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I'm currently running two campaigns on the boards and having a great time doing so, and I'm mulling over doing something a little different. I've been running Jade Regent and Kingmaker, both of which are pretty heavily story-based with a lot of travel. I am considering the possibility of running the classic adventure The Temple of Elemental Evil using the Pathfinder system as a bit of a change of pace.
While ToEE has some backstory, it ultimately turns into a very long dungeon crawl. I would not be diverging from this formula much; so, interested players would have to be OK with the idea of an extended period of time just mapping and exploring an immense dungeon with lots and lots of combat encounters strung together. I am not immune to the charms of good RP, but it would largely be upon the players to bring that as a party dynamic.
Conversely, I find hyper-optimization to be a boring practice, so this would essentially mean bringing to the table a small group to face the hazards of the Temple by wit, skill, and luck, ultimately following the story threads that loom in the background, but not focusing on trying to find weird rules edge cases to make the super-character that can beat every fight without breaking a sweat.
This would use Pathfinder complete rules, possibly with a few inclusions from other 3.5e sources, but it would be set in the world of Greyhawk. There would be new, special Campaign Traits appropriate to the setting. Characters would be expected to fit this campaign (i.e. no androids - this isn't Expedition to the Barrier Peaks - kitsune, changelings, etc.).
The party would likely be 5-6 players and their assorted henchmen (the early D&D adventures are built with the assumption that the party will have additional spear-carriers and meat-shields, which is why you have encounters like "30 hobgoblins and an evil cleric").
I tend to have a casual posting style, posting generally once per day unless I'm traveling, very sick, or doing overtime at work.
Any interest in such a campaign?

Doomed Hero |

This sounds like a lot of fun.
I've had quite a bit of experience with PbP dungeon crawls. They tend to live and die by the posting rate of whoever the "scout" character is, and they really require maps.
I have a voracious posting rate on the PbP boards, so i would be willing to take on that role. I enjoy playing scout characters. However, I don't tend to like the traditional "skill monkey" role scouts tend to get stuck in. I'd rather be a bruiser or a caster who who can find and remove traps.
Would you be alright with he idea of a Paladin or Barbarian with the Trap Finder trait?
Also, what is your plan for maps?

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I generally post maps on Roll20, and place black geometry over areas that the party hasn't seen yet. Worked well in the Jade Regent dungeons that I've run so far.
Trap Finder is a Mummy's Mask campaign-specific trait, but there is a somewhat related couple of traits that might be useful in the ones that I've tentatively built.

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Jesse Heinig wrote:I am not immune to the charms of good RPSometimes you just want to get into the action and keep it going
any idea of the character creation rules?
I lean toward 20-point-buy, non-gestalt. Note that many of the Regional traits would either be reflavored or not available, but I will sometimes haggle over 3.5e/third party material.
I tend to run parties as co-operative endeavors. Since ToEE has a strong undercurrent of treacherous evil characters, I lean toward a party that doesn't have any evil PCs, because you'll have enough trouble with evil NPCs and spies anyway. A Lawful Evil character who has a strong reason to work with and never betray the party, and who isn't "I go out of my way to kick puppies and generate suffering" evil (Contractually-Bound Pragmatic Evil), might fit. I could accept one very unusual character such as a dark elf or centaur, though these do have significant hurdles (dark elves would be a huge barrier to dealing with the people of the main village that you use as a base of operations; centaurs have problems with climbing challenges and small dungeon areas; etc.).

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Okay so leadership isn't on the docket.
Not until you've become more experienced -- but the Temple isn't your typical level-one-to-four, first-module-in-AP adventure. It's quite possible (indeed, expected) for characters to finish the adventure around level 8.
In the original run of the Temple that Gary Gygax did, Rob Kuntz crushed the temple as Robilar, a chaotic evil fighter -- no other party members, but he did have an army of hired orcs. ;)

oyzar |

This sounds interesting. The "hire a lot of meatshields" comments gave me an idea to play either a master summoner or a wizard with the acadame graduate feat (or potentially a cleric or even inquisitor as a third option, though I believe there is a 3.5 "archtype" that lets you replace your arcane bond with standard action summoning, that could be another option), in short a character focused on summoning creatures. Would that be ok? Anything you would like me avoiding in that vein?
This sounds like a lot of fun.
I've had quite a bit of experience with PbP dungeon crawls. They tend to live and die by the posting rate of whoever the "scout" character is, and they really require maps.
I have a voracious posting rate on the PbP boards, so i would be willing to take on that role. I enjoy playing scout characters. However, I don't tend to like the traditional "skill monkey" role scouts tend to get stuck in. I'd rather be a bruiser or a caster who who can find and remove traps.
Would you be alright with he idea of a Paladin or Barbarian with the Trap Finder trait?
Also, what is your plan for maps?
I can't help but brainstorm off your idea of scouts... Stealth and perception are imo the two most important skills, someone else than the scout can technically handle the disabling (so while someone probably needs trapfinding it doesn't have to be the scout). A dexterity focused character (archer, weapon finesse etc) or a wisdom focused character (with wisdom in flesh maybe) seems to me to be the best option for this. Small size would also help out for stealth. Given this Clerics, Druids and Rangers all seem like they would make excelent scouts in addition to any dex-focused martials who manage to boost their perception somehow.
If Master Summoner is approved and you don't mind I might get the skilled (stealth) and skilled (perception) evolutions for my small eidolon. That would make it an excellent scout that would come back in case it takes a wrong turn and runs into an ambush or rolls low on perception and fails to spot a trap. I don't want to try to "steal" your role though... I think I could handle the posting rate needed for a scout if it comes to that.
For the setting I wish it was adapted the Golarion rather than Greyhawk, but it's not a dealbreaker.

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Interested. Open to any party role. Would we start with Village of Hommlet?
Yes, I'd start in Hommlet because there are some story elements there that become potentially important later. But, as I envision it, you'd have a pretty brief stay in Hommlet because you only need to visit a couple important places to put together your first step, and the Campaign traits that I wrote give you some connections to the locals, which in turn helps you to get up to speed faster.

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Jesse Heinig wrote:Trap Finder is a Mummy's Mask campaign-specific trait, but there is a somewhat related couple of traits that might be useful in the ones that I've tentatively built.I'd like to see those whenever they're ready.
It's a work in progress, as I didn't want to sink too much time if there wasn't sufficient interest. Here are some samples (the full document is quite a bit longer).
Disciple of the Old Grove: You studied the ways of the Old Faith and of devotion to nature, and you have been part of the congregation in Hommlet. Even if you aren’t a vested druid, your experience with the druidic tradition has given you an appreciation for the rural lifestyle of villages and hamlets where people live close to the land. You gain a +1 trait bonus to Knowledge (local) and Knowledge (nature) checks, and one of these skills (your choice) is considered a class skill for you. Additionally, you may choose Druidic as a bonus language.
Prerequisite: You must be at least partially neutral in alignment (neutral good, lawful neutral, chaotic neutral, neutral evil, or true neutral).
Local Contact: You know of Jaroo Ashstaff, the druidic keeper of the grove of Hommlet. Jaroo is a local religious leader and provides healing and guidance for that small community.
Expatriate of Elemental Evil: You were once part of the cult of Elemental Evil, but you fled the organization. Now you know too much and the cult wants you dead. Being on the run means you gain a +1 trait bonus to Bluff and Disguise skill checks, and one of these skills (your choice) is a class skill for you. In addition, you can automatically recognize symbols related to the cult of Elemental Evil – amulets, sigils, tomes, robes, and so on – with no roll.
Local Contact: You don’t have a local friend in Hommlet or Nulb, but you do know that the cult has agents in both villages. The DM will alert you if you recognize someone as an agent of the Temple (but beware, that person may recognize you too!). Agents of the Temple who recognize you and aren’t convinced otherwise (typically via Bluff or Intimidation) will be Hostile to you.
Giantslayer: While even a lone hill giant or ogre is too much for a novice adventurer, sometimes village militias organize with the goal of hunting down and eliminating a marauding giant that plagues a local region. From such a hunting party you learned a few tricks for tracking and fighting giants. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival checks against giants, and a +1 trait bonus on weapon attack and damage rolls against them. You may make Knowledge skill checks untrained when attempting to identify giants.
Local Contact: In one of your giant-hunting forays you worked with Elmo, a skilled ranger who taught you a few of his tricks. Elmo is a resident of Hommlet, but while in town he generally pretends to be a simple man-at-arms and drunkard, primarily so that people won’t bother him.
Special: If you have a favored enemy bonus against giants, this bonus stacks with it. By itself this trait does not qualify as a favored enemy bonus for the purposes of meeting prerequisites for feats, prestige classes, and other abilities.
Plague Bearer (Incabulous): You bear the marks of the god of disease and disaster. Choose one disease, such as filth fever; you are immune to that disease. You gain a +4 trait bonus on Fortitude saving throws to resist the effects of starvation.
Radiant Servant (Pelor): You are a warden against the undead and a chosen guardian of the Oeridian god of the sun, Pelor. You gain a +1 trait bonus to the save DC to resist your Channel Energy abilities, if you have any. You additionally gain a +2 trait bonus to all saving throws against negative energy attacks, spells, powers, and abilities.

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Hey Jesse, I have a few games going on but a deep dungeon-crawl always holds a certain morbid appeal! Plus even in all the years I have played, I have never been through the ToEE.
I'm not too sure about a class at the moment. And the prospect of hirelings or lots of followers is a strange one and does change the dynamics somewhat - Bard Inspire Courage for example is better the more allies it effects.
At the moment I have two broad concepts in mind - a gnomish bomber Alchemist delving the depths or a Dwarf Inquisitor/Paladin, ready to cleanse this place once and for all!

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I'm guessing just getting disable device as a class skill isn't hitting the mark DH due to the inability to deal with magical traps specifically?
I must admit I don't think there is a means to obtain that ability outside the Trap Finder trait - beyond the obvious class/archetype combos of course.
Urban Ranger? Still full base if you want to put the hurt on things.

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This sounds interesting. The "hire a lot of meatshields" comments gave me an idea to play either a master summoner or a wizard with the acadame graduate feat (or potentially a cleric or even inquisitor as a third option, though I believe there is a 3.5 "archtype" that lets you replace your arcane bond with standard action summoning, that could be another option), in short a character focused on summoning creatures. Would that be ok? Anything you would like me avoiding in that vein?
Doomed Hero wrote:This sounds like a lot of fun.
I've had quite a bit of experience with PbP dungeon crawls. They tend to live and die by the posting rate of whoever the "scout" character is, and they really require maps.
I have a voracious posting rate on the PbP boards, so i would be willing to take on that role. I enjoy playing scout characters. However, I don't tend to like the traditional "skill monkey" role scouts tend to get stuck in. I'd rather be a bruiser or a caster who who can find and remove traps.
Would you be alright with he idea of a Paladin or Barbarian with the Trap Finder trait?
Also, what is your plan for maps?
I can't help but brainstorm off your idea of scouts... Stealth and perception are imo the two most important skills, someone else than the scout can technically handle the disabling (so while someone probably needs trapfinding it doesn't have to be the scout). A dexterity focused character (archer, weapon finesse etc) or a wisdom focused character (with wisdom in flesh maybe) seems to me to be the best option for this. Small size would also help out for stealth. Given this Clerics, Druids and Rangers all seem like they would make excelent scouts in addition to any dex-focused martials who manage to boost their perception somehow.
If Master Summoner is approved and you don't mind I might get the skilled (stealth)...
I'm not opposed to summoning as long as you keep on top on minion management. Also be aware that late Temple encounters often include clerics who have lots of planar knowledge and can do a lot of banishing!

Doomed Hero |

Doomed Hero wrote:Those are nice traits. Unfortunately none of them help me with being able to disarm magical traps. I guess what I had in mind isn't going to work.As noted, this was just a sampler. Note also that the Criminal trait can get you DisDev, as well as Vagabond Child.
True, but neither of those allows a character to disarm magical traps. Or even find them.
I've never been through the Temple of Elemental Evil, but I'm guessing there's going to be some element-themed traps around. A scout who can't find them is probably going to end up pretty dead.

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Jesse Heinig wrote:Doomed Hero wrote:Those are nice traits. Unfortunately none of them help me with being able to disarm magical traps. I guess what I had in mind isn't going to work.As noted, this was just a sampler. Note also that the Criminal trait can get you DisDev, as well as Vagabond Child.True, but neither of those allows a character to disarm magical traps. Or even find them.
I've never been through the Temple of Elemental Evil, but I'm guessing there's going to be some element-themed traps around. A scout who can't find them is probably going to end up pretty dead.
Hang in there. Remember, in PF you can find magical traps without Trapfinding as a feature: It's DC 25 + spell level Perception. You can't disarm them, but many such traps can be circumvented with the right spells. See here.
Also, there's a lot more to come in the list of Campaign traits, and even a few custom archetypes.
Also also, there's clearly enough interest for me to formalize this, so I'll put up actual recruitment guidelines after doing the Valentine's Day thing.

DekoTheBarbarian |

Okay, I have to ask. Been wanting to run my alias' namesake through a crawl like this, but the one thing that puts a lot of potential GMs off of him is the fact that he is an idiot. I'm talking an Int of 6-8, depending on character creation guidelines. He will be either a barbarian or a brawler with the barbarian VMC if it's allowed. Race will be half-orc.
If you say nay for poor Deko, I've got a few other ideas I can come up with, just really want to put Deko through this. Especially since the last time I did, he lost all of his clothes, became female, and changed to LE, all in one trap.

Albion, The Eye |

Well, just throwing my hat in the ring to say I would be most interested in taking a part of this one - two immediate concepts come to mind, both dedicated to scouting: Ranger/Wizard (probably going into AA+EK), and Rogue/Wizard (definitely going Arcane Trickster).
But if I understand correctly we are not crunching characters yet, are we? :D

djpika |

I'd like to to be considered as well. The first adventure I played was the Temple of Elemental Evil and it would be great to try it using Pathfinder rules.
If 3rd party material is an option, I'd like to throw the War Master for consideration. A 5-6 player game should provide enough opportunities to see what it can do.

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I would be so, so, so in for this. I've wanted to do ToEE since I was 10 and have never had the opportunity.
Bards are my all-time favorite since I started playing in 2E, so 90% likely I'd go with that. Preferably an Arcane Duelist or Arrowsong Minstrel, though there's a Bard archetype for literally any party role so I'd be happy slotting in wherever.
I also kinda want to do a Halfling Cavalier, but that's a *very* distant second choice.