DM Duke's RotRL - Burnt Offerings (Inactive)

Game Master DukeRuckley

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So you know: I'm going with the flow on this one. I'm kind of excited now!


I typically start with my alignment as Neutral because I'm unsure how my character will develop, and which alignment I'll gravitate toward as the game unfolds. Feel free to let me know which direction I may be traveling toward, and what'll be done if that's the end result. =)

I love communication ;) lmao

Same goes for me. I'm always open for constructive critisism's and will try to adapt as much as i can.

On another note my vacation is drawing near so my posting in the near future will be limited to non existing. I should be able to post at a reasonable rate until the 2nd-3rd of august, after which i will be travelling to spain and won't be back until the 15th of august. So please DMPC Skorabor as needed and i hope it won't cause to much of a problem.

No problem! Right now you are leaning towards Chaotic. All I ask is that you avoid going evil on me. I've always felt alignments are rather fluid, and the consequence come out in the form of reputation. So keep that in mind as we move along.

Patrik (and everyone): The game will probably slow down to a crawl for some time anyway. I'm moving starting tomorrow, so today is my last day for any serious posting until I am settled and have an internet connection, probably not until 8th or 9th of August. I might be able to post during weekdays if I have time, but it's all up in the air.

Good luck with the moving DMD!

Stark, great roleplaying! I'm looking forward to seeing how this plays out. Assuming everyone agrees with your plan and you do end up letting the goblin go, it could make for an interesting encounter later on.

I'm gonna go make some notes with ideas.

LOL. Nice, Hawkeye! I wonder what the others will have to say ;)

Skorabor won't be happy with letting the goblin go. Ancient emnity packed ontop of stupidity doesn't make a good planner :) But since i'm going away for 1.5 weeks i won't press that point. Will see what happens when i get back :)

I just downloaded my copy of Ultimate Combat.

All I can say is: Forget word-casting. Hawkeye should be a Ranger with Falconer archetype. Would you allow a Roc companion? This roc will be the roc egg that was hatched with the birth of hawkeye. Otherwise I could use an eagle. I can give you all the information about it but here is the synopsis.


Rangers have always enjoyed a special bond with a specific
animal, but the falconer takes this bond to a deeper level.
Falconers begin with their companion earlier than other
rangers, and have the ability to teach their companions
special tricks.

Feathered Companion (Ex): At 1st level, a falconer earns the
trust and companionship of a bird of prey. The bird can be of
any type of large hunting or scavenging bird (even a vulture).
This ability functions like the druid animal companion
ability (which is part of the nature bond class feature),
but the falconer must take the bird animal companion,
and that companion has only half the normal hit points.

Replaces wild empathy

His feathered companion gets full hp at level 4

at level 6 his animal companion gets a charge feature where he dives on an enemy (has to be outside).

We can let his companion continue roaming until I call for him and we set out to find this longshank.

There is errata out for heirloom weapon, too. If you don't mind I'll change that trait to savannah child for handle animal. I'll also have to re-do purchases. Because heirloom weapon has been super-nerfed, I'll go ahead and use average ranger gold and craft my bow.

Actually how about we keep him as an eagle for now? I'll use the stats for an eagle but he is really a baby roc. At a future date could we agree that he grows to a medium roc and then later a large roc?

Am I the only one still here? =(

Stark Mostovoi wrote:
Am I the only one still here? =(


But is is Gen-con time. Our DM might be overwealmed by fun.

Our GM is moving to a new place. He said he'll be prettttyyy busy and without the reliable internet until this coming week.

I went ahead and spoiled a revision of Hawkeye as a falconer with an Nakimi the eagle (Baby Roc) in my profile at the bottom.

As long as no one else has any concerns with Hawkeye switching up his character class, I'm okay with it. I believe Rocs would take awhile to reach their full size, so for the purposes of balance and not making things to complicated, we'll just stick with the eagle statblock for the game and have it be a baby/young roc for RP purposes.

And I'm back! Woohoo!

Welcome back!

How was the move?

Tiring! Had to make the drive between Florida and northern Alabama twice (about 800 miles each time, I believe). Our stuff arrives tomorrow and then we have to unpack, so that'll take a while too.

Otherwise, it wasn't so bad.

DM Duke wrote:

Tiring! Had to make the drive between Florida and northern Alabama twice (about 800 miles each time, I believe). Our stuff arrives tomorrow and then we have to unpack, so that'll take a while too.

Otherwise, it wasn't so bad.

So which part of Hurricane country are you in now? Asks the guy living on an active fault in the shadow of a live volcano and in spitting distance of a sweet second strike target.

Actually, I've gone from Hurricane country to Tornados! Huntsville was one of the cities hit pretty hard in April.

DM Duke wrote:
Actually, I've gone from Hurricane country to Tornados! Huntsville was one of the cities hit pretty hard in April.

Well tornados are smaller so your odds are getting better. How do you like Alabama?

I have some distant relations in the area but I have never been.

I like it okay. Huntsville feels like any other small city. Though, what they say about southern hospitality is true. I haven't met a single rude person since I've gotten here.

Hey guys, I'm going to be going on vacation Thursday through Monday. I'll be unable to post during that time.

As for right now, what are your characters planning on doing? Heading out into town at all?

I'll be following Occa. In the meantime I'll prolly see what my Nakimi has been up to these past few days.

I thought that's why we were RPing... >.>

Currently, I'm eating breakfast, hitting on Ameiko, and advertising to the townsfolk on behalf of Ameiko..

Later, I plan on going out to ask if there's any artifacts, trinkets, or things that people need recovered from ruins, lost sites, or abandon buildings..


After the food Occa will head out to look for work. This living on land gig is expansive.

I'm just trying to do some preparation for some events that are going to come up. Should be quite interesting...

Just wanted to give everyone a heads up. Especially the GM and Skora.

With the attitude and direction Skora is going, at least one confrontation, possibly even PvP, seems inevitable. I don't know if it's intentional, but I wanted to at least mention it before it happened.

It is certainly not my intention to cause in party grief. Could you specifly what you mean so i can steer clear from that course? I've skimmed through Skorabor's posts and the two things i can see where he's "at odds" with the rest of the party is him wanting to raid the goblin lair as fast as possible (which he's conceded not to do) and insisting that the longshank is a (half)-elf. Both notions the party dismisses, and with good reason.

Skorabor has two main characteristics. He's got a simple intellect (he's basicly drop dead stupid) and a massive ego. When he get's an idea he tends to focus on all that supports that idea and filter out the rest. Is that the problem? That when you've insisted that longshank could mean human, half-elf or elf he only registers the half-elf and elf part?

From what i can see he's not been aggressive or insulting towards anyone (except the goblins) so i don't see how he's on a path that could ultimately lead to PvP.

Oh, no! Please, don't misunderstand my post as being hostile in any way! LOL. It was meant as more of a "matter of fact" than outright confrontational. I tend to come off as adversarial when I don't intend to be sometimes, so I apologize for that.

With that said, I love how you're playing your character, I really do. I just wanted to inform you that his current "direction" is at odds with Stark's current "direction". Does that make sense? Stark wants to use the goblins to benefit, whereas Skora wants to just kill them all. Stark really doesn't want him to do that, as he feels using the goblins to weed out this bad character is the best course of action. Sure, he may have threatened their lives, even their souls, but he gave them an option to basically try to become "better people". Skora, to Stark, threatens their primary information source, as well as threatens the lives of "people" that could very well have a second chance to "turn a new leaf".

Again, I apologize for the confrontational language. I just like to make sure things are communicated, and cut through the nonsense. =)

Game on!

Ah, no worries then. Sorry for the misunderstanding. I recently had abit of a screw up with my character in the Serpent's Skull game i'm in on these boards and alienated most of the other castaway NPCs. While the "damage" is repairable goes with the story i'm feeling abit guilty for tearing down the other's work of getting the NPCs to helpful. It has got me thinking about how i play my characters and wondering if i may have pushed Skorabor's "the elf did it"-theory to far. I'm glad that's not the case :)

And i don't think Stark and Skorabor need to be heading down a path that will result in abit of a confrontation. By now the whole group should have learned that Skorabor isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer (rather one of the dullest) and tricking him into following Stark's plan shouldn't be that hard. Just remember that he doesn't like complicated plans :)

Ah! Good idea! I'll keep that in mind. I wonder if there's even a way to convince him that it was his idea the whole time. LOL =)

I've set up a campaign page. See the link below:

Campaign Page


I humbly must take my leave from the game. I no longer have the time nor will to make my posting requirements any longer due to my personal life. I wish everyone the best of luck!

Sorry to see you go, Olondir... I was rather enjoying Hawkeye as a character. But I understand. Real life is much more important than an online game.

Any thoughts from everyone else on recruiting a new fifth member? We can probably get by with just four, but I'll leave it up to you all.

Sorry to see you go, Olondir :(

DM Duke wrote:

Any thoughts from everyone else on recruiting a new fifth member? We can probably get by with just four, but I'll leave it up to you all.

Please see the OOC thread. We should try and have that resolved before moving on. We can move on with four people for now, or I can DMPC Hawkeye. Let me know what you think.

I have a map ready for the Glassworks, so I'm ready once everyone feels ready to move on.

I'm good either way. I would say whatever makes it easier for you, DM. In the short run i think you should DMPC Hawkeye for "story purposes". Right now there isn't really a good reason for Hawkeye to pick up something else. When the time is right you can then phase him out.

Olondir wrote:


I humbly must take my leave from the game. I no longer have the time nor will to make my posting requirements any longer due to my personal life. I wish everyone the best of luck!

Very sorry to see you go. I hope things in real life turn out well. Please lurk and toss in comments if you can. This goes for AK's game as well.

Bon Voyage.

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