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Hskoro hisses, "Damn thee, begone!"
Hskoro once more swings his warhammer at the skeleton directly in front of him with all of his force behind it.
Warhammer vs Green: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11;Damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9

GM DevilDoc |

Tellerin fires off another ray, but it goes wide as he avoids looking at the creatures before him.
Calephe steps in swinging, but she also fails to connect.
Rashid continues the trend with a sling bullet that ricochets a couple of times off the walls, While Dolvin grants Calephe a "Bit O Luck". Hskoro also manages to not hit anything, making for a very dismal few moments for the team as the skeletons keep up the pressure.
G vs H: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22
G vs H: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19
B vs D: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
B vs D: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14
Confirm H: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
H dmg: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
The skeleton in front of Hskoro once again gets his bony claws through the nagaji's defenses. Thankfully, Hskoro turns aside at just the right moment, avoiding calamity!
Bold May Post
Dolvin- 5 dmg
~Blue- 2 dmg
~Green- 2 dmg
Calephe- 5 dmg
Hskoro- 9 dmg

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Rashid attacks again with his sling, hoping it hits true. He settles back and reloads another bullet. attacking green
Round Three
- Standard action: Ranged Attack (Sling): 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (16) - 1 = 15
Ranged Damage (Sling): 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
- Move action: Reload sling
HP 10/10
AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 12
Conditions: None
Melee (Heavy mace): +1 = +0(base) +1(STR), x2
Melee Damage (Heavy mace): 1d8+1 = +1(STR)
Range (sling): -1 = +0(base) +3(DEX) -4(Melee), x2
Range Damage (sling): 1d4+1 = +1(STR)
Bullets: 31/40

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"Thank you Dolvin. I can use all the luck I can get." Calephe swings her scimitar and kurki at the skeleton. She just can't quite make the attack work.
Scimitar: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8
Scimitar bit of Luck Roll: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
Damage: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
Kukri: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
Damage: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
The dicebot hates me tonight.

GM DevilDoc |

Rashid launches another sling stone. This one is closer than the last, but still flies right by the skeletons. Calephe, even with the luck of the gods aiding her, is unable to land a blow.
Bold May Post
Dolvin- 5 dmg
~Blue- 2 dmg
~Green- 2 dmg
Calephe- 5 dmg
Hskoro- 9 dmg

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Tellerin continues to shy away from the skeletons, determined to keep them at further than arms length. A clear waver can be heard in his voice as he once again repeats the spell.
ray of flames: 1d20 + 3 - 4 ⇒ (11) + 3 - 4 = 10
damage: 1d3 ⇒ 2
Calephe, bit of luck should also let you reroll your kukri attack, maybe the dice will work with that one :)

GM DevilDoc |

Good catch Tellerin! Calephe, lets see what the Kukri can do!!!

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Hskoro eyes glare murder as his attacks keep on missing. With rage, he once more swings his hammer at the skeleton. "Damn you! You die!"
Warhammer vs Green: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10; Damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8
AHHHHHH! Bloody Hell! My damage rolls are nice just the missing part sucks.

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Dolvin swings his aspergillum at the skeleton in front of Hskoro. As he does he sets his feet to dodge.
Defensive Attack: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (5) - 1 = 4
Damage : 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6
AC 19
-Posted with Wayfinder

GM DevilDoc |

Tellerin fires another ray of fire, but it misses once more. Meanwhile, the skeleton on the left collapses into dust. What appeared to be a miss by Calephe actually was such a perfect through and through strike that it took a moment for the realization of a second death to catch up to the creature.
Crit dmg: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
Unfortunately, both Hskoro and Dolvin are unable to land blows themselves!
The remaining skeleton reaches out once more for Hskoro, missing yet again.
Claw: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9
Claw: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 2 = 13
Bold May Post
Dolvin- 5 dmg
~Green- 2 dmg
Calephe- 5 dmg
Hskoro- 9 dmg

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Let's Spread the love around
Dolvin reachs behind Hskoro to the man slinging stones. "May one of your stones find it's mark" He says expending his final bit of luck on Rashid.
May the dice gods grant you high rolls. Rashid roll your d20's twice and take the higher result.

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"This is getting tiresome." She swings again with her scimitar and kukri.
Scimitar: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
Damage: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7
Kukri: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9
Damage: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
You have to be kidding me.

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Tellerin finally builds up his bravery. He draws the dagger from his belt and coughs out "Alright, here goes nothing"
Tellerin scurries past Dolvin and takes up a flanking position with Hskoro. While it's clear that he's trying to distract the undead, his cowering posture makes him only minimally threatening.
acrobatics if needed: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16
on mobile so I can't edit character position. Should be directly east of the skelly

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Hskoro roars in frustration as he swings his warhammer.
Warhammer: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19; Damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10

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With some divine luck, Rashid swirls his sling, throwing a bullet at the skeleton.
Round Four
- Standard action: Ranged Attack (Sling): 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (10) - 1 = 9
Ranged Attack (Sling): 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (4) - 1 = 3
Ranged Damage (Sling): 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
- Move action: Reload sling
HP 10/10
AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 12
Conditions: None
Melee (Heavy mace): +1 = +0(base) +1(STR), x2
Melee Damage (Heavy mace): 1d8+1 = +1(STR)
Range (sling): -1 = +0(base) +3(DEX) -4(Melee), x2
Range Damage (sling): 1d4+1 = +1(STR)
Bullets: 30/40

GM DevilDoc |

Dolvin blesses Rashid's weapon this time, while Calephe continues to slice and dice the air in a very intimidating manner.
Tellerin rolls around behind the skeleton, just barely making it.
All this preparation, for Hskoro to step forward and bring his warhammer down on the animated skull and shower the walls and front line with bone shards of exploded skeleton.
Out of Combat

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Tellerin cowers as bone shards land all over him. As the bone dust clears, he gives a thumbs up to Hskoro. "Phew. I think that was the last of them." He pulls a piece of bone out of his hair and tosses it aside, confidence fully restored.

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Hskoro expands his chest in bravado and then spits on the shattered skeletons remain.
He then moves into the next room, ready to continue to fight only to see no threat. "Room clear. Skeletons no more."

GM DevilDoc |

The passage turns to the east and opens into a small cavern littered with bits of broken glass, rotting pieces of paper, and other unusable detritus. The body of a male dhampir lies facedown toward the back of the cavern.

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"Haha, Hskoro, what a Smash that was. You are quite good with that there hammer," Dolvin says as he slides his odd mace back into the loop in his belt. "You look a bit banged up does anyone other than Hskoro and myself need healing. Janiras wand has a few more charges on it."4
CLW Hskoro: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
CLW Calephe: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10
CLW Dolvin: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
"Praise Desna," Dolvin cries as they reach the cavern in both shock of the body and relief of finding an end. He rushes over to the body and checks to see if it is alive or how long it has been dead.
Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10
Heal: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13

GM DevilDoc |

Dolvin approaches the body, but it is very far gone.. has likely been lying there for days if not a week or more. However, he does find a scrap of parchment peeking out of a pocket in the corpses robes. Reading it, Dolvin finds detailed plans to start an army of undead made form the "fish people" who have been frequenting this cave.
Kicking around in the detritus of the room and picking through the remains of the skeletons, the party finds a ring and a potion bottle. Once Tellerin examines the ring, he is pretty confident that it is a Ring of Protection, and then he proclaims the potion to be an Elixir of Swimming.
Should probably hand that off to Dolvin!! :-D
Triumphant, the party returns to the surface to collect Janira, who has already set camp for the group for the remainder of the night. The group settles in for the remainder of the night and wakes up with the dawn. The trip back to Absalom is uneventful and you spend the time regaling the enthralled Janira with your tales of the caverns and the details of your findings.
When you finally reach Absalom, you meet in Master of Scrolls Kreighton Shaine's office to report in. He enquires excitedly about your findings, and praises your notes. He then turns to Janira and compliments her on her guidance and assistance, during which she beams happily at the praise.
Three days later, you are each summoned by the leader of your chosen faction to be Initiated into the Pathfinder Society and assigned a mentor. As part of the ceremony, you are gifted a personalized Wayfinder with the reminder that this is not only the symbol of the Pathfinder's trade, but also a reminder of the three principle duties: Explore, Report, and Cooperate!
And there we have it, Folks. The end of the first mission. Thank you for allowing me to take you on this journey, and I hope that I am living up to your expectations so far! We can get started on Masters of the Fallen Fortress as soon as you like!

GM DevilDoc |

A wide field of shattered weapons, barrow mounds, and mass graves surrounds the city of Absalom, a vast plain known as the Cairnlands. Rising from the war-torn earth like the grasping arms of the dead are countless siege castles, towers, and fortresses constructed over the millennia by would-be warlords who tried to take the great city and inevitably failed. Like forgot ten monuments to failed conquerors, the siege castles of Absalom beckon the brave, the fearless, and the foolish with the promise of adventure and untold treasures, ever ready to create heroes or to entomb the fallen.
Having just been released from reporting to Master of Scrolls Aram and the formalities concluding your Confirmation into the Pathfinder society, you are just now hearing the rumors on the streets.. an earthquake has opened up one of the many towers dotting the Cairnlands. Word on the street is that no one has yet entered the tower, which folks are calling the “Fallen Fortress.” What better way to start a life of excitement and adventure than by exploring its long-abandoned, dusty halls and perhaps claiming its ancient treasures? A chance like this is extremely rare, as any of the many war machines that were accessible have been picked clean over the years. Of those left, powerful enchantments still protect these icons and monoliths from the rampaging treasure seeking hordes. It seems that a minor earthquake has accomplished what the mightiest of wizards and clerics could not!
If you have not gone shopping now would be a good time!
The team confers, and decides that this would be a fitting first mission for such newly minted Pathfinders. You wind your way through the city towards the gate nearest the Tower, and eventually find yourselves passing through the massive defensive walls and gates of Absalom. As the Cairnlands stretch out before you, it is easy enough to follow the directions you received from the streets. After several hours of hiking, the ruined siege castle now being called the Fallen Fortress rises out of the churned earth of the Cairnlands. No doors or windows mar the otherwise smooth expanse of the tower’s walls. The tower is quatrefoil in plan; its eastern wing has largely collapsed, exposing the interior floors to the open air. Only the topmost level seems whole, though its eastern portion hangs precariously over the mountain of rubble left by the collapse. At ground level, the rubble frames a gaping hole in the side of the building that provides access to the tower’s darkened interior. The tower stands 80 feet tall and its exterior walls are amazingly smooth. As you stand admiring the sight before you, a determined growl reverberates off of the stone around you. Looking up, you can see three half-starved mutts approaching, hackles raised and teeth bared. Their ribs poke through their hides as the creatures begin to circle.. obviously looking at you as lunch!
All shaded squares on the map are considered difficult terrain
Calephe Initiative: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21
Tellerin Initiative: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14
Dolvin Initiative: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 1 = 11
Rashid Initiative: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14
Dogs Initiative: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20
Bold May Post

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Calephe stops by the Pathfinder Society offices before heading out. She uses her prestige to purchase a wand of cure light wounds. She also stops by and purchases a flail, and a masterwork backpack.
On the way to the Fortress
"Dolvin here hold on to this wand for me. Use it as you feel necessary." Calephe hands over her wand of cure light wounds.
At the Forteress
Seeing that the pups look hungry she pulls out a couple of trail rations. "You poor things." Here you go. She throws them the food and waits to see what happens.

GM DevilDoc |

The dogs sniff at the food, and one scarfs it down. However, they continue to approach you while snarling and growling. Teeth are bared and hackles are raised.
Suddenly, the dogs charge forward, teeth flashing. Hskoro and Calephe are easily able to defend themselves from the dogs, but Tellerin feels the sharp teeth tear into his leg.
R vs H: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
B vs C: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10
G vs T: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20
Dmg T: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
Bold May Post
Tellerin- 4 dmg

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"Of course Calephe," he says taking the wand and inspecting it. "A wand of cure light wounds. This certainly will come in handy. I will keep both it and you safe. I swear it." with a slight bow he stashes the wand up his lefts sleeve and you hear a CLICK followed by Dolvin reaching into the sleeve and twisting some unseen knob. I too purchased a wand we will see it in action soon enough.
Upon seeing the dogs attacking the party Dolvin flicks his wrist and out pops a pale blue wand. Dolvin raises it in the air and calls for Desna's blessing. "I have prayed long about how I failed you and with your blessing I will not fail you again." A faint blue cloud emanates from the wand that Dolvin holds aloft a expands around him and his allies.
You all feel up lifted by the blessings of Desna and with your new vigor should be able to fight better in battle.
Bless fills your allies with courage. Each ally gains a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and on saving throws against fear effects for 1 minute.
He then stows the wand in a pocket and draws a large metal shield from off his back. The shield is the shape of a kite with a thick polished steel boarder. The face is painted a light blue representing the sky. The largest image is of a mostly white butterfly and nearer to the bottom point of the shield is painted a small compass rose. Dolvin smiles at the shield as he takes up a defensive stance behind it with the symbol of Desna literally protecting him.
Swift release wand from spring loaded wrist sheath.
Move pocket the wand
Move draw the shield

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After the harrowing ordeal of the caves, Tellerin headed back to Absalom weary and much reduced in enthusiasm for adventuring. The little gnome was somber and withdrawn throughout the march. The experience in the caves had yielded some interesting tidbits of knowledge but it had also come with some terribly close calls. A few of his new friends had brushed up against death and only the swift actions of Dolvin had saved them.
The revelation that some evil dhampir had tried to kill and raise the gillmen as undead was disturbing. He'd never faced such unashamed evil in his life with the caravan. At least the other bestial creatures the party had faced were vicious for simple, primal reasons. The thought of intelligent, cunning, and terribly evil people sent shivers down his spine.
It was days later, after receiving his wayfinder from Venture-Captain Valsin, that the dark thoughts finally began to recede.
After recovering from the experience, Tellerin began to frequently visit Janira asking constant questions to learn more about the many stories she seemed to know. He committed what he could to memory, frightened that the next mission the halfling went on might be her last.
After learning about the Fallen Fortress, Tellerin sought out Calephe, Dolvin and the others. While still a little less bright and cheerful after the Confirmation, he seemed eager to explore the ruined siege tower and what may lie within it.
He also stopped by in the Lodge's supply offices to purchase a few items, returning with a small bottle of light blue liquid (Potion of Cure Light Wounds), a bandolier that he immediately put on, two loose pouches of chalk powder, a small vial of what looks to be water (Antitoxin), and a globe of slick yellow liquid (Acid Flask). He stored all of his new purchases in his bandolier. Total cost: 110.52 gp
The trek to the Fallen Fortress was short, all things considered. Tellerin took the opportunity of the journey to regale his fellow Pathfinders with one of the stories that Janira had told him.
Tellerin is about the reach the climax of the tale of Yasmin bint Faroud, the martyr who saved dozens of junior Pathfinders from the wrath of the dragon Zythrustianax, when the crumbling tower of the Fallen Fortress comes into view.
He gives out a low whistle as the party approaches "Seems like she's about the tip over at any moment. That earthquake must have done a number on her." The growl of dogs suddenly interrupts his thoughts and he gives out a cry of pain as one of the dogs rushes at him to land a bite.
"Where did these come from!" He gasps out, holding a hand to his torn leg. He shakes his head and then grits his teeth "Doesn't matter, they're after us." The tattoos along his right arm blaze with life as fire springs to his fingertips. 5ft step to map right, burning hands directed SW to cover all three enemies, casting defensively to avoid AoO
Concentration (Casting Defensively): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25 Nice!
Burning Hands damage, burning infusion: 3d4 ⇒ (3, 3, 4) = 10 Reflex DC14 for half, whether they make the save or not they'll have taken some damage (assuming they don't have evasion :>) so they are lit on fire via burning infusion. Next round they can attempt a DC 15 Reflex save to put themselves out or take 1d6 damage.

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On the way to the Fallen Fortress, "This is what joining Pathfinder about. Explore unknown, kill monsters, rescue nagaji maidens. Fun."
With the dogs approach, "Pitiful. Dogs weak. Will put out of misery."
Hskoro brings his battleaxe up and swings it down onto the nearest dog's head.
Battleaxe vs Red Dog: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14; Damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7

GM DevilDoc |

Dolvin retrieves a wand from his sleeve, and then the party feels the godly embrace of its effects. As the spell takes effect, the dward stows the wand back in a pocket for now.
Tellerin steps to the side and releases a cone of fire that engulfs the three dogs. Calephe and Hskoro lean back from the sudden heat and smell of charred flesh.
R reflex: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13
B Reflex: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15
G Reflex: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19
The dog farthest from the little gnome collapses, instantly dead. The other two are still alive, but barely.
Hskoro then steps forward and puts the middle one out of its misery!
Bold May Post
~Green- 5 dmg
Tellerin- 4 dmg

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dang, you're right, lets stow the wand the shield is still on my back
-Posted with Wayfinder

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Calephe moves to where she can attack the remaining dog pulling out her scimitar and kukri while she moves. She swings her scimitar at the remaining dog.
Scimitar Attack: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12
Damage: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4

GM DevilDoc |

Rashid: Hmm.. I only deleted two of the three. I don't know where the third one went. We will press on though.
The last dog dies a painful death, half barbequed, half shiskabobed. Turning your attention to the tower, you see a small hill of rubble from the partial collapse forming a foyer of sorts leading to two doorways. The one on the left is completely impassible.. the rubble from the collapse almost completely fills this room. From the right however, a yawning chasm of darkness awaits.

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Hskoro looks down at the dead dogs, "Dogs starving. Why they attack. Glad we put them out of their misery."
He then turns his reptilian head toward the chasm and heads in that direction. "Excited to see what we find."

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With the dogs dead, Tellerin immediately crouches down to check his wound. Flexing the muscle causes him to emit an audible whimper. He takes a little water from his waterskin and rinses the incisions, then staunches them with a binding of cloth from his blanket.
Getting bitten by dogs... I might leave this part out of the story. At least I'm the only one in our group who has to suffer through this.
"I'll pull through. Its not bleeding too badly" He stands back up and looks to the tower. "I'd like to see what's inside too. With some luck there'll be records of the warlords who tried to besiege Absalom. Either that or treasure. I won't say no to treasure. To bring back to the Society of course." Tellerin puts on a brave grin, but winces in pain with every step as he follows after Hskoro.
To no one in particular, Tellerin asks "Any thoughts on what dangers might be hiding in a place like this? I wasn't expecting dogs. And if we're the first ones into this tower in a long time, I can't imagine many living things could have survived being trapped in there all these years."

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"Are you going to be alright? Dolvin has a new wand or two to use for just this kind of occasion." Calephe asks Tellerin. She studies the building for a bit, "There may be undead or other creatures. Let's take a look in the door we can get to, and see what we find. I don't want to climb up the collapsed side. It doesn't look too stable." She takes off after Haskoro toward the entrance.

GM DevilDoc |

We are out of combat, so you may move as far as you like. Just please keep up with your token so that your position on the map reflects your post. From your current positions outside, my descriptions above still stand. The inside of the tower is dark, so a light source will be needed to see within. Also, it is a really good habit to roll for perception when approaching or entering new areas!

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"Tellerin you will be alright I think, " Dolvin says taking a look at the bite marks.
Heal: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12To see if diseased
"Stay behind me, I'll keep you out of harms way. In a world filled with such tall people us shorter folk must protect each other. "
After making sure that the gnome isn't in anymore immediate danger from his wounds the dwarf clicks his wand back into place and winds the spring-loaded mechanism "gnomish engineering I do believe" and walks over to take a look into the tower.
Perception : 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12dark vision
-Posted with Wayfinder

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"Tower old. Sealed off. Perhaps undead there." Hskoro replaces his battleaxe with his warhammer in the ready position as he moves up to the entrance. Standing outside of the entrance, he looks in for anything moving.
Perception (Low-Light Vision): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12
Unsure if the passable part was the North or South part of the map, put icon at the North part. If that was the impassable part, then he would've gone to the South part.

GM DevilDoc |

Dolvin: You do not think that he is diseased..
Dolvin looks into the door and sees nothing but rubble strewn about and covered with some cobwebs.
Calephe follows, but her human eyes can only barely make out some stones and rough floor within a few feet of the door.
Hskoro with his slightly better eyes sees just a bit more than Calephe, but not as much as Dolvin.
Sorry if I was unclear. I revealed the rubble filled room to the south on the map. The north room that is partially covered is the one that yall are looking into.

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"Doesn't look like there's much to see," Remarks the dwarf. "Can you see my dear?" He asks Calephe "Us dwarves spent so much of our lives in the bellies of mountains our eyes have grown accustomed to such darkness. Though I must admit that I have spent the majority of my time above ground and I must say that it suites me much better. Never the less allow me to Illuminate you," with a hardy chuckle Dolvin will cast light on the Varisians Scimitar. "Saranrae would be pleased with that."

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"Thanks Dolvin. I'll he right with you." To Hskoro, Tellerin replies "I really hope we can avoid undead this time around. Maybe it'll just be empty?" Tellerin's voice gives the impression that he doesn't believe his own suggestion.
Tellerin peers into the northern tower, straining his eyes in the dim light from outside. Once Dolvin's light spell has taken effect, he looks around to see if there are any traps, perhaps left behind by those who constructed the place.
Perception: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18
If he doesn't see any traps, Tellerin mentions "Looks safe enough to me. Lead the way. If we need to see further away, I'll illuminate things at a distance."
Tellerin has dancing lights and will use them if we want to look at things further away than Light's range

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Calephe laughs at Dolvin's clever jest. "Thank you. I'm always up for illumination. Honestly I usually find it at the bottom of a bottle. At least that's when the lights start to twinkle. Never from such a fine dwarf. Shall we go in?" Calephe moves into the room with her glowing scimitar at the ready.

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"The bottom of a bottle is as good a place as any, when we are done here we must find an inn that pours a strong Dwarven ale. After you,"he adds following the woman into the crumbling tower.
"Keep your wits about you Dolvin, this is no time to let you mind wander"he chastises himself and retrains his eyes on the interior of the room.

GM DevilDoc |

Adjusted the map to reflect the last couple of posts.
The party peers into the tower with trepidation, but deems it safe to enter after Dolvin casts a light spell upon Calephe's sword. Calephe leads the way, stepping into the darkness and holding her sword aloft.
As she enters the room the room though, a ball of webbing flies out of the darkness to completely cover the young woman!
Attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25
You are now Ensnared You may break free with a DC 12 strength check, but take -4 for the attempt.
Calephe Initiative: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10
Tellerin Initiative: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
Dolvin Initiative: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 1 = 13
Rashid Initiative: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12
Spider Initiative: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17
A spider moves out from the shadows near the ceiling of the room, skittering across its webs towards its new prey. As Calephe struggles with the webbing binding her, another spray of webbing flies through the air towards Dolvin. It just barely traps him too!
Attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10
Same rules as above. Just barely meets Flatfooted Touch AC
Bold May Post
Dolvin- Entangled
Calephe- Entangled

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"Don't be alarmed Calephe, but I seemed to have missed the signs that this is inhabited by spiders and there is one over there. But as I said there is no need to panic."
He reaches out and imbues her with a bit of luck. Roll twice on all rolls this round
He stomps is feet and attempts to break his own bonds.
Strength: 1d20 - 5 ⇒ (3) - 5 = -2
With his mind still on other things Dolvin makes an extremely feeble attempt to break his bonds.
Is that a move action? What is the terrain like in here?