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CMB to break Grapple: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24
Hskoro starts to gasp as the tentacle starts squeezing his neck. He thrust his shield up into the tentacle hoping to dislodge it.
If that breaks grapple, With the tentacle dislodged, Hskoro rushes forward to get into melee range so he can exact revenge on the monster.

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"Keep your grubby tentacles to yourself!" Tellerin calls out as he draws another sweep of sparks from his tattoos. Pointing at the creature, he sends forth a ray of fire.
Ray of Flames, into melee, bless: 1d20 + 3 - 4 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 3 - 4 + 1 = 16
Ray of Flames damage: 1d3 ⇒ 3

GM DevilDoc |

Dolvin tries to assist Hskoro with the tentacle around his neck, but is unable to get a bead on the writhing tentacle grasping his friends throat.
Hskoro easily breaks the things hold around his neck, then steps forward to do damage of his own!
Tellerin blasts away with a ray of fire, scorching the odd creature before him!
Bold May Post
Creature- 3 dmg
Hskoro- 7 dmg, grappled

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Calephe stands her ground and swings both weapons around the corner at the creature.
Scimitar: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14
Damage: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
Kukri: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21
Damage: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
Kukri Crit Confirm: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 3 = 16
Damage: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

GM DevilDoc |

From her bad angle, Calephe has some difficulties getting around the corner. Her scimitar strikes sparks off of the stone walls once more, but the tip of her kukri manages to get around and slice the creature.
T1: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10
T2: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12
The creature keeps after Hskoro, but the distraction of so many enemies keeps the creature from landing a blow. It takes a step back from the opening and the press of the battle in an attempt to get some room.
Bold May Post
Creature- 3 dmg
Hskoro- 7 dmg,

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Hskoro hisses, "Oh.. You're not getting away from me." He pushes forward into the opening, his armor scraping against the cave wall as he swings his hammer down onto the creature.
Warhammer: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20; Damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
You forgot to add the Kukri damage from Calephe from last round.

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Calephe moves to the other crack in the wall just in case the creature comes out of it.
If I head into the other crack in the wall, I don't think I'll be able to see. I"m going to ready an attack if the creature comes in my view.
Readied Attack Scimitar: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18
Damage: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6

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Tellerin huffs in frustration as the creature backs up deeper into the side tunnel and out of his clear line of sight. "Can you lure it back out Hskoro? I don't have a clear shot."
Tellerin steps to the south and spares a glance for the side passage to the east, hoping that there isn't another of the creatures lurking within.
He readies a ray of fire, aiming it at the entranceway Hskoro is blocking, and prepares to fire it if the creature emerges past the nagaji.
Ray of Fire, into melee, bless: 1d20 + 3 - 4 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 3 - 4 + 1 = 6
Ray of Fire damage: 1d3 ⇒ 2

GM DevilDoc |

Hskoro keeps pressing the creature, landing another solid blow upon its soft body. So I did.. Thank you!
Calephe runs to the other tunnel, peering into it where the light from the table fades away as she readies her scimitar.
Tellerin fires another ray of fire into the mix, but is unable to hit his target.
Tellerin: I moved you up behind Hskoro to make that shot work. Here, you just barely have line of sight. From your previous position, that would be debatable at best.
Bold May Post
Creature- 13 dmg
Hskoro- 7 dmg,

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Tellerin: I moved you up behind Hskoro to make that shot work. Here, you just barely have line of sight. From your previous position, that would be debatable at best.
Oh, I knew the line of sight wasn't possible. Thats why I said I'd have Tellerin ready the ray in case the creature emerged from the tunnel (rather than firing it outright). I'd rather not move to that position just east of Hskoro in case he needs the flexibility of 5ft stepping backward.
I've moved Tellerin back to the previous position.

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Dolvin moves down into a position where he can reach Hskoro and pats him on the back. "Take it out my fired," he says as Desna's Luck passes between them.
Bit Of Luck

GM DevilDoc |

GM DevilDoc wrote:Tellerin: I moved you up behind Hskoro to make that shot work. Here, you just barely have line of sight. From your previous position, that would be debatable at best.Oh, I knew the line of sight wasn't possible. Thats why I said I'd have Tellerin ready the ray in case the creature emerged from the tunnel (rather than firing it outright). I'd rather not move to that position just east of Hskoro in case he needs the flexibility of 5ft stepping backward.
I've moved Tellerin back to the previous position.
My apologies. I somehow missed that you were only readying the ray.

GM DevilDoc |

Dolvin grants Hskoro a Bit of Luck, trying to make sure that the nagaji can take care of the foe.
Pressed by an enemy that won't go away, the creature sends another two tentacles at Hskoro. Both tentacles miss, and the creature takes another step back.
T1: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16
T2: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11
Bold May Post
Creature- 13 dmg
Hskoro- 7 dmg

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Hskoro presses his attack, feeling the extra boost by Dolvin. He follows the creature further down the path, swing his warhammer at it again.
5' step, then attack
Warhammer: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23
Warhammer: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13 Bit of Luck
Damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6

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"of course my dear" Dolvin says calmly, despite their current battle. "anything to brighten your day." Dolvin takes a step closer to Calephe and drops his crossbow "Im a lousy shot with that thing anyway."He thinks to himself then he remembers his encounter with the minotaur "Without Desna's help that is, I was certain that I had felled that minotaur, but that is neither here nor there. Now what was I doing, oh that's right" he holds out a hand and casts light on one of Calephe's blades.
-Posted with Wayfinder

GM DevilDoc |

With one more great whack with his warhammer, Hskoro ends the threat facing the group. As the echoes and cries of combat fade away, Heryn calls out from the relative safety of the wine racks "What WAS that?! Are you all ok??"

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"I"m not sure, but I think we are alright. Did you have any idea this room was here?" Calephe calls as she moves a little forward down the cracked passage way looking for more enemies using her lighted blade. "Thank you Dolvin."
Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9

GM DevilDoc |

"No!! None at all!!" Heryn exclaims. "Who knows how long this stuff.. and creatures.. have been here! Are there more??" she adds fearfully. "I can knock a lout out thats had a few too many, or take care of the scrapes and bruises from a bar fight.. but I've never seen anything like this.."

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"Some weird monster is what it was! Never seen a thing like it. Thanks for keeping it at bay Hskoro, I didn't like the look of those tentacles."
Tellerin takes a peek back into the wine rack room, smiles at Heryn, and straightens "Just everyday work for our little group! Nothing to worry about."
"Now why did Dreng send us into these dangerous tunnels? He must have known that they exist if he asked for that specific bottle. Maybe there's something here he wanted us to find... or is this him testing us?" Humming excitedly to himself, he sidles on to the table and searches it for any hints.
As he does so, Cupper pops out and starts snuffling through the loose papers and documents.
Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22
Tellerin also checks out the two chests, looking if they're visibly locked, and then before opening either of them, says "Hm, maybe we should be careful with these... if Dreng sent us into one possible deathtrap, there could be others."

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Hskoro grabs some of the tentacles of the creature and drags into back into the room. He prods it with his warhammer a little bit. "Never killed anything like this before."
Hskoro looks up to see Tellerin investigating the papers and chests, letting him deal with such things.

GM DevilDoc |

While Hskoro is dragging his trophy around, Tellerin turns his attention to the paper covered desk. The desk is covered with notes and journals, and lit by the rock hanging from the chain above the desk. Looking at the papers, you are shocked to learn that the papers are the personal chronicles of one Selmius Foster, a famous Pathfinder of years past. It seems that most of his famous adventures are Chronicled here in varying amounts of detail, but it is evident there is another investigation he had been pursuing before he died: the lost records of a society agent names Eylysia.
Please see the handout tab above.

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"An investigation? We should take this to Dreng, and see what he wants us to do. I'm interested in investigating. We're fairly new with the Society, and I don't want to step on toes. I like this job." she murmurs while reviewing the documents.

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"Agreed. Sounds interesting. But also could mean a betrayer is in the Society. Hiding reports and all."

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Tellerin slaps the papers down on the table after reading them and when he turns to the others his eyes are alight with interest. "A conspiracy at work!"
He shakes his head at Calephe's suggestion. "This is a great opportunity for us to show our skills as Pathfinders. In fact, I'd say Selmius and Adolphus are counting on us to take up the banner and find these secret notes!"
He picks the notes back up and stabs his finger at the various names. "Arkath's mausoleum in the Ivy District. Fimbrik at the Arcanamirium. And the Wall of Names with these weird additions. Maybe Janira or the others up top know more about these people?"
He shakes the notes, slightly crumpling them in the process "We can't let Mr. Dreng steal away OUR chance to reveal such an interesting story to the world and give it to some dull louts! Er... I mean... I'm sure this was his intention all along!"
"Right, right?" He looks earnestly at his allies, hoping they'll agree.

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Calephe looks a little horrified at Tellarin's handling of the old papers. "Careful with those papers. They are very old. Don't crumple them."
She looks thoughtful for a few minutes. "Yes let's take the initiative and search this information out ourselves. I know where the wall of names is. It's at the Society Headquarters."

GM DevilDoc |

So thats one vote for the wall of names, with a suggestions for Dreng and one for the Pathfinders above. Where to next? And if you are abstaining because you have played this before, please let me know that too!

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"I am all for heading to the wall of names, but should we not make sure there is nothing else in this room before venturing out?"
it looks like there are other paths that could lead to other places.
Perception : 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25+2 stone cunning
-Posted with Wayfinder

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Hskoro uses a talon finger to scratch his chin, "It would be an interesting adventure. The wall seems like a could 'nough place to start."
To Dolvin, "There are other paths, but we should be careful if we continue. I've heard of strong monsters living deep underground."

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"The Wall is a good place to start! Once we find those names, we'll have to see where they lead us."
"And sorry Calephe, I got a bit excited." he straightens the notes as best as he can and passes them over to her.

GM DevilDoc |

Dolvin takes one last look around the chamber, but finds nothing other than crevices leading into the deep dark of the world. After some discussion, the team turns towards the Wall of Names.
The team heads off across town to the grounds of the Absalom Pathfinder Lodge. The Wall of Names, a curving wall of black glass atop a hill on the western edge of the grounds, is a place where fallen Pathfinders are memorialized, with an epitaph of one or two lines to honor their service and sacrifice.
Please see the Handouts link

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Calephe takes the papers and carefully stores them away with the other papers. When they arrive at the Wall of Names she reads the names idly. "I don't know much about history or what happens locally. I'm here to be a guard for those smarter than I am."

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Tellerin goes from one end of the Wall of Names to the other, hmm-ing the whole time. He stops in front of a few of the epitaphs and studies them.
In just this wall, there are so many lost Pathfinders, their stories ended early. And these epitaphs are hardly enough to immortalize them.
Eventually, he goes and studies the three names that the party had come for. After a few minutes though, he just scratches his head and shrugs "I found the names of those three fake Pathfinders, but I have no idea what to make of them. We know they're supposed to be fake, so the epitaphs must be some kind of hidden message that Eylysia left behind."
"They seem strangely written too. Why would their epitaphs list their failures, their uneventful ends, and their madness, instead of their accomplishments?" Tellerin scrunches his brow in frustration. "Anyone have any ideas what these mean? If not, we might want to go back and ask Janira, she seems to know her history quite well."

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Hskoro stares at the names for several minutes before saying, "No idea. Janira would be good choice."

GM DevilDoc |

Dolvin has both K. Religion and K. History, so I will wait and see if he posts this afternoon before moving us on later tonight.

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Know History : 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27
Know Religion : 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14
-Posted with Wayfinder
Dolvin looks over the documents, and although he knew nothing about the bar above this knowledge does not escape him. "Aha!" he excalaims in joy of understanding the reference. "These underlined areas are references to failed aspirants of the Test of the Starstone, a test in which a mortal may become a god. Those who fail are memorialized at the Shrine of the Failed. Might be worth looking into," he adds.

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"Nice one Dolvin. If all three are referencing this Shrine of the Failed, it must be that Eylysia either hid her notes there or left some more clues." Tellerin nods.
The test of the Starstone... is there some other reason why Eylysia used that as her reference? Could it be that her secrets have something to do with the Test?
"Calephe, my vote is for the Shrine first. It seems like the most promising lead, with how Eylysia has specifically prepared a reference to it."

GM DevilDoc |

The team heads through the dark night to the mostly deserted Shrine of the Failed. Erected centuries ago by an unknown organization, the Shrine of the Failed is a dour complex that pays homage to those who failed in their attempts to overcome the Test of the Starstone. The building houses numerous altars,each dedicated to a specific failed aspirant. Black-robed acolytes protect, clean, and maintain the halls as well as the few trinkets left behind by the aspirants. The shrine is a stone edifice with several levels that contain altars to the failed aspirants.
Stepping within the Shrine, you are stand within the great antechamber of the enormous building. This monumental chamber stretches eighty feet from end to end, with a ceiling suspended thirty feet from the floor by great pillars. Seven arched passages lead to humble rooms, each of which contains a polished stone altar dedicated to one of the failed aspirants who attempted the Test of the Starstone.The team heads through the dark night to the mostly deserted Shrine of the Failed. Erected centuries ago by an unknown organization, the Shrine of the Failed is a dour complex that pays homage to those who failed in their attempts to overcome the Test of the Starstone. The building houses numerous altars,each dedicated to a specific failed aspirant. Black-robed acolytes protect, clean, and maintain the halls as well as the few trinkets left behind by the aspirants. The shrine is a stone edifice with several levels that contain altars to the failed aspirants.
Stepping within the Shrine, you are stand within the great antechamber of the enormous building. This monumental chamber stretches eighty feet from end to end, with a ceiling suspended thirty feet from the floor by great pillars. Seven arched passages lead to humble rooms, each of which contains a polished stone altar dedicated to one of the failed aspirants who attempted the Test of the Starstone.
Map Updated

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Hskoro circles the main room, looking to see if there are any plaques identifying the room, specifically looking for the three names found on The Wall of Names.

GM DevilDoc |

Calephe and Hskoro move about the Shrine, inspecting the alcoves. Each of these chambers contains a small stone altar to one of the failed aspirants. Each altar stands upon a raised dais and bears a small brass nameplate identifying the aspirant and the would-be-god’s areas of interest. In the last alcove down the left side of the building, Hskoro recognizes the name on the nameplate from the clues gathered under the Wounded Wisp.
"Zimpar: Administered to the mind-menders of Ustalav.
May they overcome the screaming fear."
Anyone entering or studying the alcove, please give me a perception and a will save.

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Hskoro points to the alcove and looks at the others, "Here is Zimpar."
After informing the others, he enters the alcove and looks around.
Perception: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8
Will Save: 1d20 ⇒ 20 +2 if Mind-Affecting or Poison

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Tellerin also circles through the room, taking the opposite direction to Hskoro (with Calephe) as he does so. He gives out appreciative hums as he inspects each altar in turn. Absentmindedly he says "I wonder if they would need to carve out a new alcove if someone new attempted the Test of the Starstone. .."
He is broken out of his speculation by Hskoro's statement echoing through the large room. "Oh? You found it Hskoro? I was starting to think this was a dead lead."
Tellerin walks on over to Hskoro's alcove to inspect the small room, particularly curious to find if there are any small trinkets left behind by this "Zimpar" like there were for the other failed aspirants.
"See anything, Cupper?" he whispers to the fox.
Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6
Will: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16

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Dolvin, seeing the party divide, decides to follow Hskoro. "Always split the party, isn't that the saying" He thinks to himself as he follows the Nagaji warrior.
"ah yes it is Zimper and the screaming fear, sounds horrible."
Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19
Will: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6

GM DevilDoc |

Other than the spoiler:
The rest of the team looks within the alcove but sees nothing out of the ordinary.

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Hskoro moves toward the right hand wall in the alcove. "There is a door here. Hidden by magic or something." His hand reaches out and feels along the door.
He looks to the others, "No signs on how to open it though."