Ailetha Aurcalam |

I might try the whole PFS stuff on the boards before too long. Still hoping to finish one AP somewhere on these boards. Have several characters up to levels 8-11, but nothing beyond that other than one where the DM jumped us from 5 to 15.
Anyway, it was fun playing in these games. Ailetha was my second character in PF, the first being Tirion in DMHW's still ongoing campaign. You all got me addicted to this, and I hope to keep playing, either online or tabletop, for some time.

Shifty |

AP's are just way too long I'm thinking, unless you absolutely bare-bones the campaign and go from there. PFS style play can still give you a really immersive 'campaign' feel, especially when you play through a story arc.
The Blackros series I ran was about 12 odd scenarios long, or in PbP terms, about 18 months of play. Alternately there are the modules which seem to work, ie Dragons Demand, Tears at Bitter Manor (just played this face to face, was great!) and now the new Pirate themed one.
Anyhow, were still in various games together :)

Tirion Jörðhár |

In Voodoo's Legacy of Fire, we still have 3 out of 4 of the originals left, and the replacement has been very reliable in the LoF as well as many other campaigns I am in with him. I am also in a Age of Worms that has only lost 2 of the original 6, and one of them was asked to leave.
I agree though, it is hard to keep random people together for the long run, RL things (marriage, jobs, children) end up sucking their time away from more important things like PF.

Tirion Jörðhár |

Well, if you followed the recruitment 1-2 year ago, there were certain players who always submitted applications. He (or she as that was what all his characters were) was one of them and simply did not mesh with the other five of us, who have worked great ever since.
If you want to know who is was, check out my AoW campaign and find the player who stopped playing about six months to a year in. FYI - it was not the alchemist.