DrGabe's Pathfinder Society Game (Inactive)

Game Master DrGabe

PbP PFS adventures.
Its like playing at your local friendly gaming store, but with less Cheetos!

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Lantern Lodge

How do I send you my Chronicle Sheet? (GM Mortika's Citadel of Flame?

I am spending my 2 PP on a wand of CLW (Shelyn)

Lantern Lodge

Nius wrote:
Now im feeling I might be jumping the gun a little. This morning woke up thinking about RPGs and recalled about Pathfinder and dusted off my account, found out...

If you build it and post it, I would be happy to help you fix any non-PFS issues and offer suggestions if you want. Other than that, it plays so much like DnD, you will have no problem catching up. Happy to help, don't give up!

The Exchange

Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Hadassah Lokrien Savet wrote:

How do I send you my Chronicle Sheet? (GM Mortika's Citadel of Flame?

I am spending my 2 PP on a wand of CLW (Shelyn)

Don't worry about Chronicle Sheets. I look through the character sheets to make sure that there isn't anything too outlandish present (easy when characters are first level). I've found that it is difficult for most people to covert their analog sheets into a digital format for a GM to review. So be honest and have fun. That is the stance I am going to take.

(Your purchase is fine by me).

Grand Lodge

Ok this is my char, had to put it together in, a rush, DrGabe and Hadassah, any feedback is more than welcome (or any error u can see) If u cant find anythjng wrong, then is the final final version.

The Exchange

Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Nius, that looks good (from a legal standpoint). Go ahead and post in the Group C thread (see my post above). :)

Grand Lodge

done, thanks for the opportunity :)

Silver Crusade

Hadassah is insane! Jezebel is the lovely halfling for this adventure. My alter ego has been censured and sent back to the Fallen Fortress.

[Jezebel has not completed an Adventure, thus has no wand.]

The Exchange

Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Recruitment for this group is now open!
At the moment we only need one player. But I'll take a couple for stand-by. Other PFS games that I am running are also about to open recruitment and there may be a space there for you. Please check them out!

You can find my rules here.
We will be playing Rise of the Goblin Guild. This is a tier 1-2 scenario.

Any questions, please feel free to post or PM me.

Posting interest

Grand Lodge

I'm also interested, I have a lvl 1 dwarf crossbowman.

Liberty's Edge

Also interested. I have my 2nd lvl melee ranger as well as a 1st lvl monk who needs to get his feet wet.

Scarab Sages

Looking forward to the new game! The one here was real fun!

The Exchange

Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Dorgrin you are in.
NN959 and Sharhorn you are in the alternate spots.

Scarab Sages

Osric is interested...level 2 cleric of Desna

Liberty's Edge

Thanks for the update. Will keep my eyes on this thread.

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