DM JD's "Snows of Summer" Campaign - Winter is here! (Inactive)

Game Master Jack Daniels

Current Characters

Fabian Benavente

(12,238 posts)
Darius Finch

Scoured Stars Map
(2,894 posts)
Cruel Instructor
Jack Daniels

Google Slides
(421 posts)
Sovereign Court -Marek-

Male Human (Ranger 1) | HP 12/12 | AC 16 (FF 13, T 13) | Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +1 | Init +5 | Perception +5

played by -Karma- (107 posts)
Grand Necromancer
Lantern Lodge .Exiel.

[|]Aasimar | Paladin(Divine Hunter)1 | HP:10/10 | AC: 19/ FF 18/ T 11 | Fort: +2 Ref: +1 Will: +1 | Perception: -1 | Dark Vision | Init: +4 [|]
Whetstone - Dagger

played by FiddlersGreen (131 posts)
Male Human in Jungle
The Exchange .Ri'el

played by FiddlersGreen (4 posts)
Suit of Keys
Aurora Ulfurdottir

Female Gnome Sorcerer 13, hp 80/80, AC 17|T 13|FF 14, F +9|R +9|W +11, Init +2, Perception +16/21/23, low-light vision, darkvision 60 ft, see invisibility
Bluff +22, Craft (tattoo) +8, Diplomacy +25, Fly +14, Linguistics +3, Perception +16, Spellcraft +17, Use Magic Device +22

played by Fiendish Zen (467 posts)

Male Human Magic-user 1 (Infernal Binder) | HP 8 | AC 12 FF 10 T 12 | Saves +1/+2/+2 | init +5 | Percep +0

played by Bill Lumberg (71 posts)
Jeggare Noble
Grand Lodge Detective Inspector Dresen Cale

Male Human (Varisian) Male Varisian Detective 2 | 12/12 hp + 0 nonlethal, Init +0, AC 16 [touch 10, FF 14], Fort +0, Ref +3, Will +5; Perception +10;

played by Severed Ronin (11 posts)
Darius Finch
Lantern Lodge Exiel.

[|]Aasimar | Paladin 2 | HP:17/17 | AC: 14/ FF 10/ T 11 | Fort: +8 Ref: +6 Will: +7 | Perception: -1 | Dark Vision | Init: +4 [|]

played by FiddlersGreen (518 posts)
Jack Daniels 519

played by Jack Daniels (157 posts)
Almah Rovshki

Female Dwarf Barbarian 1

played by Jason Lillis (24 posts)
Gath Morian
Martok, Dwarf Flame Shaman

Male Dwarf Shaman (Flame) 4 | CMB: 3, CMD: 14 | F: +5, R: +3, W: +7 | Init: +7 | Perc: +9, SM +5 | Speed 20ft |

played by Fabian Benavente (374 posts)
Carousing Champion
Merick Renarin

Male Human Fighter 5 HP 49/49 | AC 27 /T 13 /FF 25 | F +6 R +4 W +4 (+5 vs Fear) | Perc +1 | Init +6

played by Lufien "Silvertongue" Loamin (114 posts)
Priestess of Nethys
Vesna Kania

Female Human Oracle (Winter) 1 [HP: 12/12 | AC 15/12/13 | F+2 R+2 (+2 in Winter) W+1 | Init +2 (+2 in Winter) | Per +0 Sm +4]
Spell Tracker:
Oracle 1: 4/4 remaining

played by Enchanter Tim (123 posts)