![]() |

Nice post! I have a poor bluff, so I don't want to lead off, but I'll be happy to draft off for an aid another attempt.

Doran Tidewrack |

Barcas - I didn't understand that we would have to explain our official duties in the way Cain is asking, so I'd like to ask for either a little guidance from you (assuming Tantrey had some ruse in mind) or a moment for us to chat here about it (with the idea that we discussed it during out weeks of sailing, in preparation for crossing the Arch). Personally, I've no idea what a reasonable official purpose might be for an Andoren merchant ship. Map-making maybe? If so, we'll need some maps to show...

Vrunyar Magmabeard |

We dumped our cargo to escape pirates. Better losing that than our ship and lives. Maybe naming the Wormwood? As for what the cargo was, maybe spices, rare hard woods, or stone slabs (for dwarves). Could use Vrunyar’s collection of rock samples from Tidewater Rock as “proof” of what we had.

Doran Tidewrack |

We dumped our cargo to escape pirates. Better losing that than our ship and lives. Maybe naming the Wormwood? As for what the cargo was, maybe spices, rare hard woods, or stone slabs (for dwarves). Could use Vrunyar’s collection of rock samples from Tidewater Rock as “proof” of what we had.
This is a good explanation of why we didn't do well money-wise on this voyage, but what is our official business, that lets us fly under the Andoran flag?
Barcas - I'm fine with coming up with our own tale, but have a question or two. Is it clear we are sailing under a letter of marque? Does it say so in our papers? In that case, we'll need to describe some sort of mission we're on for the government - we could say it's mapmaking, and that we had Tantrey's gnome forger put together some maps for us. Though maps and mapmaking were guarded very closely as the maps became more strategically useful in the age of sail in our world, so it might be seen as akin to spying, or at least planning something untoward.
We could also say we transported an ambassador somewhere, and are now coming back with his letters or some signed agreement or something. It would be reasonable of us to refuse to show those to Cain and his inspectors, and we could even complain about how our obligations to that mission got in the way of our trading along the way, something like that.
What do you think, crew?

Doran Tidewrack |

Okay, so carrying a diplomatic passenger and then diplomatic correspondence would be a reasonable basis for us to be on official business? I'll wait to see if others have ideas they'd like to incorporate, but will likely go with something like that.

Vrunyar Magmabeard |

@DM Barcas, thanks for letting Vrunyar be able to make inflict X wounds in order to heal Aaron. Vrunyar will make the discovery soon.
As for the diplomat: Diplomat from a nation in southern Garund, past Sargava (I don’t know of any names south of Sargava). He’s been sent to Andoran to work out some sort of trading treaty? Or perhaps inviting the Andorans to establish a fort to help them fight slavers? Maybe a Pathfinder (Andoran faction) passed through a year ago and impressed the queen. That’s why Andoran is involved. She’s finally sending “Gemmusran Tegu” (Vrunyar) to Andoran. Any suggestions to make this better?

Doran Tidewrack |

Only hitch there is that I told the Chelish commander that we already dropped off the ambassador, but I can happily say we also picked one up, and I've been trying to forget it.
Will need to post later.

Ollivor Myles |

While Ollivor himself comes from a small town on the coast ( Cyremium) and wouldn't mind seeing his mother and father again, I think he'd admit it might be too small to provide much of what they need.
Another option if we want big is Augustana. If I recall things correctly, it's the base of operations for Andoran's navy, and has one of the largest shipyards on the Inner Sea. I would presume this would mean lots of quality shipwrights and maybe many sailors to boot. It's population is 12% halfling, so any halflings looking for new lives would certainly have a lot of possible support.

Doran Tidewrack |

I would opt for big, especially if we're going to try to spend some of our gold on gear upgrades - so Augustana sounds good.

Doran Tidewrack |

Can someone confirm for me that we each have 6,000 gp to spend? Based on this post and there being six of us, that makes sense, just want to plan my purchases correctly. At this point, I have no idea what I'll buy, and would welcome suggestions.

Doran Tidewrack |

I'm still pondering that question a bit, but some things I'm thinking about:
Cloak of Resistance - 1000 gp
Another +1 dagger - 2302 gp
MW musical instrument - 100 gp
+1 Studded leather armor - 1175 gp
Ring of Protection, +1 - 2000 gp
That puts me at 6577 gp, so I'll have to give up something or scrounge a bit. The armor will get me +2 to my current AC, so would make more sense than the ring if I have to choose. I always feel like I'm overlooking cool possibilities when it comes to magic items, so I'd welcome ideas.

F. Castor |

I am thinking the following more or less:
Have two masterwork short swords reforged into masterwork wakizashis (they will look like this) - ? gp
Enchant both masterwork wakizashis to +1 wakizashis - 4000 gp
Enchant mithral shirt to +1 mithral shirt - 1000 gp
Purchase cloak of resistance +1 - 1000 gp
It will depend on how much the reforging of his weapons would cost and what having Vrunyar make some potions of inflict moderate wounds entails cost-wise. If necessary, I will probably not get the cloak now and do so some other time.
Pretty basic stuff to begin with, but magical weapons and armor, or in other words better offense and defense, are usually a good idea for a front-liner, I think.

Ollivor Myles |

I'm definitely going for the headband of alluring charisma; Price 4,000 gp (+2)
I'll have to look up the prices on stylish swashbuckler outfits and a nice dress for a lady, plus an inn.
Not sure what the messenger/delivery will cost to Olli's mom and dad, but he plans to send a hundred gold to them.

Doran Tidewrack |

Barcas - any chance the other bits and pieces we've found have added up to enough for Doran to afford 6577 gp? If not, I'll go without something.

Ollivor Myles |

Done. That maybe the longest post I've done in this campaign, sorry if it's a jumble.
Obviously it and all the comments below are subject to Barcas' final adjustments.
Since Ollivor sent some coin and his letter first thing, his parents might be able to reply to him by courier before they depart. Then again, maybe not. Depends on how good Clarke's contacts are I suppose.
I figure it's up to Doran and/or John if they want to take Wulf on board, but the scene is available for them to craft if they want a half orc cabin boy.
Faiza, I think, wouldn't be able to afford wizard training on her own anyway so will likely return, but the question of whether she would have returned if she HAD had the coin is one to nibble at Ollivor's insecurities for a bit.
I'm spending 4000 on the magic items
60 gold for 'fancy pirate clothes' , one set for Ollivor, one for Faiza.
10 gold should pay for the room and board during the week I think.
And 100 gold was sent to his parents.
Which leaves him still sitting pretty with extra coin if Doran needs some.
How are we doing for crew? Are we staffed enough?

Doran Tidewrack |

Brilliant post, Ollie! It was funny, brings in NPCs and helps flesh them out, adds all kinds of depth to your character - really great.

Ollivor Myles |

Thanks, Doran. I worry sometimes about taking too many liberties, and then I go to the extreme of making my posts too brief. I guess I should lean towards the former more often
DM- Starting tomorrow, I'm going to be visiting family for the week, and at least one of those days I won't have any internet access at all. So a big slowdown is likely. Feel free to bot Olli if you need to.
Sorry for any inconvenience.

Vrunyar Magmabeard |

Here's the stuff Vrunyar's buying:
Studded Leather Armor +1 1,325
Amulet of Natural Armor (crab shell) +1 2,000
Barkskin (60), CMW 60, Defensive Shock 60, Long Arm 15 (195)
7 books on anatomy, alchemy, magic theory (50 gp ?? Could be more?)
Mithral Heavy shield 1,020 gp
Ingredients to brew 4 CLW potions = 475 gp
Ingredients for Acid flask, black powder = 8*9.5 gp = 76 gp
Ingredients for Alchemist’s fire, smokestick = 8*19 gp = 152 gp
Ingredients for Sunrods = 5*19 sp = 9.5 gp
Ingredients for Candlerods = 20*9.5 sp = 19 gp
2 Hot weather outfit 8 gp = 16 gp
3 Traveler’s Outfit 1 gp = 3 gp
Painting 250 gp
Total 5,590.5, leaving 409.5 gp for the future or helping companions if they need it.

F. Castor |

So, this should do it:
Have two masterwork short swords reforged into masterwork wakizashis - 50 gp
Enchant both masterwork wakizashis to +1 wakizashis - 4000 gp
Enchant mithral shirt to +1 mithral shirt - 1000 gp
Have Vrunyar make 2 potions of inflict light wounds and 2 potions of inflict moderate wounds (all at CL 5th) - 712 gp, 5 sp
Total - 5712 gp, 5 sp
Now, on to writing an IC post.

Vrunyar Magmabeard |

GM Barcas, did you want Vrunyar to purchase the Inflict X Wounds and add it to his spell list? The way I was trying to portray it in my gameplay posts was that Vrunyar modifies a Cure extract at the last moments with Aaron’s negative energy so that it could heal Aaron. The extracts would not really do anything else if another drank them. Vrunyar definitely won’t be creating Inflict potions to harm others. That’s what his axe is for ;) It’s just a minor mechanical behind the scenes question.

Doran Tidewrack |

I missed this question - I'd be happy to stay in Augustana a bit. Doran likes the big city.