Chronicles of the River Kingdoms.

Game Master Waterhammer

Chapter One: Into the Stolen Lands.

Stag Keep

The Greenbelt- Exploration.

A Dark Glen

Thorn River Camp

Keep on the Tuskwater

Map of Oleg's.

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Female Elf Rogue (Scout) 1 /AC 16, T13, FF13/ HP 10/10, F+1 R+5, W+2 (+2 vs Enchantments)/ CMB +1, CMD 14/Init +3, Perc. +8/+9

Looking forward to getting started and getting to know the other characters better in game!

Thanks again for the opportunity to play, GM Waterhammer.

Thanks for playing. Gameplay thread is up.

HP 10/10 |AC-13 T-12 FF-11 | F+4 R+4 W+1 |CMB+1 CMD13 | Init+2 | Perc +1, Diplo+10| Bombs per day:5, 1d6+3: splash 4pts| Concentration+3 | Speed 30ft | Mutagen, 1hr brew, 10min/lvl, +4 dex -2 wis | Common, Sylvan, Giant, Hallit | female human NG Grenadier Alchemist lvl 1 Mutagin --AC-15 T-12 FF-13 - F+4 R+4 W+0

I am so excited!

Female Aasimar( Agathion-Blooded) Hunter 3 HP:25/28 F +6, R+5, W +3 | AC19 T12 FF17 | Initiative +2, Perception +7, Senses: Darkvision

I shall post in the game thread when I get home from work today, I look foreword to seeing the kingdom we build!

Female Elf Rogue (Scout) 1 /AC 16, T13, FF13/ HP 10/10, F+1 R+5, W+2 (+2 vs Enchantments)/ CMB +1, CMD 14/Init +3, Perc. +8/+9

It's getting late, here, so I'll be heading to bed soon.

My time zone is GMT+11 (Australian Eastern Daylight Time). I realise I may be on an opposite time zone to some (or all?) of you, but I will keep up with posting (although sometimes you may have to wait until I am up again to respond).

Will check the board in my morning and post.

Night from Oz and Good day to you all. :)

Male Half-Elf Fighter (Aldori Defender/Steelbound) 1 VMC Magus Fighter (Aldori Defender/Steelbound) 1 VMC Magus

I'm in the US Central zone (GMT -5? 6?), mostly posting in the afternoon after work, though occasionally (like now) I can post from work when I get a chance.

Female Elf Rogue (Scout) 1 /AC 16, T13, FF13/ HP 10/10, F+1 R+5, W+2 (+2 vs Enchantments)/ CMB +1, CMD 14/Init +3, Perc. +8/+9

Thanks for sharing your time zone with us, Pyros. I do most of my postings in the evenings, but I can make some posts from my phone during breaks, lunch etc while at work (in my daytime).

I don't think we should press too far forward in rp until Autumn has had a chance to make her introductory post (she said she'd post after work today) and then we can move our rp/action to half an hour from Oleg's trading post and continue on. Does this sound okay to everyone? :)

HP 10/10 |AC-13 T-12 FF-11 | F+4 R+4 W+1 |CMB+1 CMD13 | Init+2 | Perc +1, Diplo+10| Bombs per day:5, 1d6+3: splash 4pts| Concentration+3 | Speed 30ft | Mutagen, 1hr brew, 10min/lvl, +4 dex -2 wis | Common, Sylvan, Giant, Hallit | female human NG Grenadier Alchemist lvl 1 Mutagin --AC-15 T-12 FF-13 - F+4 R+4 W+0

I am in the same zone as Pyros. I think it is the 6. My google foo is weak when I wake up. This is my morning since I work a night job.

And that sounds fine to me Taemweth.

Female Elf Rogue (Scout) 1 /AC 16, T13, FF13/ HP 10/10, F+1 R+5, W+2 (+2 vs Enchantments)/ CMB +1, CMD 14/Init +3, Perc. +8/+9

Thanks, Regina!

@Herger: I'm curious about your son in game. What will happen to Ulfgar during combat and other things in game?

With Regina's +10 to diplomacy, it appears she's the face of the party? Herger has a +6 and Taenweth a +5, so we're pretty covered diplomacy wise between the three, I think.

Male Ulfen Human Cleric 3 Hp:24/24 F +4, R+2, W +6 AC16 T-11 FF-13 Initiative +1, Perception +3, Sense Motive +7

For the most part he will be left behind at this wonderful fort i think, then at whatever home we begin to build, you dont take your children adventuring. For now, if any danger hits, he will be told to hide in the carraige.

Female Aasimar( Agathion-Blooded) Hunter 3 HP:25/28 F +6, R+5, W +3 | AC19 T12 FF17 | Initiative +2, Perception +7, Senses: Darkvision

I'm the same as Regina and Pyros.

I'm Central Time Zone, which is UTC-06:00

Well when Herger lost both his wife and daughter, I guess he'd want to keep what is left of his family close. But isn't Ulfgar like 14?

Male Ulfen Human Cleric 3 Hp:24/24 F +4, R+2, W +6 AC16 T-11 FF-13 Initiative +1, Perception +3, Sense Motive +7

He is, getting close to that age when hes old enough to be almost on his own :) and I would imagine in lands like they are trying to tame, he is responsible enough to look after himself for the most part while we are away

Female Aasimar( Agathion-Blooded) Hunter 3 HP:25/28 F +6, R+5, W +3 | AC19 T12 FF17 | Initiative +2, Perception +7, Senses: Darkvision

Was he raised an Erastian?

HP 10/10 |AC-13 T-12 FF-11 | F+4 R+4 W+1 |CMB+1 CMD13 | Init+2 | Perc +1, Diplo+10| Bombs per day:5, 1d6+3: splash 4pts| Concentration+3 | Speed 30ft | Mutagen, 1hr brew, 10min/lvl, +4 dex -2 wis | Common, Sylvan, Giant, Hallit | female human NG Grenadier Alchemist lvl 1 Mutagin --AC-15 T-12 FF-13 - F+4 R+4 W+0

Yes the excitable child is the face!

What does Ulfgar look like. Sorry if I missed that explanation. It should add an interesting element to the role play with their being a kid. And I do not just want to ignore him, cause that is rude and not fun, so I am assuming that we will be getting to interact with him when he is with us, right? Once Regina gets her confidence back she would want to chat with him as well.

Female Elf Rogue (Scout) 1 /AC 16, T13, FF13/ HP 10/10, F+1 R+5, W+2 (+2 vs Enchantments)/ CMB +1, CMD 14/Init +3, Perc. +8/+9

I am the odd person out then, time wise. ;)

And thanks for answering, Herger. I just didn't know how to handle rp with Ulfgar since he isn't an official PC. Taenweth, being as she is, will probably not speak with the boy all that much and I had a feeling you might leave him at the trading post (Fort?) as we explore - so no worries!

@ Regina: And perhaps the excitable child may calm as the adventure progresses. ;) Ha!

Male Half-Elf Fighter (Aldori Defender/Steelbound) 1 VMC Magus Fighter (Aldori Defender/Steelbound) 1 VMC Magus
Herger Orickson wrote:
For the most part he will be left behind at this wonderful fort i think, then at whatever home we begin to build, you dont take your children adventuring. For now, if any danger hits, he will be told to hide in the carraige.

In a few levels, you might could take the Squire feat and he could take on a useful party role. (You could do the same thing later with Leadership, of course, but you can take Squire several levels earlier)

Male Ulfen Human Cleric 3 Hp:24/24 F +4, R+2, W +6 AC16 T-11 FF-13 Initiative +1, Perception +3, Sense Motive +7

Ulfgar has the dark hair of his mother, no beard poor guy. just shaggy hair, slightly skinny long and gangly. you know all the fun stuff of being a teenager. *lawls*

He has been raised Erastian.. probably the last 6 to 8 years of his life. His father kept his faith low for the most part during his marraige, but with the losses and well the change it sort of rekndled his faith.

Male Ulfen Human Cleric 3 Hp:24/24 F +4, R+2, W +6 AC16 T-11 FF-13 Initiative +1, Perception +3, Sense Motive +7

Yeah i figured this would be the one AP where a family was like a thing you could have. I know that the adventuring life sort of makes that rough normally.

HP 10/10 |AC-13 T-12 FF-11 | F+4 R+4 W+1 |CMB+1 CMD13 | Init+2 | Perc +1, Diplo+10| Bombs per day:5, 1d6+3: splash 4pts| Concentration+3 | Speed 30ft | Mutagen, 1hr brew, 10min/lvl, +4 dex -2 wis | Common, Sylvan, Giant, Hallit | female human NG Grenadier Alchemist lvl 1 Mutagin --AC-15 T-12 FF-13 - F+4 R+4 W+0

@ Taenweth have no fear she will calm down. She is still rather fresh out of the libraries and this is her first actual adventure so she is viewing more though the pages of a book at the moment then from a more practical stance. She is overly excitable and enthusiastic which may change in gameplay or not. Depends on the game but she will mellow and mature as the game moves forward and she interacts with different people.

@ Herger is your holy symbol out? And yeah this AP defiantly seems like it might work well in that bent. My goal is to find one though.

The squire feat has potential and this is defiantly the AP for the leadership feat. The cohort can either come with on the adventuring or stand in with the ruling when we get to that point.

There is a part of me that really thinks it would be fun for everyone to have a cohort and sometimes go do the adventuring as the cohorts while leaving the original characters back to do the ruling at times.

Male Ulfen Human Cleric 3 Hp:24/24 F +4, R+2, W +6 AC16 T-11 FF-13 Initiative +1, Perception +3, Sense Motive +7

while he doesnt exactly push his faith (or in this case) his holy symbol upon people, (yet) He does wear it clearly on his chest. So its pretty obvious

Female Elf Rogue (Scout) 1 /AC 16, T13, FF13/ HP 10/10, F+1 R+5, W+2 (+2 vs Enchantments)/ CMB +1, CMD 14/Init +3, Perc. +8/+9
Regina Caro wrote:

@ Taenweth have no fear she will calm down. She is still rather fresh out of the libraries and this is her first actual adventure so she is viewing more though the pages of a book at the moment then from a more practical stance. She is overly excitable and enthusiastic which may change in gameplay or not. Depends on the game but she will mellow and mature as the game moves forward and she interacts with different people.

I think initially Taenweth will be annoyed by such frenetic energy/responses. Haha. But that's okay as it makes for interesting and realistic rp. I guess with time, Taenweth will grow accustomed to Regina's ways and not bat an eye. ;) But as you say, Regina may mellow out as the game progresses ...

Female Elf Rogue (Scout) 1 /AC 16, T13, FF13/ HP 10/10, F+1 R+5, W+2 (+2 vs Enchantments)/ CMB +1, CMD 14/Init +3, Perc. +8/+9

Herger (and son), Taenweth and Regina have horses. So Autumn and Pyros can ride with T and R if they are so inclined.

Map of Oleg's is up.

I'm in the U.S. Pacific time zone, but on Sunday, as if by magic, I will change to Mountain time. I live in Arizona, where we don't set our clocks forward an hour in the spring.

I don't think the time difference will be a problem. The daily posting rate allows everyone a chance to chime in.

Male Ulfen Human Cleric 3 Hp:24/24 F +4, R+2, W +6 AC16 T-11 FF-13 Initiative +1, Perception +3, Sense Motive +7

I live near St, Louis in the U.S. But I work over night shifts so my sleep schedule is always wonky... I dont sleep much regardless so Im usually pretty availible to post whenever.

HP 10/10 |AC-13 T-12 FF-11 | F+4 R+4 W+1 |CMB+1 CMD13 | Init+2 | Perc +1, Diplo+10| Bombs per day:5, 1d6+3: splash 4pts| Concentration+3 | Speed 30ft | Mutagen, 1hr brew, 10min/lvl, +4 dex -2 wis | Common, Sylvan, Giant, Hallit | female human NG Grenadier Alchemist lvl 1 Mutagin --AC-15 T-12 FF-13 - F+4 R+4 W+0

Woo night shift! I so rarely see the sun.

GM Waterhammer what do you use to make your map?

Female Elf Rogue (Scout) 1 /AC 16, T13, FF13/ HP 10/10, F+1 R+5, W+2 (+2 vs Enchantments)/ CMB +1, CMD 14/Init +3, Perc. +8/+9

I'm pretty good with posting on weekdays, even with the time zone difference. Weekends are harder as I juggle home, family and extended family responsibilities (including travel). If I am going to be very busy over a weekend, I'll drop a message on discussion saying so. What is the posting rate expectation on weekends, GM Waterhammer?

Tomorrow (my Saturday, your Friday) I have a funeral out of town but should be able to make a post later in my afternoon when I've returned and before my next familial commitment in the evening. On my Sunday (your Saturday) I'm back out of town for my niece's birthday. But I should be able to post in my late afternoon when I'm home, again. Weekends are never relaxing. ;)

Have fun on your night shift, Regina. And like Herger, I don't sleep much either.

Male Half-Elf Fighter (Aldori Defender/Steelbound) 1 VMC Magus Fighter (Aldori Defender/Steelbound) 1 VMC Magus

I used to work nights. Plays merry havoc with your sleep cycles. Started a 7:30-4 job about three months ago. For reference, I live a few hours south of Herger, in south-central Arkansas.

HP 10/10 |AC-13 T-12 FF-11 | F+4 R+4 W+1 |CMB+1 CMD13 | Init+2 | Perc +1, Diplo+10| Bombs per day:5, 1d6+3: splash 4pts| Concentration+3 | Speed 30ft | Mutagen, 1hr brew, 10min/lvl, +4 dex -2 wis | Common, Sylvan, Giant, Hallit | female human NG Grenadier Alchemist lvl 1 Mutagin --AC-15 T-12 FF-13 - F+4 R+4 W+0

I am in Oklahoma. Sundays are my live game so that is the day that my posting really drops off. Saturdays I either post a lot or never see the boards depending on my scheduled.

Sleep is something I sometimes get and it does play havoc on the sleep. But I like it.

And thank you Taenweth I love working at night :)

Female Aasimar( Agathion-Blooded) Hunter 3 HP:25/28 F +6, R+5, W +3 | AC19 T12 FF17 | Initiative +2, Perception +7, Senses: Darkvision

I'm in Oklahoma too!
Though I'm a college student and my shifts at work a bit here and there till we get more people. But I'm normally good to post a lot on weekends.

HP 10/10 |AC-13 T-12 FF-11 | F+4 R+4 W+1 |CMB+1 CMD13 | Init+2 | Perc +1, Diplo+10| Bombs per day:5, 1d6+3: splash 4pts| Concentration+3 | Speed 30ft | Mutagen, 1hr brew, 10min/lvl, +4 dex -2 wis | Common, Sylvan, Giant, Hallit | female human NG Grenadier Alchemist lvl 1 Mutagin --AC-15 T-12 FF-13 - F+4 R+4 W+0

I have the debt from doing that.

The map was made using Campaign Cartographer. I didn't really like the generic map that they had for Oleg's. Plus with a hex map, you don't have to count squares and a half to move diagonally.

I had hopes for the weekends to run about the same pace as the rest of the time. Not to worry though, it's pretty standard for PbP games to slow down on weekends. I'm used to it.

On Saturdays and Sundays I check the boards mornings and evenings, because I get to stay home and drink coffee, instead of going to work.

Workdays, I'm only on in the evenings.

I work an 8 AM to 5 PM day, but sometimes there's overtime.

HP 10/10 |AC-13 T-12 FF-11 | F+4 R+4 W+1 |CMB+1 CMD13 | Init+2 | Perc +1, Diplo+10| Bombs per day:5, 1d6+3: splash 4pts| Concentration+3 | Speed 30ft | Mutagen, 1hr brew, 10min/lvl, +4 dex -2 wis | Common, Sylvan, Giant, Hallit | female human NG Grenadier Alchemist lvl 1 Mutagin --AC-15 T-12 FF-13 - F+4 R+4 W+0

It is rare that I cannot check my games at least once a day. Some weekend I am really free and others not so much. It is only when I get a bad migraine that I cannot look at my precious computer

I am going by the PRD rules on cleric spells. That is: The cleric chooses a time of day to meditate and prepare all spells for the day. They can't leave slots open and fill them later, like wizards and alchemists.

So Herger needs to pick a time that he does his devotions and stick to it. Please. :)

Male Ulfen Human Cleric 3 Hp:24/24 F +4, R+2, W +6 AC16 T-11 FF-13 Initiative +1, Perception +3, Sense Motive +7

Early morning Dawn sort of time frame like a good farmer

HP 10/10 |AC-13 T-12 FF-11 | F+4 R+4 W+1 |CMB+1 CMD13 | Init+2 | Perc +1, Diplo+10| Bombs per day:5, 1d6+3: splash 4pts| Concentration+3 | Speed 30ft | Mutagen, 1hr brew, 10min/lvl, +4 dex -2 wis | Common, Sylvan, Giant, Hallit | female human NG Grenadier Alchemist lvl 1 Mutagin --AC-15 T-12 FF-13 - F+4 R+4 W+0

My phone sucks for lengthy post so I will join in once work is over.

Female Elf Rogue (Scout) 1 /AC 16, T13, FF13/ HP 10/10, F+1 R+5, W+2 (+2 vs Enchantments)/ CMB +1, CMD 14/Init +3, Perc. +8/+9

I have bronchitis verging on pneumonia at present. I can barely think straight, so can the GM please bot Taenweth where/if necessary over the next couple of days? I'll try to post after a little bed rest. Sorry and thank you.

HP 10/10 |AC-13 T-12 FF-11 | F+4 R+4 W+1 |CMB+1 CMD13 | Init+2 | Perc +1, Diplo+10| Bombs per day:5, 1d6+3: splash 4pts| Concentration+3 | Speed 30ft | Mutagen, 1hr brew, 10min/lvl, +4 dex -2 wis | Common, Sylvan, Giant, Hallit | female human NG Grenadier Alchemist lvl 1 Mutagin --AC-15 T-12 FF-13 - F+4 R+4 W+0

Hope you get to feeling better soon!

Sorry that you're not feeling good. Here's hoping you get well soon.

Female Elf Rogue (Scout) 1 /AC 16, T13, FF13/ HP 10/10, F+1 R+5, W+2 (+2 vs Enchantments)/ CMB +1, CMD 14/Init +3, Perc. +8/+9

Thank you, Regina and GM Waterhammer.

I'm hoping to be back to posting by my Sunday (your Saturday). This has hit me hard as I also have an ear infection and migraine on top of the bronchitis. Sorry for the hold up, but thank you for your patience. The doc has prescribed bed rest (as much as I can anyway).

HP 10/10 |AC-13 T-12 FF-11 | F+4 R+4 W+1 |CMB+1 CMD13 | Init+2 | Perc +1, Diplo+10| Bombs per day:5, 1d6+3: splash 4pts| Concentration+3 | Speed 30ft | Mutagen, 1hr brew, 10min/lvl, +4 dex -2 wis | Common, Sylvan, Giant, Hallit | female human NG Grenadier Alchemist lvl 1 Mutagin --AC-15 T-12 FF-13 - F+4 R+4 W+0

That is a horrible mixture!

HP 10/10 |AC-13 T-12 FF-11 | F+4 R+4 W+1 |CMB+1 CMD13 | Init+2 | Perc +1, Diplo+10| Bombs per day:5, 1d6+3: splash 4pts| Concentration+3 | Speed 30ft | Mutagen, 1hr brew, 10min/lvl, +4 dex -2 wis | Common, Sylvan, Giant, Hallit | female human NG Grenadier Alchemist lvl 1 Mutagin --AC-15 T-12 FF-13 - F+4 R+4 W+0

With this being Regina's first really adventure out of the city I was planning on having her have some issue with the whole killing people thing. It will be a mostly internal issue and the coming to grips with having killed people. Not everyone is just ok with that. Would that be an issue with the group?

Male Ulfen Human Cleric 3 Hp:24/24 F +4, R+2, W +6 AC16 T-11 FF-13 Initiative +1, Perception +3, Sense Motive +7

killing people is hard yo. I have no worries about her having to deal with those problems at all

HP 10/10 |AC-13 T-12 FF-11 | F+4 R+4 W+1 |CMB+1 CMD13 | Init+2 | Perc +1, Diplo+10| Bombs per day:5, 1d6+3: splash 4pts| Concentration+3 | Speed 30ft | Mutagen, 1hr brew, 10min/lvl, +4 dex -2 wis | Common, Sylvan, Giant, Hallit | female human NG Grenadier Alchemist lvl 1 Mutagin --AC-15 T-12 FF-13 - F+4 R+4 W+0

that is encouraging, yay!

Female Elf Rogue (Scout) 1 /AC 16, T13, FF13/ HP 10/10, F+1 R+5, W+2 (+2 vs Enchantments)/ CMB +1, CMD 14/Init +3, Perc. +8/+9

Still very unwell, but will try to post.

And Regina, Taenweth is the opposite of your girl, killing being commonplace in the environment she has been raised, and thus killing isn't such a moral dilemma but a way of life. It may be an issue with Taenweth if Regina's reluctance to kill jeopardises the welfare or lives of herself and the others. But good story fodder, I suppose.

HP 10/10 |AC-13 T-12 FF-11 | F+4 R+4 W+1 |CMB+1 CMD13 | Init+2 | Perc +1, Diplo+10| Bombs per day:5, 1d6+3: splash 4pts| Concentration+3 | Speed 30ft | Mutagen, 1hr brew, 10min/lvl, +4 dex -2 wis | Common, Sylvan, Giant, Hallit | female human NG Grenadier Alchemist lvl 1 Mutagin --AC-15 T-12 FF-13 - F+4 R+4 W+0

That might happen once or at most twice. It is more the aftermath of realizing she has to kill people. The desire to have it there is to develop her character and get some interaction with the rest of you. All the other games I have ever been in just gloss over the whole 'I kill people'.

I do not want to disrupt gameplay. It is an element I have never gotten to play with and Regina seems like the right character to do that with. But she does know that the 'mission' comes first and the survival of the group makes her survival much more likely.

Female Elf Rogue (Scout) 1 /AC 16, T13, FF13/ HP 10/10, F+1 R+5, W+2 (+2 vs Enchantments)/ CMB +1, CMD 14/Init +3, Perc. +8/+9

I don't think you'd disrupt the game. It's all part of being part of a group in character and it makes sense as Regina and Taenweth (and others) have had very different upbringings and experiences.

So play your character how you see fit (I wasn't intending to sway you otherwise). I just thought to comment on their different personalities and mindsets. :)

HP 10/10 |AC-13 T-12 FF-11 | F+4 R+4 W+1 |CMB+1 CMD13 | Init+2 | Perc +1, Diplo+10| Bombs per day:5, 1d6+3: splash 4pts| Concentration+3 | Speed 30ft | Mutagen, 1hr brew, 10min/lvl, +4 dex -2 wis | Common, Sylvan, Giant, Hallit | female human NG Grenadier Alchemist lvl 1 Mutagin --AC-15 T-12 FF-13 - F+4 R+4 W+0

I simply wanted to make sure no one minded that I wanted to go down that path. From what I have seen thus far we all have very different characters with very different upbringings, experiences, and personalities. Which I love!

I did not take it as you trying to dissuade me but as letting me know where Taenweth will be coming from.

No one has objected so I will definitely go down this path with Regina and I hope everyone enjoys it :D

HP 10/10 |AC-13 T-12 FF-11 | F+4 R+4 W+1 |CMB+1 CMD13 | Init+2 | Perc +1, Diplo+10| Bombs per day:5, 1d6+3: splash 4pts| Concentration+3 | Speed 30ft | Mutagen, 1hr brew, 10min/lvl, +4 dex -2 wis | Common, Sylvan, Giant, Hallit | female human NG Grenadier Alchemist lvl 1 Mutagin --AC-15 T-12 FF-13 - F+4 R+4 W+0

Sorry I am caught up in a rather unpleasant illness but my brain is not wrapped in fog today so I will get a post up. Not sure about everyone else

Let me know when you've decided on a plan. Don't forget to place your map token where you want to be.

Establishing an order of watch is a good idea too.

I may, or may not check in on Thursday night. I might decide to stay over and sing some karaoke* after turkey. I figure most of you have plans anyway.

It's Thanksgiving Day in the U.S. (For the Aussies among us.)

*Some people should never sing karaoke. I'm one of those. It's neither pitch, nor perfect. I do it anyway, after enough drinks.

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