Castle Amber

Game Master waynemarkstubbs

Deep in the Ethereal Plane lurks a small demiplane, consisting of a large gothic manor house and its grounds. Lights flicker in its windows, fountains play in its carefully manicured gardens, and the sound of feasting and jollity comes from within.

At first it might seem like a welcome respite to planar travelers, but those few who have escaped describe a place of chaos and madness, where all times and places seem to converge, and yet nothing ever changes. Where the dust of millenia lies on flower that are still as fresh as the day they were picked, and where visitors from a thousand worlds and realities have reshaped the very fabric of the house to their wills.

They describe an ancient, powerful, inbred family of nobles, trapped by a timeless curse, who have existed so long that they are no longer sure which parts of their personalities are truly their own, which are masks they have adopted to break the boredom of endless eons, and which have been whispered in their ears by sinister manipulators in the shadows...

The West Wing

The Goat Bridge

Current Characters

Grand Lodge Helaman

(6,902 posts)
Borden Read

Bard/1 AC16/18 (T12 FF14 CMD15) HP14/[14] Init +4, SPD:30 Perform 2/[4] Fort +2 (+2 trait bonus vs. poison or drugs (+4 to avoid effects of alcohol), Ref +4, Will +1, Perc +5 SM -1 Action Pts: 5

played by Helaman (848 posts)
Caroliss Minerran
Celeste Toronos

Female Half-elf Oracle 3. AC 12. Hp 21. Init + 8. Low light vision. Perception + 2. Fort + 2. Will + 3. Ref + 3

played by DBH (91 posts)
Modoru Redgrave
Corlan of Greyhawk

M Human Slayer 3; hp 31/current 26

played by Kirth Gersen (89 posts)
Pirate Guard
GM Piratey Steve

The Man's Promise | Ship Actions | Current Battle Map

played by Profession Smith 6 ranks (1,252 posts)

Are you sure you want to do that?

played by DBH (11,153 posts)

played by waynemarkstubbs (1,045 posts)
Andura Jakos
Lucia von Hendriks

Female Human Fighter (Sensate) 3 | hp 21/28 | AC 23, t 13, ff 23 | Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +4 | Init +7 | Perc +6

played by Profession Smith 6 ranks (106 posts)
Mordan Talus

Mordan Lv 3|AC 17|HP 23/23: Sister AC 17(21)|HP 25/30

played by Speaker for the Dead (136 posts)

Previous Characters

Kirth Gersen

M Goblin Beer Snob 1/Freethinker 3
(27,539 posts)
Bee Doll
The Egg of Coot

played by Kirth Gersen (159 posts)