DM Jesse's Temple of Elemental Evil PbP, Pathfinder style

Game Master Jesse Heinig

Current map: The Temple of Elemental Evil (dungeon level 1)

Campaign document

Swag bag

Current Party XP Total: 7,560

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Updated background....

Added Rendering using her stats as a Base for determining her looks.

Were any of the casters considering doing any Item Creation feats? Our resident large-sized warrior who is unlikely to find large-sized magic weapons and armor is curious. ;)

I'd be happy to build up something - I always love crafting and crafting feats! :) [Isabel and Mel have too many resources available to bother with them but still...]

Is there going to be a lot of time for crafting in the dungeon.

Also if you're looking for a crafty type, would you consider the Blacksmith from Spheres of Might? It would need a little tweaking over proficiences and (not?) having a sphere but otherwise I really like it.

While you won't be crafting in the dungeon, you may very well have a few days or a week here and there as you make headway. The final assault is probably something that will take prep time and it's likely you'll either spent time assembling forces or else visiting a major city to gather allies and materials.

I'm gonna downvote the blacksmith as it strikes me as being close to a fighter++ and I don't really want to encourage sundering all of the weapons and armor of every enemy in the Temple.

Ok - no blacksmith. I think it could be hombrewed to lose those problems, but I have a better idea!

How exactly was the pseudodragon sorceror in the original recruitment made? Because I love the idea of playing one! (Or possibly a blink dog?)

DM Jesse Heinig wrote:
Were any of the casters considering doing any Item Creation feats? Our resident large-sized warrior who is unlikely to find large-sized magic weapons and armor is curious. ;)

Your friendly neighborhood Sword Binder has planned to take Craft Magic Arms and Armor at level 5– he doesn’t need it, since he has an arcane bond to his weapon and so can enchant it without the feat, but the character is very interested in enchanted swords in particular and would love to make sure everybody has one.

If you are allowing the Leadership feat, he might also hire a magical engineer as his cohort at level 7, someone who can craft all sorts of nifty devices for the party to use.

Taking the earlier idea a bit further - would you allow a Faerie Dragon as a PC? If so, what sort of adjustments would you want, to make it a level 3 character? I'd stick with sorceror levels, probably the Impossible Bloodline (always one of my favorites) and pick up some crafting that way.

Silver Crusade

Why not just play the psuedo-dragon? :|

Domeric brings up a salient point: You can always swipe one of the exiting characters.

If any of the current players have questions about the new recuits, best to ask here so as us new recruits can answer them.

Q: What is a Full Blade, Tess?
A: A Fullblade is a Official 3.0e weapon found in Arms and Equipment Guide on pages 6 and 7.
It is a Effectively a Large Bastard sword so A large creature like a Giant can wield it in two hands as a Martial weapon or one hand as an Exotic weapon, Medium characters can ONLY wield it in two hands AS a Exotic weapon, and requires great strength to use given a normal blade's weight is 23 pounds.
Also given it's length is over 6 feet, it would be hard to use Underground and in tight spaces.

Q: Did the GM approve the Full Blade
A: By asking if Exotic Weapon Prof(Fullblade) is allowed and getting a Yes, yes it is.

Q: That Feral Template is Too strong only gives bonuses did the GM approve this, Tess
A: Given I PMed the GM the Original and MY Modified version of the Feral Template and did not hear a No too it, it is in a grey yes.
Also the stat total of Feral is +2, (+8 total and -6 total).
The Feral imposes a MINUS 4 to INT AND a MINUS 2 to DEX, which is a big hit on the skill points, a hit to AC, Reflex saves, and Dex skills.
My Modified Version of the Feral template HAD ALL Offensive Abilities removed and Natural Armour Nerfed, so it is about half as strong as the Original feral template.

Q: Power Gaming with that Feral template, Tess
A: I randomise what was made with dice, and got this result.
Does each benefit each other yes, But did I power game it all the way, NO.
Look at the Feats, I picked Cold Endurance, and Two Exotic Weapons. I've never seen anyone pick up or use an exotic weapon unless it came free with a Class, And I picked up two of Exotic Weapons.
If I wanted to Power game it all the way, I would of picked a Greatsword as a weapon and picked these feats; Power attack, Furious Focus, and Cleave.
I didn't touch any one of those feats which would of amplified my damage output.

Orveiss wrote:
DM Jesse Heinig wrote:
@Orveiss: Looks ok, though that dump of Wis/Cha is pretty worrisome!
Worrisome as in you think the character will have trouble, or worrisome as in you want me to change it? :) I'm willing to play him with a lower-than-normal Will save, but if it feels too much like min-maxing to you, I could reduce Int to 16+2 and Dex to 12+2, and bring up Wis to 12, or Wis to 10 and Cha to 8.

I've been turned into a wall twice already, once by an evil cleric and a second time by undead. I took a feat and have a magical item to help with my will save.

OK, that is scary, at least it was not dominate person...
That would of been really bad...
Thinking I'll need to swap out one of my Exotics for Iron Will...

Drop the Fullblade which would be more common in an area with giants as it is a Large Bastard sword.....
Drop the Iuak which has favor text highlighting it as also a utility item for survival like a machete.....

I think I'll dropped the Fullblade since it'll be problematic in tight spots (can't swing a 6 to 7 foot blade in a hall that's 10ft wide and 10 feet tall without hitting wall or roof), don't know how open the dungeons are, and I could find one later and then take the weapon prof when I get the chance.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Silver Knight wrote:
Why not just play the psuedo-dragon? :|

”Because I claim myself as my own Intellectual Property!”

Zinnath the Scary wrote:
Silver Knight wrote:
Why not just play the psuedo-dragon? :|
Because I claim myself as my own Intellectual Property!

I would but a. Faerie dragons are cooler, and b. the pseudodragon appears to have come back! :)

Nikolaus de'Shade wrote:
Zinnath the Scary wrote:
Silver Knight wrote:
Why not just play the psuedo-dragon? :|
Because I claim myself as my own Intellectual Property!
I would but a. Faerie dragons are cooler, and b. the pseudodragon appears to have come back! :)

”I am, in fact, a Faerie Dragon, a very scary one.”

At 5th is when I think I can get that feat to make magic weapons/armor or other items of use.
But I can change a feat to craft wondrous items and if the DM allows I can use a scroll(s) for the magic, if I don't have the spell.

Silver Crusade

Titania Evangeline Snow-fell wrote:
If any of the current players have questions about the new recuits, best to ask here so as us new recruits can answer them.

Because the GM asked on the discussion forum, that's why.

I put that up so that there would be NO Misinformation about the recruits based on snap judgements.

It's better to ask and make things clear, then keep a misunderstanding or misconception.

I modified Orveiss's Dexterity and Intelligence scores to increase his Wisdom up to 12. :)

Silver Crusade

Titania Evangeline Snow-fell wrote:

It's better to ask and make things clear, then keep a misunderstanding or misconception.

It's crystal clear.

Silver Knight wrote:
Titania Evangeline Snow-fell wrote:

It's better to ask and make things clear, then keep a misunderstanding or misconception.

It's crystal clear.

Seems it was not clear to you.

Titania Evangeline Snow-fell wrote:

If any of the current players have questions about the new recuits, best to ask here so as us new recruits can answer them.


Didn't get that if you have a question about about something a character has, that it is better to ask them about it, then assume you know what it is....

Assumptions are just assumptions, not the truth of the answer.

Oh and I even made it clearer as I posted below.

Titania Evangeline Snow-fell wrote:

I put that up so that there would be NO Misinformation about the recruits based on snap judgements.

It's better to ask and make things clear, then keep a misunderstanding or misconception.

So I'll go ahead and say that I'd like to play using a Faerie Dragon sorceror. For simplicity I'm happy to play the Faerie Dragon straight out of the bestiary (maybe change acrobatics and a spell or two) unless the GM would like to make changes.

Not going to do any more for now until I know whether the idea is a good one or not. Any questions/suggestions, feel free to chip in.

Thank you, but I think I need to step out. Good luck everyone.

Wow, I'm out for a weekend with my S.O. for her birthday and the train goes off the rails!

I've spoken backstage (not just via the forum) with the team and it looks like we'd like to bring Orveiss aboard. Thank you for your time, everyone; I appreciate the effort that it takes to make a character application.

Orveiss, drop by the Discussion thread and dot into gameplay and we'll get you onto the team.

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