DM RichD's Giantslayer Campaign

Game Master Briccone

GiantSlayer Book 3: Forge of the Giant God
Part 3: Cathedral of minderhal

The heroes must infiltrate the ruined temple of an ancient giant god and defeat the Storm Tyrant’s lieutenant to prevent the warlord from gathering an even larger army. Within the cathedral, the adventurers also discover a powerful artifact that they must reactivate before they can make use of its magic.

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Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Society Subscriber

As much as I am interested in the character. I just didn't get to this with enough time to come up with a thorough enough 'character' to fit on top of the mechanics. I appreciate the consideration.

Dark Archive

Here is Fkald Earthgauntlet, updated for 8th level with expanded backstory. I set aside 1,000 gp for scrolls. I'll be adding them to the character when I get up tomorrow.

Dark Archive

drayen wrote:
Here is Fkald Earthgauntlet, updated for 8th level with expanded backstory. I set aside 1,000 gp for scrolls. I'll be adding them to the character when I get up tomorrow.

Apologies for the double post. Scrolls are added and sheet should be complete.

Also Yesult will have a teamwork feat to share with Tactician on those oh so special occasions and I was looking for group input. Do we have enough dwarves with a dex above 13 to use precise strike?

Curses. What went from “Yay, an all dwarf campaign spot!” Has turned into “And now there is some very strong competition.”

Wow! Some really good submissions! Thank you all!

Here is how it is going to work.

-Recruitment closes at 12:00AM EST 06/08/2021

-I will ask the current players to PM me with their ranking of the applicants. 1 being their first choice, 2 their second, etc.

-I will then add up the points from the existing players and my points for each applicant and the one with the lowest score will be invited to join the game.

We definitely have our work cut out for us due to the excellent submissions!

Sven The Mazebreaker Cleric 8 of Torag
Vanulf Warpriest of Agraad
Mad Marvin Dundlerock Oracle 8
Yesult Garrett Cleric 6/Cavailer 1/Battle Herald 1
Fkald EarthgauntletCleric 8

Expressed interest


I have tried to re-create several of the characters ability scores, and have failed. Could everyone please show me how the ability scores were created, ie. 20 point buy, dwarf adjustments, +1 at 4th and 8th, +stat gear.


-- Rask

Str 10 Dex 14 Con 14/16 (+2 dwarf) Int 10 Wis 12 (+2 dwarf) Cha 16/14/16/20(-2 dwarf, 4th and 8th, headband +4)

Str 10, dex 14 (5pt), con 12, int 12(2) Wis 15(3) cha 16-2 14 +1 4th lv +1 8th lv +2 headband (4000gp) 18 cha

Str: 15 (7pts) + 1 (lvl 4) + 2 (Belt) = 18
Dex: 12 (2pts) + 2 (Apron) = 14
Con: 12 (2pts) + 2 (Race) +2 (Belt) = 16
Int: 10
Wis: 15 (7pts)+ 2 (Race) + 1 (lvl 8) + 2 (Headband) = 20
Cha: 12 (2pts) - 2 (Race) + 2 (Headband) = 12

Spent most of my gold on stat items. This is because defense domain gives Barkskin and clerics can cast Magic Vestment. If chosen will give the gear an audit to see if I made any mistakes. But pretty proud on getting the stats to where they are. :)

Dark Archive

STR: 14 (5 pts.)
DEX: 10 (0 pts.)
CON: 18 (5 pts., +2 Dwarf, +2 Belt of Mighty Constitution)
INT: 13 (3 pts.)
WIS: 20 (5 pts., +2 Dwarf, +2 Headband of Inspired Wisdom, +1 4th level, +1 8th level)
CHA: 10 (2 pts., -2 Dwarf)

Hope this helps :)

* Masterwork Agile Breastplate (550 gold)
* Liquid Glass Warhammer +1 (2392 gold)
* Belt of Physical Might +2 Strength and Constitution (10k)
* Headband of Mental Prowess +2 Wisdom and Charisma (10k)
* Ring of Protection +1 (2k)
* Apron of the Careful Chemist (+2 enchantment bonus to dexterity) (5200)
* Pearl of Power lvl 1 (1000)
* Vest of Endure Elements (1000)
* Holy Symbol Tattoo (100)
* Fighter's Kit with masterwork backpack (57)

Gold: 33000 - 550 - 2392 - 10000 - 10000 - 2000 - 5200 - 1000 - 1000 - 100 - 57 = 701 gold left over

Did this as an accounting to ensure that I've gotten it all correct.

Thanks folks. I missed a couple of the headbands on your sheets.

== Rask

I haven't finished a feat at seventh level nor made solid my teamwork feat, nor my gear totally because I want to tailor to group needs and tweak it and honestly if picked I would like to work on it and not do it twice. If you have further questions for me let me know. My plan is to use shield other and to use reach Rods for party emergency heals and heal myself with empower at six as a cleric of healing sub domain restoration so I can remove various conditions and also have a standing remove disease while buffing the party to increase party output. I have a battle herald command I need to pick that is best for the group but I have +3 inspire courage for 24 rounds with lingering performance so that may last all day til rest.

Mad Marvin is...well...mad. He was a former soldier for Janderhoff. The hammer emblem from the Suit of Hammers in the Harrow deck is seen emblazoned on his armor and shield. They were gifts from the King because he alone survived from an ambush of his Battalion.

The truth of that day, he has never spoken of. But whatever happened (I know...hehe!), the former soldier swore off weapons, civilization, and war. He chose to live as a hermit in the Mindspin mountains. It has been decades alone, running, hiding, surviving.
After a decade of this life, Mad Marvin began hearing voices about. He has never really seen anyone, but he has listened.
Over the intervening years, the Hermit begin being able to manifest spells, had Revelations, and the dwarf even has learned to tap into the Positive Energy Plane in many various ways.

Just a teaser for the Trailer for THE MOVIE?

Good luck everyone! It's funny. I had an All Orc Giant Slayer PbP end suddenly 3 years ago. We just started Book!

@DM Rich - ding ding, you have private mail with my comments and selections.

At the camper and the WiFi is not so good right now; it may have been sent twice.

-- Rask aka david aka grumpy old bastard

Just waiting to hear back from one of the players before a decision is announced.

Was excited there for a second! Still, thank you for the update

Mad Marvin turns his frosty blue eyes around at the voice. The Hermit dwarf not a stranger to strange sounds and whispers on the wind. Glancing about he nods at the mention of a possible Future.
Be not go'n back ta da Dark!

He mutters over and over; as his booted feet find purchase on the winding trail toward the strange sounds of battle....

I have finished Tallying the votes. Again, thank you for such great submissions. I know it was not easy for me, and I suspect it was not easy for the others. It was not a unanimous decision, but the winner with the lowest (i.e. best) ranking is...


Thank you again for your submissions!

@Sven: Please check in on the discussion tab and I will work you into the next encounter.

Please update your tag line with the following:

CLASS LEVEL | HP 0/0 | AC 00 | T 00 | FF 00 | CMB +0 |CMD 00 | Fort +0 | Ref +0 | Will +0 | Init +0 | Perc +0 | SOME OTHER SKILL YOU WILL USE A LOT

The deafening silent dark surrounds the running dwarf.....

Thank you for consideration! Happy Trails!

If you happen to come upon a Hermit dwarf while in the mountains; maybe eat a meal with the poor fool.

Dark Archive

Congrats, Sven! Good luck to all.

We are in need of a player. Please see beginning of thread for character creation. Max hit points and max starting gold for level. Please bring in a 10th level character. Recruitment will end on July, 14 at Midnight EST.

Current party is an Oracle, Ranger/Rogue and Bard.

This is an all dwarf party.

Dark Archive

The initial post mentions you wanting a balanced party with the classic roles of warrior, divine, arcane and skill. Is this still the goal?

If so, for which role are you looking for? The oracle is probably the divine, but the ranger could be warrior or skill, while the bard could be arcane or skill.

Well, it looks like the 'lost' player is a Fighter/Paladin, so I will bring Morthos to the table, a NG Dwarf Barbarian(Drunken Brute/Giant Stalker) 10 :-)

Am I correct in understanding that with the material (resource books) available, nothing gives/allows Dex to Damage?

@Sir Longears: I asked the group if they wanted a specific class i.e. another fighter-type class and they rather keep it open. BTW-The Ranger/Rogue is an archer.

@Morthos von Janderhoff: Sounds interesting!

@Djack: While I like the standard books, I think the group is a little more open than I am, and since they will have a say in the final selection, I say go for it.

Liberty's Edge


The party's oracle here. Just popping in to say that our GM has been accommodating of my build, for which I am very grateful. An (he allowed spell finesse, which changed my casting stat to wisdom, though it doesn't change anything else such as class abilities). For Sven, he is a battle mystery oracle with the reclusive curse. So, he's a vital striking buffer. Friendly spells will only reliably work on him out of combat.

Just to reiterate, I personally take no offense and feel that no toes are stepped on when people put forward builds. My personal philosophy is that it is most important to put forward something that you are happy to play and can see yourself using for a very long period of time.

Ooh, I just saw this and I love dwarves! I would love to repurpose one of my dwarven aliases. Question for DM:

My character, Grymm Bloodstone, is a Fighter, which is an allowed class, but his archetype of Mutation Warrior is not, as it is from the Advanced Class Guide, so that would not work? Is that correct?

I have a similar question about Stonelord Paladin, it sounds like sources are maybe a little more flexible at this point, but I'd still like to ask before I get too attached to a build idea. No is a perfectly fine answer, that'll just put me back to a point of having to decide between paladin and fighter.

Just jumping in again because I saw the questions...from the first page, our GM had a running list of approved submissions. They included a stonelord paladin, a forgemaster cleric, empyreal sorcerer...etc. And just now he said "While I like the standard books, I think the group is a little more open than I am, and since they will have a say in the final selection, I say go for it."

Grand Lodge

Dwarf warrior eh

Definitely dotting for interest, in spite of it being almost last minute. I had a stonelord paladin dwarf I always wanted to play, but if that’s not available I can think of something else.

Edit: Just saw one of the characters is a stonelord paladin. I’ll think of something different-perhaps a barbarian?

One more question-it looks like Elephant in the Room rules are not applied to this campaign. Is that correct?

apologies for double posting, but I'm making a dwarf barbarian character. Mostly working on the crunch tonight, will work on background tomorrow morning.

Said this would be done tomorrow morning, but managed to get it done

Egon Oreheart, the Wrathblood, character submission for Koolkobold!

How about a Flowing Monk <<< Link from Ultimate Combat?

Currently single class old school monk focused on moving and tripping (giants).


Not sure if Unchained classes are available. But that's the core concept.

Could multi-class unchained rogue for some more potency.

Hello All!

I continue to peek at this temptation while my brain betrays me by pondering a Dwarf Wizard (Transmutation) 10...


Str 18 (7, +3 enhancement)
Dex 13 (3)
Con 16 (5,+2 race)
Int 18 (5, +2 level, +2 Enhancement)
Wis 12 (+2 race)
Cha 8 (-2 Race)

1st Toughness
3rd Dodge
5th Combat Expertise

5th (Wizard)
Knowledge Is Power (Ex) (People of the River pg. 9): Your understanding of physical forces gives you power over them. You add your Intelligence modifier on combat maneuver checks and to your CMD. You also add your Intelligence modifier on Strength checks to break or lift objects.

7th Improved Trip
9th ?

10th (Wizard)
Multimorph (Su) (Ultimate Magic pg. 86): Your studies in transmogrification have increased your control over shapechanging spells. When you cast a spell of the polymorph subschool on yourself, you may expend 1 minute of the spell's duration as a standard action to assume another form allowed by the spell. You can do this as often as you like, subject to the duration of the spell. You must be at least a 5th-level wizard to select this discovery.


Threatening Defender [Combat]
Source Cheliax, Empire of Devils pg. 19
You know how to avoid a blow while still maintaining your offensive posture. When you use Combat Expertise, reduce the number you subtract from your melee attack rolls by 1.

I can already see that he would be quite fun!

When is your Selection day?
Apparently he should take Blind-Fighting...

Thank you for running!

This is Dorian Grey's work in progress....

He is firstly a Wizard, although with his Beastshape, Monstrous Physique spells, he can be quite formidable in Melee.

Plenty of work still to finish.....

I want to catch up with Game Play to see the Backstory a bit for a Point of Entry...

Any questions, comments, concerns are welcome.

Mad Marvin is smiling at seeing a Dwarven Oracle in the

Okay, I've finished up my character for my submission: Gilde Marbleheart, Stonelord Paladin of Torag. I'll make an alias if accepted, and if you'd much prefer a statblock over the myth-weavers sheet, I will happily put that together. She's still got 2300gp to figure out what to do with, but everything else is finished.

There isn't much that Gilde remembers before the giant attack that orphaned her. Somewhere, vaguely, she remembers a family, but it's only in snippets, fragments of an experience or a feeling, never vivid enough for so much as a clear face. She's been told, at least, by the paladins who found her in the wreckage and took her back to Janderhoff to raise, that the settlement was small, barely more than an outpost, without much records kept to show who she was or who her family might have been. All they know is that her survival was a miracle, a gift from Torag himself, and Gilde has never seen any reason to doubt that.

She remembers the attack well enough. Too young to know what was happening, she still knew danger when she saw it, and knew what the sounds of pitched combat outside her family's home meant. She might not have known what the danger was or where it was coming from or why, but her parents each reached for what they had for weapons and told her to find somewhere to hide, and she knew better than to argue or disagree. Their house was small, without many places for a young dwarf to tuck herself away, but she was able to find something, a small stone chest, not containing much and only barely small enough to fit herself inside. She remembers finding the stone comforting, pressed in on her on all sides more like an embrace than a coffin, and she remembers hearing what she's sure was a voice, instructing her to keep still, and keep hidden, and stay brave, and that it would ensure she could be protected.

It was hours before the response from Janderhoff reached that little outpost, and by that point the attack was well and truly over. That small house had collapsed, rubble and debris hiding the stone chest, but as they sifted through the wreckage, a paladin of Torag found the girl's hiding place. They explained she would be safe, that they would take her with them. And so, back to Janderhoff they went, for Gilde to be raised in the temple.
Gilde's adoptive parents never shied away from what happened. She might have been young, but she clearly remembered too much to try and keep the truth from her. Instead, they made sure to keep her strong, they trained her in combat as they had been trained, taught her how to cripple an enemy's defenses and means of attack, and how to defend herself against an enemy so much larger. She listened with rapt attention to their martial training, and to the lecturing of the priests, becoming as devoted to Torag over time as the clerics and paladins surrounding her.

Eventually, she came to understand the voice she'd heard that day, hiding in the chest, as Torag, and she found, strangely, that while the voice in the stone has never happened since, she still had some strange connection with the stone and metal surrounding her. Its presence comforted her, and she understood its structure easily. She hadn't heard the voice in the stone again, but she didn't need to, for how easily it still seemed to tell her what it would need.

She's been gone from Janderhoff for some time now, as much to see the world as it is to make real use of her abilities. She's been hearing, in bits and pieces at first and then in awed rumor, about growing trouble in the mountains, about giant attacks and a gathering army, and the deeds of a group, all setting out to hold back the threat. Gilde's not sure, entirely, how she came to the decision to seek them out. Almost as if one didn't need to be made, as soon as she'd heard the details, she was preparing to leave.

Gilde is, as most dwarves are, short and stocky, solidly-built and with broad, squareish features. She stands at exactly 4 feet in height, and wears her thick hair long and in a series of braids, somewhat simple by a dwarf's standards but still precise and decorated here and there with golden beads. At one point, Gilde was clearly formed entirely in shades of brown, a warm tan tone to her skin and a rich, deep, coffee-brown to her hair and eyes, but as her strength and connection to the stone that saved her life grows, all the warm tones of living flesh seem to be leaving her. Instead, covering about two-thirds of her body and half of her face in irregular, slowly-growing patches is alabaster marble, polished as much as her armor is, and shot through with veins of deeper grey. Here and there, the grey is accented gold, though it's hard to tell whether that's occurred naturally or if it's purposeful embellishment. One eye has been fully claimed by marble, though it moves in its socket and seems to see as clearly as her still-organic eye - and, really, none of her odd stone skin seems to hinder her ability or movement at all - with the same gold embellishment around the eyelashes and iris, as well as filling in that pupil. Despite the gold embellishments and decorations, the beads in her hair and the small golden studs piercing both sides of her nose, Gilde dresses quite plainly otherwise, her armor and clothing sporting the usual high standards of dwarven craftsmanship, but minimally-decorated and practical.

(I've also got a quick sketch of her here!)

Hello, I would like to submit Ingrid. I have unfortunately been going back and forth on these two builds for her - They're not too different in focus, and if I had to pick, I would probably lean more towards the Cleric one (as it's what I started with). But figured I might leave both here, in case the group has a stronger preference than me. If you'd rather it be one build per person, though, please consider the Cleric one.

With not much time to ask and change things before the deadline, and unsure how to handle potentially crafted equipment, I left her under the normal WBL with magic items at full price - and if you would prefer to avoid magic item crafting altogether, then please consider the paladin build, as that's simpler to change and I have two replacement feats thought out already.

As for my timezone, I'm in British Summer Time right now, so GMT+1.


Ingrid stands at around 4ft tall, with a sturdy build, typical for a dwarf, with strong arms hone by years of work at her forge, combat training, and battles. Her long brown hair shows hints of red and is carefully braided, with small expertly crafted metal decorations in several places. She has bright green eyes that shine with determination and purpose, and is usually wearing her intricately crafted armor, one of her proudest achievements, with her trusty warhammer normally at her waist.


Ingrid comes from a long line of Janderhoff defenders, with one of her most famous ancestors being Dolgrin Stoneheart, a legendary smith and giantslayer. Inspired by tales of her family's heroics, Dolgrin's in particular, Ingrid became a fighting priestess of Torag, her skill in crafting weapoms, armor, and magical accessories only matched by her might on the battlefield, a terror to most of the enemies she fought. When she isn't out on a mission or focusing on her crafting back at Janderhoff, she makes sure to travel the surrounding areas, alert for rumours of anything that might pose a threat to Janderhoff.

Recent news of a giant's army being rallied has gotten her concerned for the safety of her city, and when news of a group of brave dwarves who were standing against the horde reached her, she knew her place was at their side, and prayed to Torag to lead her to them, to fulfill her duty to her city, her people, and her family's history.

Stat Sheet - Cleric:

Ingrid Stoneheart
Dwarf Cleric ( Forgemaster ) 10;
Lawful Good Medium Humanoid(Dwarf)
Init: +0 Senses: Darkvision, Perception +5

AC 20 , touch 10, flat-footed 20
hp 110 (8+2 con +1 fcb x10)
Fort +11, Ref +6, Will +14
DR: 3/-

Possible increases to AC: +4 magic vestments x2, +5 ironskin, +2 shield of faith
Speed 20 ft.
+1 Cruel Warhammer +14/+9 (1d8+1+6, x3)


Spells Prepared (CL 10; (4/6+1/5+1/4+1/4+1/3+1/0/0/0/0) Concentration+15)

Str 22, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 11, Wis 20, Cha 10
Base Atk +7; CMB +13; CMD 23
Feats Cornugon Smash; Craft Magic Arms and Armor; Craft Wondrous Item; Intimidating Prowess; Power Attack; Armor Proficiency (Light, Medium, Heavy), Shield Proficiency, Weapon Proficiency (Simple), Weapon Proficiency (Warhammer)


Skills (2 per level, 2 background - 20 ranks, 20 background)
Craft(Armor) +17 (10 background rank, 3 class, 2 race, 2 circumstance);
Craft(Weapon) +15 (8 background rank, 3 class, 2 race, 2 circumstance);
Craft(Jewelry) +9 (2 background rank, 3 class, 2 race, 2 circumstance);
Diplomacy +9 (1 rank, 3 class, 0 cha, 3 competence, 2 race);
Intimidate +19 (10 rank, 0 cha, 6 str, 3 competence);
Knowledge (Religion) +5 (1 rank, 3 class,1 int);
Spellcraft +11 (8 rank, 3 class);

Traits Fate's Favored, Giantslayer Scion
SQ Artificer; Artificer's Touch Divine Fighting Technique (Torag); Aura; Dancing Weapons; Divine Smith; Master Smith; Runeforger; Steel Spells;
Languages:Common, Dwarven
Money Spent: 60518 (Assuming Weapon was crafted before enchanting.)

Armor: Masterwork Adamantine Full-Plate, Masterwork Buckler
Items: Equipment 2x Tools, Artisan's, masterwork; Backpack, common; Belt of giant strength +4; Cloak of resistance +2; Extend Metamagic Rod, Lesser; Headband of inspired wisdom +4; Circlet of Persuasion; Ring of Sustenance; Wand of Cure Light Wounds (50/50);

Racial Options

Dwarves are known for their superior craftsmanship when it comes to metallurgy and stonework. Dwarves with this racial trait receive a +2 racial bonus on all Craft or Profession checks related to metal or stone. This racial trait replaces greed.

Giant Hunter
Dwarves with this racial trait gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls against humanoids with the giant subtype. Furthermore, they gain a +2 bonus on Survival checks to find and follow tracks made by humanoids with the giant subtype. This racial trait replaces the hatred racial trait.

Iron Citizen
Dwarves with this racial trait gain a +2 bonus on Diplomacy and Sense Motive checks, and Diplomacy is a class skill for such dwarves.

This replaces stability.

Stat Sheet - Paladin:

Ingrid Stoneheart
Dwarf Paladin ( Oath of the Skyseeker) 10;
Lawful Good Medium Humanoid(Dwarf)
Init: +1 Senses: Darkvision, Perception +4

AC 23, touch 11, flat-footed 22
hp 130 (10+2 con +1 fcb x10)
Fort +15, Ref +10, Will +13
DR: 3/-

Speed 20 ft.
+1 Cruel Warhammer +16/+11 (1d8+1+5, x3)

Longbow +11/+6 (1d8+5, x3)

Spells Prepared (CL 9; (3/2/1/0) Concentration+13)

Str 20, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 18
Base Atk +10; CMB +15; CMD 26
Feats Cornugon Smash; Craft Magic Arms and Armor; Craft Wondrous Item; Greater Mercy; Power Attack; Armor Proficiency (Light, Medium, Heavy), Shield Proficiency, Weapon Proficiency (Simple, Martial)


Skills (3 per level, 2 background - 30 ranks, 20 background)
Craft(Armor) +17 (10 background rank, 3 class, 2 race, 2 circumstance);
Craft(Weapon) +15 (8 background rank, 3 class, 2 race, 2 circumstance);
Craft(Jewelry) +9 (2 background rank, 3 class, 2 race, 2 circumstance);
Diplomacy +17 (5 rank, 3 class, 4 cha, 3 competence, 2 race);
Intimidate +17 (10 rank, 4 cha, 3 competence);
Knowledge (Religion) +5 (1 rank, 3 class,1 int);
Perception +4 (4 rank);
Spellcraft +14 (10 rank, 3 class, 1 int);

Traits Magic Knack, Giantslayer Scion
SQ Aura of Courage; Aura of Good; Aura of Resolve; Channel Energy (Paladin) +5d6; Code of Conduct; Detect Evil; Divine Bond; Divine Grace; Divine Health; Lay On Hands; Smite Evil; Smite Evil Hordes;
Languages:Common, Dwarven, Giant
Money Spent: 60056 (Assuming armor, Shield and Weapon were crafted before enchanting.)

Armor: +1 Adamantine Full-Plate, +1 Buckler
Items: Belt of giant strength +4; Cloak of resistance +2; Headband of alluring charisma +4; Circlet of Persuasion; Ring of Sustenance;

Racial Options

Dwarves are known for their superior craftsmanship when it comes to metallurgy and stonework. Dwarves with this racial trait receive a +2 racial bonus on all Craft or Profession checks related to metal or stone. This racial trait replaces greed.

Giant Hunter
Dwarves with this racial trait gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls against humanoids with the giant subtype. Furthermore, they gain a +2 bonus on Survival checks to find and follow tracks made by humanoids with the giant subtype. This racial trait replaces the hatred racial trait.

Iron Citizen
Dwarves with this racial trait gain a +2 bonus on Diplomacy and Sense Motive checks, and Diplomacy is a class skill for such dwarves.

This replaces stability.

I never heard back from DM if Mutation Warrior was allowed, but proceeded anyway. Grymm's character sheet is complete with gear and money spent and ready to go with background and image link. He is a front-liner, tank, and damage dealer. I am located in the EST. Good luck all - stiff competition.

Ollie-Twist wrote:

Okay, I've finished up my character for my submission: Gilde Marbleheart, Stonelord Paladin of Torag. I'll make an alias if accepted, and if you'd much prefer a statblock over the myth-weavers sheet, I will happily put that together. She's still got 2300gp to figure out what to do with, but everything else is finished.

Realized I forgot to include timezone - I'm also in EST, but I work early mornings so my schedule winds up skewing a few hours earlier than most people's.

My timezone is central, though my schedule is pretty open. Good luck to everyone!

I do believe that this Wizard is good enough to pass muster....

Probably just need to finish polishing a bit here and there.

Thank you!

Eastern Standard Time.

Yes, As Sven our Oracle pointed out, while I am a fan of the standard material, the group is more wanting for interesting concepts that people want to play, so I say go for what you want to play! They will have input in the final selection so create what you want! The only rule that is non-negotiable is that it must be a dwarf.

Liberty's Edge

submitting brand. :) Fighter 5/Bard (Savage Skald)1/Dragon Disciple 4

Here is Dorn Hammercrest <<< Profile Link.

Trip the Light Fantastic:
He's a multi-class Monk (Flowing Monk) 7/Unchained Rogue 3 (Acrobat, Scout). Progression, one more level of Rogue so he can charge for sneak damage... then pure Monk all the way!

Except for Ki Pool (which he isn't all that dependent on), he's not resource constrained.

Gave up Trapfinding (and all that). He's focused on movement and motion. His AC is exemplary and he packs a wicked punch/kick/flurry (2d6+7 ea), especially after he's tripped his enemy.

+22 tripping giants, I believe.

By tripping the enemy prone, he effectively de-buffs, giving -4 to AC or allowing his melee teammates a +4 bonus to Hit (however you'd like to look at it). Also increases the chance of AoO's (as they get up & as they fall with some feats). It adds up quick.

He's very dynamic. He's got your back, front and anything else that needs getting.

Good luck everyone!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Because it is fun, what submissions are there so far?

Morthos von Janderhoff
* Barbarian(Drunken Brute/Giant Stalker)

Idari Lucky Strikes Lucien[/url
* Wizard (Transmuter)

[url=] Gilde Marbleheart
* Paladin (Stonelord)
* Background

Ingrid Stoneheart
* Paladin ( Oath of the Skyseeker) or Cleric ( Forgemaster ) 10

Grymm Bloodstone
* Fighter (Mutation Warrior)

Brand the Bold
* Fighter 5/Bard (Savage Skald) 1/Dragon Disciple 4

Dorn Hammercrest
* Monk (Flowing Monk) 7/Unchained Rogue 3 (Acrobat, Scout

Egon the Wrathblood
* Barbarian

I think that's it...will double check later.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Thanks Sven!

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