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"Before we enter, I would like to bless you all with the grace and speed of Desna." he pulls out the wand and blesses everyone.
+1 morale bonus on attack rolls and on saving throws against fear effects for 1 minute

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Hskoro thanks Dolvin for the buff, drawing out his warhammer for any battle and readies himself.

GM DevilDoc |

Dolvin grants Desna's blessings to the party, then the team moves ahead into the light coming from above.
The four wings of the tower are completely open on this level, forming one great, cross-shaped chamber with arched ceilings. The decayed remnants of a carpet run from the doorways at the end of each wing, meeting in the center, where a spiral staircase drops out of sight below. A large, throne-like chair stands in the middle of the eastern wing next to a big chest. Standing in a large window French Door type thing is the biggest and ugliest troglodyte you have yet to meet. Next to the throne sits an albino alligator that hisses at you as you enter the room. Turning, the troglodyte cries out in his language, and the alligator shuffles forward.
Anyone who moves forward from where you are, please make a DC 13 Fort save vs the stench
Calephe Initiative: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19
Tellerin Initiative: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18
Dolvin Initiative: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 1 = 11
Rashid Initiative: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 3 = 16
Big Ugly Initiative: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24
Croc Initiative: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21
Balenor Initiative: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12
The large robed troglodyte steps forward behind the throne and begins casting a spell. Meanwhile, the crocodile moves to guard the troglodyte.
Bold May Post
Big Ugly- casting, full cover
Croc- Readied action
Active effects: Bless: +1/, +1 vs fear

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Fort (DC 13): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17
Hskoro shakes off the bad smell as he charges forward, toward the albino croc. Hoping to make a quick finish of the beast so the party can focus all their might on the big trog.
Charge: +2 to attack with charge, -2 AC until next turn
Battleaxe + Charge + Bless: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27;Damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7
Critical Confirm: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19;+ Critical Damage: 2d8 + 6 ⇒ (1, 8) + 6 = 15
IF CRITICAL HIT: 22 damage on albino croc

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Nice crit Hskoro!
"Aha! The ringleader! Looks like you'll have your revenge Balenar."
Spellcraft vs. Big Ugly: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8
The spellcasting remains a mystery to Tellerin. He heads on towards the massive throne and prepares himself for the big troglodyte to poke its ugly head out. His tattoos spark with readiness! Readying a burning hands, to trigger if the enemy trog leaves cover and I have a clear cone that doesn't include allies...
Burning Hands damage, w/ Burning Infusion: 3d4 ⇒ (4, 2, 3) = 9 DC14 reflex for half. Enemies damaged are lit on fire, taking 1d6 damage at the end of their turn unless they make a DC15 reflex to put themselves out
FORT save vs. stink: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4

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"Desna we have traveled far in your name. Your powers have saved us, and brought us fortune. Once again I ask for you to aid us in or time of need" Dolvin bellows the prayer and seems to be even stronger than before. The inspiration provided from his first blessing seems even stonger within himself and his allies.
So for then next minute you all have a +1 from bless, and at anytime during that minute you may raise it to a +2 for one roll

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Fort Save: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23
Calephe manages to hold on to her stomach as she moves to attack the albino creature.
Scimitar Attack, Bless: 1d20 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 3 + 1 = 16
Damage: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8
If Haskaro kills it with his attack, I'll double move around to the trog instead.

GM DevilDoc |

I forgot to post Balenors action last rroung. He began singing, granting you a +1/+1 bonus. Calephe, if you are keeping your rolls, add this in please.
Hskoro charges forward, easily brushing off the stench of the troglodyte as he charges for the croc. It stands ready, snapping out with its teeth. The croc lands a nasty bite on Hskoro, but the nagaji is able to jump back and avoid the crocodiles attempt to roll him to the ground. Retaliating, Hskoro brings his ax around and with one solid and controlled hit, decapitates the pesky crocodile!
Readied attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21
Dmg: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
Grab: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (3) + 11 = 14
Tellerrin moves forward, the gut wrenching nausea hitting him again. He steps forward to the throne and prepares a spell, hoping to fry this last troglodyte to a crisp.
Dolvin prays for more of desnas blessings for the party
Calephe hot trots around the throne, preparing to swat the spellcaster with her scimitar.
We can keep your rolls if you like for this next turn.
With a triumphant cry, the troglodyte releases the results of his spell, summoning a swarm of spiders to cover Tellerin and Hskoro! They did in and start biting, crawling over and under the mens armor and robes.
DMG: 1d6 ⇒ 3
Both Tellerin and Hskoro please make DC 11 Fort save vs poison or take Str dmg: 1d2 ⇒ 2
[ooc]Anyone in the swarm is subject to:[/spoiler]
Swarms possess the distraction universal monster rule. Spellcasting or concentrating on spells within the area of a swarm requires a caster level check (DC 20 + spell level). Using skills that involve patience and concentration requires a DC 20 Will save.
The troglodyte whips out a scimitar and slashes at Calephe, missing her by a hair.
Attack: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14
Balenor continues to sing, but draws his rapier and heads for the battle.
Fort: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15
Bold May Post
Big Ugly- full cover
Calephe- saved vs stench
Tellerin- Sickened, 3 dmg, Fort Save vs poison, nausea, readied action
Balenor- fort saved
Hskoro- saved vs stench, 13 dmg, fort save vs poison, nausea
Active effects: Bless, Inspire Courage: +2/+1, +1 vs fear, +1 vs charm

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Fort(DC 11) vs Poison: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18
Hskoro slaps the spiders crawling over him, killing several of them and he withdraws, wounded badly from the dying bite the croc gave him.

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FORT vs poison: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21
FORT vs distraction: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16
Tellerin gives out a yelp as an avalanche of spiders tries to bury him. He yells incoherently as he pushes free of the swarm and wastes no time in clawing off every spider he can reach. "Gyaaaaaaahhhhhh--" His yell cuts off as he bumps into the wall to the north of the swarm.
The impact is enough to bring him back to his senses and he spins around. Despite a few spiders still hanging off his vest, pants, hair, eyebrows and jewelery, he rapidly casts the spell he was going to save for the ugly troglodyte. A wave of fire shoots forth into the swarm.
Burning hands: 3d4 ⇒ (3, 3, 2) = 8 Directed straight south, DC15 reflex for half.

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I'll keep my rolls.
Calephe swings her scimitar and her kukri at the spellcaster. "Haven't you heard of a bath? Maybe the ladies would like you better."
With the Bless, IC that's 17 to hit on the Scimitar attack, and 9 damage.
Kukri: 1d20 + 2 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 2 + 1 + 1 = 10
Damage, IC: 1d4 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 + 1 = 6

GM DevilDoc |

Hskoro pulls back from the fight, trying to staunch his bleeding.
Reflex: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9
Meanwhile, Tellerin turns and creates a massive pile of crispy critters, frying the spiders in a magical cone of fire.
Calephe closes with the the troglodyte, insulting him as she brings her scimitar to bear. She scores a bright line of blood across the creatures scales, but misses with her kukri.
Bold May Post
Big Ugly- full cover- 9 dmg
Calephe- saved vs stench
Tellerin- Sickened, 3 dmg
Balenor- fort saved
Hskoro- saved vs stench, 13 dmg
Active effects: Bless, Inspire Courage: +2/+1, +1 vs fear, +1 vs charm

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Dolvin channels the energy from his deity and a familiar energy flows through the room helping to seal some of the wounds Hskoro and Tellerin have received.
Channel : 1d6 ⇒ 2
-Posted with Wayfinder

GM DevilDoc |

Dolvin tries to help his comrades, but his connection with the gods is a bit weak at the moment!
The troglodyte is pressed back around the corner and onto the balcony as Calephe surges forward. Under the cover of the walls and doorway, he drops his sword before muttering a few quick words. Suddenly, a 3 foot long line of fire erupts from his hand, taking the shape of anotherr scimitar.
Bold May Post
Big Ugly- 9 dmg
Calephe- saved vs stench
Tellerin- Sickened, 1 dmg
Balenor- fort saved
Hskoro- saved vs stench, 11 dmg
Active effects: Bless, Inspire Courage: +2/+1, +1 vs fear, +1 vs charm

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Feeling a little bit better, Hskoro moves closer to the throne but using it to shield himself until he is ready to charge forward.

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"Neat Trick." Calephe shifts next to the trog, and swings both weapons at him. She's willing to take the chance his attack will hurt.
Scimitar: 1d20 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 3 + 2 = 9
Damage: 1d6 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 3 + 1 = 7
Kukri: 1d20 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 + 2 = 17
Damage: 1d4 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 + 1 = 6

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Tellerin sheds the remaining spiders and looks from side to side with confusion. "Where's that ugly guy? He's going to pay for those spiders."
He follows Calephe's voice and catches a sight of the troglodyte out on the balcony. He readies himself to cast a ray of fire at the troglodyte if it pushes past Calephe so he doesn't have to shoot past her.
Ray of Flames, burning infusion: 1d20 + 3 - 2 - 1 - 4 ⇒ (19) + 3 - 2 - 1 - 4 = 15
Ray of Flames damage: 1d3 ⇒ 2 Assuming it hits and deals damage, need a DC14 reflex save at end of its turn or take 1d6 fire

GM DevilDoc |

Hskoro moves back towards the battle, while Calephe keeps pressure on the troglodyte. She lashes out with both weapons, but only manages to connect with her kukri, dealing another shallow blow.
Tellering readies another burning hands spell, but holds it in favor of not turning Calephe into a roast.
Balenor keeps his song going, hoping to aid his allies in the now tight confines.
Bold May Post
Big Ugly- 15 dmg
Calephe- saved vs stench
Tellerin- Sickened, 1 dmg
Balenor- fort saved
Hskoro- saved vs stench, 11 dmg
Active effects: Bless, Inspire Courage: +2/+1, +1 vs fear, +1 vs charm

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I just realized that I have saves written differently in 2 places on my sheet and neither of them are correct
As Dolvin enters the room he attempts to fight back the nausea that he has felt from the other trogs.
FORT: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22
He then moves to a position where he can be seen and shouts in a booming voice.
"by the power of Desna I forbid you from attacking my companions, you most foul of beasts."
casts forbid action DC 14 Will negates
Attack: The target cannot take any action that involves an attack roll, or uses a spell or ability that targets a foe or an area that includes a foe.
-Posted with Wayfinder

GM DevilDoc |

As Dolvin steps forward onto the eastern wing, the whole floor gives a groaning shudder. Suddenly, the wing collapses in a shower of rubble and dust, plummeting friend and foe alike towards the rock strewn ground so far below!
Troglodyte Reflex: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7
The troglodyte lets out a single long scream as he plummets to the rocks below, landing with a hollow and broken thud that suddenly silences the scream.
Bold May Post
Calephe- saved vs stench, REFLEX SAVE
Tellerin- Sickened, 1 dmg, REFLEX SAVE
Balenor- fort saved
Hskoro- saved vs stench, 11 dmg
Active effects: Bless, Inspire Courage: +2/+1, +1 vs fear, +1 vs charm

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!!! Oh yeah, there was nothing underneath this floor lol.
Tellerin scrambles desperately for solid ground with a strangled yell.
Reflex: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
Reflex: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20 Phew, safe

GM DevilDoc |

Tellerin appears from the dust, desperately clawing for his friends as he falls below the floor. Luckily, the little gnome is able to grab for the next floor down and lands with a puff of exhaled breath. He seems to have the wind knocked out of him, but is not seriously hurt.
Bold May Post
Calephe- saved vs stench, REFLEX SAVE
Tellerin- Sickened, 2 dmg,
Balenor- fort saved
Hskoro- saved vs stench, 11 dmg
Active effects: Bless, Inspire Courage: +2/+1, +1 vs fear, +1 vs charm

GM DevilDoc |

Calephe follows Tellering from the rubble, jumping clear of the collapse and landing back away from the collapse zone.
Bold May Post
Tellerin- 2 dmg,
Hskoro- 11 dmg

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"This is how I die" Dolvin thinks to himself as the floor gives out from under him. "who would have thought, a dwarf taken out by shotty stonework."
Reflex: 1d20 ⇒ 11
Another Reflex: 1d20 ⇒ 5
Reflex: 1d20 ⇒ 12
Reflex: 1d20 ⇒ 15
He lands with a cry 3 floors down. There is an audible crack as his stout femur bone snaped in half. The pain is unbearable and Dolvin lies in a daze staring up at the hole. "Did I do that" he whispers to himself.
He continues to look up at the unusual stonework and tries to identify why the floor gave away.
stone cunning: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (16) + 9 = 25
He also calls upon Desna for healing and lays on the rough stone floor as her powers heal his broken leg.
channel: 1d6 ⇒ 5
-Posted with Wayfinder

GM DevilDoc |

Dolvin, I have adjusted your token to the 4th slide. You take 8 dmg from the fall and land prone.
Dolvin disappears into the cloud of dust with one last forlorn look at his companions as he falls away reaching for the edge so far away from him. several levels down, he manages to angle over and lands hard on the stone rubble. Looking up, it is obvious that the collapse of every level below the previously intact top floor greatly weakened what was left.. the weight of the combatants on the unsupported stone caused the floor to collapse.
Dolvin asks for his gods blessings, channeling healing powers into himself to take the edge off of the damage caused by the fall. Turning his eyes to his surroundings, he recognizes that he has not seen this area yet. He lies on the remains of a large room that used to comprise the entire floor. A solid stone wall runs along his left towards the remains of the northern room, the dark cavern yawning dark and forbidding.
Top Floor:
Next Floor:
Third floor down:

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"We need to go, and see if they are alive." She pulls out a piton and begins to beat it into a crack in the rubble. Then she attaches a rope to it, and throws the other end of the rope down into the hole.

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Hskoro overcomes his injuries and rushes downstairs to aid his companions. The floor below he checks on Tellerin.
"Tellerin! Are alright?"
lol... sorta happy that Dolvin landed on the third floor. I hate leaving places unexplored. We have a reason now to either find the secret door or bust down the wall.

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"Couple a blocks bludgeoned me pretty hard. I'll pull through!" Tellerin shouts back up. "I think I saw Dolvin fall past me. Dolvin, can you hear us?" He shouts down as well.
He also looks around in a panic for a moment before spotting Cupper back in tattoo form on his arm. "Hope that didn't shock you too bad, Cups"

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Dolvin sits up and shakes his head. His ears are ringing but he thinks he can hear his companions but is unsure what exactly he hears. Looking round he peers into the dark cavern.
Perception : 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17 Darkvision
also with my stone cunning I should get a perception check if there is in fact a secret door at a +9 if I am go within 10 ft of one I always forget dwarves and their affinity with the stone
-Posted with Wayfinder

GM DevilDoc |

Just barely miss the DC with the stonecunning, Dolvin.
Dolvin looks about, and can hear his companions calling out from above. As his gaze settles on the yawning cavern before him where the walls seem to writhe and move within the darkness and a strong odor of ammonia wafts through the air.

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Pulling Tellerin to his feet, he then heads downstairs and confronts the wall that blocks the path to where they believe Dolvin fell.
perception: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12
Not finding any cracks or other stuff, Hskoro switches his battleaxe with his warhammer, licks his hands before grabbing his warhammer with two claws. He waits for the others to possibly find a weakness in the wall before he starts to attack his eternal rival. The WALL.

GM DevilDoc |

Calephe: Whenever you are climbing a rope, make sure to note that you are tying knots in it! That makes the difference between a DC 5 (With knots) and a DC 15 for an unknotted rope.
I am moving the rest of the group to join Hskoro on the third level, as Calephe is the only other one to post a decision. If you would prefer to take the rope down, you may start on the fifth slide where I have marked an "X".
Before climbing down, Calephe suddenly remembers herself and ties knots all along the rope before scurrying down to join Dolvin. Hskoro moves down the stairs, and tries to find any way that he can through the wall, but is unsuccessful.

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Tellerin follows after Hskoro, legs still wobbling a bit from the close brush with death. He watches as the Nagaji attacks the wall and then says "Are you sure its here that Dolvin fell, and not the floor underneath? I don't think there's any way to that side of the tower from this little temple..." While saying that Tellerin coaxes Cupper back out to help him and inspects the two rooms properly.
Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15 As part of his inspection he casts detect magic and sweeps it around the room.
"Hmmmm" He raps his knuckles on the wall then raises his voice, "Dolvin, you there?"

GM DevilDoc |

Nothing found, Tellerin. The solid stone walls are quite thick..
I don't imagine that sound would travel through them.

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Dolvin raises from the ground and looks around him he pulls out his wand of bless and quickly casts the spell on himself. Then takes a few steps towards the darkness with his shield raised. "Dolvin, what are you doing? You can't go in there alone." he reminds himself and takes a cautious step back looking up to where he had fallen from.
"I'm down here" he croaks."there seems to be a hidden room"
Where did the trogs body fall?
-Posted with Wayfinder

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With the party having no luck finding a weakness or secret on the wall, Hskoro winds up his warhammer and slams it into the wall.
Not sure how this will be handled. So I'll make a STR check for the Break DC for the wall and a damage check for Hardness/HP.
Strength Check: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
Warhammer Damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8

GM DevilDoc |

Hskoro: Stone walls have a hardness of 8, 540hp, and a break str dc of 50. I don't think that your method going to work in anything resembling good time. Completely OOC, the secret door has a perception DC of 20 and the only way to find that unless someone rolls really well is going to be to take 20 which will take a while. You can continue in this manner if you like, but my best advice is to go upstairs and come down the rope that Calephe set.
Btw, you can find all of the Hardness/HP rules HERE
Dolvin and Calephe: I moved your tokens to represent your posts.
Dolvin sets his shield and casts Bless upon himself and Calephe, then tentatively moves forward to see what the darkness holds in store for him. As he steps forward though, the writhing wall coalesces into many millions of bats lining the walls and ceiling of the chamber! They squeak and chirp in alarm, taking to the air in a massive swarm!
Dolvin: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15
Bats: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11
"Bold may Post"
The rest of you have no idea what is going on with Dolvin and Calephe. If you should return to the top, we will call it 3 rounds before you reach the room where Calephe set her rope annd you can hear whats going on below. It will be another move action to climb down before you could engage. Let me know what you want to do please.

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Not making a dent to the wall, Hskoro reluctantly heads back upstairs where Calephe was left.

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"Oh no, not bats, Tellerin get down here, " he yells, "we've a problem" Dolvin gets behind his shield and swings his hammer.
Fighting Defensively : 1d20 - 5 ⇒ (16) - 5 = 11
Damage: 1d8 - 1 ⇒ (5) - 1 = 4
-Posted with Wayfinder

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Sorry to say Dolvin and Calephe, it looks like you guys might be on your own with this one. 4 rounds is a lot of time before we catch up :<
Tellerin has a premonition that Dolvin needs him. He picks up the speed back towards the rope.

GM DevilDoc |

The four rounds were assuming a running pace :-) Trying to cut yall some slack.
Dolvin swings his hammer while taking cover behind his shield, but the hammer does little to effect the multitude of bats as they swarm over him and Calephe!
Swarm dmg: 1d6 ⇒ 1
"Bold may Post"
Dolvin- 1 dmg
Calephe- 1 dmg

GM DevilDoc |

Yes, this is a swarm of bats and will be susceptible to a flask of oil. I have moved your token for you.
Calephe drops back away from the swarm, trying desperately to get to a weapon that can affect the beasts.
"Bold may Post"
Dolvin- 1 dmg
Calephe- 2 dmg

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I Can't believe that I forgot my own bless last round, wouldn't have mattered but still... Also I am moving Dolvin a bit but I don't know if I can, so if I can't just let me know
Dolvin takes a step towards Calephe "I... I will protect you" Dolvin says swatting at the bats with his hammer and moving in her direction.
Warhammer: 1d20 + 1 - 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 - 1 = 20
Damage: 1d8 - 1 ⇒ (5) - 1 = 4

GM DevilDoc |

Yes, you can move freely within or out of the swarm.
Dolvin keeps swinging his warhammer at the bats, but it has minimal effect. The few bats he is able to knock out of the air are drops in the ocean compared to the entire swarm.
The swarm continues to move out of the enclosed area, once again covering Dolvin.
Swarm: 1d6 ⇒ 3
"Bold may Post"
Dolvin- 5 dmg
Calephe- 2 dmg

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Calephe finishes lighting her flask of oil and flings it at the swarm of bats. Trying to keep the fire away from Dolvin. The flask tinkles to the ground in the middle of the swarm, but fails to catch on fire. "Tellarin we need you!!!" Calephe yells. She pulls out another flask and starts the process of making burning oil flask again.
Ranged Attack: 1d20 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 4 + 1 = 25
High Catches on Fire: 1d100 ⇒ 46
damage: 1d6 ⇒ 4