DM Barcas - Skull & Shackles: Freedom of the Sea
Game Master
Isaac Duplechain
With pirates, slavers, and Cheliax prowling the seas, there are some who still appreciate - and fight for - the freedom of the sea.
Male Human
Male Clan Gangrel 12th Gen
Whew. Back from a nice but week long family visit. Action in the big city is fine by me
So it has been a while since John posted. I'll write him out for a while as we work on this Augustana adventure.
Male Clan Gangrel 12th Gen
I think you'll be taking the lead on this one, Doran. Hell of a hook
Halfling Bard (Sea Singer) 2/Rogue (Knife Master) 3 | HP 34/34 | AC 20 | T 16 | FF 14 | CMD 16 | Fort +4 | Ref +12 | Will +7 (+2 vs fear, +4 vs. air and water effects, or being knocked prone) | Init +4 | Perc +12
Yeah, I've been a little stuck because I re-read Doran's backstory and was reminded that he actually lived in Augustana for a while, but was considered cursed by the sea gods and couldn't get work, so he turned to piracy. Figuring out how to put those pieces together with the current story.
Please update your character sheets with all your relevant purchases! We may come to violence!
Halfling Bard (Sea Singer) 2/Rogue (Knife Master) 3 | HP 34/34 | AC 20 | T 16 | FF 14 | CMD 16 | Fort +4 | Ref +12 | Will +7 (+2 vs fear, +4 vs. air and water effects, or being knocked prone) | Init +4 | Perc +12
Sorry, been a bit busy. Hope to get a post up this afternoon. I'd like to do some harm to these Chells, anyone object?
Male Human
I will be out of town until about Saturday or Sunday, meaning that my access to the internet will be limited (no computer, just phone). I will try to post if possible, but if I seem to be taking too long and/or holding up the game, please fell free to DMPC my character.
Male Human
As far as I can tell, it seems that Aaron wil be the one taking a stroll and chatting up his "fellow" Chelaxians at that other ship, since Vrunyar's ambassadorial persona could prove a wee bit risky.
Other than that though, I am not sure. It would be nice if some sabotage or some back up or both could be arranged, since if it all goes to poo the dhampir may find himself a tad over his head and healing is a bit iffy where he is concerned.
I am going to be leaving on Friday for a vacation (Disney cruise!). I'll be able to post a little over the weekend, but I'll be completely offline from Sunday to Friday of next week. If y'all want to hash out a plan while I am gone, that would be cool. If not, I'll move us along when I return.
Halfling Bard (Sea Singer) 2/Rogue (Knife Master) 3 | HP 34/34 | AC 20 | T 16 | FF 14 | CMD 16 | Fort +4 | Ref +12 | Will +7 (+2 vs fear, +4 vs. air and water effects, or being knocked prone) | Init +4 | Perc +12
Sorry to be so slow to post - I'm in a bit of a busy spell at work and home at the moment, likely to continue for much of May, though that doesn't mean I won't be posting at all. Have fun on your cruise, Barcas! I'm spending Memorial Day weekend at PaizoCon with my son, can't wait!
Male Clan Gangrel 12th Gen
I'm back! Let's get this show on the road.
Male Elf Barbarian (Urban Barbarian) 2 / Fighter (Archer) 2 /Sorcerer (Wildblood=Sage Cross Blood=Aquatic) | HP 35/35 | AC:16 T:14 FL:12 | CMD 20 | F:+7 R:+4 W:+2 | Init +4 Perception:+8
Sorry for the long delay in posts, I too have been swamped with work the past few weeks. Hopefully it will slow down some so I can get caught up on typing of all things. I will make a better attempt to get a post up more often and keep up with the rest of the group. Thanks for your patience.
Maybe fewer people should get murdered.
Male Human
It would certainly help, yes. And not just the game.
Male Elf Barbarian (Urban Barbarian) 2 / Fighter (Archer) 2 /Sorcerer (Wildblood=Sage Cross Blood=Aquatic) | HP 35/35 | AC:16 T:14 FL:12 | CMD 20 | F:+7 R:+4 W:+2 | Init +4 Perception:+8
at least the last couple have been murder suicides so I did not have to search for my suspects
I'm helping out by filing a murder charge.
Male Human
Ok, I am a wee bit confused... Probably the summer weather not letting me concentrate or something. Could someone remind me what our plan is exactly?
Simply gather some info? Get him to incriminate himself? Find out if he is carrying any wee folk on that naughty ship of his? Or if he is interested to do so?
Sorry for putting you guys on the back burner this week. I'm taking the LSAT on Monday. I might be able to sneak something in before then.
I think the plan is to entrap him (and hopefully the lord) in some unlawful act and get him/them caught in the act by the authorities?
Male Clan Gangrel 12th Gen
Did we have a specific name for Ollie to use as a cover story? I'm assuming he's not supposed to use his real one
Sorry for the delays. Houston has been hammered nonstop with rain for weeks, and Tropical Storm Bill is about to hit as well. I will try to carve some time out soon.
Guys, we need to have a serious conversation about the future of this game. Since y'all got your own ship, things have crawled to a near-stop. A lot of this is my own fault for being unpredictable as far as my scheduling goes (see the last few OOC posts for evidence of that). A big part of it is the disappearance of Kyle (John), around whom much of the campaign framework was written. Maybe it's that there hasn't been an opportunity for combat in a long time, after the stretch of several fights in a row.
Do we want to keep moving, or call it a day?
Halfling Bard (Sea Singer) 2/Rogue (Knife Master) 3 | HP 34/34 | AC 20 | T 16 | FF 14 | CMD 16 | Fort +4 | Ref +12 | Will +7 (+2 vs fear, +4 vs. air and water effects, or being knocked prone) | Init +4 | Perc +12
I'll be honest, I'm spread pretty thin on PbP's these days, and have been looking to reduce the number of games I'm in, especially long-term ones. That, paired with the fact that this game runs on a bit of an on-again-off-again schedule, makes me think Doran may need to sail off into the sunset.
Male Human
I will admit that between the breaks -the on-again-off-again schedule, as Doran put it-, the somewhat slow pace that is a result in part of that and in part of our own kinda sorta infrequent posting, and also the sandbox element of the campaign/game, I find it easy to disconnect from both my character and what he and the others are supposed to be doing next and not so easy to connect again. Or rather it is probably the combination of those elements. And I will agree with you that losing John's player was quite the blow, as he did work to propel us forward on more than one occasion, either by his IC posts or due to fact that a lot of the campaign was built around him, as you said (not saying it is/was a bad thing to do, simply stating a fact and agreeing with you).
Male Clan Gangrel 12th Gen
I hate to see this one go, but I can't deny I've been rather slipshod in contributions to it. I'll yield to the majority.
I wish it were another way, but this is probably for the best. I'm very happy with the story we did tell. As a standalone, the Wormwood arc was very memorable. You all freed yourselves from a bad situation and got your vengeance. You set yourselves up for future success. I am proud of telling this story.
Male Human
Even though I was not with you from the start, it has been fun. I enjoyed the character interactions. And the fight against the makaru, as well as the fight against Plugg and Scourge, were awesome.
Male Clan Gangrel 12th Gen
While I still worry my own contributions weren't as good as they could have been (You guys raised the bar pretty darn high ;) ) it was a pleasure gaming with you all.
Halfling Bard (Sea Singer) 2/Rogue (Knife Master) 3 | HP 34/34 | AC 20 | T 16 | FF 14 | CMD 16 | Fort +4 | Ref +12 | Will +7 (+2 vs fear, +4 vs. air and water effects, or being knocked prone) | Init +4 | Perc +12
I'll agree, it has been fun. I'd definitely echo Aaron's comment - those were some epic fights.
Male Clan Gangrel 12th Gen
Oh, one request, if we are ending this as seems to be the case, can our good GM set it to inactive? That way it won't show up on our active game list
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