Castle Amber

Game Master waynemarkstubbs

Deep in the Ethereal Plane lurks a small demiplane, consisting of a large gothic manor house and its grounds. Lights flicker in its windows, fountains play in its carefully manicured gardens, and the sound of feasting and jollity comes from within.

At first it might seem like a welcome respite to planar travelers, but those few who have escaped describe a place of chaos and madness, where all times and places seem to converge, and yet nothing ever changes. Where the dust of millenia lies on flower that are still as fresh as the day they were picked, and where visitors from a thousand worlds and realities have reshaped the very fabric of the house to their wills.

They describe an ancient, powerful, inbred family of nobles, trapped by a timeless curse, who have existed so long that they are no longer sure which parts of their personalities are truly their own, which are masks they have adopted to break the boredom of endless eons, and which have been whispered in their ears by sinister manipulators in the shadows...

The West Wing

The Goat Bridge

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M Goblin Beer Snob 1/Freethinker 3

Smith, hope you recover swiftly and without that thing getting stuck.
Kidney stones are even worse than asp caterpillars!

Yikes, depression and kidney stones are not fun. My best wishes to everyone, and thank you for yours. Everyone take all the time you need.

I am being restored to health through tea, toast, Marmite and chocolate, so I'm ready to continue.

Female Human Fighter (Sensate) 3 | hp 21/28 | AC 23, t 13, ff 23 | Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +4 | Init +7 | Perc +6

Quick Note: I've got a full schedule of real-life errands tomorrow and won't be able to post again until Friday. The GM can bot my character if needed.

Female Human Fighter (Sensate) 3 | hp 21/28 | AC 23, t 13, ff 23 | Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +4 | Init +7 | Perc +6

Holiday Posting Schedule: It looks like I'll be unable to post for the next two Sundays/Mondays (12/25 & 12/26, 1/1 & 1/2, though I may be able to sneak in a brief post on 1/2). I should be able to post as usual on the weekdays in between.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Female Human Fighter (Sensate) 3 | hp 21/28 | AC 23, t 13, ff 23 | Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +4 | Init +7 | Perc +6

I'm online today but will be without internet access on Sunday and Monday. The GM may bot Lucia as needed.

Bard/1 AC16/18 (T12 FF14 CMD15) HP14/[14] Init +4, SPD:30 Perform 2/[4] Fort +2 (+2 trait bonus vs. poison or drugs (+4 to avoid effects of alcohol), Ref +4, Will +1, Perc +5 SM -1 Action Pts: 5


Female Human Fighter (Sensate) 3 | hp 21/28 | AC 23, t 13, ff 23 | Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +4 | Init +7 | Perc +6

I may not be able to post tomorrow; if I AM able to sneak one in, it'll likely be late afternoon or early evening. Back to normal on Wednesday.

I have resolved some of my personal issues, and so should be able to post at least every other day now. Thank you for your patience over the last few weeks.

Bard/1 AC16/18 (T12 FF14 CMD15) HP14/[14] Init +4, SPD:30 Perform 2/[4] Fort +2 (+2 trait bonus vs. poison or drugs (+4 to avoid effects of alcohol), Ref +4, Will +1, Perc +5 SM -1 Action Pts: 5

Loving the game

Bard/1 AC16/18 (T12 FF14 CMD15) HP14/[14] Init +4, SPD:30 Perform 2/[4] Fort +2 (+2 trait bonus vs. poison or drugs (+4 to avoid effects of alcohol), Ref +4, Will +1, Perc +5 SM -1 Action Pts: 5

Hows things panning out for you GM?

PC dead. Want to write long post but not on ipad. New PC expected. Give 24 hrs please.

M Goblin Beer Snob 1/Freethinker 3

A PC is dead?! I hope it's not Corlan!
P.S. Sympathies -- my home machine is about kaput as well.

Grand Lodge

How's things

1 person marked this as a favorite.

New PC! I have been through the simple 126-step process to set up my Microsoft account, and managed to convince Google that it really is me, and to give me my life back. Going to eat dinner then post updates.

It will not have escaped your notice that I am terrible at predictions. When I say 'everything is fine, we can continue now' is just when things fall apart in a more extreme way. I won't recount my woes here - suffice it to say I have been struggling to hold things together in my personal, professional and family life for various reasons.

The upshot of this is that I have let you all down badly by not being able to keep up with the committment required to run a game. For this I can only apologize profoundly. I know the effort and dedication that many people put into crafting characters and keeping up with the game, and I am sorry that I have not been able to keep up my end.

Now, here's the rub - the last thing I want to do at the moment is make things worse by saying 'yeah, it's all fine now' and then finding out that it's not, and going through this whole cycle again. So I want to wait a few weeks to make sure that I can live up to any committment I make. If, after that, we can salvage anything from the game, or anyone wants to continue in some form, then we can discuss - but those who want to walk away I understand perfectly - you don't need the frustration I've put you through.

Apologies again.

Female Half-elf Oracle 3. AC 12. Hp 21. Init + 8. Low light vision. Perception + 2. Fort + 2. Will + 3. Ref + 3

I'm still interested, take all the time you need, I know how life can get and hope things improve for you.

Mordan Lv 3|AC 17|HP 23/23: Sister AC 17(21)|HP 25/30

Post when you can. I was just going to be burned at the stake anyway :-)

M Human Slayer 3; hp 31/current 26

I've enjoyed the game very much so far, and am happy to continue at any pace -- fast, slow, glacial. One of my PBP games was on hiatus for a year or so when I moved, then picked back up, so I'm very understanding that real life comes first -- no apologies are needed for that.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female Human Fighter (Sensate) 3 | hp 21/28 | AC 23, t 13, ff 23 | Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +4 | Init +7 | Perc +6

Still here, still resisting the urge to get nekkid and join the party!

Come back when you're able.

Grand Lodge

You run a great game - I am more than happy to wait for you. I've recently become unemployed and my life is having issues as well on top of the lack of job so I well understand your situation.

Bard/1 AC16/18 (T12 FF14 CMD15) HP14/[14] Init +4, SPD:30 Perform 2/[4] Fort +2 (+2 trait bonus vs. poison or drugs (+4 to avoid effects of alcohol), Ref +4, Will +1, Perc +5 SM -1 Action Pts: 5

Any news?

I am here.

Who wants to continue?

Female Half-elf Oracle 3. AC 12. Hp 21. Init + 8. Low light vision. Perception + 2. Fort + 2. Will + 3. Ref + 3

Still here and ready to go.

Welcome back, hope things are better for you?

Much more stable, thank you.

Mordan Lv 3|AC 17|HP 23/23: Sister AC 17(21)|HP 25/30

Still here...

M Human Slayer 3; hp 31/current 26


Female Human Fighter (Sensate) 3 | hp 21/28 | AC 23, t 13, ff 23 | Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +4 | Init +7 | Perc +6

Here most days except Sundays and holidays! WB GM!

Bard/1 AC16/18 (T12 FF14 CMD15) HP14/[14] Init +4, SPD:30 Perform 2/[4] Fort +2 (+2 trait bonus vs. poison or drugs (+4 to avoid effects of alcohol), Ref +4, Will +1, Perc +5 SM -1 Action Pts: 5

I am DEFINETELY coming back. Just give me a day or two.

Bard/1 AC16/18 (T12 FF14 CMD15) HP14/[14] Init +4, SPD:30 Perform 2/[4] Fort +2 (+2 trait bonus vs. poison or drugs (+4 to avoid effects of alcohol), Ref +4, Will +1, Perc +5 SM -1 Action Pts: 5

Sorry guys. Had some on going issues with depression - apologies and give me a day or so to get back on top of things.

"I just wanted to say - good luck. We're all counting on you"

Sorry folks - spent the last half of 2017 in hospital or recuperating from operations, counting my missing body parts. PM me if you want the full sorry saga.

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