DM Brainiac's Ruins of Azlant: Ladies of Adventure! (Inactive)

Game Master Brainiac

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I wish Bladebound Magi got their black blade before 3rd level. I love the idea of being a Samsaran with a black blade that has been with them throughout all of their lives. Perhaps it could be fluffed as the blade hasn't awakened yet in this life before 3rd level?

@The Pale King, that would be fine to start with the black blade and have it awaken at level 3.

Incidentally, I started with average gold for my character.

Can I have self aware animated clothing that breaks into musical numbers during pivotal plot points of the campaign?

@CucumberTree, while a fun idea, I don't think it's appropriate for the tone of this campaign. ;)

Consolidated list of completed applicants so far:

Presenting Nininox Ambershale, XIV, for consideration. Marid blooded gnome sorcerer, with The Water in his blood.


Nininox is a typical talky fun gnome. I think it might add depth to the game as Nox eventually reveals the fate/status of the other fifteen Nininox's in the family! Thanks for the consideration. I took average gold. I'd be happy to change or supplement or answer any questions right concerns you may have. As for me, I'm very active here on the boards (I think I've got roughly 33k posts here now, lol) so I would be a very regular poster in your game. Please let me know if there are questions.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Dotting!! Azlant and GM Brainiac yes please.

Edit: Rolling Gold

3d6: 5d6 ⇒ (5, 2, 2, 4, 3) = 16

Finally settled on an elven Hunter - Aquatic Beastmaster with a divine Hippocampus. Crunch almost done. Then need to work on the fluff.

Gold: 5d6 ⇒ (2, 4, 6, 3, 6) = 21 so 210 gold, nice

Or I'll take the first 4 dice if I decide to go Rogue instead of Cavalier. meaning 150 gp.

Emalliandra Starting Gold: 2d6 ⇒ (4, 2) = 6[ooc]x10=60[/dice]
So it's roll or average which ever higher?

I should have Emalliandra finished shortly.


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I'm about finished with the crunch on a stoic caregiver cleric of Erastil. She's a midwife.

Liberty's Edge

Here's Karios with the crunch. Gotta work on the fluff.

Also @Tobarr Iverrov just hollar if you wanna try come up with a connection.


Male half-elf hunter (aquatic beastmaster) 1 (Pathfinder Player Companion: Blood of the Sea 22, Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 26)
NG Medium humanoid (elf, human)
Init +2; Senses low-light vision; Perception +10
AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 12 (+2 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 11 (1d8+3)
Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +2; +2 vs. enchantments
Immune sleep
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)
Melee dagger +2 (1d4+2/19-20) or
. . elven curve blade -2 (1d10+3/18-20)
Hunter (Aquatic Beastmaster) Spells Known (CL 1st; concentration +3)
. . 1st (2/day)—air bubble[UC], lead blades[APG], summon nature's ally I
. . 0 (at will)—detect magic, light, read magic, stabilize
Str 15, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha 12
Base Atk +0; CMB +2; CMD 14
Feats Sharp Senses[APG], Skill Focus (Swim)
Traits beastkin
Skills Acrobatics -1 (-5 to jump), Handle Animal +5, Knowledge (geography) +3, Perception +10, Ride +3, Stealth +3, Survival +7, Swim +10; Racial Modifiers +4 Perception, +4 Swim, spirit of the waters[APG]
Languages Common, Elven
SQ animal companion (divine hippocampus named Animal Companion), animal focus (1 minutes/day), elf blood, nature training, wild empathy +2, wild empathy modification
Other Gear leather armor, dagger, elven curve blade, backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, flint and steel, hemp rope (50 ft.), mess kit[UE], pot, spell component pouch, torch (10), trail rations (5), waterskin, wooden holy symbol of Gozreh, 43 gp
Special Abilities
Animal Companion (animal companion (divine hippocampus named Animal Companion)) (Ex) If no current companion, summon nature's ally spells last 1 min/level but only 1 at a time.
Animal Companion Link (Ex) Handle or push Animal Companion faster, +4 to checks vs. them.
Animal Focus (1 minutes/day) (Su) As a swift action, gain bonuses from emulated animal(s). If no companion, +1 slots.
Crab +4 (Su) When assuming this aspect, gain listed competence bonus to Swim & grapple CMB.
Dolphin (Su) When assuming this aspect, gain bonus Knowledge checks to identify creatures.
Eel (Su) When assuming this aspect, enhancement bonus to Dexterity.
Elf Blood Half-elves count as both elves and humans for any effect related to race.
Elven Immunities - Sleep You are immune to magic sleep effects.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in dim light, distinguishing color and detail.
Manta Ray (Su) When assuming this aspect, bonus on Stealth and saves vs poisons.
Nature Training (Ex) Hunter levels count as druid/ranger levels for feats, traits, and options to improve animal companions.
Orca (Su) When assuming this aspect, enhancement bonus to Strength
Share Spells with Companion (Ex) Can cast spells with a target of "you" on animal companion, as touch spells.
Spirit of the Waters +4 Swim, may always take 10 on Swim checks
Turtle +2 (Su) When assuming this aspect, gain listed enhancement bonus to natural armor.
Wild Empathy +2 (Ex) Improve the attitude of an animal, as if using Diplomacy.
Wild Empathy Modification (Ex) Wild empathy functions only on creatures that have a swim speed or the aquatic or water subtype.


Animal Companion
Divine hippocampus (Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Aquatic Adventures)
Large magical beast (aquatic)
Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent; Perception +1
AC 12, touch 10, flat-footed 11 (+1 Dex, +2 natural, -1 size)
hp 20 (2d10+4)
Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +1
Speed 5 ft., swim 80 ft.
Melee bite +4 (1d6+3), tail slap -1 (1d4+1)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Str 17, Dex 12, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 11
Base Atk +2; CMB +6; CMD 17
Skills Acrobatics +1 (-11 to jump), Swim +11
SQ animal focus, water dependency
Special Abilities
Animal Focus (Su) As a swift action, gain bonuses from emulated animal(s).
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in dim light, distinguishing color and detail.
Scent (Ex) Detect opponents within 15+ feet by sense of smell.
Swim (80 feet) You have a Swim speed.
Water Dependency (Ex) Survive out of water for 1 min/Con score before risk suffocation.

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Alright, I've got my equipment purchased and should be effectively finished at this point unless someone sees an inaccuracy.

As it stands I'm torn between two concepts for my Locathah.

One is the Cavalier version, though I've decided on Disciple of the Pike instead Daring Champion. Still Order of the Eel. This would be a charge happy character whose nickname is "Marlin", due to being a fishy fellow with a tendency to spear things.

The other is a Rogue or Slayer. This one will take some inspiration from the Little Mermaid and have an obsession over surfacer things in addition to a hatred of skum (and their masters) for wiping out most of his clan.

We DO have a lack of rogues and the like on the roster...

Also, Emalliandra, it looks like you haven't filled out your Level 1 spell selection yet--you have 6 spells selected and you're allowed to get 7.

Whoopsie! Fixed that. Knew that I would miss something.

PM, I sent you a pm earlier as well Dragoncat.

Here is the link to the character


Emalliandra wrote:

Whoopsie! Fixed that. Knew that I would miss something.

PM, I sent you a pm earlier as well Dragoncat.

Really? I didn't receive it.

Scarab Sages

Dragoncat wrote:
We DO have a lack of rogues and the like on the roster...

... and I'd like to keep the competition to a minimum ;)

Hey, competition is good!


Alright I've failed to fight the urge to apply for another game. I've got a few thoughts around a crypt breaker alchemists kicking around in my head. Let's see if I can get a submission in before the deadline.

Whoops, sorry Dragoncat, I meant to say Brainiac.


Ah. Alrighty then. :)

Dotting for interest here! Planning to submit a Human Bard (Archaeologist) who's just itching to go exploring the Lost Continent. I'll work on the fluff and crunch in the next couple of days and get something submitted.

I will be submitting Alon Orbious, pitborn tiefling aquatic sorcerer. He will focus on battlefield control and buffing. He can also act as the party face. I will up date his background this week.

Decided to have Victrix be an Invulnerable Rager barbarian.

Consolidated list of completed applicants so far:

I would add me and Karandir are working on a sibling backstory, so we'll have more on that later once finalized

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

DM Brainiac, I have a character I have submitted to GM Strikers recruitment and would like to put it in here as well (following your character creation rules) if you are ok with that. It's a human arcanist (blooded arcanist archetype, aquatic).

@Kevin O'Rourke, you can submit the same character here. :)

Here is Peet's submission, Weyve Murkwater, a Gillman oracle of the Shadow Mystery. He is descended from Arkas Murkwater, one of the delegation of gillmen that brought the keystone of the Arch of Aroden to Almas. He looks pretty human most of the time but when he casts shadow spells his deep ocean nature becomes apparent (and he looks like the avatar image).

Weyve is a healer and spellcaster. He will focus on summoning and shadow spells and uses a crossbow when he has no spells to cast. He is pretty weak and he stays out of melee whenever possible.

DM Braniac: Background is in point-form. Hope that is okay. If not I can make it a narrative but that will take some time.

Also: I haven't bought much mundane gear like rations and rope and backpacks. I'd rather wait until selection is done before doing that, if that's okay.

And: Tien is not on the list of eligible languages for a Gillman. But since Weyve grew up there am I allowed to learn it? What are the odds I can convince you to give it to me for nothing (seeing as we are unlikely to meet any Tians at the colony)?

rungok wrote:

Just a notice, my character is a gillman.

So if multiple gillmen are chosen, do you guys wanna do a little reworking of backstory so we all come from the same community?

Weyve is a gillman and if we are both selected I don't mind coming up with how we may have known each other from before.

However, Weyve grew up in Tian Xia and has only been back in the Inner sea region for two years at most. So he would have met Calvin in that time.

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Magister Errant Vors Zaitu, Human (Tian-Min) Arcanist (Blooded Arcanist: Aquatic)

Character Sheet:

Name: Magister Errant Vors Zaitu, Eyes: Violet, Hair: Black, Alignment: Neutral Good, Favoured Deity: Erastil
Human (Tian-Min) Arcanist-Blooded Arcanist: Aquatic
Str 10, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 18(16+2), Wis 10, Cha 10
HP: 9, AC: 13, FF:11, Touch: 12, Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +2

Traits: Seeker (Social), Resourceful (Campaign)
Feats: Skill Focus (Spellcraft)-Focused Study, Fast Learner
Arcane Reservoir: 4/3, Dehydrating Touch 3/3

Appraise 8=1+4+3, Craft: Tailor 9=1+4+3+1, Fly, Knowledge Arcane 8=1+4+3, Knowledge Dungeoneering, Knowledge Engineering, Knowledge Geography 8=1+4+3, Knowledge History 8=1+4+3, Knowledge Local 8=1+4+3, Knowledge Nobility, Knowledge Planes, Knowledge Religion, Linguistics 8=1+4+3, Perception 5=1+0+3+1, Profession: , Spellcraft 11=1+4+3+3, Use Magic Device, Swim 1=1+0
Languages: Common (Taldane), Tien, Azlanti, Thassilon, Aquan, Celestial, Giant

Spells Prepared
Cantrips: Light, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost, Detect Magic
1st: Air Bubble, Mage Armor
Spell Book
1st Level 7
Air Bubble, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Burning Hands, Snowball, Grease, Heightened Awareness

Gear: Silk Ceremonial Armor 30gp, Arcanist Kit 21gp, Cold Iron Dagger 4gp, Artisan’s Tools (Tailoring) 5gp


Vors is the son of human (Tian) former slaves in Isger who escaped to Augustana in Andoran. His father is a skilled sorcerer who was raised from birth as a slave and treated less badly than many of his peers. He was given large amounts of responsibility and ran much of the estate for his owner. However when he met Vors’ mother who was not born a slave and fell in love he began to see things differently. Ultimately when they knew she was pregnant with Vors they led a group of slaves to safety in Andoran.

Vors’ parents worked for others and later themselves as tailors and a few low end magical items. Vors’ grew up around the tools of the trade and learned to be efficient and precise. When his arcane potential inherited from his father began to manifest his father enrolled him in Arch Magister Dresden’s Arcane University (which is a bit small to be a university by anyone’s stretch) which provided him with a good grounding in arcane knowledge.

Under Arch Magister Dresden’s guidance he fell in love with researching ancient lands from Azlant to the ancient Osiriani Empire. Azlant and Thassilon had such an air of mystery of mystery about them that held his interest more than the others. Battles with serpent folk, magics undreamed of only for Starfall and time to obfuscate matters further, how could a young eager mind resist? As much as they excite him he knows the Azlanti and Thassilon had their darker sides, with even the nicer of the two employing slavery which he abhors. Still what wonders wait to be uncovered.

When he heard from one of his peers about the expedition he began preparing an application. After falling asleep halfway through the twelfth draft Vor’s father looked at the eleventh and sent it on it’s way leaving a note for Vors… who was so excited he probably would have spent far too much time on crafting it perfectly and missed the deadline.

Vors would very much like make a name for himself and discover lost magical or historical items. Though he wouldn’t mind being a famous adventurer he’s not got much experience at it exactly but whether he likes it or not things wont be staying that way. He might be in danger over analysing things initially but if he respects the skill of those around him will take direction. I see him quickly growing in confidence combat wise and trying to support his new comrades.

A letter of application for the expedition.
Bountiful Venture Company Application:

Dear Sir or Madame,

My name is Vors Zaitu, I am a proud Andoran citizen and have studied the Arcane Arts at Arch Magister Dresden’s Arcane University in Augustana and Arch Magister Dresden has certified me as a Magister Errant. I am very enthusiastic about applying to join your expedition to Azlant, history and in particular ancient cultures are a keen interest of mine. I am sure that some will highlight having studied Azlanti and indeed this is a useful skill, which is why I have acquired it, but I have also become versed in Thassilon, though the two languages share many words you never know what will come up! I am also versed in Tien and the planar languages of Aquan and Celestial.

Although my academic abilities will find use I have not neglected the harsh realities of the world and am skilled at identifying various forms of danger as well as ensuring my spellbook contains combat ready spells. Rest assured if the need arises I am ready to aid the other daring souls who will embark on this expedition! I am also a skilled tailor and when discoveries are hiding and danger is at bay in an isolated settlement such a skill is not to be underestimated.

But I have no doubt that you are inundated with but the skilled and the knowledgeable so perhaps you would like to know a bit about me. As you may have guessed from my surname my ancestry stretches back to Tian-Xi. I am sorry to say that my father was raised as a slave in Isger under Baron Lucius Margo and my mother was sold as a slave alongside members of the caravan she was with to pay off tariff’s their employer was unfamiliar with in Chelliax. Baron Margo is a bit of Tianophile and over half his slaves are people descended from Tian-Xi. In some ways my father was like a brother to him and administrated the running of the Baron’s estate. However when my mother was dismayed I would be born into slavery upon realising she was pregnant he hatched a scheme and led a group of a dozen freed slaves to Andoran.

Baron Margo does not seem to be the businessman my father was and his estate has fallen in productivity since, two years passed my father received a curious letter from the Baron inviting him to return to work for him and offering to pay him wages and even recognise his freedom. Now let me tell you I have never seen my father so angry, he fumed for days. Still together my parents and I penned a response and requested as a show of good faith back pay for both my parents for their time in his service. We are still waiting on a response!

In all earnestness I would be a fool not to jump at this opportunity and I really do know I have a lot to offer your expedition both in attributes, ability and drive. I relish the challenges to be overcome and the mysteries to be solved. I look forward to joining you on this journey.

Magister Errant Vors Zaitu

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Here's my submission Relia Pavel Cleric of Gozreh. (stoic caregiver).

Relia Pavel Crunch:

Female human (Varisian) cleric (stoic caregiver) of Gozreh 1 (Pathfinder Player Companion: Healer's Handbook 6)
LN Medium humanoid (human)
Init +1; Senses Perception +2
AC 16, touch 11, flat-footed 15 (+4 armor, +1 Dex, +1 shield)
hp 13 (1d8+5)
Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +4
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)
Melee cold iron trident +3 (1d8+3) or
. . light mace +3 (1d6+3)
Ranged sling +1 (1d4+3)
Special Attacks channel positive energy 4/day (DC 11, 1d6)
Domain Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +3)
. . 5/day—icicle (1d6 cold)
Cleric (Stoic Caregiver) Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +3)
. . 1st—bless, magic weapon, obscuring mist[D]
. . 0 (at will)—detect magic, light, stabilize
. . D Domain spell; Domain Water
Str 16, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 13
Base Atk +0; CMB +3; CMD 14
Feats Aquatic Spell, Toughness
Traits - custom trait -, strong swimmer
Skills Acrobatics -3 (-7 to jump), Heal +6 (+8 vs. children and expectant mothers), Knowledge (history) +4, Knowledge (religion) +4, Profession (midwife) +6, Spellcraft +4, Swim +1
Languages Common, Varisian
SQ fated cures, midwife training
Combat Gear alchemist's fire, oil (3); Other Gear hide armor, buckler, cold iron trident, light mace, sling, sling bullets (50), bedroll, belt pouch, flint and steel, hemp rope (50 ft.), holy text (Gozreh)[UE], masterwork backpack[APG], mess kit[UE], soap, spell component pouch, trail rations (5), waterskin, wooden holy symbol of Gozreh, 1 gp, 1 sp
Special Abilities
Aquatic Spell Spell functions normally underwater and requires no caster level check to cast.
Cleric (Stoic Caregiver) Domain (Water) Granted Powers: You can manipulate water and mist and ice, conjure creatures of water, and resist cold.
Cleric Channel Positive Energy 1d6 (4/day, DC 11) (Su) Positive energy heals the living and harms the undead; negative has the reverse effect.
Fated Cures (Su) When resisting spells of the healing subschool, targets must roll 2x (take low).
Icicle 1d6 cold (5/day) (Sp) As a standard action, ranged touch attack deals cold dam to foe in 30 ft.
Midwife Training (1 minute) (Su) +2 to Heal vs. child/preg and min dam on fail. If end bleed/heal hp, 1/2 bleed and resist neg 5 for duration.

Relia Pavel is a woman of Varisian decent woman who grew up in the River Kingdoms and Varisia. The fourth of six children. There were four boys and two girls in the Pavel family. The family had a long history of being traveling midwives in their local communities. The men made their living doing handyman work and entertaining. As with all traveling Varisian’s there were rumors that they were Szarni. The Pavel’s were not. If you wanted the midwife to come back you didn’t say a bad thing about the family.

Historically there is just one girl born in each generation, but not in Relia’s. Two girls were born to Era Pavel, Radlina and Relia. Realia is the youngest of the two by eighteen months. Her birth caused a stir in the family, and for several years they dressed her like a boy and told everyone they had five boys and one girl. Of course those in the family knew the truth.

She studied with their her sister in secret and learned how to be a midwife. She and Radlina looked enough alike during their teenaged years that none of their patients noticed the apprentices were two different people.

Having two girls in a generation took the pressure off to Relia to stay with her family and continue the tradition. [spoiler=Background]Instead she took her midwife training, and went out on her own with a couple of brothers who were looking for wives in other communities. Relia enjoyed finally being able to dress and act like a woman. Their travel brought them all the way to the shore of the Varisian Gulf, and there she found her calling as a cleric of Gozreh. She stayed when her brother’s moved on, and spent a couple of years what she needed to know from the local priest of Gozreh in Roderic’s Cove.

She’s a beautiful woman with long dark hair and dark eyes. This caught the attention of a rich man from Riddleport. He decided to take what he wanted, and not bother to ask. Relia objected strenuously, and so did Gozreh. Her attacker lay bleeding on the ground outside the temple, and at Gozreh’s guidance Relia ran.

Her attacker has had men hunting for her for the last two years. Her run has taken her far and wide. She goes where Gozreh leads. Usually along the coasts, but sometimes to along the rivers and lakes. She’s always in the place she needs to be to do what Gozreh needs her to do.

On a recent trip through Andoran she heard about the colonization project. Once again Gozreh lead her way, and she applied. Relia was chosen for the second wave. Mainly because of her training, and also her calm disposition. Her midwifery skills are needed in a growing colony. There are others on the trip to tend to the spirits of the people, but a woman about to give birth wants someone trained to help her. Relia hopes that the colony will be far enough that Astvan Dumias’ men will finally lose her trail for good.

It took a while, but here is Momo Duline, Human Ranger

About Momo:

Aboard the Peregrine stands a young woman with a longbow fastened across her back. A dagger gleams in the sunlight on each of her thighs, set in a leather holster that matches her leather armor. The salty wind whips her long brown ponytail across her face but she doesn’t seem to notice. Unfazed by the elements, her dark brown eyes scan the horizon of the Arcadian Ocean for land. She perches a boot heel on the ship’s horn cleat as she grasps the railing with both hands. Her posture looks at ease, but excitement of exploring the lost continent of Azlant is clear in her facial expression. If asked, Momo will tell you she's here to explore the uncharted islands and navigate around the mysterious wildlife.

Additional Information
The uninhabited wilderness is Momo’s element. What Momo lacks in verbal eloquence and Ancient Azland knowledge, she makes up for in her knowledge and abilities as a skilled hunter. Raised in a cottage on the edge of a forest, Momo has grown up learning the profession of a Trapper. As a trapper, she can recognize and disable traps. Momo has grown up learning about nature and the geography of the land. She can track down creatures with her survival skills by following tracks and putting an ear to the ground. On occasion, Momo assists the Pathfinder Society with her archery and familiarity with the wilderness.

Str: 14
Dex: 14 (+2 Human) = 16
Con: 14
Int: 10
Wis: 14
Cha: 10

HP: 1d10 (+2 Con) = 12/12
Initiative: (+3 Dex) (+1 Trait Pathfinder Recruit) | 1d20 +4
Armor Class: 10 (+3 Dex) (+2 Armor) = 15
Touch: (+3 Dex) = 13
Flatfooted: (+2 Armor) = 12

Saves PRD
BAB: +1 = 1
Fort: +2 (+2 Con) (+1 Trait Healthy) = 5
Ref: +2 (+3 Dex) = 5
Will: +0 (+2 Wis) = 2

Skills: PRD
_6_ = _2_ + _1_ + _3_ Climb (Str)
___ = ___ + ___ + ___ Craft (Int)
_8_ = _3_ + _1_ + _4_ Disable Device (Dex) +1 Trait Trap Finder
___ = ___ + ___ + ___ Handle Animal (Cha)
___ = ___ + ___ + ___ Heal (Wis)
___ = ___ + ___ + ___ Intimidate (Cha)
___ = ___ + ___ + ___ Knowledge (dungeoneering) (Int)
_4_ = _0_ + _1_ + _3_ Knowledge (geography) (Int)
_4_ = _0_ + _1_ + _3_ Knowledge (nature) (Int)
_6_ = _2_ + _1_ + _3_ Perception (Wis)
_6_ = _2_ + _1_ + _3_ Profession (Wis) Trapper
___ = ___ + ___ + ___ Ride (Dex)
___ = ___ + ___ + ___ Spellcraft (Int)
___ = ___ + ___ + ___ Stealth (Dex)
_6_ = _2_ + _1_ + _3_ Survival (Wis)
_6_ = _2_ + _1_ + _3_ Swim (Str)
+6 Ranger, +2 Background Skills, +0 Int Mod
Level 1: Climb, Know (Geography) BACKGROUND, Know (Nature), Perception, Profession BACKGROUND, Stealth, Survival, Swim

Traits: 2 or 3&drawback, 1 must be campaign
Healthy: +1 Trait Fort save, Swim checks to prevent nonlethal damage from fatigue after swimming for more than an hour at a time, Constitution checks to prevent fatigue, can hold breath for a number of rounds equal to 3 times Con mod (3x2=6 rounds)

Pathfinder Recruit: begin play with a standard wayfinder and gain +1 Trait bonus to Initiative checks

Trap Finder: +1 trait bonus on Disable Device checks, and that skill is always a class skill for you. In addition, you can use Disable Device to disarm magic traps, like a rogue. Archives of Nethys

Meticulous: DRAWBACK, "You plan and prepare everything in detail, and aren't good at improvising when things don't go as planned. You take a —2 penalty on skill checks for skills with which you're untrained." - PRD

Point-Blank Shot: You are especially accurate when making ranged attacks against close targets. You get a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at ranges of up to 30 feet.

Precise Shot: You are adept at firing ranged attacks into melee. You can shoot or throw ranged weapons at an opponent engaged in melee without taking the standard –4 penalty on your attack roll.

Average Starting Gold: 175gp PRD

Current Gold: 39gp

On person | 24 lbs total
Leather armor: 10 gp, +2 armor bonus, +6 max dex bonus, 0 armor penalty, 10% arcane spell failure, speed 30 ft., 15 lbs

Wayfinder (see Trait Pathfinder Recruit) Aura of faint evocation, with a command word you can cause wayfinder to shine (as a light spell), wayfinder also acts as a non-magical (magnetic) compass the grants +2 circumstance bonus on Survival checks to avoid becoming lost. 1 lb.

Longbow: 75 gp, 1d8, ×3, 100 ft, 3 lbs, P

Arrows: 20, 1 gp, 3 lbs

Dagger 1: 2 gp, 1d4, 19-20/x2, 10 ft, 1 lb, P or S (holstered on left thigh)

Dagger 2: 2 gp, 1d4, 19-20/x2, 10 ft, 1 lb, P or S (holstered on right thigh)

In backpack 2 gp, 2 lbs | 16.5 lbs total
Arrows: 20, 1 gp, 3 lbs

Fishhook: 2, 2 sp, - lb
Spool of twine: 1, 1 sp, - lb

Waterskin: 1 gp, 4 lbs

Flint and steel: 1 gp, - lb

Ink: 1 oz. vial, 8 gp, -
Inkpen: 1 sp, - lb
Notebook: 50 pages of parchment, 8 gp, 1 lb

Sack: 1 sp, 1/2 lb

Signal whistle: 8 sp, - lb

Artisan's Tools: 5 gp, 5 lbs

Thieves' Tools: 30 gp, 1lb

I don't know if you want to do this, but GM Euan had players roleplay their character on his Recruitment thread. It was a good way to get a feel for the players and get people excited about the campaign. It was a pretty cool idea and I think it would be easy to do on the ship Peregrine. Just a thought. :)

@Weyve, you can take Tien as a bonus language, but you still will have to use a language slot for it. You never know who or what you might find across the sea. ;)

@Momo, while an interesting idea, I think that will clutter the recruitment thread and make it harder to see just who has submitted applications for their characters.

DM Brainiac wrote:
@Weyve, you can take Tien as a bonus language, but you still will have to use a language slot for it. You never know who or what you might find across the sea. ;)

Okay, done.

Consolidated list of completed applicants so far:

Four more days to get your characters submitted!

Liberty's Edge

I haven't given a write up for Karios Blue yet. I'l flesh it out more if he gets chosen.

He's from a little coastal town and was always in the sea. He's looking for a place to call home and has been a bit of a nomad from shoreside town to shoreside city. When he heard that there was going to be a new colony close to the waters he jumped at the chance to relocate there and maybe it will quell his wanderlust as he always felt like some part of him was missing. Maybe this journey will be the one to help him find that piece.

In play he's always drawn to the water and it lends to the theory that he's part sea elf since his human parents who died ling ago found him amid some rocks on the beach.
At the start of the AP he won't have his animal companion and will discover it in game cos I thought that would be cool to roleplay and to build the friendship in the game with his animal companion.
He's going to serve as some of the muscle of the group. He's especially strong in water when his companion can help. Out of water he'll back up whoever takes point and can hold his own if need be.

Working on a druid or a ranger. Still on the fence...

@DM Brainiac Yeah, I totally get it. This thread already has tons potential adventurers already.

Dreaming Warforged! :D Nice to see you on here!

Ventiine wrote:

@DM Brainiac Yeah, I totally get it. This thread already has tons potential adventurers already.

Dreaming Warforged! :D Nice to see you on here!

:) *waves*

Now would be the time to start a go fund me page to see who really wants a spot.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I might end up running multiple tables. :)

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
DM Brainiac wrote:
I might end up running multiple tables. :)

That won't make me sad. :)

*pokes head in*
I'm going to be putting up a recruitment when I get back from vacation on Thursday, I'll link it here so people who don't make it can have another shot.

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