DM Duke's RotRL - Burnt Offerings (Inactive)

Game Master DukeRuckley

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Male Halfling Sea-Singer Bard 4 (AC: 17 [T: 14 /F: 14]; HP: 26/26; F+1, R+7, W+4; Init: +3; Perc: +9)

Durvin seems glum to see so many people unhappy, but when Bethana approaches them he turns back on his infectious smile and the twinkle returns to his eyes. "Hello, dear lady, as always it is a pleasure to see you bring light to a somber mood. How fare you this... Oh, yes, you seemed troubled, I will gladly listen to your woes. I will be there right away."

In the back, after she tells her tale.

Durvin stands up tall, as tall as he can, trying to look ever the part of hero, "This is a most troublesome predicament, and hope nothing untoward has happened. It would be my honor to undertake this request you present to us, as nothing would please me more than to set right any wrongs, if only to see a smile alight once again upon your dimpled cheeks." He straightens his pack, adjusts the bothersome rapier, and is about to step off, before asking "So... where is this Glassworks?"

Stark Mostovoi wrote:
Stark chuckles, "I'm going to laugh my ass off if, no, when we find out this wasn't an elf at all. You're so determined to think that it was an elf, even when we have absolutely no proof of it." He sighs and shakes his head.

Skorabor just looks at Stark, unable to see the joke. To much magic, he thinks to himself. Had the sorcerer forgot that the captured goblin said that an elf was in charge? Must be all that magic clouding his senses. "Time will prove me right", he says.

Following morning
Skorabor looks as if somebody had asked him to explain a complicated piece of machinery. The note stated that somebody called Lonjiku was behind the goblin raid but the halfing claimed that he was not an elf. None of this was making sense and it was beginning to make his head hurt.

"We'll go and check up on the glassworks, don't ye worry. Just let me go and get me armor. I feel naked standin' here without it", he says and walks back to retrive his armor and axes. He returns shortly all clad in iron, and have somehow found the time to braid his beard as well. "The quicker we get to the bottom of this, the quicker breakfast will be served", Skorabor says matter-of-factly and starts the march towards the Sandpoint Glassworks.

"Where are the glassworks!?" He says in alarm. As soon as she informs them of where the glassworks are, Stark takes off in that direction, not waiting for Skora or anyone else who doesn't immediately leave.

Just a heads up, I'll be out of state till Saturday night


To Bethana:"Of course we will. You keep things calm here and try to get word to Shalelu or the Mayor. ...

"Stark! Storm take him. Ameiko's been there for hours. Waiting for your back up to get their armor on will not make a difference."

Having donned his armor Occa heads for the glass works. Along with about half the town as seeing him and the dwarf come down in full regalia while Ameiko is not at her usual station must have caused a bit of a stir.

Bethana points the way to the Glassworks, on the west side of Sandpoint. It is nearby Sandpoint Savories and is rather large. "If you can smell freshly baked bread, you know you're close. Just look for a large building, you won't miss it." She smiles at Durvin's and everyone's kind words and then goes back inside to take care of breakfast for the angry customers.

Please see the OOC thread. We should try and have that resolved before moving on. We can move on with four people for now, or I can DMPC Hawkeye. Let me know what you think.

I have a map ready for the Glassworks, so I'm ready once everyone feels ready to move on.

Bump, i'm ready to continue

Sorry about that. We'll continue tomorrow. I made the map up at work and forgot to send it to myself to use at home.

I'm good to go =)

Once again I apologize for the delay!

The smells of a nearby bakery waft over the party as they near the Glassworks. Sure enough, as Bethana said, the Glassworks building was not difficult to find, being one of the larger buildings in the city. Smoke rises from the furnace chimney, but the building is eerily quiet. A few passersby tell you that no one has entered or left the building all day. They expect that Lonjiku and his workers just want some privacy for a big project they're working on.

A quick look around the building reveals that all the windows have curtains drawn and all the doors are locked. There are four doors that lead into the building.

Diplomacy DC 12:
Sometime tells you that the building has multiple skylights on the roof.

Glassworks Map


Out of breath after running in armor Occa asks "So the door to the north (AA,19)or the one in the curved wall (L,5) ?"

Not being one for tact Skorabor walks up to the nearest door (AA,19) and bangs on it with three decisive knocks of his mailed fist. "Ameiko, are ye in there?", he calls out.

Skorabor Skalfgrin Boulderback wrote:
Not being one for tact Skorabor walks up to the nearest door (AA,19) and bangs on it with three decisive knocks of his mailed fist. "Ameiko, are ye in there?", he calls out.

"Good a plan as any I suppose.

Occa follows the subtle dwarf.

Male Halfling Sea-Singer Bard 4 (AC: 17 [T: 14 /F: 14]; HP: 26/26; F+1, R+7, W+4; Init: +3; Perc: +9)

Durvin follows the others to the closest, unsure of what Skora has in mind, or even unsure as to whether Skora knows what Skora has in mind. When the dwarf knocks loudly on the door, and hollers even louder, Durvin slips around the corner of the building, and tries to see if he can see anything. He tries to pull himself up to the nearby window, and peek unnoticed inside to see if anyone is responding to Skora's knock.

Assuming the lt. blue things are windows. Move to the window at CC20. Climb 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15 (if needed to get to the window), Stealth 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23 (to not be seen looking in), and Perception 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17 (to see what he can discern inside).

Skorabor's Perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20

Skorabor's knock, though loud, does not turn up any response. He listens closely, putting his ear to the door, and hears faint giggling and the breaking of glass coming from within. Whatever he hears, it appears they did not hear his knock due to all the racket they are making from within. Skorabor also hears the hum of machinery working inside.

Durvin, unfortunately, cannot see through any of the windows as the curtains have all been drawn.

You could make a DC 12 Diplomacy check (essentially gather information) in order to see in the spoiler above, if you'd like.

Skorabor doesn't do diplomacy

Skorabor retracts his ear from the door and turns to his companions with a look of disgust on his face. "Can ye belive these workers? They break somethin' and then laught about it!" the dwarf snorts. "If there was dwarven workers in there you wouldn't hear nothin' but the job bein' done right. Ye know, clankin' of hammers or whatever they use." He backs away a few steps and surveys the building.

"Well, this poorly run operation is clearly busy doin' somethin' cause they're not anwserin' the door. Ameiko and her brother is probably already gone." he states and takes a moment to think. "Perhaps they went to confront their father, which is what we should be doin'. If he's behind the goblin raid he'll need to be brought down. I know it's a long shot since appearently he's not an elf. Does have an half-elf son though, maybe the goblin confused the two. Goblin's are stupid after all."


"Did you try the door Skorabor?"

Just wanted to mention that Stark wouldn't have waited for the group once he got to the Glassworks. He would've just barged right in.

Doors are locked. You're more than welcome to barge in, but you'll need to let me know how you are getting in and where. Waiting on a decision :)


If Stark is not here.

"Skorabor, It appears friend Stark is inside. If you will lend me your shoulder I am sure we can open this door." Aid Another on str check? 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20.

If Stark is here.

"Ah my friends I do not like the sound of this. Mr. Boulderback would you be so kind as to open this door. If this is just a misunderstanding I am sure they will forgive the damage."

In that case, he'll fight the impulse to burn the door down and wait for his companions.

Skorabor is hesitant at first but after a quick persuasion by the group he's back on board and is enthusiastically on board with the plan to get the door open.

Strength check: 1d20 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 3 + 2 = 12 (+2 from Occa's assist)

Unfortunately his zeal is not enough to break the door, even with the cleric's help. All doubts he might have had breaking into the glassworks are forgotten in the precence of the unyielding door.

Is the door made of wood? In that case:

"Step back, lads. I'll get this thing open, just you see." Skorabor gestures for the party to move back with one hand whilst retrieving his great axe with the other. The wood groans as the axe connects with the door, but there is no visible result from the dwarf's assault.

Power attack damage to hit the door: 1d12 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8

It's a simple wooden door. One more hit would probably suffice. Assuming you'd do so:

1d12 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14

Passing off the first attempt at breaking the door as a practice swing, Skorabor makes another attempt and breaks the door in half. Unfortunately, the act has caused a couple passersby to immediately begin gawking and chattering about what in the heck you are doing. You hear one of them ask another if they should contact the guard. Breaking and entering is a felony after all.

Inside the door is a reception room, presumably where the customers would meet to discuss a new deal with the glassworkers. Currently, there is nobody here. Now the the door has been "opened," everyone can clearly here the loud hum of the Glassworks furnace and the faint sound of giggling of several childlike voices coming from further into the building. A loud shattering sound is followed immediately by more fervent giggling and laughing.


Occa turns to the passers by.
"Get the guard! There is trouble here."

Breaking things and sounds of laughter. More melon heads.

When his inferior intellect falls short centuries upon centuries of ancestral enmity helps Skorabor to put two and two together. "Goblins", he snarls and switches his great axe in favor for his waraxe and shield. "The Kajitsu man must have harbored the goblins here", he spits, every word dripping with contempt. "Follow me and keep an eye out", the dwarf continues and hurries towards the laughing.

"I am Skorabor Skalfgrin Boulderback, son of Kargunt Boulderback, the warlord of Stoneshire. I am here to claim yer lives!" The proud warrior bellows at the first goblin intruder he meets.

Here I go making another mistake! I forgot to upload the map. Do you want to go through the north or west door (north points to the right in this map)? The northernmost door on the west wall seems to be where most of the sound is coming from.

Glassworks map

To the west! To the goblins! To the rescue!

Hp 36/36 AC&ffac 15, +2 shield +2 cbt ex. Tou ac 10+2 cbt ex. 17cmd F+7 R+4 W+6
Human. Mixed heritage. Mutt from a port city. Warrior of the Holy Light 3AD

Could we get a bit more disctiption on this room? From the map there appears to be a wall shelf or sidebord a desk and end table and three chairs. Correct? If so what condition are they in? Well used an worn? Perfect and polished? Hacked and charred? Is the room neat or messy? Any books or papers about, tracks or spills on the floor? Is the floor wood, tile, dirt, or stone? Just looking for some more detail before we head into the trap. :7) BTW what did the passers by do?

Creel moves into the room and listens at the single northern door.
perception 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10.

Stark rushes in and frantically tries to look for Ameiko in the room through the left door on the north side of this room.

That's right, there is a reception desk (in the center), three chairs (one behind the desk and two others in front), an end table and a wall shelf. The shelf holds examples of past projects for customers to look at for inspiration or ideas. The chairs and desk and in good condition, used but not broken. They are what you would expect to see for a reception room. The desk has a few drawers on it, one of which is locked. Torches are not lit, but there is some light peaking through the blinds, which is enough to see by.

Stark, I assume you mean the leftmost western door at Z-22? There is only one door to the north (remember, the map doesn't have north facing up).

Stark moves in and immediately opens one of the doors, which leads to a small office, presumably used for private meetings. There is a desk and a single chair in the room. The desk has a locked drawer. Stark continues through the next door to a small hallway which leads to an even larger hallway with more doors.

One of those doors is the one Skorabor came through. The sounds are coming through the wall straight ahead of him. The humming sound seems to be coming from that direction as well.

Occa listens closely at the third door in the reception area, but he doesn't hear anything specifically coming from that room. The hum of the furnace and the laughter of the goblins are the only sounds to be heard, and they are louder from the direction Skorabor went. Occa notes that the door is unlocked.

Glassworks Map!


Hmmm that's funny didn't feel like my self there for a minute. Sorry.

"Stark! Stop running and think. If she is here then she has been here for hours. The place sounds full of goblins. They have not been here since the raid so that means another way in. And out. We will find her but we will not find her by running into a pack of the Green Gobblers. So calm down and stick together. We should sweep the north end of the building and work inward. If we can pick off a goblin or two away from the pack clearing them will be easier."

Occa opens the door that he has been listening at and looks in.

"Quit yer pokin' around and get up here. There's goblin's up for the choppin'", Skorabor calls back to his companions in the other room then contemplates his choices for a moment. "For Stoneshire! For clan Boulderback!" he bellows then kicks the door which to which the sound is loudest (so either the door to the north or the double doors to the south. If he can't tell which door will lead him to the goblins he'll take the double door).

Hey guys, I've been rather busy lately which is good for my real life but not so good for my PbP life... So unfortunately I'm not going to be able to post for a while. I'm hoping things will stabilize enough soon that I can get back into the swing of things, but I'm not sure when that will be.

I'm really sorry about that! I've been having a blast with this game.

Stark ignores the shouts and yelling, and makes his way hurredly toward the sounds of laughter coming from deeper within the glassworks.

Well, I've been thinking about my schedule and I've come to the conclusion that I just don't have the time to be DM'ing on these forums any more. It's unfortunate because I was really enjoying your characters and the roleplaying that has been done.

Feel free to find a replacement DM if you wish. It shouldn't be too difficult for someone to catch up.

Once again, I'm terribly sorry for having to drop this game, but I really can't afford to put the amount of time into it that would make it a really great game. Good luck with any other PbP's you have. You all have been great to work with!


Aw rats.
But RL first and I am glad that things are going well for you. It was a fun game, you really brought a good deal to the festival and to Sandpoint. An excellent job cut tragically short.

Expect me to apply if things change and you start another Pbp game.
Good luck

Ah, sad to see the game end but at the same time i feel that i am at my limit on pbp's. This will help me to better keep up with my other games, and should the need arise and one of my other characters perish (god forbid!), Skorabor could make a good replacement as anyone.

As Occa said, RL always comes first! I've enjoyed the game.

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