greenblood oil (1)
oil of taggit (2)
a pouch containing 38 gp, 40 sp, and 18 cp
mwk thieves’ tools
ring of keys
spellbook (contains alarm, chill touch, expeditious retreat, feather fall, identify, locate object, and ray of enfeeblement)
2 more doses of greenblood oil
Small lockbox containing 25 pp, 150 gp, 180 sp, and a blue quartz “ice diamond” (worth 100 gp)
2 oils of magic weapon
3 flasks of alchemist’s fire
15 gp
Three scrolls of lesser animate dead (2 HD)
Cloak of the Yeti
wooden unholy symbol of Norgorber
Soils of his forefathers still touching his feet, Marek is local to the bone. Heldren is the place he was born and grown up. While he has made some trips to Zimar to sell his wares, rest of the world is all but unknown. Oppara and Absalom he has visited only in the stories of travellers in the local inn.
From his early years he had been playing the Border Wood, spending countless hours just watching the different animals habiting there. So rather than picking up herding or woodcutting as his trade, he became a hunter. He found out he had almost uncanny ability to find quarry and move around the woods. His skill with the bow was noticed in the village as well, and he was often invited to practice with the town militia. "That boy is going to something, eh!", the village wise woman once said, winking.
Years passed. Bringing game to the tables of the villagers and selling raw leather made a decent living. Marek came to know pretty much everyone in the village, and there are many he could call friends. There is a girl too, who he is trying to woo, but with little result so far. In any case, Marek was well settled in.
But then came the cold...
Skilled and strong he may be, but Marek is a little bit too quiet to be very popular among the villagers. That suits him fine too, as he likes to be alone, just walking in the woods. Slow to warm up for people he doesn't know, but very fond of those he considers friends. And patient he is, as any good hunter should be; he can spend hours standing still, stalking his pray.
Reactionary (+2 init)
Warded against Witchery (+1 saves against spells, SLA's and supernatural abilities of evil spellcasters. +1 spellcraft checks to identify spells cast by evil spellcasters)
Special Abilities:
Favoured enemy : Fey (+2 bonus on Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival checks against creatures of his selected type. Likewise, he gets a +2 bonus on weapon attack and damage rolls against them. A ranger may make Knowledge skill checks untrained when attempting to identify these creatures.)
Track (+1/2 lvl to Survival skill checks to follow tracks)
Wild empathy
Gold 139,5 gp
Gear (starting 175 gp)
Composite Long Bow (mighty +1 STR) 3lbs
Greataxe 20 gp 12 lbs
Arrows (40) 2 gp 6 lbs
Cold Iron arrows (20) 2 gp 3 lbs
Dagger 2 gp 1 lbs
Mwk Studded Leather armour 20 lbs
Ranger's kit 0 gp 28 lbs
Cold Weather Outfit 8 gp 7 lbs
Alchemist's fire x2
Oil of Magic weapon
trail rations (5 days) 2,5gp
Total load 80 lbs
Without backpack 45 lbs
Without backpack 52 lbs (with cold weather outfit)
Carrying capacity: Light 0 - 58 lbs.; Medium 59–116 lbs.; Heavy 117–175 lbs.
Ranger's kit:
backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, a flint and steel, iron pot, mess kit, rope, torches (10), trail rations (3 days), and a waterskin.
Snows of Summer
HP: 12/12
Nonlethal: 0
Arrows: 36/40
Cold iron arrows: 19/20