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Tossing my dwarven hat into the ring: here's my enchanter/traveler/historian Wizard
Male Dwarf Enchanter 7 1
LG Medium humanoid (dwarf)
Init: +0; Senses: Perception +2; Darkvision 60’
Speed: 20, Languages: Aklo, Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Giant, Goblin, Ignan, Infernal, Necril, Orc, Sylvan, Terran, Undercommon
AC 18 (+4 Mage Armor +4 Shield) Touch 10 FF 18
HP 56 (7d6+14)
Fort +6 Ref +4 Will +9 +2 vs Spells/SLA, +2 vs Poison
Melee: quarterstaff +3 (1d6) or dagger +3 (1d4 19-20/x2)
Ranged: crossbow +3 (1d8 19-20/x2) Ammo: 20 normal
BAB 3 CMB +3 CMD 13 (15 vs Trip/Bull Rush)
Abilities: Str 10 Dex 10 Con 15 Int 18 (20) Wis 14 Cha 10
SQ: Favored Class (Wizard), Defensive Training (+4 dodge AC vs giants), Stability (+4 to CMD vs. bull rush or trip), Greed (+2 Appraise to determine value of precious metals/gemstones), Stonecunning (+2 Perception to notice unusual stonework, free check when within 10’ of such), Hatred (+1 attack vs. orcs/goblinoids)
SA: Dazing Touch (up to 7HD living creature, dazed for 1 round, usable 7/day)
SQ: Arcane Bond (staff), Enchanting Smile: +3 enhancement bonus to bluff, diplomacy, intimidate
Traits: Student of Philosophy (Int replaces Cha for diplomacy to persuade & bluff to lie), Student of Giantkind (+1 trait bonus to Diplomacy vs giant subtype creatures (class skill), +1 trait bonus to Kn(Local) vs giant subtypes, learn Giant language)
Feats: Scribe Scroll, Spell Focus (Enchantment), Greater Spell Focus (Enchantment), Spell Focus (Conjuration), Extend Spell, Augment Summoning
Skills: Bluff +18, Diplomacy +19, Knowledge (Arcana) +15, Knowledge (History) +15, Knowledge (Local) +15, Linguistics +15, Spellcraft +15
Combat Gear: wand CLW (50), wand silent image (50), wand obscuring mist (50)
Equipment: headband of intelligence +2 (bluff), circlet of persuation, cloak of resistance +2, handy haversack, sleeves of many garments, traveler’s anytool, spellbook, bedroll, belt pouch, flint & steel, ink, inkpen, iron pot, mess kit, soap, spell component pouch, torches (10), trail rations (5), waterskin, dagger, crossbow, crossbow bolts (20), nice whiskey (3), food for nice meals (8)
Coin 300gp
Scrolls Resist Energy (2), Spider Climb, Knock, Pyrotechnics, Levitate, Invisibility, Mage Armor (3), Shield (3), Ventriloquism, Enlarge Person (4), Haste, Fly, Mirror Image, Blur,
Spells Prepared (Caster Level 7 // Concentration +11 // Ranged Touch +3), Save DC = 14 + Spell Level, 16+SL for Enchantment, 15+SL for Conjuration
Specialist School: Enchantment, Prohibited Schools: Necromancy, Evocation
0th: Detect Magic, Mending, Message, Prestidigitation
1st: Mage Armor, Shield, Charm Person, Sleep, Ventriloquism, Grease, Enlarge Person
2nd: Hideous Laughter, Invisibility, Glitterdust, Mirror Image, Web
3rd: Hold Person, Stinking Cloud, Haste, Fly
4th: Charm Monster, Summon Monster IV, Extended Heroism
0th: all except Necromancy, Evocation
1st: Charm Person(E), Sleep(E), Mage Armor, Shield, Summon Monster I, Ventriloquism, Feather Fall, Grease, Enlarge Person
2nd: Daze Monster(E), Hideous Laughter(E), Invisibility, Glitterdust, Pyrotechnics, Levitate, Knock, Mirror Image, Blur, Web, Rope Trick, Spider Climb, Resist Energy
3rd: Heroism(E), Hold Person(E), Haste, Fly, Stinking Cloud, Summon Monster III, Dispel Magic, Shrink Item, Slow
4th: Charm Monster(E), Dimension Door, Summon Monster IV
Scrolls Purchased & Scribed: Stinking Cloud (3rd), Summon Monster III (3rd), Resist Energy (2nd), Dispel Magic (3rd), Pyrotechnics (2nd), Levitate (2nd), Knock (2nd), Mirror Image (2nd), Blur (2nd), Web (2nd), Enlarge Person (1st), Rope Trick (2nd), Spider Climb (2nd), Shrink Item (3rd), Slow (3rd), Grease (1st), Dimension Door (4th),
Description Ondek is a very dapper dwarf, changing his dress and appearance to match the local fashion regularly. He is always clean and generally smiles, offering greetings to those he meets happily. He wears his dark brown hair and beard loose, with a simple but elegant headband and circlet keeping his mane out of his eyes. Typically seen wearing some variety of robe with well-fitted traveling boots, he keeps his oaken quarterstaff to hand and magical backpack nearby almost all the time.
Backstory Ondek hails from Highhelm originally, but has traveled the world so much in the past decades he might as well be from any major city. Wherever he goes, he seeks out knowledge and magical learning, as well as the cultural trappings and languages of the local peoples. He has studied giantkind thoroughly, seeking to learn their secrets and perhaps determine of some of the myths of creation relating dwarves and giants, in particular stone and fire giants, with one another.

DM RichD |

Less then 2 days left!
@Morg: That is approved.
Here are the submissions so far. Let me know if I missed anyone. Submissions will be open until 10/20/2019 11:59 PM EST.
Felthin (Vrog Skyreaver) Sorcerer 8/Monk 1
Agra Skyseeker (Arrannai) Fighter 1/Transmuter 5/Eldritch Knight 1
Duric of Highhelm (Aldzog) Arcane Duelist 7
Morg 'Tinker' Blackflame (Hassan Ahmed) Barbarian 1/Wizard 6
Edelsmirge (Edelsmirge) Hexcrafter Magus 7
Ondek Brightstone (psionicchamster) Enchanter 7
Expressed Interest:
Bolkvar Stonebeam (Grumbaki) Tattooed Sorcerer
Branding Opportunity

DM RichD |

Less than 12 hours to submit!
@Morg: I would prefer the spells be limited, but if from another source, I would need to approve.
I don't think there is a preference from either me or the PC's. Just a desire to slay orcs, trolls and giants!
Here are the submissions so far. Let me know if I missed anyone. Submissions will be open until 10/20/2019 11:59 PM EST.
Felthin (Vrog Skyreaver) Sorcerer 8/Monk 1
Agra Skyseeker (Arrannai) Fighter 1/Transmuter 5/Eldritch Knight 1
Duric of Highhelm (Aldzog) Arcane Duelist 7
Morg 'Tinker' Blackflame (Hassan Ahmed) Barbarian 1/Wizard 6
Edelsmirge (Edelsmirge) Hexcrafter Magus 7
Ondek Brightstone (psionicchamster) Enchanter 7
Expressed Interest:
Bolkvar Stonebeam (Grumbaki) Tattooed Sorcerer
Branding Opportunity

Rask Hammersong |

Felthin (Vrog Skyreaver) Sorcerer 8/Monk 1
Agra Skyseeker (Arrannai) Fighter 1/Transmuter 5/Eldritch Knight 1
Duric of Highhelm (Aldzog) Arcane Duelist 7
Morg 'Tinker' Blackflame (Hassan Ahmed) Barbarian 1/Wizard 6
Edelsmirge (Edelsmirge) Hexcrafter Magus 7
Ondek Brightstone (psionicchamster) Enchanter 7
I am assuming since there are no other posts that this is the final list of applicants.
@DM - Writing up a PM to you now.
Rask - aka david
Edit: And PM sent....

DM RichD |

The submission window has closed and I want to thank everyone for their great submissions. I have heard back from everyone in the game except for one. Once I have their choice I will announce the latest recruit. At any rate the decision will be revealed no later than 8PM EST Wednesday (hopefully sooner!)
Again, I am grateful for the time that was put into each submission!

DM RichD |

Again I want to thank everyone for the great submissions.
I have heard back from everyone in the group and it seems like Ondek has won the vote!
To everyone that was not selected, thank you for your interest.
@Ondek: Please select an alias and a tagline that matches the others. They are in a tavern so it is the perfect opportunity to walk over and tell them why you want to join their merry (for dwarves) band. We'll spend a few days RPing before ramping things up this weekend.

Sven the Mazebreaker |

Grumbaki here. So it looks like the party has...
Kiln Redaxe: Dwarven Fighter (two handed power attack). Wielder of Torag's Edge.
Rask Hammersong: Dwarven Fighter/Paladin (two handed power attack)
Kurag Urlot III: Dwarven Ranger/Rogue (ranged firepower)
Ondek Brightstone: Dwarven Enchanter (arcane)
So it's pretty clear that the group needs divine. Going with Fighter (1) Cleric (7). This gets heavy armor proficiency and power attack, while the rest of the feats go into Weapon of the Chosen. This way when he hits lvl 9 he can grab vital strike and be halfway decent in close combat.
In the profile we have Sven. Chose this profile picture so his holy symbol tattoo can be seen. Spell choices focusing alot on removing negatives from the party and some light crowd control. All are subject to change and more than willing to take suggestions.
But crunch is complete. He should be able to handle being on the front lines with defensive buffs giving him enough AC to survive. And while he only has 1 attack, it is accurate and should hit hard enough to be noticeable.
Sven is a dwarven miner turned Cleric of Torag. He earned the title 'Mazebreaker' by winning a challenge set by the elders of his clan for young miners. A maze had been made, to test how well the young dwarves could navigate in the dark, with the prize being gold ore as big as a dwarf's head in the center. Sven took his trust pick and tunneled his way through the maze, claiming the prize by sheer bullheaded determination.
The dwarf, hailing from Highhelm, left his home along with a handful of clansmen to dig a mine near the Hordeline. It was rich in valuable ores. Rich enough to be worth the risk. While the dwarves expected their trouble to come from orcs, it was from the Giants that they came undone. A fire giant raiding party destroyed the mine, killing most of the miners, with most of the survivors being taken captive. Bharaz managed to escape by fleeing into the depths of the earth.
It was in the dark that Bharaz found Torag. Delirious from lack of sleep and food, he heard a voice which he at first mistook for his father. It led him down lightless tunnels and into undiscovered caverns. Miracles began to happen, where water was found where there shouldn't be any, and his wounds healed on when he prayed. Without knowing it, the lone miner had become a cleric.
Since then he has wandered, hoping to find what had become of his lost kinsmen. During these wanderings he heard rumors of a group of brave dwarves who had struck a blow against the Horde, defending Trunau and taking the fight to the Giants. He has sought them out, believing in his heart that it is Torag's will that he aid them in their quest.

Sven the Mazebreaker |

Oh! Good catch. My apologies. When building it I completely forgot that. I went with the pick just because it felt flavorful with him originally being a miner. But you're absolutely correct that the feats only work with the warhammer. I can get that changed. I'll just call it a pickhammer. Mechanically a warhammer, but still references his background.

Locmore |
@Locmore: Usually I prefer Core + APG, but since I will be seeking input from the existing players on selection, feel free to throw your concept out there...
I was thinking of a hospitaler paladin of torag who uses variant multiclassing(from unchained) cavalier with order of the star to make channeling and lay on hands better, to see if I can make an actual healing paladin. But it's the exact sort of thing that I imagine people don't like hearing about when people say Core + APG only, so I don't know if it'll appeal to you.
Edit: A quick and dirty idea of the crunch would be
Str 15, dex 10, con 14(12+2race), int 10, wis 10(8+2race), cha 17(17-2race+2lvl)
Feats something like
1-Power Attack, 3-traded for variant multiclassing, 5-Selective Channeling, 7-traded for variant multiclass

Sven the Mazebreaker |

As a shameless plug...Sven is still a lvl 7 cleric. Wis 20, Cha 12. Plenty of healing with spells and channel. Spells currently focused more on crowd control and removing negative statuses, but am more than happy to switch for buffs.
Would be willing to drop the fighter level and make him straight cleric. Would prefer not to (heavy armor proficiency and power attack make him halfway competent when not casting). But would want to keep the Weapon of the Chosen feat line. Because in my mind, a Cleric of Torag should be able to swing a hammer.

Sven the Mazebreaker |

Did some thought. Dropped Sven from Fighter 1 Cleric 7 to Cleric 8. Loses heavy armor proficiency and power attack. So instead of plate armor he will just wear a breastplate. Seems like it's casting power that the group really wants.
Current Spells:
Lvl 0: Stabilize, Detect Magic, Create Water, Mending
Lvl 1: 2x Divine Favor, 1x Bless, 1x Command, 1x Murderous Command, 1x Forbid Action, 1x Shield (Domain)
Lvl 2: 1x Lessor Restoration, 1x Hold Person, 2x Spiritual Weapon, 1x Barkskin (Domain)
Lvl 3: 1x Dispel Magic, 1x Magic Vestment, 1x Remove Disease, 1x Prayer, 1x Stone Shape (Domain)
Lvl 4: 1x Restoration, 2x Blessing of Fervor, 1x Spike Stones (Domain)
Will cast Magic Vestment and Barkskin on himself, to make up for his current lack of enchantment bonuses on armor and natural armor. Besides for that, will drop blessing of fervor and prayer in battle to buff the party.

Ondek Brightstone |

Also worth noting: dwarves gain automatic proficiency in battleaxes, heavy picks, and warhammer.
Beyond healing/condition repair magic (remove disease/poison/etc), having decent Kn(Religion) is probably a good thing. Ondek has arcana, history, local, and planes, but no religion or nature.
Dropping a single level isn't really too bad, imo, since a cleric and oracle are then at the same level when it comes to spell availability, and keeping the CL up is a non issue nowadays.

DM RichD |

Still some time to get those characters submitted! This is what I have so far. Let me know if I am missing any one:
Sven The Mazebreaker Cleric 8 of Torag
Vanulf Warpriest of Agraad
Expressed interest

Locmore |
I think I'll drop out, it's pretty clear that what your party actually needs is a prepared divine full caster to plug holes in your party, and I don't really feel like creating that - dwarf + cleric says "warrior priest" in my head, and I don't have the creative juices to work against that right now.
I was messing about with an alchemist who used healer's hands and bombs for combat, but it ran into the same problem that what this party actually needs is someone who can lick their status condition booboos, not a metaphorical bucket of water to soak their hit point sponges in, and that's what I keep wanting to create. Plus I couldn't get enough feats to do all the alchemist stuff I wanted.
TL;DR; Don't wait around on my account, and good luck with the search for a replacement!

Dorian 'Grey' |

I keep being drawn to this Thread.
Dwarf Oracle (Hermit) Life Mystery idea just fell into my head....how much time do I have to get something put together; assuming you like the concept?
Thank you for running!
Str 10 Dex 14 Con 16 Wis 12 Cha 14/16 (20 with Headband +4) is my initial thoughts after 4th and 8th going into Cha.

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Might I submit a creative take on a 'healer'?
My submission would be a heavily archetyped paladin of Torag. Archetypes are Holy Guide, Sacred Shield, and Warrior of the Holy Light. Mechanically, it is a focus on defensive buffs and damage mitigation, supported by Lay on Hands.
Edit: Apologies, I didn't realize those archetypes were from the books that they were.

DM RichD |

@Drayen: Yes.
@Saashaa: Throw it out there!
@Everyone: It seems like some are still finishing up their submissions so I will give it a little bit more time-but not too much.
Sven The Mazebreaker Cleric 8 of Torag
Vanulf Warpriest of Agraad
Mad Marvin Dundlerock Oracle 8
Expressed interest: