Lady Strongswill

Momo Duline's page

442 posts. Alias of Ventiine.

Full Name

Momo Duline


Chaotic Good Catfolk



Strength 14
Dexterity 19
Constitution 12
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 12
Charisma 10

About Momo Duline

Aboard the Peregrine stands a young woman with a longbow fastened across her back. A dagger gleams in the sunlight on each of her thighs, set in holsters that match her leather armor. The salty wind whips at Momo's long ponytail but she doesn’t seem to notice. Unfazed by the elements, her dark brown eyes scan the horizon of the Arcadian Ocean for land. She perches a boot heel on the ship’s horn cleat and grasps the railing with both hands. Her posture looks at ease, but the excitement is clear on her face.

Momo dreams of starting up her own Hunting Lodge, where the rooms are comfortable and the mead is excellent. Being promised a parcel of land for settling Talmandor's Bounty seems like the best deal Momo could hope for.

Momo is built as a ranged damage dealer with the ability to disable traps like a Rogue. Momo is capable of crafting her own bows and arrows and she’s a proficient hunter with her Stealth, Survival, and Knowledge skills. Momo's biggest setback is her verbal eloquence (or lack of.)

Animal Companion:

**Snapping Turtle if GM allows.**

Str 16, Dex 19, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
AC 11
Bite 1d6 plus Trip
2 Claws 1d3
Special: Low-light vision, Scent, Sprint

Stat Block:

20 Point Buy: Str 14, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 8
Catfolk: +2 Dex, +2 Char, -2 Wis
5th-level: +1 Dex

Hit Points: 1d8 (+1 Con) = 39/39
Initiative: (+1 trait, +5 Dex) = +6
BAB: +7/+2

AC: 10(+5 Dex) = 15
Touch: 10(+5 Dex) = 15
Flat-footed: 10 = 10
CMB: (+0 BAB, +2 Str, +0 Size) = +2
CMD: (+0 BAB, +2 Str, +5 Dex, +0 Size) +10 = 17

Fort: (+5 Base, +1 Con) = +6 (+4 Hold Breath, Suffocation, etc)
Ref: (+5 Base, +5 Dex) = +10
Will: (+2 Base, +2 Wis, +2 Iron Will) = +6

Skills (6, +0 Int, +1 Human, +2 Background, +1 Favored Class)
Climb +10 (5 rank, 3 class, 2 Str)
Craft Bows +10 (7 rank, 3 class, 0 Int) (DC12 arrows)
Disable Device +16 (7 rank, 3 class, 1 trait, 5 Dex)
Handle Animal +8 (7 rank, 3 class, -2 Cha)
Heal +6 (1 rank, 3 class, +2 Wis) (DC15 First-aid)
Kno. Dungeoneering +10 (7 rank, 3 class, 0 Int)
Kno. Geography +4 (1 rank, 3 class, 0 Int)
Kno. Nature +10 (7 rank, 3 class, 0 Int)
Perception +12 (7 rank, 3 class, 2 Wis)
Profession Trapper +10 (5 rank, 3 class, 2 Wis)
Stealth +12 (4 rank, 3 class, 5 Dex)
Survival +12 (7 rank, 3 class, 2 Wis)(+2 avoid getting lost)
Swim +10 (5 rank, 3 class, 2 Str)(+4 Exhaustion)

Specials 1st Favored Enemy: Aquatic Humanoid, Wild Empathy, Endurance, Hunter’s Bond, 2nd Favored Enemy: Evil Outsider, Woodland Stride

Feats Precise Shot (1st), Rapid Shot(Combat Style Feat: Archery 2nd), Endurance (Ranger 3rd), Weapon Focus Longbow(3rd), Deadly Aim(5th), Many Shot(Combat Style), Improved Precise Shot(Combat Style Feat: Archery 6th), Iron Will(7th)

Traits Trap Finder, Pathfinder Recruit

1st-level Spells Air Bubble (1 min/level)


Standard Attack Composite Longbow using Deadly Aim
Due to Improved Precise Shot, Momo’s ranged attacks ignore the AC bonus granted to targets by anything less than total cover, and the miss chance granted to targets by anything less than total concealment. Total cover and total concealment provide their normal benefits against your ranged attacks.
Attack (BAB +7) 1d20, +7 BAB, +5 Dex, +1 Weapon Focus, -2 Deadly Aim
Damage 1d8, +4 Deadly Aim

Copy Paste
[dice=Attack (BAB +7)]1d20 +11[/dice]


Full-attack Composite Longbow using Rapid Shot & Deadly Aim
Due to Improved Precise Shot, Momo’s ranged attacks ignore the AC bonus granted to targets by anything less than total cover, and the miss chance granted to targets by anything less than total concealment. Total cover and total concealment provide their normal benefits against your ranged attacks.
Attack (BAB +7) 1d20, +7 BAB, +5 Dex, -2 Rapid Shot, +1 Weapon Focus, -2 Deadly Aim
Damage 1d8, +4 Deadly Aim
Damage (Manyshot) 1d8, +4 Deadly Aim, (DR applies separate)

Attack (BAB +2) 1d20, +2 BAB, +5 Dex, -2 Rapid Shot, +1 Weapon Focus, -1 Deadly Aim
Damage1d8, +2 Deadly Aim

Attack (Rapid Shot) 1d20, +5 Dex, -2 Rapid Shot, +1 Weapon Focus

Copy Paste
[dice=Attack (BAB +7)]1d20 +9[/dice]
[dice=Damage (Manyshot)]1d8+4[/dice]

[dice=Attack (BAB +2)] 1d20+5[/dice]

[dice=Attack (Rapid Shot)] 1d20+4[/dice]


Gear (Ranger 300g starting)
1. Explorer's Outfit (10gp)
2. Composite Longbow (100gp)
3. 40/40 Arrows (2gp)
4. Studded Leather (25gp)
5. Masterwork Artisan’s Tools (55gp)
6. Masterwork Thieves’ Tools (100gp)
7. 2 Daggers - one whittling and one hunting (4gp)
8. Canteen (2gp)
9. Fishing Kit (5sp)
10. Light Hammer (1gp)
11. Pouch of 5 silver pieces
12. Wayfinder (Free)

Gear Wishlist (10,115gp)
1. Masterwork Composite Longbow with a +2 Strength Rating (600gp) - Momo can craft at half-price (300gp)
2. +1 Magic Enhancement to Weapon (1,000gp)
3. Belt of Incredible Dexterity +2 (4,000gp)
4. +1 Mithral Buckler (2,015gp)
5. Cloak of Resistance +1 (1,000gp)
6. Efficient Quiver (1,800gp)