"Not only old dead guard Black Gates, but something greater as well. From blackest pits of pitch and bile a new guardian arose both foul and vile. Beware his breath of clinging death."
The Midnight Peddler | PC Kill Count- 0 | Promises of Revenge- 1
Kirilarien began a circuit of the outer edges of the hill, taking into account the undead marching upon it. Meanwhile, Barak began another barrage of fast bolt-fire, into the advancing skeletons. His heavy bolts had little difficulty smashing apart any skeletons they met, with two bolts finding their mark.
Telurion focused some more of his magical energy and brought into being a brilliant flash of positive energy, that instantly burnt the undeath from a large group of skeletons.
Damage:5d4 ⇒ (2, 2, 2, 4, 3) = 13
Granted an extremely enhanced range, Durin waited for the enemy to approach.
Approach, they did. The skeletons advanced rapidly, with a different kind of Undead marching behind them. Some kind of fast moving zombies perhaps, these were rotting corpses, with plenty of dead flesh upon them as they scrambled forward. This time, the Dwarven force were already equipped for melee, having witnessed the Undead's unnatural speed in the last fight. They held their weapons high, ready to roar their defiance and battle on.
I can't help but imagine a group of some worn-out, rather elderly adventurers, addicted to the effects of the Haste spell after years of over-use and performing tasks for payment in scrolls of Haste.
You recognise these Undead as a type known as Cadavers 1d5 ⇒ 21d5 ⇒ 5. In addition to being resistant to all but bludgeoning weaponry, they have an uncanny ability to fake their own demise. Once they fall, they typically regenerate any damage not dealt by magical weapons or spells, until they are ready to fight once more. If destroyed by channeled energy, they cannot reanimate; and a Bless spell delays the regeneration. Entire villages without a cleric or access to magical weaponry have been slain by seemingly unkillable, relentless herds of these creatures. In actual combat though, they are little more potent than a normal zombie.
In addition, your aware that their claws can transmit Filth Fever.
Enlarge Person on Durin (7 rounds left)
Bless on the defenders (6 rounds left)
Shield on Telurion (7 rounds left)
Haste on party + Fenris (6 rounds left at init 10)
At the END of your round's actions ONLY, please view your spoiler.
You spot at the very edge of the light, shadowy figures moving around the mound, attempting to remain hidden. It looks like they are angling to get to the excavation site. Your exceptionally keen eyes note that there are three figures; two of them flanking a tall, central one protectively. From the way they are moving with purpose, you suspect sentience in their movements.
You spot at the very edge of the light, shadowy figures moving around the mound on the northern edge, attempting to remain hidden. It looks like they are angling to get to the excavation site.
With the Undead rapidly approaching, Barak and Telurion were the last to put up further resistance before the melee began once more...
In a blur of lever-action reloading and quick, jerking movements as he rapidly adjusted aim, Barak continued to rattle off bolt after bolt as he relentlessly slew three more approaching skeletons.
The remaining Undead continued to press the attack on the hill, marching over the smashed bones of several dozen former attackers. They closed to melee range, but the Dwarves were ready and able to strike first as they reached the dug-in hilltop. Durin smashed one of the skeletons into tiny shards as it got within reach and extended the swing of his excessively large hammer so that it broke another skeleton seeking to duck under it. Telurion enthusiastically smashed apart another with his much smaller bludgeoning weapon, while the Dwarves realised that the east side was likely to hold without their help. Kargesh and Old Garrok shifted to close ranks along the west side and although a small gap was left between Ragnar and Bereg, the first skeleton to exploit it had its legs and arms destroyed by simultaneous warhammer blows from both of the doughty Dwarves.
While no wounds were dealt to the forces of the living at that moment, the defenders were once again close to being physically surrounded by the Undead, a few slipping into the trench, including the foul looking, clawed zombies.
Thane Fenris quickly slew a skeleton with a heavy swing of his Urgosh and then used his magically enhanced speed to plug the gap by moving into formation next to Arachiel, seeking to cover for Lara and interpose his heavily armoured form between her and the approaching Undead.
Old Gorrak didn't seem to be sure what the zombies were, beyond meat for his axe. The old veteran missed his first swing but sunk his axe deep into one of the zombie's chest- the enchanted axe blade hissed and seemed to burn the Undead after imbedding itself, but Gorrak was forced to yank the axe free and defend himself, the zombie contingent proving tougher than the skeletal force escorting it.
On the north side, Bereg and Ragnar each dispatched another skeleton each, the former smashing the skull off a skeleton on the verge of lashing out at Lara with a claw.
The Dwarven soldiers all responded to a barked order by Thane Fenris to focus on thinning the skeletons ranks; their warhammers were not as suitable for dispatching the tough zombies. They met the approaching horde with hammers held high; and three more skeletons were smashed into scattered bone as the line continued to hold.
Barak please view your spoiler. Lara you may read yours once you have posted your action. Lara is up and Marcus/Arachiel are probably coming off delay?
As the seemingly endless wave of skeletons advances, Arachiel continues to slash at the advancing horde.
Targeting the skeleton directly in front of Arachiel. Subsequent attacks will continue to target that skeleton until it falls. Once/if the skeleton falls, subsequent attacks (if any) will target the skeleton directly in front of Barak.
Female Human (Taldan) Bard 8 (archaeologist) Portrait
Round 2:
Lara's bow sings again, one arrow catching flame mid-flight against her nearest attacker, only to fumble as she nocks a second shot to the enchanted longbow's string.
Swift action to activate archaeologist's luck, firing at the one directly in front of her until it drops, followed by the adjacent ones.
Female Human (Taldan) Bard 8 (archaeologist) Portrait
Spotting shadowy figures on the edge of the light, Lara calls out a warning. "I don't think it's just skeletons this time! There's more coming, but I can't see very well what they are!"
With two heavy swings, Arachiel destroyed two skeletons, his sword held high aloft his winged helmet in preparation for the next foe that would surely come.
Firing her bow in such close quarters was a difficult move for Lara; although she scrabbled back from the claws that hounded her, she was a little too late- one claw raking the skin from her forearm as she dispatched one of the "cadaver" zombies with two flaming arrows.
Flying above, Kirilarien dropped, rather than hurled, a vial of alchemists fire only a little smaller than herself; badly scalding the cadaver below her.
Active Effects-
Enlarge Person on Durin (6 rounds left)
Bless on the defenders (5 rounds left)
Shield on Telurion (6 rounds left)
Haste on party + Fenris (5 rounds left at init 10)
The silent attackers shambled forward with bony claws; said bones protruding cruelly from the rotting flesh of the zombie's Marcus claimed were known as cadavers. Bones began to rattle against shields and the crunching sound of smashed skeletons became a more and more frequent sound in the orchestra of battle, music to the beat of the endless percussion of Barak's enchanted crossbow lever.
"Aye Lara is right. 3 figures towards the excavation site. If I had to guess it looks like one leader, tall one in the center, and 2 bodyguards. lets clear a path to him shall we."
Barak continues to thin the hoard to a more manageable level.
Male Dwarf 8th level Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager)
Init +2 Per +12 AC 24 Tch 14 FF 22 HP 89 Fort +10 Ref +5 Will +4* Spd 30' CMB +13 (+15 Sundering) CMD 27 (29 vs. Sunder)
Init +2 Per +12 AC 25 Tch 12 FF 23 HP 113 Fort +13 Ref +5 Will +6* Spd 30' CMB +15 (+17 Sundering) CMD 27 (29 vs. Sunder)
Acrobatics +10, Appraise +0 (+2 nonmagic w/ precious metals or gemstones), Climb +6, Escape Artist -1, Intimidate +7, Perception +12 (+14 unusual stonework), Sense Motive +13, Stealth -1, Swim +6
Round 2 Init 18
Durin steps back to give himself some room to swing his hammer (5' step to B/C, 2/3) before heading Marcus' remark and setting about testing his weapon against the nearest Cadavers. (attacking in priority until destroyed: D5, B-1 & E-1)
Two bolts from Barak's crossbow were enough to fell the cadaver and a third destroyed another skeleton, effectively clearing the east side. With heavy swings of his mace, Telurion shattered two skeletons with hefty swings to his left and right, his pace slower than the more martially focused but no less powerful.
Durin stepped back and swung over the heads of the much smaller Dwarves on the front ranks. The first cadaver he struck burst into pieces like the rotten corpse it was. The second required two heavy swings but met much the same fate.
Despite all of their casualties, the Undead pressed on, concerns such as morale or survival utterly irrelevant to the soulless animated corpses.
Their tactics however, seemed to be rather involved. Whereas in areas where the horde had been thinned the skeletons simply lashed out with their claws- in areas where their numbers were telling the skeletons seemed willing to sacrifice themselves for a chance to gain a solid foothold on the hill. For a moment, Thulbine seemed sure to be forced back by a charging skeleton but then Telurion's face lashed out and struck the head from its shoulder, its bones impacting on the Dwarf's armour with the evil force animating them no longer granting unlife to the remains. Ragnar, however, was kicked back from his position with a bony foot, straight into the campfire, causing the Dwarf warrior to curse in his own native tongue as his cloak caught alight and began to singe him. His attacker darted into the camp, only to be met by Durin's hammer. Incredibly, Durin caught the haft of his weapon on some of the stacked supplies and barrels in the centre of the camp and the moment passed. The incredibly fortunate skeleton continued to try and flank the western line, getting caught by Bruitt's hammer on the backswing but not truly suffering from the glancing blow.
Ragnar held firm even as the skeletons spilled into the camp- until one of the cadavers took advantage of a momentary distraction and grabbed onto his leg, upending the stout Dwarf in an impressive display of momentum. Two skeletons quickly moved in to take advantage of the suddenly prone warrior, now desperately fighting while trying to avoid burns from the campfire. The Dwarf's shield, martial skill and armour were almost enough to prevent him from further harm but he was in a perilous position. The warrior cried out in fury and pain as a skeletons claw raked his thigh open, mixing blood with fiery burns. Things went from bad to worse for the brave Ragnar as one of the cadavers took the opportunity to savage him with both claw and maw, reaching down to feed on the struggling man!
Nearby, a similar tactic was being applied to assault Bereg. The Dwarf stood firm for a time but eventually the warrior's muscular legs gave as he was forced to give ground to the pressing skeletons. The north line had somewhat collapsed, leaving the archer Lara very exposed.
In addition to the Dwarves formation being bent, many skeletons took advantage of this to flank and savage their foes, while the skeletons facing off against the west wall of Dwarf and Aasimar simply struck to kill and wound their foes. For the most part, they were unsuccessful, although Bruitt staggered back from two nasty gashes and both Kargesh and Romni were also struck.
To the north and north-east, Lara's luck seemed to have turned against her. She was flung to the ground while attempting to block a savage claw with her bow by one of the zombies- and thenearby skeletons lost no time in savaging her. Her speed bolstered by the Haste spell, she nevertheless took some minor scratches while struggling to regain her feet.
Lara you took 4 damage from an AOO earlier too. Please keep your HP up to date I can't possible track PC's stuff too.
The Dwarves were struggling now, perhaps their fatigue really starting to kick in. Even as they were scratched or pushed back, their hammers swung with a combination of weary resoluteness and zeal as Old Gorrak and Thane Fenris urged them on, leading by example with axe and urgosh. Gorrak slew a skeleton on the west side, but no one else managed to take one down there. Badly surrounded, Ragnar tried to hold off his foes with hammer and shield, seeking only to regain his footing until relief was found. He just barely managed to stand to his feet, blocking many incoming claws but still managing to have his back brutally torn open by another claw and barely avoiding having his neck fully sliced open, instead sporting a nasty wound to his collarbone. Clearly he would not last much longer. Beren bashed apart a skeleton between Ragnar and Lara and boldly stepped in its place, hoping to stem the small horde of attackers seeking to finish them off, regaining the ground he has lost.
Thane Fenris saw Lara and Ragnar's peril and stepped towards them, planting his feet firmly. There was a fierce determination in the nobleman; his blood was roused and he swung his Urgosh with renewed vigor, seeking to slay the cadavers and skeletons around him. He hacked one cadaver into pieces with the axe head of his urgosh and whirling the lunging spike on the other side of his double weapon he slew a second with a mixture of axe and spear.
Only Barak's keen eyes were enough to keep track of the trio moving past the chaos and struggle of the skirmish, still moving stealthily. They were continuing to circle around, now nearing the graveyard the Dwarves had set up to honour their own fallen, to the north-west.
You need various Rogue Talents to 5 foot step while prone, or get to your feet without provoking an AOO.
Scrabbling to her feet, Lara was slashed by two more seeking claws, one almost disemboweling her as she sucked in her stomach to evade the worst of the claw swipe with her magically enhanced speed. Finding that the cadaver that had raked her had been slain by Thane Fenris, she fired her flaming arrow at one of her three remaining attackers, sending shards of charred bone scattering back down the hill from whence they had came.
Nearby, the fine swordplay of the Paladin Arachiel continued to fell skeletons as two more fell to his heavy blade.
Active Effects-
Enlarge Person on Durin (5 rounds left)
Bless on the defenders (4 rounds left)
Shield on Telurion (5 rounds left)
Haste on party + Fenris (4 rounds left at init 10)
Human Fighter lvl1 = Per +6 = AC 17 (19 with shield raised); Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +4 = HP 18/19 = Skills Acrobatics +0, Athletics +7, Diplomacy +6, Intimidation +6, Lore: Iomedae / Thyr +3, Religion +4, Survival +4
Comforted with the fact that Durin is behind them, Telurion swings hard at the cadavers in front of him. As he does so, the life link between him and Lara takes hold.
Standard: Attacking the one in -A:-1
Silver Heavy Mace:1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21 Damage if it hits:1d8 + 12 ⇒ (6) + 12 = 18
Silver Heavy Mace:1d20 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 17 Damage if it hits:1d8 + 12 ⇒ (7) + 12 = 19
"These monsters are in for a surprise if they think they will overwhelm us - protect Ragnar friends!" - he roars.
"I'm up for a midnight stroll brother, let me shut the window first there appears to be a terrible draft."
Barak steps out of the reach of the skeleton and fires at the cadaver threatening Ragnar saving his last shot for one of the skeletons engaged with Lara
Male Dwarf 8th level Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager)
Init +2 Per +12 AC 24 Tch 14 FF 22 HP 89 Fort +10 Ref +5 Will +4* Spd 30' CMB +13 (+15 Sundering) CMD 27 (29 vs. Sunder)
Init +2 Per +12 AC 25 Tch 12 FF 23 HP 113 Fort +13 Ref +5 Will +6* Spd 30' CMB +15 (+17 Sundering) CMD 27 (29 vs. Sunder)
Acrobatics +10, Appraise +0 (+2 nonmagic w/ precious metals or gemstones), Climb +6, Escape Artist -1, Intimidate +7, Perception +12 (+14 unusual stonework), Sense Motive +13, Stealth -1, Swim +6
Round 3 Init 18
Seeing some of his allies faltering, and the undead starting to overwhelm their hilltop position, Durin goes into a battle frenzy (enter rage) before unleashing three mighty swings of his hammer at the skeletons inside the defensive perimeter... (attacking in priority until destroyed: -A1, -A2 & A1, 5' step as necessary )
Barak loosed a bolt that sent the cadaver staggering back, before a second bolt was fired right at the zombie's head, the bolt tearing through dead flesh and bone and coming out the other side. Another bolt shattered one of Lara's attackers. Kirilarien seemed to be utterly ignored by the undead as she flew through the battlefield, applying enough healing to keep Ragnar standing.
Swinging with the Haste provided by Lara's powerful spell, Telurion snapped another cadaver's neck with repeated, consecutive blows to the head.
Stepping back to bring his hammer to bear, Durin swung his almost comically sized large hammer to shatter three more skeletons.
Over to the Undead...
The few remaining Undead simply sought to do as much damage as possible to the defenders; their claws and teeth wounding several of the Dwarves, including the unfortunate Ragnar.
With Marcus' lights beginning to reveal their presence, the three figures Barak spotted slunk back out of sight of even the sharp-eyed messenger.
There's no way this number of Undead are surviving a round of Dwarf retaliation and your actions too so i'm wrapping this up.
The few remaining Undead did not last much longer, between hammers, mace, sword and bolt. Within moments, the final cadaver was dispatched. Perhaps the fighting was finally over for the night, the Undead exhausted?
Are you going to try and chase the three figures Barak saw and lost sight of, or continue to attempt to get some rest?
Male Dwarf 8th level Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager)
Init +2 Per +12 AC 24 Tch 14 FF 22 HP 89 Fort +10 Ref +5 Will +4* Spd 30' CMB +13 (+15 Sundering) CMD 27 (29 vs. Sunder)
Init +2 Per +12 AC 25 Tch 12 FF 23 HP 113 Fort +13 Ref +5 Will +6* Spd 30' CMB +15 (+17 Sundering) CMD 27 (29 vs. Sunder)
Acrobatics +10, Appraise +0 (+2 nonmagic w/ precious metals or gemstones), Climb +6, Escape Artist -1, Intimidate +7, Perception +12 (+14 unusual stonework), Sense Motive +13, Stealth -1, Swim +6
Durin does not hesitate for a second as his blood boils, his heart races and his limbs move with supernatural speed, calling out immediately as the second undead horde is defeated, We mustn't let them get away! Run them down! before surging down the hill in the direction they were last seen.
"The graveyard my friend, that's where they were going. After some fresh troops no doubt." Barak reloads his crossbow and runs to catch up with his companion.
Male Human Wizard (Conjurer [Teleportation]) 7 (8)
Make sure all of the cadavers have been slain with enchanted weapons and then try and heal up. We are yet to face our true adversary! Marcus instructs the dwarves before following the others, the wizard trying desperately to track the remaining creatures with his lights and provide the archers with a target.
Deciding between 15 and 20 point buy at the moment. 7th level characters. Will give more guidelines as and when I decide. Unsure of setting right now. Don't know enough about the setting in which they envisioned the campaign to comfortably run it there right now.
A good mix of character classes is beneficial to the successful completion of this adventure series. However, this is an extremely dangerous adventure—characters will die! There are several opportunities throughout the series for lost characters to be recovered, but players should be prepared for the creation of new characters if their own prove to be unrecoverable. If your players have favourite characters that they won’t want to part with, it would perhaps be a good idea for them to create different characters for this adventure series.
The bolded part was already there in this quoted text, I didn't add it myself.
Flavor Text wrote:
Perched on the verge of the war-torn wasteland known as the Desolation stands a settlement of dire reputation. Known only as The Camp, this wretched collection of criminals and scoundrels, the desperate and the hopeless, all eking out an existence on the far fringes of civilization make this truly a place of new beginnings and horrific endings.
Now things stir within the Desolation and call to heroes seeking secrets and treasures lost to the knowledge of men. The promises of reward dare the brave and the foolish both to seek their fortune in The Camp— out on the very edge of oblivion.
Whether I run this in Golarion or in a more generic fantasy setting, these two gods are worth mentioning as the churches associated with them are likely providing hooks for the party. In either case, they are considered Old Gods, definitely in decline from their heyday of widespread worship.
If I do run this in Golarion (i'd like some input on this please; so many Pathfinder rules are now tied to their regions I understand theres a strong case for it)- the Desolation (the devastated area of the world where a mighty battle between Good and Evil once took place) will be somewhere on the southern edge of the Worldwound.
Muir, Goddess of Virtue and Paladins
Alignment: Lawful Good
Domains: Law, Good, Protection, War
Symbol: Blood-red upraised sword on a white background
Garb: White wool robes with an upraised sword and hand in red.
Favored Weapon: Longsword or bastard sword
Form of Worship and Holidays: Regular worship and fasting on the eve before known battle or before confirmation or promotion of the ranks of the faithful.
Typical Worshippers: Humans and paladins
Muir is the sister of Thyr. While he represents law and peace, she represents the martial valor necessary to make that peace a reality. As such, she is the goddess of paladins. She is often depicted as a darktressed maiden warrior in shining mail with an upraised (often bloodstained) sword.
She is noble and single-minded of purpose. The tenets of her worship include honor, truth, and courage. A great order of paladins known as the Justicars are sworn to her service. Muir expects self-sacrifice, humility, and charity as well as unswerving loyalty. Her standards are extreme and she quickly turns her back on any who fail to live up to them. Those who maintain her standards, however, may become Justicars, a prestige class of paladins imbued with even greater holiness.
Her symbol is a blood-red uplifted sword on a white background, symbolizing her endless fight against evil. Her worshippers must be lawful good. The falcon is her sacred animal. She is the tireless foe of all evil creatures and undead, demons, and devils in particular are her sworn enemy.
Thyr, God of Law and Justice
Alignment: Lawful Good
Domains: Good, Healing, Law, Knowledge, Protection
Symbol: Silver cross on a white field
Garb: White robes trimmed with silver, purple, or gold—the colors of kingship.
Favored Weapon: Light or heavy mace
Form of Worship and Holidays: Last day of every month, the last holy day of every year is set aside for non-royalty to have their grievances heard.
Typical Worshippers: Humans, royalty
Thyr is the god of wise and just rule. He is normally depicted as a wizened king seated on a great throne holding a rod of kingship in one hand and a chalice of peace in the other. His principles are justice, order, and peace. He represents proper and traditional rule and as such was once worshiped (at least in name) by all human royalty. He is the embodiment of the enlightened human caste system where each person has a fairly determined role in a lawful society intended to create the greatest good for the greatest number. His symbol is a pure silver cross on a white field, symbolizing the upturned cross-haft of his sister’s sword, which he thrust into the earth to end the god’s war.
Upon seeing the blood of so many gods shed, Thyr foreswore the use of swords, and his priests—for this reason—may not use bladed weapons. Many favor reinforced rods, similar to light maces, modeled after Thyr’s own rod of kingship. The noble eagle and the lion are his sacred creatures.
I'm thinking of possibly a female halfling Bard, human noble (bard arcane duelist dipping into noble scion, with DM approval due to leadership feat and source) or my rouge who is a male tiefling, though kinda emo in his attitude.
Maybe set it slightly off the inner sea map? Plenty of open spaces to the east of Taldor. Unless theres a good link with the worldwound of course saw the mention of orcus.
Have some ideas but will wait for DM to decide point buy before going into them (mader ones get a bit tougher on 15).
Think its a grand idea to talk through synergies and so forth particularly given a 7th level (!) start.
Ok Okoya barring any PM's from people stating they have a problem with it, your in.
Can all 6 of you please provide me with an e-mail address. I'd like to use my Obsidian Portal site to run several aspects of the game, including a wiki.
If you have a problem with this, say so now or forever hold your piece. But with the sheer amount of information, characters and locations your going to need to keep track of, you will thank me later I think.
I will say now I'm not keen on having to bookmark and play in other sites, if the main play/story is on this site then no bother. If the other site is just for info bit and referenced from here, I'm good.
Alex I have a few books of the Swords and Sorcery setting if you want to borrow to get an idea of the background, although not Bard's Gate which I think is the actual setting here.
I'll wait for Alex to let us know more about the races and classes he'll allow in this setting before deciding... but I could revamp my half-orc rogue to have a go at this. Though his life might be short...
The main play will be in this campaign interface, here on Paizo.
Obsidian Portal will act as a group site, including a Wiki for places, characters etc, adventure log... Its basically designed as a group resource.
I'd still like people to bookmark it (and i'll keep a link to it up on the short description for easy access).
Edit: Bards Gate is the closest city to the Desolation I believe, where you will spend at least 98% of the campaign. Theres a small chance you might visit Bards Gate.
No longer matters Drow Lich Epic level Wizard/Cleric of considerable ability
Many thanks to all of you for allowing me the opportunity to join such a fantastic group!
I believe you have my email Alex, but if any of the others would like it as well...
I also have numerous IM accounts if you are interested... :)
So far only Aron and Deevor have indicated preferred classes, is that correct? As the new guy... I'll wait for the others to state their desires before deciding on my own character. :)
Ran out of time tonight to write up the constraints for character creation, but i'll get it up tomorrow. For simplicity i'm going to choose the "hook" that got your adventuring party/company interested in the Desolation in the first place, but i'm choosing one that is generic enough that you should be able to easily make a character that fits.
So far only Aron and Deevor have indicated preferred classes, is that correct? As the new guy... I'll wait for the others to state their desires before deciding on my own character. :)
I have a few ideas.
Halfling Bard/Arcane Trickster: A woman who has been part of the thieve's guild for quite sometime and always looking for the next big score. She has gained a reputation for stealing from infamous thieves and the rich to fun exploration and to give to the poor. Of course the guild take their own percentage of what she manages to collect and fence.
just realised a full bard can't be a Arcane Trickster due to the sneak attack needed
Human Noble (Bard [Arcane Duelist], possibly Noble Scion with DM approval): A noble from birth, he had arcane strong in his blood. His family do not talk about the origin of where it came from for his family honor was stained back when his grandmother hell pregnant out of wedlock by a mysterious and charismatic man dressed in bright silver robe. Ever since that night the family has had a powerful arcane power running through their blood making their family come back into honor, but he decides to leave to go out and explore the world to join in on an adventure and regain honor for his family.
Tiefling Rouge: Dennis Dubosc had the typical Tiefling childhood. Beaten for being different by his father and his mother would never protect him. The kids on the street hated him for his weird and unnatural looks and he grew up learning how to stick to the shadows and one night after his dad gave him a drunken beating, he slits his throat and then runs away, ending up in the thieves guild who taught him how to hone his skills in the shadows and where to the aim with his weapon when catching a enemy off-guard. He continues to see the contorted face his father made in his death spasams whenever he drives a blade home and kills someone. He doesn't seem to feel emotion anymore.
Catfolk Female (Bard 4/Rouge 3): Serving the savoured sting, Alluria was a orphan and on the streets at a young age being forced to fend for herself, but she soon learned that she had a gift for balancing, but she was caught stealing once and before the guard got a hold of her a charismatic Gnome stepped in to pay for what she stole, if she agreed to work for him at his brothel. Here, she would work at cleaning and be given warmth and shelter, something she never really had.
When she was older, she learnt how she could use her natural ability of being a very good conversationalist to better uses along with her innate magical powers and became a exotic dancer and learnt the ways of the savoured sting for she would take on oppitunities to steal back any money taken from the brothel owner and take vengence as she learnt of the ways of Calistria. Life is good, but she wishes to move on, learn more about her people, where she came from and why she was left in this city. The man who was like a father to her allowed her to go with no payment, having seen her like a daughter having grown up and leaving as all children do.
Now Alluria is ready to stretch her legs, steal what she needs with far more subtlety than she had as a child and maybe even go on a grand adventure to explore new strange areas and unearth forgotten treasures.
Not even the slightest chance i'll be allowing Catfolk in this game. I'm trying for quite a grim, gritty feel and I just can't picture a Catfolk in it. Additionally, Noble Scion is out. With a cast of 6 PC's and possibly numerous entrances by replacement PC's, Leadership will not be a permitted feat in this game.
A special note- I am going to run the game in Golarion, but if you are playing any character with a religious bent, especially a Paladin or Cleric, i'd like you to run it by me before putting anything solid together. Essentially, I want any existing Golarion gods very much being a small part of your characters or back-stories or influence. Anyone wanting to play a Cleric or Paladin especially should talk to me beforehand- the game will be far more rewarding if you were to be associated with one of the "Old Gods"- very much in decline but still holding to a small faith in this part of the world; especially in Mendev. A Paladin of Muir in particular will have special role-playing opportunities as well as the possibility of entering a very special prestige class...
Bards Gate (where you have just left when the adventure begins) is being placed in south-west Mendev, just on the border. This will likely be the only city you interact with in the entire campaign, so don't expect to pull Mendev into any problems you get into :).
Please respond to my e-mail and join Obsidian Portal or you won't have access to the group site, which is where the wiki and maps etc. will be placed. I'm still waiting on e-mail addresses for 2 people.
Here is the character creation and other information you'll need to know to make a character for this campaign-
Party Creation Constraints, Notes and Rules-
Starting level is 7th, with the usual WBL applying (23,500GP total wealth, no single item worth more than 11,750GP).
No evil alignments permitted (I could be persuaded to Lawful Evil if the case is compelling enough but it would require a lot of justification and co-operation) and no chaotic neutral. This adventure will have you suffering great peril and trials to battle evil and chaos, and your motivations should reflect this.
HP max at first level, PFS style average every level after. This works as follows-
D6HD- 4
D8HD- 5
D10HD- 6
D12HD- 7
I'm trying something new for the ability scores. If your highest stat is higher than 18 after racial bonuses/penalties (but before level 4 stat point etc.), you are limited to a 17 point buy. If it is 18 exactly, you get a 19 point buy. If it is less than 18, you get a 22 point buy. This is my effort to ease the pain of MAD classes/concepts and make them a little more appealing, while still letting SAD classes have their cake (the campaign assumes 6 adventurers on 15 point buy but its also brutal in places).
This is a difficult and very dangerous campaign. Whatever you create, try not to be dead weight in combat. With that said, knowledge skills will be particularly useful as there will be many unfamiliar enemies in this game. Appraise will also be run RAW (so if you don't invest into the skill you are likely to be cheated, with merchants trying to pay less than an item is worth). I don't mind you comparing characters to ensure you have skill bases well covered.
You have been an adventuring party for seven levels together now, so you have been adventuring together for quite some time now. Possibly, you have several other members of your group that are still active in Mendev and a long list of associates, friends and maybe even a rival or enemy still living. The richer you make your group's backstory, the easier it will be to introduce new characters where necessary. If you find the time, creating a second character and mentioning his association with the current party may save time later ;).
The hook for the adventure is as follows-
A cleric of the severely declined Church of Muir has located in the temple archives a set of orders issued by Zelkor during the Battle of Tsar that somehow survived and were transported back to civilized lands. These orders detail the assignment of the paladin lord Bishu and his company, adherents to the faith of Muir, to hold the city of Tsar and await relief from the Army of Light.
Lord Bishu was always thought lost in the Dungeon of Graves like the rest of the Army of Light. The fact that he never returned and the possibility that he or some of his command may have survived for some time at Tsar holding to their duty has ignited the church hierarchy. What did Bishu accomplish during his time in the city? Do his bones, surely now sacred relics of the church, still rest there awaiting repatriation? Could he or any of his knights somehow, by the grace of the gods, have survived all the intervening span of years and man their posts still awaiting relief?
The church cannot afford to send any of its own on a possibly foolhardy mission into unknown danger with only a small hope of success, but adventuring parties are often to known to undertake such assignments...
Your party has taken up the Church's call, with a promise of fantastic monetary remuneration should you succeed in discovering the fate of the Paladin Lord Bishu. Although both the church of Muir and Thyr are shadows of their former selves, they are rumoured to still possess fabulous wealth from the days of yore...
If your character is able, please make a Knowledge (History) check or Diplomacy (Gather Information) to represent what your party knows of the Army of Light, the city of Tsar and events in those dark times long ago...
Core rulebook and APG are permitted sources, although the following classes are banned without exception- Alchemist, Gunslinger, Magus, Summoner, Ninja, Samurai. Cavaliers are permitted but there are a significant amount of dungeons and thus may want to consider an archetype that de-emphasises the mounted combat or playing a small race. The spell Bestow Grace is banned, and the Vital Strike feat automatically upgrades to the next feat in the chain at the appropriate BAB. Archetypes and feats from UM and UC are generally permitted but check with me first before committing to one, especially a feat chain. All player companion books are generally OK. Equipment from UM and UC generally banned.
Was thinking possible pally (idly narrowed down to pally or wizard although may yet change). Let me digest but with the pally option I had basically sketched out a worshipper of Shelyn who was struggling to keep to that philosophy as a crusader and was becoming attracted to Ragthiel the angel lord of vengeance and strategy. Could work Muir into that somewhere if I go that route.
Interesting point buy... just made the half-orc rogue a bit better, cos his highest stat was 17 after everything was added ... ooh! ...
But if Aron fancies Tiefling Rouge: Dennis Dubosc, then I've no problem stepping aside and doing something else, or in a team of 6, maybe two squishy sneaky ones, could be the way to go ... here is Natty Grast at 1st level, I guess his back story will just centre around Bard's Gate, rather than Magnimar.
Let me think more on this, for other characters that do things... ... like fighter, or cleric, or wizard ...ho hum!!
Another note worth mentioning- big bad solo enemies do have their place in the campaign but without giving too much away, evocation, cleave and the like are likely to see greater use than in an average paizo campaign.
Well that's a shame, I really was liking my catfolk character, but I should've guessed that, but. Was building the abilities and could change her to a half-elf cause they're still considered exotic in many ways. I love the build and might either judt change race or make the halfling bard as I havn't had time to play with a Bard.
Think Dennis Dubsoc was a bit more emo than normal in than backstory, so might just alter the catfolk to half-elf as I started really liking the build.
I'm not particularly keen on the whole calistrian aspect, I think I've been burnt by that god too many times in the past. Also remember your not building for first level so your characters not fresh off the block like normal, or new to the party. Arcane trickster tends to be wiz/rogue rather than bard normally and u may find yourself struggling to make it viable mechanically. Will look at this later with u over steam if you like.
Back at the keyboard after a ~15 hour drive from San Antonio back to St. Louis.
First the requested email: ldeterman@hotmail.com
As to first thoughts about a character, I will very likely go with something divine in nature. In either case, the character would be either Human or Aasimar. (Out of curiosity, Alex, how do you feel about the Aasimar Heritages from Blood of Angels?)
If Dan does not go with the Paladin, I likely will go with a Paladin of Muir who would be a bit more of a zealot in terms of hunting down evil where ever it may lurk. For this character, I would certainly be interested in seeing what the Justicar prestige class is all about.
If Dan chooses to go with a paladin, I am leaning towards a Cleric of Thyr. This character I see as an older, wizened, mentor type. That is not to say that he would be afraid to get into a fight, just would be as likely to charge headlong into the fray without thinking like the paladin mentioned above.
Invites sent to all 6 now. Happy to provide additional information as needed or answer queries, but i'm mostly just going to slowly cook up a first post and update the wiki while you make your adventurers/adventuring company or troupe if you take that path.
It seems rogues and paladins are covered quite well already... and I really am open to just about any class... :)
The only real thoughts on character backstory that I have come up with so far is for the barbarian. Rather than typical raging or berserking I see him as a devout (and somewhat fringe) follower of Muir who releases his religious fervour through zealotry, self flagellation and combat.
- Would you allow dwarven stonelord archtype from the ARG?
- Oath of vengeance (UC)?
- For an archer how about the adaptive quality on a bow? (UE so assume starting point is banned)
2. For wizard
- How do you want to treat starting spells. Is it assumed I could have copied some extras or do I need to pay for everything above base from cash?
- Would you allow void mage type (Dragon empires primer)
- Assume you are Ok with improved familiar. Are you Ok with the ones that can cast commune? RAW but you might dislike.
Alex can you put a link to the Obsidian Portal on the campaign page please. Got a copy of Blood of Angels if you want to borrow a hard copy.
Natty the thief, goes for 2 alt racial traits, sacred tattoo and scavenger, loosing orc ferocity and intimidating ...
Here's Natty's stats without proper equipment for you to peruse and let me know if you have any issues and stuff with the build, stat incremented at level 4 was dex. In many ways he has a boring background, not too weird and definitely not weird enough .. :). I'll leave that to you others...
One thing in the stats that doesn't look right is the find traps, I think it should be +14 perception, +3 (rogue ability), +2 h-orc scavenger = +19, but herolab shows it as 17, didn't include scavenger, but I think the bonus' stack.
Natty Grast:
Natty Grastik
Male Half-Orc Rogue 7
CN Medium Humanoid (human, orc)
Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +14
AC 16, touch 14, flat-footed 12 (+2 armor, +4 Dex)
hp 66 (7d8+28)
Fort +6, Ref +10 (+2 bonus vs. traps), Will +4
Defensive Abilities evasion, trap sense, uncanny dodge
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Dagger +9 (1d4+1/19-20/x2) and
Light mace +9 (1d6+1/x2)
Ranged Light crossbow +9 (1d8/19-20/x2)
Special Attacks sneak attack +4d6
Str 12, Dex 18, Con 16, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 7
Base Atk +5; CMB +6; CMD 20
Feats Blind-Fight, Skill Focus (Perception), Two-weapon Fighting, Weapon Finesse
Traits Outcast, Reactionary
Skills Acrobatics +14, Appraise +10, Climb +7, Disable Device +17, Escape Artist +12, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +8, Knowledge (local) +9, Linguistics +7, Perception +14 (+17 to locate traps, +16 to find hidden objects (inc. secret doors and traps), determine whether food is spoiled, or identify a potion by taste), Profession (cook) +5, Sense Motive +7, Sleight of Hand +12, Stealth +14, Survival +6, Swim +7, Use Magic Device +8 Modifiers scavenger
Languages Abyssal, Common, Giant, Infernal, Orc, Undercommon
SQ rogue talents (bleeding attack +4, rogue crawl, trap spotter), trapfinding +3
Combat Gear Caltrops (3), Smokestick (2); Other Gear Leather armor, Dagger, Light crossbow, Light mace, Backpack (20 @ 46 lbs), Crowbar, Grappling hook, Marbles, Marbles, Marbles, Marbles, Marbles, Rope, Sack (empty), Sack (empty), Thieves' tools, Trail rations (5), Waterskin (2), 23356 GP, 3 SP
Dagger - 0/1
Smokestick - 0/2
Trail rations - 0/5
Special Abilities
Bleeding Attack +4 (Ex) Sneak attacks also deal 4 bleed damage/round.
Blind-Fight Re-roll misses because of concealment, other benefits.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Evasion (Ex) If you succeed at a Reflex save for half damage, you take none instead.
Rogue Crawl (Ex) Can move at 1/2 speed provoking AoO and can 5 ft step while prone.
Scavenger +2 Perception to find hidden objects (inc. secret doors and traps), determine if food is spoiled or identify a potion by taste.
Sneak Attack +4d6 +4d6 damage if you flank your target or your target is flat-footed.
Trap Sense +2 (Ex) +2 bonus on reflex saves and AC against traps.
Trap Spotter (Ex) Whenever you come within 10' of a trap, the GM secretly rolls for you to find it.
Trapfinding +3 Gain a bonus to find or disable traps, including magical ones.
Uncanny Dodge (Ex) Retain Dex bonus to AC when flat-footed.
Now where there are ancient cities and civilisations close by, there are riches for those who care to look. And Natty Grast cares to look, in fact he caught the eye of the local thieves guild who suggested he join a group of adventurers being collected, so that he might help carry back the treasures they find, including bring back some himself.
Natty, learned to survive on the side of society, having to make do from an early age. Once his features became obvious, his orc heritage forced the town to cast him out, an abomination. His mother kept him hidden when she could, but more often than not he had to keep in the shadows, stealing bread and food as he could. When the watch became difficult to avoid, he was forced into woods and forests, where he lived rough, developing a liking for the scent of his own sweat as his hygiene deteriorated. It became more and more untenable, until he said goodbye to his mother and set off to make a name for himself, good or bad, that was not his choice.
To start with he learned to cook in taverns and inns, whilst he was able to identify benefactors who could contribute to his fund for life, even in some cases being able to prepare food in their homes for them, so much easier to case the place. whilst not the greatest cook, he can make food presentable and edible for those of a less discerning palate.
And so, now he is here in Bard's Gate, been here for 6 months doing what he does best. Not being seen but collecting food and money as he required them from unwitting benefactors. Though thanks to his exploits with his friends, his need to do local wealth generation has declined somewhat, whilst ale and whoring are his erstwhile leisure activities.
P.S. Can we have the link to the Obsidian Portal on the campaign tab please Alex ... ;)
ARG is in, for the races i've permitted. Sorry forgot to mention that. I like ARG.
Stonelord is fine. UE generally banned. Not a fan of the Paladin Oaths... I could probably be talked into a different one but making smite evil spammable doesn't seem like a good design.
Starting spells- everything above base paid for. Don't mind you having scrolled some you know though if you pay the crafting costs. No to void mage type. Improved Familiar/Commune ok.
I'd steer you away from Poisoner Okoya, you'd feel quite ineffective at times I suspect.
Deevor, scavenger isn't a flat bonus to perception which is why Herolab isn't listing it flat. Its circumstantial.
So if Okoya does go barb it looks like we have 1 frontliner (and 1 sounds good even if we are midlevel) and three skirmish types presumably all melee? That should synergise with Aron's buffing, haste maybe, nicely and give Deevor plenty of flank buddies.
So if were to go pally and Talomyr cleric I'd probably tend to go an archer over the stonelord as another dedicated meleer. Healing would be covered but no full arcane caster.
Alternatively I go the wizard which lets Talomyr pally. That covers the arcane but we'll go through a shed load of cure wands I guess.
Still probably tending toward the later given:
- pally seems to be Talomyr's first choice and I'm pretty sanguine;
- it does seem like the kind of set up where we will want teleport at 9th so we can resupply;
- it seems better given Alex's comments about many enemies and knowledges being important;
- I don't think I've actually played a wizard since 2nd edition so you can alternatively tremble and laugh at my impotency.