John Rawkins
Male Human (Taldan) Ranger (Freebooter / Corsair) 4 / Bloodrager (Elemental (Aquatic)) 1 / AC 17/11/16 / HP 47/47 / F +9 R +5 W +3 (+2 vs charm and compulsion) / Init. +1 (+2 at Sea) / Perc. +10 (+2 at Sea) / Sense Motive +10
Aaron Ivey
Male Android Soldier (Themeless) 1; EAC 13, KAC 14; SP 1/8, HP 11/11, RP 4/4; Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +2 (+2 vs. disease, mind-affecting effects, poison and sleep); Initiative +6; Perception +1, Sense Motive -2
Doran Tidewrack
Halfling Bard (Sea Singer) 2/Rogue (Knife Master) 3 | HP 34/34 | AC 20 | T 16 | FF 14 | CMD 16 | Fort +4 | Ref +12 | Will +7 (+2 vs fear, +4 vs. air and water effects, or being knocked prone) | Init +4 | Perc +12