops out (stops posting) I'll contact you. We'll have to determine the details if that comes about.

    Table C, your thread is HERE. You can start posting now. Characters need to be done by tomorrow night. Please provide me the link or make sure it is already linked from your post.

    Liberty's Edge

    DrGabe wrote:

    Nius I'd love for you to join us and see what all the fuss with Pathfinder Society and Pathfinder RPG is all about! So get cracking on making a character!

    If you have any questions, just shoot me a question and I'll be happy to answer them. Also Hadassah's comments are pretty dead on.

    That closes us at 6 players.

    Telurion and Badger- you are on the alternate list. If someone drops out (stops posting) I'll contact you. We'll have to determine the details if that comes about.

    Table C, your thread is HERE. You can start posting now. Characters need to be done by tomorrow night. Please provide me the link or make sure it is already linked from your post.

    Ok no problem :)

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