Vinroot the Drunken Treant

Nius's page

Organized Play Member. 12 posts (154 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


Yes, can you give a little more details about the campaign and character creation guidelines. Also just to make sure, is it a PbP game?


Just to let you know i sent you an email with the link to my MW character sheet.

Yes this seems like is going to be a no go... So I will pull out as well. Good luck all.

Are you still taking submissions?
Some information that migth be relevant. Havent used roll20, but seen the intro vids on the website, and sounds easy to learn. Im free Wednesdays evenings unless something extraordinary happens.

As for melee characters, I can take a PFS character im using in a PbP here which I can alter to fit this game. Is garundian warrior that focuses on spear weapons and shield style.

But tell if you still taking apolications or not. If yes I will pull something together when I get home.

Just to make sure before deciding to dot in, this will be a PbP game?

Hi all, quite a late arrival to the tread, and i see there are already 6 players that dotted interest.

Im dotting my interest as well. Im on GMT -5 and the suggested time works for me (would be Sunday 3-9pm my time). Im new to Pathfinder (had done only PbP games so far) and have never tried the Roll20 VVT or an Adventure Path. Will go ahead and make a character, more than likely a druid, and keep tabs on the tread. Thanks and happy gaming!

Hey while at work I was checking out the maps posted by DrGabe and an idea crossed my mind, But thougth of asking first.

So while switching from ome image to the other I thougth ofsort of rustic animation using the events unfolding on our little story, the speech spoken, the action taken, etc. I know the idea sounds kind of vague, but I guess is the best I can express it at this time. And this is really independent of the game, but since the things we all write are kind of our own things, wanted to make sure no one was opposed of being used in such a way.

Also, this migth never take off, I dont know if I have a concrete enough idea, or the time or will end with the motivation to do anything at all. But wanted to ask first of all.

And lets keep the game rooolling!

On a side note, Nius is a whimpy, dunno why I even tried to make him break a door ))

Bellow and to the rigth of the box where the messege is written, you should see the words Post as followed by a pull down menu from where you can select which Alias you want to post with. Hope that helps.

Here is the character for your consideration: Dahriakt Tolumeh.

Human figther, made it trident and shield instead of spear and shield because of mechanical reason (more damage over a shortspear, and a trident is part of the spears weapon families, and is a one-handed weapon).

I started playing my first PbP PFS game at the beginning of November, but if by any chance you don't get enough completely new players, id love to get into another game. Will do the character anyway, just in case.

As for character concept, Im playing with the idea of making a Garundi spear and shield wielding human from the lower social strata of a Garundi community who joined the pathfinder society as a way to explore to gain fame and wealth with the hopes of one day finding a place where himself and others like him of his clan can call their own.

Still thinking of class, inclining for a fighter or a cleric.

Hadassah Lokrien Savet wrote:
Nius wrote:

Hi DrGabe.

Im new, as in totally new in PFS and playing PF! But i played D&D 3.0 years ago (darn more than a decade ago). Reading the pdr i feel confident i can get up to speed quick enough.

So if no one else takes the last spot for group C in the time i put a char together id like to give this a try with lvl 1 druid (more than likely human).

Heya Nius,

First off, welcome to Pathfinder and PFS!

This is an excellent guide to PbP if you need such a reference. Also, Treantmonk wrote an amazing Guide to Druids. It is Core only, but the basic information is well organized, easy to follow, and quite an impressive and educational read.

The Advice board can also be an amazing resource to help you analyze any given concept.

Technically, you should own any materials you use to create your character, though it is harder to track on PbP. There are core books that the GM is assumed to have though, so anything from that list is usually considered good to go.

Not all the materials in all the books are considered PFS legal. The list of approved material can be found at the Additional Resources PFS page.

Sorry about all the links, but I hope you find some of it helpful!

** spoiler omitted **...

Hello Hadassah,

Thank for the welcome and taking the time to send all the links! I had read part 1 of treantmonk's guide for druids some 2 years ago and is a very good read with very sound advice (from the mechanics point of view).

Now im feeling I might be jumping the gun a little. This morning woke up thinking about RPGs and recalled about Pathfinder and dusted off my account, found out about PFS and now after work saw this posting and thought "shoots i shouldn't let this opportunity go by!".

So even tho my my interest has not dwindled a bit, I think is prudent for me to withdraw my application of sorts and read a thru more while keeping an eye for this and other possible threads before I apply for a spot in a session.

And thanks DrGabe for running games! Maybe I will get to play in one of your PFS PbP games in the future.

Hi DrGabe.

Im new, as in totally new in PFS and playing PF! But i played D&D 3.0 years ago (darn more than a decade ago). Reading the pdr i feel confident i can get up to speed quick enough.

So if no one else takes the last spot for group C in the time i put a char together id like to give this a try with lvl 1 druid (more than likely human).