DM JD's "Snows of Summer" Campaign - Winter is here! (Inactive)

Game Master Jack Daniels

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Hey all, I have been a player and DM in RPing fantasy games for over 20 years. Looking for a 4-5 player group to trek through the Reign of Winter AP, starting with "Snows of Summer." I am a fan of storytelling and gritty combat. You only need to apply with concept and brief background with answers to my questions, although I will not reject a character sheet if submitted. I will leave Recruitment open for a week until 2/9/14.

15 pt buy
All Paizo classes open (except summoner) (just depends on your creativity)
Core races only (resistance to cold defeats impending danger!)
No evil
Average starting wealth (you start for free with a Pathfinder kit for your class or the equivalent)
2 traits (1 from Player's Guide) Link

The game starts in the village of Heldren in Southern Taldor. Heldren is a small village of 171 people, mostly farmers, herders, and woodcutters. Questions to answer in your application:
1. What the heck is your character doing here?
2. Profession or how does your character make a living?
3. Describe your physical appearance (you may include link to internet image that best represents your character, if you'd like).
4. Why help out when the winter comes? Why not leave and flee? Why get involved?

Any questions, let me know.

Grand Lodge

*Lawful Neutral with her own Code of Ethics... "Nothing Goes to Waste!" Cannibal

1. What the heck is your character doing here?
She was outcasted by outcasts.

2. Profession or how does your character make a living?
Adventures to murder and loot.

3. Describe your physical appearance (you may include link to internet image that best represents your character, if you'd like). Beautiful redhead with glowing red eyes.

4. Why help out when the winter comes? Why not leave and flee? Why get involved?
I believe in a future destiny, the others are just unrefrigerated food to help me traverse the Barren strait and escape to the other side of the world using the glacier bridge.

Sold into slavery at birth the Fire Orphan, was feared and greatly misunderstood by all who peered into her red eyes. Rumors of a divine barter for a brilliantly carved wooden symbol for Fire, persisted until the Tribe of Frost was incinerated and no other record of her origin was kept. The Flame Child always was eerily connected to burning mystery and flaming scandal.

Highly superstitious, each previous village adopted the youth for one season, then the local Shaman would travel deeper into the mountains to deliver her to the next barbaric gathering, abandoning her with little to no explanation.

Unsolved arsons and epic bonfires spooked her comings and goings to the point of exile. She was told from the time that she could walk that she was a deadly burden.

“One day this Fireling will enter the land of ice, traverse the kingdom of snow, and trespass near the valley of the Crystal Queen, and then somehow defeat a mighty Winter Mage- Half-Dragon, and be forced to cross a glacier into a new world, then eventually she would end up as unappreciated captive once more. All of this, to save the soul of the Sun Paladin not yet born. Her prodigal son, a Half-Giant King through immaculate conception.” The end of the tale was not a happy one, her being destine to die during his birth. Her plan was to leave instructions for him in the future, divining for his victories as a warrior from beyond the grave. She would haunt him twisting fate as an Oracle Lich.

With skill and charisma, this young fire starter was taught to carve a holy standard, use divination magic to seek the path of shining steps, and “live” at all costs. Her role was obscure compared to the voodoo prophecies and the wild rituals of the regions faithful. She drew on the true power of the light from an unnamed force.

Soon, the Western hills will melt into puddles of steaming blood, after her rage will be unleashed on the infidels before her. In her wake, she will escape the weak-minded to survive. She will heal the future beyond carnage, cannibalism and the cold environs.

Lantern Lodge

Hey mate, would you mind me playing an Aasimar if I traded out my elemental resistances? If necessary, I'll also drop one of the racial stat bonus to maintain balance. If not, I'll just make him a half-elf.

RP Concept: An honourable drifter with a deep past to leave behind and an open future to pursue.

1. What the heck is your character doing here?

The man of apparent Tian-descent heaves a heavy sigh, and purses his lips for a few long moments before reluctantly replying, his eyes gazing blankly into the distance as he speaks.

"I suppose I was drawn to Taldor because to some extent I empathise with it. A land that remembers a former glory, and desires to regain its lost honour. (OOC note: Exiel comes from a culture where glory and honour are indistinguishable concepts, and has yet to understand that many Taldans view these concepts a somewhat differently.) My father was a military commander in a land...far from here. He unwittingly invited... shame into his family, and some rival members of the court, worthless men who envied him, found out. Of that once-proud family, only the youngest was spared, and exiled. The rest were...they are gone.

My people have many proverbs, one of which is "zhan chao chu gen": literally, "cut the grass, remove the roots". An agricultural analogy drawn from means that when you remove a problem, remove it entirely...or when you remove someone, also remove any descendants who may later come looking for revenge. My father's enemies cannot do so openly, of course, but many local brigands and underground thugs have heard of a not-so-secret bounty on my head, and thus I have fled from town to town before finally arriving here, where I managed to sign on with the local militia before my past caught up with me. But I live each day knowing that in all likelihood, somewhere out there in the woods, there will be a band or two of brigands who seek my head, and if they find me, I will have to leave once more. (leads on to qns 2 and 4)

So here I am. A drifter in search of a new home, temporarily stranded in a quiet town, with reasons to stay and reasons to eventually go. Perhaps this little town may yet become my home, or perhaps my path will lead to stranger places yet.

Ming yun de shou tui wo xiang qian. The hand of fate pushes me ever forward.

The name Exiel is actually a pseudonym adopted and derived from the common word 'Exile'. His true Tien name is kept a secret to hide his past, and in truth he will willingly and permanently part with it in favour of his chosen name if his deeds and achievements under that name become significant enough to better-define him than his hidden past.

2. Profession or how does your character make a living?
I am a reasonably skilled warrior, and my tales of a distant land are unique enough to entertain my fellow miltiamen when we are out on patrols or on watch.

3. Describe your physical appearance (you may include link to internet image that best represents your character, if you'd like).
Picture 1
Picture 2
Exiel is a young able-bodied man of Tian descent sporting long dark hair. He prefers traditional Tien clothes (such as the one in the picture), but whilst in Heldren prudently dresses in the attire of the common peasantry and uses a broad straw hat to obscure and maintain a shadow over his rather distinctly-foreign features. (I am however prepared for and expect that his other-ness will be noted from time to time.)

4. Why help out when the winter comes? Why not leave and flee? Why get involved?

I have a job to do, and duty alone would require me to help out. But more than that, the town has been kind to take in a stranger, and I owe this town a debt of gratitude. Perhaps the time will soon come when I must wander and drift again, but for now, I will serve and protect these people as best I can.

Crunch-wise, Exiel will be a 'gish'-type character, going for the "unarmoured swordsman" look and will take levels of sorcerer to learn buffs that support him in combat (by the end, most of his levels will be in sorcerer, but his conduct will be governed by his paladin levels). He prefers diplomacy and will attempt it where possible, but is quick to raise a sword against evil and tyranny, or to save the world from a wintery threat. Function-wise, regard him as a buff-based warrior with some support-casting options. And I am fully prepared to suffer a fall if I do something stupid/evil without justification.

Grand Lodge

Dotting for interest. Applying with Detective Inspector Dresen Cale of the Sleepless Agency. The numbers might appear off because he's got the middle-aged template applied if allowed. The physical penalties have been applied as have the mental boons.

Long story short, he's a middle-aged Sherlock Holmes-esque character. He's built purely for roleplaying purposes and is not at all optimized for combat. In his younger days, he was the son of a noble family who was sent off to join the Pathfinders when he started getting into trouble. The "spoiled rich kid goes to boot camp" bit. He served as a Pathfinder for 20+ years, joining the Sleepless Agemcy as a detective during his tenure and then retired to his family home in Ustalav when it was all said and done, taking on full work for the Agency now. His time in the field and his age have turned him into a grizzled veteran and he can quite often come off as the grumpy old man. He's got a keen eye and sharp senses that keep him poised and attentive to the world around him. He has a mule that travels with him (yes, he's named Watson; we came up with it during the first failed game I played through with this character). I did take both the Rich Parents traits and Ustalavic Noble for additional gold which was spent on items of luxury (pavilion tent, rations, etc.). Don't expect many failed Perception, Diplomacy, or Knowledge checks with this guy around. Also expect to live as luxuriously as possible as long as you're traveling with him.


1. What the heck is your character doing here? Called to Heldren on a case for the Agency

2. Profession or how does your character make a living? Detective; Role in party = Support/Party Face

3. Describe your physical appearance (you may include link to internet image that best represents your character, if you'd like). Reference picture

4. Why help out when the winter comes? Why not leave and flee? Why get involved? Never could resist a good mystery.

GM Only:

He's also addicted to Harlot Sweets, a type of drug that rarely sees people of lower status, but is decadent and plentiful at noble parties.

The stat block is listed on my profile as is the original from a previous game. Few changes should need to be made, but please let me know if you see something. I do have three traits due to the drawback I took. If this is not acceptable, please let me know and I can adjust.

Lantern Lodge

Hey GM, I noticed that you are forbidding non-core races on the basis of wanting to avoid natural cold resistance, but one of the campaign trait options grants cold-resistance. Are you banning that trait? In the alternative, would you consider lifting the ban on non-core races on this basis?

Sovereign Court

Dotting for interest! Can this be played for PFS credit?
Concept: A local man, whom the fates throw into adventure.

1. What the heck is your character doing here?
"This is my home. It is where I live with my loved ones."

2. Profession or how does your character make a living?
"I hunt in the woods, and sell the meat and pelts at town. Sometimes I help out the town guard if there is trouble."

3. Describe your physical appearance (you may include link to internet image that best represents your character, if you'd like).
A gruff-looking man, with dark, short-cropped hair and beard. Favouring practical clothing, unfortunately not washing them too often; dirt and bloodstains are a normal colour scheme.
4. Why help out when the winter comes? Why not leave and flee? Why get involved?
"Why would I flee my home at first sign of trouble? No, I'll stay and fight if need be. I know I can help, there is still food in the woods. I can feed the others. I'm good with the bow, I can keep them safe, too."

Grand Lodge

I actually second the request for a Chronicle. I'm a former VO, so if you either need help setting the game up or you'd like me to report it, I'd be happy to do so if recruited. Just let me know. Thanks, Marek, for reminding me that Reign was sanctioned.

.Exiel. wrote:
Hey GM, I noticed that you are forbidding non-core races on the basis of wanting to avoid natural cold resistance, but one of the campaign trait options grants cold-resistance. Are you banning that trait? In the alternative, would you consider lifting the ban on non-core races on this basis?

Cold resistance 2 is not as bad as Resist 5. No, I am not banning the trait. Ban is lifted on non-core races as long as you pick alternate racial traits (when it comes to resistances) and you'd better have good rping reason for blending in this small community of 171 people.

-Marek- wrote:

Dotting for interest! Can this be played for PFS credit?

Concept: A local man, whom the fates throw into adventure.

1. What the heck is your character doing here?
"This is my home. It is where I live with my loved ones."

2. Profession or how does your character make a living?
"I hunt in the woods, and sell the meat and pelts at town. Sometimes I help out the town guard if there is trouble."

3. Describe your physical appearance (you may include link to internet image that best represents your character, if you'd like).
A gruff-looking man, with dark, short-cropped hair and beard. Favouring practical clothing, unfortunately not washing them too often; dirt and bloodstains are a normal colour scheme.
4. Why help out when the winter comes? Why not leave and flee? Why get involved?
"Why would I flee my home at first sign of trouble? No, I'll stay and fight if need be. I know I can help, there is still food in the woods. I can feed the others. I'm good with the bow, I can keep them safe, too."

Race and class? Human ranger?

How do you feel about Archetypes? I believe this character meets your criteria, but he is built with the Scroll Scholar Archetype from the Pathfinder Society Field Guide. Mechanically, I merely switch out the Hand of the Apprentice ability for a 1/2 level bonus on a knowledge skill (in this case Arcana)& add more knowledge bonuses when I reach higher levels; I also replace my 5th level bonus Wizard feat for being able to use Comprehend languages & Identify as SLA's later on.

In answer to your questions:

Vinccenso wants to get as far away from Riddleport & the bad memories it evokes as possible. He makes his living the way most itinerant Wizards do, being the guy 'who knows things'; he is also a fairly capable animal husbandman. What he looks like is part of the Character sheet, but in three words 'snarky bean-pole', otherwise the avatar is pretty much accurate. Vinccenso has done enough running, certainly enough that he isn't going to immediately cut & run, not without making certain that any others who wish to are able to escape as well. He doesn't sacrifice others for his own well-being.

Lantern Lodge

Jack Daniels 519 wrote:
.Exiel. wrote:
Hey GM, I noticed that you are forbidding non-core races on the basis of wanting to avoid natural cold resistance, but one of the campaign trait options grants cold-resistance. Are you banning that trait? In the alternative, would you consider lifting the ban on non-core races on this basis?
Cold resistance 2 is not as bad as Resist 5. No, I am not banning the trait. Ban is lifted on non-core races as long as you pick alternate racial traits (when it comes to resistances) and you'd better have good rping reason for blending in this small community of 171 people.

I will be taking the Scion of Humanity alternate racial trait, which makes him count as both human and native outsider, and causes him to look like a human.

Scion of Humanity:
Some aasimars' heavenly ancestry is extremely distant. An aasimar with this racial trait counts as an outsider (native) and a humanoid (human) for any effect related to race, including feat prerequisites and spells that affect humanoids. She can pass for human without using the Disguise skill. This racial trait replaces the Celestial language and alters the native subtype.

I will also be taking the Deathless Spirit racial trait, which replaces the usual resistances with resistance.

Deathless Spirit:
Particularly strong-willed aasimars possess celestial spirits capable of resisting the powers of death. They gain resistance 5 against negative energy damage. They do not lose hit points when they gain a negative level, and they gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against death effects, energy drain, negative energy, and spells or spell-like abilities of the necromancy school. This racial trait replaces celestial resistance.

As for why Exiel is in Heldren, think "lay low in the countryside". He hopes that hiding in an obscure, out-of-the-way village will keep potential bounty hunters from finding him, and a small village means that as soon as a new face pops up, the locals will know. Being a militia member also helps in that regard, and he has a handful of friends in the militia who have been trusted with some details of his secret past and who warn him to lay low when the rare visitor arrives in town. Furthermore, after evading bounty hunters for a few years, a quiet pastoral life can be very appealing change of pace.

That said, his bags are always packed: if there is a threat against the town, he will fight. If there is a threat coming for him specifically, he will skip town to avoid causing the town trouble, perhaps to drift to another obscure village to hide.

Part of the reason I added this element to his backstory was because I wanted to tie him to Heldren but also give you an easy way to uproot him: I'm guessing Reign of Winter will not keep us in Taldor for long. ;) When it's time to go, have Exiel find out that his whereabouts have been discovered by hunters once more, and he'll have a good reason to join the long trek/horse ride/caravan to Irrisen. =)

I'll do up his character sheet in my profile and you can let me know if you want any adjustments done. =)

Sovereign Court

Jack Daniels 519 wrote:
-Marek- wrote:

Dotting for interest! Can this be played for PFS credit?

Concept: A local man, whom the fates throw into adventure.
Race and class? Human ranger?

Most likely, yes. I'm still toying with the idea of barbarian or half-elf. But very likely he will be human ranger.

I'm also thinking about his ties to the community. I'm kind of imagining him with wife and children, but I'm wondering how well it would fit the adventure path.. Sure he'd have a motive to defend the village, but this being Pathfinder, eventually the characters are bound to travel far and away. Would he motivated to leave his family behind?
Maybe some lesser ties work better?

Lantern Lodge

I have compiled Exiel's application into his profile for ease of reference. His character sheet is there too. I'm happy to modify anything you are unfomfortable with, or take nerfs to the Aasimar race if you feel it too strong.

Scarab Sages

I, Kalthel, would like to join you on this adventure. I can fight with a scimitar or cast arcane spells as required.

A more detailed background and most of the questions are contained in the background spoilers in Kalthel's character sheet, but the relevant parts are reproduced here.


1. What the heck is your character doing here?

Kalthel is escaping from what he views as a life of drudgery being a merchant, in search of adventure and arcane knowledge. He left Qadira and crossed overland into Taldor. Heldren is the first village he stumbled across and he is trying to figure out what to do next. He is somewhat concerned that his family may be searching for him, so taking place in the adventure as a means of staying on the move would fit his background.


2. Profession or how does your character make a living?

Kalthel can work as a merchant, especially one specializing in rugs and furnishings or work as a soldier. If not in an army, he could use his martial skills to guard caravans or warehouses or train others in soldiery. He is better than average at appraising things, which he can use to help ensure he makes a living. In the meantime, he is living off of his savings.


3. Describe your physical appearance (you may include link to internet image that best represents your character, if you'd like).

6' tall, 160 lbs

Kalthel has smooth olive skin, with dark, close-cut hair. He has a round face with a heavy beard that he keeps shaved. He has all his teeth and is known to smile often.


4. Why help out when the winter comes? Why not leave and flee? Why get involved?

There are two things that draw Kalthel to investigate the early winter in Heldren. First off, he seeks adventure and excitement, which this would qualify for. Also, he seeks to expand his knowledge of Arcana and spellcasting. The idea that the weather may be caused my magical influences is something he would want to investigate and try to learn from.

This is Elneth, a half-elven Water Elementalist wizard (with a focus on the ice aspect). I'll have to adjust the crunch slightly, but not by much. Will probably start off focusing on enchantment spells and then later on get into defensive spells.

1. What the heck is your character doing here?
Elneth is actually originally from Oppara, but was sent off to Eldren by his family to live with a relative so he would stop being an embarrasment to the family. As always they pitched it like it was a favor. "How would you like to live in the beautiful Southern countryside with your second cousin Fredo.

And of course Elneth fell for it, being naive as he is, but he's set up a nice lab and it isn't so bad, even though he's starting to catch onto his family's seething hatred for him, which isn't bad enough to cut him off completely, but is just enough to pawn him off another family member they loathe equally and send him to the middle of nowhere.

2. Profession or how does your character make a living?
Elneth is in layman's terms, a moocher. He's an ivory tower upper class slouch of an intellectual who happens to come from a wealthy Taldan family. The fact that he is half-elf got him some special treatment over the years, but after he came of age and had no interest in anything other than fiddling in his wizard lab, he's been pawned off to various relatives until this point, where his second cousin Fredo has demanded he do something useful for once. So Elneth now tries to market himself as an expert in the field of 'ice magic', which many people refuse to agknowledge is a real thing.

3. Describe your physical appearance (you may include link to internet image that best represents your character, if you'd like).

Elneth is tall, skinny, yet somewhat soft looking. He looks like someone who probably hasn't worked very hard in his life. He looks young even for a half-elf. He looks like he's in his late teens. His face is rather boyish. He has pale skin with a pinkish hue and has eyes and hair that are white as snow. Elneth wears his hair long to as to almost cover up his pointed ears. He dresses in clothes that are both fine and very warm, such as expensive furs or a specially tailored heavy cloak. He dresses in a lot of blues and whites.

4. Why help out when the winter comes? Why not leave and flee? Why get involved?

The reason Elneth is going to get involved is because he sees this as his one chance to prove himself. He's been nothing but a drain for a half century and the way he figures it, if he can save everyone from the Winter, everyone will love him again. Whether they loved him in the first place is a matter of some debate, but at this point it doesn't really matter. He won't leave or flee because if he does, he will likely be cut off, have no place to go, and bring disgrace to both halves of his heritage. As lazy as he used to be, it has gotten to the point where his pride won't allow it. Here, he sees himself as the only one who can help and this new venture as the next necessary step in his continued survival. And quite frankly, Elneth likes the winter. He likes cold things and interesting people. He'll stick with them as long as they'll let him.

Scarab Sages

I would like to submit Khar for consideration. I’ll get his build together later. Human (Kelishite) Wizard.

What the heck is your character doing here?
Khar is a Kelish travelling merchant and scholar. He is breaking out on his own, from under his mother’s trade regime to make his own way in the world. Heldern is one of his first stops as it’s reasonably accessible and is a good entry into the rest of the region

Profession or how does your character make a living?
Khar is a merchant he previously made his living work under his mother’s employ but is breaking off on his own.

Describe your physical appearance (you may include link to internet image that best represents your character, if you'd like).
Khar has dark black hair, brown eyes and tanned skin. He stands at about 6 feet tall. He is in his late twenties and of average build. Generally wearing a robe, and often carrying around a book.

Why help out when the winter comes? Why not leave and flee? Why get involved?
Khar is a knowledge seeker, he would want to know what is happening, why it is happening and to try and understand it. Also, he thinks is knowledge of the arcane and still with a bow will keep him out of any real danger.

I would happily give PFS credit, if I knew how! :) But we can discuss this when the final selections are made.

Vesna will throw her hat in the ring. She's currently built on 20 points, but that can be changed easily. Background and full description are in the alias too.

1. What the heck is your character doing here?
Fulfilling destiny, looking for my mom's mischief, or stopping her before someone gets hurt. Take your pick. All I know is that when I had a vision, it was Heldren Butterflies ready to be released for the festival. If my mom is involved like Elizabeth says, I know something is going to happen, and it probably won't be good.

2. Profession or how does your character make a living?
I don't really have a trade...yet. I'm studying my father's journal on magic, and practicing, but it's not coming to me yet. In the meantime, I've gotten by doing some odd and ends as I've been making my way to Heldren. I've washed more pots that I've ever cared to again. Oh spells! After I got Elizabeth's gift, I found I can provide clean water and keep food from spoiling. That's usually worth a meal or a night in a spare bed. I can help heal people too. Not bad, right? What can I say? This girl's got some game.

3. Describe your physical appearance (you may include link to internet image that best represents your character, if you'd like).
A mix of this and this
Well, a girl can talk about herself all day. Heavens knows people like to look too, but I ain't resorting to that for coin. I've got pale blonde hair, but after that Elizabeth's gift, now it's cut with a dark lock of auburn hair too. I like it. As pretty as my hair was before, now it's got this exotic quality and definitely turns the heads. I try to keep trim and fit, and boys say I've got some legs that just won't quit. Can't help that, eh? As far as clothes, well, I like the nice things, but I also know what it's like not to have much when you move a lot. Oh, I almost forgot about the scars! Well, I don't hide them usually, but I also don't talk about them much. See here, along my jaw, throat, and cheek? Doesn't hurt, but I know it looks bad. That and the hair, keeps things mysterious, right?

4. Why help out when the winter comes? Why not leave and flee? Why get involved?
Because I'm afraid that whatever happens is because of me. Elizabeth said my mom wants me back. We don't know what that means, just that it'll probably happen in Heldren at the festival. Besides, if my mom's doing some shenanigans, then I want to stop that b#&&&. She wants me back? She thinks she can just start some s**&? She's got another thing coming. She's going to have to answer to me.

Character Advancement:
While Vesna is an Winter Oracle, she's not going to stay that way. Pretty much the rest of her levels will be in sorceror. I'm thinking Crossblooded Boreal/Marid. She's cold to her core.

Hi GM,

Are you accepting the new advanced classes being developed?

I was specifically thinking of a very spiritual and very superstitious flame shaman.

Like 'why am I here?' and 'what am I supposed to do?'.

He would see spiritual portents everywhere and think of himself as cursed for having to suffer with the cold.

Anyhow, I'll flesh out his fluff and crunch if I get your OK.

Happy gaming!


New ACG playtest classes are acceptable, Fabian, as are archetypes, Vinccenso.

Thanks for the prompt response; I'll put something together tonight.

Just to keep things straight for myself, here are the character concepts so far:

Exiel, Aasimar paladin
Dresen, Human Bard (Detective)
Kyra, Human Cleric of Sarenrae
Marek, Human or half-elf ranger or barbarian
Vinccenso, Human Wizard (Scrollmaster)
Kalthel, Human Magus
Elneth, Half-elven Water Elementalist wizard
Khar, Human Wizard
Vesna, Human Oracle
Fabian's submission pending

If I missed anyone, let me know.

Scarab Sages

Ha, lots of humans :P

Would you consider someone who's read the entire campaign from cover to cover? If so, I'll see if I can come up with a character tomorrow.

Kris Vanhoyland wrote:
Would you consider someone who's read the entire campaign from cover to cover? If so, I'll see if I can come up with a character tomorrow.

Sure, as long as you keep real knowledge separate from player knowledge. Besides, I am sure I will change stuff up as well.

Hey GM,

I put together my submission, a male dwarven shaman (flame). Please see the alias for complete fluff and crunch. I have answered your questions below.

I am currently DMing two APs (as PBEMs) and am playing in a PBP here on these boards. Please let me know if you need further information at this time.

Thanks for considering me for a spot in your game.

Happy gaming!


Jack Daniels 519 wrote:
1. What the heck is your character doing here?

Marok is forging a new path after the tragic events that led him to be possessed by Lord Fire (see background). He's tired of wandering around and is looking for a new place to settle down. This seems as good a place as any and, to Marok's surprise, Kitah has agreed.

Jack Daniels 519 wrote:
2. Profession or how does your character make a living?

Marok is an experienced herder (goat). He can also work leather fairly well. Although, he doesn't care to admit it, curative magic courses through his veins, although it usually leaves his 'patients' in pain and with some 'burn scars'.

Jack Daniels 519 wrote:
3. Describe your physical appearance (you may include link to internet image that best represents your character, if you'd like).

Reference Image

Dark hair, heavy eyebrows and ample facial hair frame Marok’s face; unlike most dwarves, he keeps his beard fairly trim, for a dwarf. A couple of deep scars mar an otherwise handsome face. A drab brown tunic covers his hide shirt; heavy outdoor, leather boots complement his simple attire. He walks around with the aid of a spear.
However, what is most disturbing is the radiant light behind his eyes and the faint smell of smoke about him. When he uses the special abilities of Lord Fire, a hungry spectral flame dances about his body.

Jack Daniels 519 wrote:
4. Why help out when the winter comes? Why not leave and flee? Why get involved?

He will be inclined to help as he would probably form a bond with the community or a family in particular. Besides, Kitah won't let him; it 'will' be part of his destiny.

Marok, who is Lord Fire? I could not find him in Golarion list of deities. Someone of your own creation?

Jack Daniels 519 wrote:
Marok, who is Lord Fire? I could not find him in Golarion list of deities. Someone of your own creation?

Lord Fire is Marok's interpretation of what's happening to him.

Remember that this is a simple dwarf who has been a goat herder for most of his life so he interprets this fire spirit as Lord Fire.

You'll hear Marok talk about Mother Nature, etc.

If it's an issue, I can come up with something else.



Not an issue. I just read the shaman and they commune with spirits, so totally fine with it.

Lantern Lodge

Dakcenturi wrote:
Ha, lots of humans :P

Oh the humanity! ;)

Grand Lodge

Hello and thank you for considering my character for the Reign of Winter campaign. I'm retired and have plenty of time to post.

I would like to submit Mary Dontingham, a human paladin for consideration. The full character background is rather long, so please read that in the profile.

The character sheet is both in the profile as well as a link to Google Drive for an easier view of the character sheet. The campaign trait I selected was Vigilante Witch Hunter, but the pdf character sheet lists "Cynic" (as my program didn't have that trait, but it has the same effect of +1 sense motive).

Before I answer your four questions, please note that Mary is a woman that has been discarded by her mother, her church, and her paladin trainers. Mary's not going to preach the "lawful good" way or the highway kind of girl. Mary thinks she can uphold her lawful good ideals through actions and her motives, no need to preach about it as it might drive others away.

Now, onto your questions:

1. What the heck is your character doing here?
(more in the character background) It was actually a mistake by the river boat, which missed the River Porthmos and instead took the Jalrune River. They realized the mistake once they saw the Border Wood, and disembarked everyone in the small village of Heldren.

2. Profession or how does your character make a living?
She has recently been pushed out of paladin training, so she hasn’t really had time to learn how to make a living other than observing how her father ran a business. She’s supposed to investigate on behalf of the paladin trainers, but that was just a sham to get her out of the way.

3. Describe your physical appearance (you may include link to internet image that best represents your character, if you'd like). At the young age of 17, she still lacks any signs of hard labor and her blonde hair, blue eyes are rather inviting.Potential Picture of Mary

4. Why help out when the winter comes? Why not leave and flee? Why get involved?
Mary has been discarded from her mother, from the church of Abadar, and from the paladin order of Iomede. The moment someone or something might find a use for her in an accepting way, she’ll pour her heart into it. It’s also a way to prove the paladin trainers wrong that she could indeed be successful.

Here is my submission; Elissa Valddottir, Ulfen barbarian. Still need to post her statblock though, but I'm all but done with it, just need to take a look at some archetypes and decide on traits. Most of the answers to your questions can be found in her background, but I'll summarize.

1. What the heck is your character doing here?
Drowning her sorrows in the Silver Stoat.

2. Profession or how does your character make a living?
She used to be employed in Taldor's Ulfen Guard, but has been dishonorably discharged a few weeks ago.

3. Describe your physical appearance (you may include link to internet image that best represents your character, if you'd like).
See physical description.

4. Why help out when the winter comes? Why not leave and flee? Why get involved?
Honor is very important to Elissa, and she feels her failure in Oppara reflects badly on herself and her lineage, and she is desperate to find a way to redeem herself.

Background: Elissa was raised by her father, a fisherman in the Lands of the Linnorm Kings. Her mother died in childbirth, and she had no siblings, so her young life consisted of a lot of hard work. When her father died, Elissa left her homeland behind, and struck out on her own. Eventually, she found her way into Taldor, where her Ulfen ethnicity stood out. She was recruited into the Ulfen Guard, which serves as a royal guard for the Grand Prince. While Elissa never actually counted herself among the Grand Prince's personal bodyguards, she was stationed at the royal estate.

It was Elissa's first time in a city the size of Oppara, and she quickly took a liking to Taldor's bustling capital. The Gilded City is not all glamour and gold though. After a while, Elissa became restless and homesick, and she found herself spending more and more time in the seedy taverns near the docks, often staring down to the bottom of a wine bottle. It became so bad that it started to interfere with her duties, and she was eventually dishonorably discharged from the Ulfen Guard, to her great shame.

Eager to leave Oppara behind, Elissa bought passage on the first caravan heading out of the city, which was headed towards Qadira. Since then, she has been unsure of where to go. For the past few weeks, she's been staying in the Silver Stoat, an inn in the small town of Heldren. Her gold purse is all but empty by now though, and Elissa is getting desperate to find a way to reclaim her honor.

Physical description: Elissa is tall, even for an Ulfen woman, measuring just shy of six feet. She is powerfully built, with broad shoulders and pale skin. Her eyes are bright blue, and she has thick, shoulder-length yellow-blonde hair that she usually keeps elaborately braided. She speaks in a confident, stentorian voice, and she carries with her a notched greatsword.

I would like to throw my hat into the ring with Delweir, human Infernal Binder. His stat block needs a bit of work but is nearly complete. I put his completed background there.

1. What the heck is your character doing here?
Delweir is consumed with the idea of witnessing Baba Yaga's appearance in Irrisen and has traveled north in order to make effect his dream. He has stopped in Heldren to buy winter gear suitable for the trek into Irrisen.

2. Profession or how does your character make a living?
Delweir has been traveling with a caravan and making himself useful by casting spells to make the journey easier when possible. He has made use of the spell Grease to lubricate wheels and used Infernal Healing to remedy minor injuries to fellow travelers.

3. Describe your physical appearance (you may include link to internet image that best represents your character, if you'd like).
Delweir is a tall thin man in his early thirties with a pointed goatee who often stares, wide-eyed in a discomfiting manner. He wears a heavy blue greatcoat to ward off the cold. Under the coat, his clothing is well-tailored but worn from travel. He looks a bit like this.

4. Why help out when the winter comes? Why not leave and flee? Why get involved?
Flee? Are you mad? If the snows of winter are arriving now it must mean that Baba Yaga has come to Golarion! A legendary being who comes only once in a century is not to be missed. Even if I only see her from a distance that will be worth more than a lifetime of study at the feet of some cloistered professor at the Egorian Academy. Only a fool or a coward would flee the chance of a lifetime.

Just a note: my area is predicted to get inundated with ice and snows starting tomorrow. There is a chance that my power will get knocked out for a few days. So if I am chosen and don't respond right away that will be why. Ironic, isn't it?

Jack Daniels 519 wrote:

Core races only (resistance to cold defeats impending danger!)

Hi there, very interested to play :)

How do you feel about class features that grant cold resistance or endure elements equivalent as they progress in levels? Am thinking of arctic druid or sorcerer with the Boreal bloodline is all and figure granted abilities might pace themselves with access to magic assistance with the cold for other characters.

All good if not, plenty of other options around :D

Delweir: Very ironic! Good luck!
Aurora: Either of those is fine with me

Breakdown of Applicants by role:

Exiel, Aasimar paladin
Mary, Human Paladin
Marek, Human or half-elf ranger or barbarian
Elissa, Human Barbarian
Kalthel, Human Magus

Kyra, Human Cleric of Sarenrae
Vesna, Human Oracle
Marok, Dwarven Shaman (Flame)

Dresen, Human Bard (Detective)

Vinccenso, Human Wizard (Scrollmaster)
Elneth, Half-elven Water Elementalist wizard
Khar, Human Wizard
Delweir, Human Wizard (Infernal Binder)

Aurora, pending submission

Liberty's Edge

I was in a RoW game here in my town, I joined in the middle of the first book, and then because I don't have the time to go out in Real Life (though I hav eplenty of time at a computer) I had to quit. As such, I would love to get back in!

I noticed a lack of skill junkys and so I have begun to roll one up.

I present Faratim!

1. What the heck is your character doing here?
Always on the move, Faratim is in Heldren escaping gambling debts and looking to make some coin doing jobs for locals.
2. Profession or how does your character make a living?
Faratim primarily makes his money on low-paying assassination jobs (though he only kills people that do evil in this way) or as a caravan guard, or guard for a criminal group. He uses his skill as a sniper to this end. When he can't find money with his bow, he can often be found in gambling halls, wasting his hard earned pay, causing him to constantly be on the move, running from debtors.
3. Describe your physical appearance (you may include link to internet image that best represents your character, if you'd like).
Image in character sheet.
4. Why help out when the winter comes? Why not leave and flee? Why get involved?
If there is a promise to get away from his most recent debt, and to make money while doing it, Faratim is all for it.

it is almost 3 am, so I will have a completed background and character sheet some time tomorrow. But for now, I leave you with this.

Sovereign Court

Updated Marek's profile with a draft of the character and some background. Still thinking how to fit some of the advice from the RoW PG into characters background.

Oh, and any advice for the first favoured enemy?

Elissa should be done now, her profile has been updated with her statblock. I gave her Parade Armor, since I think it fits in nicely with her background.

Liberty's Edge

Faratim grew up in Kalsgard, in the Lands of the Linnorm Kings. He was born to a lower class family, and his mother died from complications at birth. Faratim's father was a bard who used his talents to get close enough to people to steal from them, but then would lose his earnings gambling.

Faratim loved his father, and learned a lot from him. But Faratim had no love for performing, rather he enjoyed just taking things from people. It wasn't long before he too developed an addiction to gambling.

Faratim refused to run with the other children that were in gangs, he preferred to work alone. So, for years he was bullied and beaten until he submitted and joined the Kalsgard Killers.

Faratim had often had to hunt to feed himself and his father, and so he was already a decent shot with a bow. The Kalsgard killers used this to their advantage. When they had a job to do, they would make Faratim wait on a rooftop and if things went south he was to rain arrows on their enemies heads. His first kill was at a young age, and he discovered he could make money doing it.

Over the years, Faratim has spent a lot of time on the run. Not for killing, because he rarely gets caught, but from the people who he has lost to gambling and refused to pay back. His latest enemy has chased him all the way to Taldor, where he hopes he can find a group to travel with out of the country, and thereby escaping his debt yet again...

This is a character that I posted in Reign of Winter campaign. She didn't get chosen and if I need to I can change the fluff.

Nathalia Greenmeadow was raised in Irrisen. Due to her talent for magic she was raised among the White Witches. However, her personality was one that was not one that embraced the cruelty that the daughters and kin of Baba Yaga demonstrated. As a result, she was cast out from the society. She found herself in Heldren where she began using her talents to make healing and love potions for villagers. A loner, she often is able to get her way with people with the blink of an eye (charm hex) or if they earn her ire they go away feeling ill (evil eye).

She stands about 5'5, and weighs a 120 lbs. Her hair is white and she is a quiet individual at first. She does love being around people though but due to her treatment in Irrisen can often be intimidated by strong personalities.

Her best friend is her grey lop eared rabbit named Chinchi. Chinchi has been her constant companion from her days in Irrisen. They talk and play with each other even with no one else around.

-Marek- wrote:

Updated Marek's profile with a draft of the character and some background. Still thinking how to fit some of the advice from the RoW PG into characters background.

Oh, and any advice for the first favoured enemy?

Human or fey works well for 1st Book.

1. What the heck is your character doing here? How does your character make a living?

Phynn's father is an engineer who travels the countryside, offering his services to those who want them. Phynn accompanies him on his travels as she wishes to learn his trade and follow in his footsteps. The pair have stopped in the village on their way to Zimar, to the south.

3. Describe your physical appearance.

Phynn's skin is dark grey and reflects little light; her hair, the colour of coal, is tied in a braided topknot than runs to her lower back, and like coal, seems to absorb any light that falls upon it.
Her eyes are almond in shape and close-set, reminding those who see her of a predatory bird. Grey, they echo the colour of the rocks from which she comes.

Demeanour: Phynn is a serious girl, especially when it comes to her work, although her sense of humour does come to the surface occasionally, especially when with friends. She's cautious but not a coward. She loves to solve problems of all kinds and takes a great pride in everything she does.

A life underground is a tough one, with all manner of dangers in the shadows, and Phynn never seems to relax; she is constantly moving, constantly on guard.

4. Why help out when the winter comes? Why not leave and flee? Why get involved?

A genuine desire to help. Curiosity.


A few things:
I'm not sure how the AP starts, and I'd rather not read the Players Guide as I feel they all give too much away, so it's difficult for me to answer question 4. Perhaps we can work it so that Phynn's dad gives her a more-concrete reason to stay (for example, he goes missing.)

The background that I've written gives you an overall view of who Phynn is and where I intend to take her, rather than a specific timeline. It was written for another (higher-level) campaign that never took off.

Her role in the group will be skills/support.

Presenting Aurora Ulferdottir, human rime-blooded sorcerer (Stat block under profile).

1. What the heck is your character doing here?

Aurora was raised in a small village in Osirion, teased throughout her childhood because she was so cold to the touch. The other children called her 'The snow queen', and she became sad and withdrawn, even at a young age understanding how out of place she felt in this hot environment. Her mother spoke to her and explained that long ago their family lived in the north, but there had been a rift and their side left to settle in the south. She gently suggested that the rift was caused by her great-grandfather's choice of bride, but knew little else of the matter. As she grew older, Aurora discovered the power of the ice flowing through her veins yet vowed to herself to keep her heart warm despite the cold of her heritage. She feels that if she fully embraces her magic, she will become as cold and harsh as winter itself, and so is on a pilgrimage to seek more information on where her power comes from, to better understand and control it. She is making her way towards the north but is taking her time about it, truly enjoying experiencing life away from the remote village she came from. Having crossed continents and made her way through Qadira, Heldren is where she has currently taken lodgings. She intends to spend a few days there before moving north to continue on her journey.

2. Profession or how does your character make a living?

Aurora doesn't really have a profession as such. On her journey she has earned coin entertaining in the street (Prestidigitation) and occasionally acting an an intermediary or negotiator. She is also reasonably good at living off the land so hasn't run in to much trouble traveling the road, yet.

3. Describe your physical appearance (you may include link to internet image that best represents your character, if you'd like).

Shoulder length pale-gold hair with bright, almost electric pale-blue eyes. A soft featured face that smiles a lot. She usually wears simple dresses in pale colors (she favors blue cloth), with scuffed leather boots that look well traveled.


4. Why help out when the winter comes? Why not leave and flee? Why get involved?

Aurora would have a strong desire to stay and help for several reasons. It's in her nature to help others and she believes that residents in a community (however temporary) should help the community if it gets in trouble. Lastly, whilst this wouldn't consciously occur to her, deep down she would likely feel guilty that winter is interfering with people's lives (moreso than normal). This all ties in to a firm sense of responsibility where winter and its effects are concerned.

What's up with all these hot, young, blonde girls? :)

Is my character the only short, hairy, ugly guy here?



Lantern Lodge

They're all secretly hoping to sign up with the Winter Witches of Irrisen, I bet. =p

Marok wrote:

Is my character the only short, hairy, ugly guy here?

Your character is, but most of the other players are as well.

1. What the heck is your character doing here?
Ace has set up a small shop here. He deals in superstitious potions, like love potions, that have no real effect besides what someone thinks it has. He does have some real skill in alchemy when he needs it, as well as some spell casting talent and scribe skills.

2. Profession or how does your character make a living?
Ace makes a living being a luxury apothecary in the village. While he doesn't con people out of their money, most of his wares aren't much more than superstitious herb recipes.

3. Describe your physical appearance (you may include link to internet image that best represents your character, if you'd like). Ace is tall and thin like most elves. He keeps his red hair long and well groomed. He wears simple clothing like the rest of the small village. Though, the plain garments do nothing to diminish his attractive features and silver tongue.

4. Why help out when the winter comes? Why not leave and flee? Why get involved?
Ace isn't a particularly noble fellow, but he does understand hard work. It took him years to finally get a shop of his own, and he isn't going to let some snow wreck all he has worked to achieve.

Marok wrote:
What's up with all these hot, young, blonde girls? :)
.Exiel. wrote:
They're all secretly hoping to sign up with the Winter Witches of Irrisen, I bet. =p


to become a winter witch, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
•Skills: Knowledge (arcana) 5 ranks, Spellcraft 5 ranks.
•Spells: Able to cast at least three different spells with the cold descriptor, one of which must be of 3rd level or higher.
•Special: Must have a patron, blonde hair* and the ice magic class feature.
(*may be dyed, see alchemical formula for 'Bottled Blonde')

All there in the manual ;)

I'll toss my hat in the ring:

1d100 ⇒ 97 Orc. Well that's probably not going to blend in... but I'll give it a shot. Here's an alternate roll if that doesn't work.
1d100 ⇒ 58 Half-Orc. Well, I guess both of those work out for a similar concept.

Phedre was once the favored apprentice of Mathilde, a Winter Witch of moderate standing in the North. The spoiled daughter of a minor nobleman, she was schooled in letters and etiquette, and was both smart and beautiful. She was also terribly evil. She delighted in being the best at anything she did, including witchcraft, and had no fear of using souls and blood sacrifices for her work. It was why Mathilde loved her so - because she stopped at nothing to be the very best.

But Phedre made enemies of the other apprentices, who despised her ruthless ways and endless success. And one dark night, the apprentices attacked. They hexed her with sleep and bound her, then boiled her alive, each receiving a portion of her flesh to enhance their power. When Phedre died, her soul entered the afterlife. And when the Lady of Graves gazed upon Phedre, there was no question. Phedre was damned to the Abyss, a place of evil that matched Phedre's black heart.

Meanwhile, it took a few days before Mathilde decided to investigate Phedre's disappearance. When she discovered Phedre's fate, she went into a rage. The guilty apprentices who did not manage to flee were quickly slain. Fortunately, not all of them had consumed Phedre's flesh, no doubt saving it for the right occasion. Even a bit of flesh would be enough. Mathilde used her powers to reincarnate Phedre in a new body.

But when Phedre returned, the body she returned in was one of an orc! Phedre could feel her mind slow, could see her former beauty lost and replaced by a hideous orc visage. Worse, the memories of her ordeal in the afterlife lingered. It was all a haze, but Phedre knew that she had been sent to the Abyss, and she knew she had endured terrible, terrible suffering.

Mathilde expected Phedre to return to her studies as her apprentice, but Phedre could not do it. Her mind had lost its sharpness, and she was of little use. Fearful of her master's wrath, and of dying once again to be sent to the Abyss, Phedre chose to flee.

Now she finds herself living in a hut in Southern Taldan, outside the town of Heldren. The people there were surprisingly tolerant of Phedre. They were a fairly open minded people, and were not threatened by her - perhaps because she was a lone female orc. As for Phedre, she had established a few lonely roots in her home. Phedre had found her connection to witchcraft again. It was not through a witty and quick mind, but rather through the agony of the Abyss. The very place she hoped to escape was also the source of her power. And that power was the only reason people seemed to care for her, for they came to Phedre to benefit from her talents. Phedre was pretty sure she shouldn't stay in quite Heldren forever, but it was hardly clear where she should go next.

Mechanically, Phedre is going to be a female Orc scarred witch doctor. She's going to be ugly, but probably still smarter than the average Orc. In terms of personality, Phedre is still lured by power, flavored with a dash of desperation for acceptance. But she knows that she has to mend her ways if she wishes to avoid another afterlife in the Abyss.

1. What the heck is your character doing here?

Phedre wants a place where she won't be disturbed. On the other hand, she also wants to turn her life around and counterbalance her former evil deeds with good ones. Heldren offers a nice balance for these competing needs, as Phedre is maintains some connection to the world while avoiding large crowds of people who might want to arrest her, slay her, or drive her away.

2. Profession or how does your character make a living?

Phedre casts spells and brews potions for those few townsfolk brave enough to venture to her hut.

3. Describe your physical appearance.

Phedre is a large, bulky orc, with rough, wrinkly green skin and razor sharp teeth. The only feature that stands out as unusual for orcs are her eyes, which seem to beckon to a past in which Phedre was beautiful and powerful.

4. Why help out when the winter comes? Why not leave and flee? Why get involved?

When winter comes, Phedre will know (or think she knows) what's going on. It will be an opportunity for Phedre to prove her worth to a skeptical people, and to perhaps reconnect with her past. Perhaps it will also be a source of newfound power.

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