Beginners Arc Table A (Inactive)

Game Master Awenydd83

Beginners Arc: The Confirmation, Masters of the Fallen Fortress, and Wounded Wisp



Hskoro [dice=Initiative]1d20+1[/dice]
Calephe [dice=Initiative]1d20+5[/dice]
Tellerin [dice=Initiative]1d20+2[/dice]
Dolvin [dice=Initiative]1d20+1[/dice]

701 to 750 of 881 << first < prev | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | next > last >>
Liberty's Edge

Human (Varisian) fighter (two-weapon fighter) 2 AC 16, T 13, FF 13 | hp 22/22 | Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +2 (+1 vs. Fear)

"Let's see if we can find the the other names. Maybe they have doors behind them too." Calephe returns to looking for the other two names on the list.

Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24

Grand Lodge

Male Gnome Sorcerer (Tattooed Sorcerer) 2 | AC 13 T 13 FF 11 | HP 15/15 | F +3 R +5 W +4 | Init +2 | Perc +8 | Spells Avail:: L1(5/5)

"Hidden by magic then? Hmmmmm..." Tellerin casts detect magic, focuses on the wall that Hskoro indicated, and tries to determine school plus identify what spell is in place.

Kn Arcana: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15
Kn Arcana: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17

If this counts as a separate interaction attempt, here's another Will save.

Will: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21

"I can tell there's some magic there Hskoro, but I don't think I can do much about it. If we can't open the door, do you think you could break it down?" Tellerin scratches his chin. "Its REALLY suspicious that there would be a magically hidden door right here, at the shrine to one of our fake Pathfinders. Eylysia's secrets, or at least another one of her hints, have to be past this thing..."

Tellerin paces in a circle for a bit while Cupper follows his footsteps. He hums to himself while he does so, until finally he gives a start. "Aha! The notes make sense now. Eylysia must have gotten Arkath, that stonemason in her notes, to build this passage! And that Fimbrik must have been the one to put this magic in place."

"If Hskoro can't bust his way through here, we should pay the two of them a visit next. Don't you think?"

|Ruins |WBGoblins|RotRL| Emerald Spire|

Just as Calephe turns to leave, her perceptive eyes notice that the placard in the alcove sits just a bit funny. After several attempts to pull, push, and finally slide, the placard moves to the side on hidden hinges to reveal a miniature chalkboard with a small piece of chalk.

Tellerin casts a spell to try and validate Hskoro's claim, and is rewarded with a wall that glows in his sight. He can tell that the hidden door was covered by an illusionary wall.

The Exchange

Tracked Abilities:
Channels 6/6 BoL 6/6 Agile Feet 6/6 Bolts: 15/20 Bless: 45/50 Calephe CLW: 48/50
Dwarf Dwarf Cleric 1 HP 20/20 AC:17 TAC:12 FF: 15 Saves 1:0:5 Init: +0 Per: +7 ACP: -6/-4

Dolvin cautiously enters the room and turns to look at what Calephe has found. "Excellent work, you have the eyes of a hawk, and such lovely eyes they are too. Now how do we think this works?"Dolvin inspects the hidden plack and ponders its use. His ears perk up when Tellerin mentions the stone mason.
"Perhaps we need to write a code word with this chalk. And I bet the code word is the secret that Adolphus mentions is buried with him in his mausoleum. Does anyone know where that is in this city?"

"And Hskoro" he adds "Do be careful if you really are going to try to break down that wall."

-Posted with Wayfinder

Liberty's Edge

Male Nagaji Fighter 6.0 | AC 30 (T 15/FF 27) *+2 AC vs Critical Confirmation | CMB +12 CMD 26 (FF 23) | HP 70/70 | Init +2 | Fort +8 Ref +4 Will +2 (All +2 vs Mind-Affecting Effects & Poison; +1 vs Fear); +4 Hot/Cold Environment & Suffocation) | Perception +2 | Low-Light Vision | Speed 20' | Active Conditions:

Hskoro sizes up the hidden door, "Hmm.. They might not like me putting a whole in the wall of this place. I like Dolvin's idea about checking the grave. Perhaps a clue there on how to open this door."

Grand Lodge

Male Gnome Sorcerer (Tattooed Sorcerer) 2 | AC 13 T 13 FF 11 | HP 15/15 | F +3 R +5 W +4 | Init +2 | Perc +8 | Spells Avail:: L1(5/5)

Tellerin winces at Hskoro's comment "Eep, maybe I was too quick with my suggestion to break the wall. Got a bit too excited..." he shakes his head.

"I agree Dolvin, this has the look of a secret entry method to it. And Arkath's mausoleum is the most obvious place to start. Maybe if we don't find any hints there we can head on to Fimbrik's."

Assuming we don't need a check to locate it: Once the group is ready Tellerin heads energetically back up to the surface and towards Arkath's Mausoleum. "Hope that rain has let up..." he muses out loud.

Liberty's Edge

Human (Varisian) fighter (two-weapon fighter) 2 AC 16, T 13, FF 13 | hp 22/22 | Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +2 (+1 vs. Fear)

Calephe puts the nameplate back over the chalkboard. "Don't want anyone else figuring it out before us. Let's go take a look."

|Ruins |WBGoblins|RotRL| Emerald Spire|

Unable to figure out the next step, the team decides to dig around the graveyard for their next clue. You all know where the graveyard is, and move through the benighted city easily.
The mausoleum sits in the midst of a great graveyard in the middle of the Eastgate neighborhood of Absalom. A large spiked wrought iron fence looms through the darkness as you approach, and the lantern of a roving caretaker can be seen moving through the tombs and gravestones. The gate stands open before you, allowing entrance to individuals wishing to pay their respects to the departed.
1d6 ⇒ 5

Liberty's Edge

Human (Varisian) fighter (two-weapon fighter) 2 AC 16, T 13, FF 13 | hp 22/22 | Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +2 (+1 vs. Fear)

"Let's try to avoid the caretaker. He may not like us looking for clues."

Stealth: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 1 = 12

|Ruins |WBGoblins|RotRL| Emerald Spire|

Oops.. 1d4 ⇒ 3

As Calephe tries to sneak across the open ground of the benighted cemetery, a voice calls out to her and to the group of intrepid Pathfinders. "Ho there. And what do we have here?" a kindly voice says as a man steps onto the path before you. He is dressed in clerics robes, and a penetrating eye wanders over the group as he turns to address you. "May I ask your business within the realms of the dead on this evening?"

Liberty's Edge

Male Nagaji Fighter 6.0 | AC 30 (T 15/FF 27) *+2 AC vs Critical Confirmation | CMB +12 CMD 26 (FF 23) | HP 70/70 | Init +2 | Fort +8 Ref +4 Will +2 (All +2 vs Mind-Affecting Effects & Poison; +1 vs Fear); +4 Hot/Cold Environment & Suffocation) | Perception +2 | Low-Light Vision | Speed 20' | Active Conditions:

Looking at the cleric, Hskoro decides honesty might be the best path to take. "We are here to visit the mausoleum that belongs to Arkath."

Grand Lodge

Male Gnome Sorcerer (Tattooed Sorcerer) 2 | AC 13 T 13 FF 11 | HP 15/15 | F +3 R +5 W +4 | Init +2 | Perc +8 | Spells Avail:: L1(5/5)

Tellerin nods at Calephe's suggestion, and gives a frown when the group is immediately discovered. With an inward sigh, he follows up from Hskoro's statement. "We heard that he was interred here some years ago. We'd like to pay our respects. If you could point us in the right direction, it would be much appreciated."

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 17

"And, there's no need for you to interrupt your own work this evening. We'll make sure not to bother anyone else while we're here."

The Exchange

Tracked Abilities:
Channels 6/6 BoL 6/6 Agile Feet 6/6 Bolts: 15/20 Bless: 45/50 Calephe CLW: 48/50
Dwarf Dwarf Cleric 1 HP 20/20 AC:17 TAC:12 FF: 15 Saves 1:0:5 Init: +0 Per: +7 ACP: -6/-4

Dolvin introduces himself and tries to determine who he worships.
Perception : 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22
Know Religion : 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20

-Posted with Wayfinder

Liberty's Edge

Human (Varisian) fighter (two-weapon fighter) 2 AC 16, T 13, FF 13 | hp 22/22 | Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +2 (+1 vs. Fear)

Calephe keeps her her mouth shut and let's the others try to keep them out of trouble.

|Ruins |WBGoblins|RotRL| Emerald Spire|

Dolvin: The cleric you are speaking with wears the vestments of a cleric of Adabar.

The man considers your words for a moment, then seems to pause while considering his own words. He seems to be a man that thinks much more than he speaks. When he finally does speak, he does so with a finality of one who has carefully considered all of his words before speaking. Bowing his head briefly to you, he says "I know of the tomb, and would be happy to accompany you and show you its location. It is the large building, North of here." he says, gesturing towards the path leading to the tomb. With a smile to Tellerin, he continues "It is no trouble, I assure you. My duties are to escort those wishing to pay their respects to the departed. Come, let us see to your friend." With that, he leads you to the northernmost tomb, a large marble affair distinguished in its simplicity. Faux windows are sealed shut with marble, and the doors to the mausoleum are sealed shut.

Map is updated. You are standing before the tomb.

Liberty's Edge

Human (Varisian) fighter (two-weapon fighter) 2 AC 16, T 13, FF 13 | hp 22/22 | Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +2 (+1 vs. Fear)

Calephe tries to take a look at the doors to see if they can be opened without being obvious.

Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15
Is it appropriate to go inside or if the doors are sealed are we expected to stay outside.

Liberty's Edge

Male Nagaji Fighter 6.0 | AC 30 (T 15/FF 27) *+2 AC vs Critical Confirmation | CMB +12 CMD 26 (FF 23) | HP 70/70 | Init +2 | Fort +8 Ref +4 Will +2 (All +2 vs Mind-Affecting Effects & Poison; +1 vs Fear); +4 Hot/Cold Environment & Suffocation) | Perception +2 | Low-Light Vision | Speed 20' | Active Conditions:

Hskoro approaches the tomb and looks around to see if there is any means to get through.

Perception: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9

Grand Lodge

Male Gnome Sorcerer (Tattooed Sorcerer) 2 | AC 13 T 13 FF 11 | HP 15/15 | F +3 R +5 W +4 | Init +2 | Perc +8 | Spells Avail:: L1(5/5)

Tellerin waits a bit too see if their guide will lead them inside, and then if it doesn't happen, he takes a seat on the ground and bows his head.

I suppose if we're here and with the cleric tending this place, it would make sense to pay our respects.

Tellerin closes his eyes, focuses on the mausoleum and tries to direct his thoughts that way.

"Arkath, if you're there, if you can hear us... well I hope you're resting in peace." Tellerin's brow creases. "Actually, if you ARE resting in peace then you've been taken by Pharasma, so you wouldn't be here to hear me, would you? Hmm. Well if that didn't happen and you're still here, we've come because we're looking for something that you did for a Pathfinder by the name of Eylysia while you were alive. Prepared a passage and door in the Shrine of the Failed here in Absalom. We need to get in there to find what she hid away from the other Pathfinders. For that we need to know how to get past your door. Please show us the way!"

He raises his head, opens his eyes, and nods once. He glances over at the gravekeeper. Is the gravekeeper watching over the group?

He also takes a long look at the mausoleum, checking for any inscriptions he can see that may serve as further guidance.

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19

The Exchange

Tracked Abilities:
Channels 6/6 BoL 6/6 Agile Feet 6/6 Bolts: 15/20 Bless: 45/50 Calephe CLW: 48/50
Dwarf Dwarf Cleric 1 HP 20/20 AC:17 TAC:12 FF: 15 Saves 1:0:5 Init: +0 Per: +7 ACP: -6/-4

As they walk to the tomb Dolvin falls back and casts enhance diplomacy on himself in anticipation of speaking with the cleric. Then hurries to catch up when the arrive.

"I am Dolvin the Traveler" Dolvin says to the grave keeper. "my friends here wanted to pay their respects and will do so in time but I wanted to speak to you of Abadar. You are one of his followers am I correct?" seeing Tellerin sit down he lowers his voice. "Perhaps we could speak where we will not disturb their prayers? "

Diplomacy : 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15

He starts to walk away and begins to recount what he knows about Abadar.

"The Master of the First Vault if I am correct? I am a cleric of Desna myself but they both watch over Travelers and being one myself I have always held Abadar in high regard. Not to mention our mutual enemy Lamashtu. But I am speaking too much, it was I that asked you about your faith. What can you tell me of your worship? "

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|Ruins |WBGoblins|RotRL| Emerald Spire|

Re: Perception: The tomb is sealed.. perhaps you could ask to be admitted??

The group moves to stand before the mausoleum with the cleric, momentarily pausing to pay their respects to the departed. The marble structure rises before you, plain but majestic in its simplicity.

The cleric turns to Dolvins questions, and responds.
"Adabar is the god of Reason and Intellect, and we value discussion and understanding. We have much in common with worshipers of Desna, you are correct, but we focus more on understanding and reasoning then your explorations and discoveries."

Liberty's Edge

Human (Varisian) fighter (two-weapon fighter) 2 AC 16, T 13, FF 13 | hp 22/22 | Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +2 (+1 vs. Fear)

"Sir may we go inside, please?" Calephe asks politely. Trying he best to not look like some kind of adventurer who just wants to examine the place.

Aid Diplomacy: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (14) - 1 = 13

-Posted with Wayfinder

|Ruins |WBGoblins|RotRL| Emerald Spire|

"forgive me, I forgot to introduce myself." the man says with a bow. "My name is Kefilwe. What business do you have with the dead that you wish to enter their home?"

Liberty's Edge

Male Nagaji Fighter 6.0 | AC 30 (T 15/FF 27) *+2 AC vs Critical Confirmation | CMB +12 CMD 26 (FF 23) | HP 70/70 | Init +2 | Fort +8 Ref +4 Will +2 (All +2 vs Mind-Affecting Effects & Poison; +1 vs Fear); +4 Hot/Cold Environment & Suffocation) | Perception +2 | Low-Light Vision | Speed 20' | Active Conditions:

Hskoro speaks up, "We are here to investigate a case we are on for the Pathfinder Society. We have been led to believe that Arkath left a clue in his tomb that will lead us further in our investigation."

Hskoro adds, "We will show respects during our investigation in the tomb if you are worried about that."

|Ruins |WBGoblins|RotRL| Emerald Spire|

Kefilwe considers Hskoro's words carefully before nodding his head once. "I can allow you within, based upon your need and your promise. We shall see if the dead have more to say to us still living."

With that, he moves to the door of the mausoleum and produces a key from his robes to insert into a hidden recess to the side of the door. With a nearly soundless grind of marble against marble, the portal swings inward admitting the party. Kefilwe steps to the side to beckon the Pathfinders in first, then follows behind.

The interior of the mausoleum is spare; simple stone walls with a few benches along the walls leading to a heavy stone sarcophagus in the far end of the small rectangular room.

Grand Lodge

Male Gnome Sorcerer (Tattooed Sorcerer) 2 | AC 13 T 13 FF 11 | HP 15/15 | F +3 R +5 W +4 | Init +2 | Perc +8 | Spells Avail:: L1(5/5)

"Thank you Kefilwe, we owe you one. I'm Tellerin Thrombast by the way, pleasure to meet you." Tellerin grins and bows at the gravekeeper, and then quickly turns to inspect the interior of the mausoleum.

He looks carefully at the walls for any inscriptions left behind, then checks the benches, and finally the sarcophagus. Every so often he gives a quick glance back at Kefilwe to see if the man's reactions give away that he's doing something improper.

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20

If that doesn't reveal anything else:
Tellerin hums to himself. If the notes are to believed... then we might need to look at this sarcophagus more closely.

He moves over to Calephe and tugs at her sleeve so that she'll lean over and he can whisper in her ear. "Psst, Calephe, do you think you could show this fine fellow here the note we recovered from Adolphus? It mentions that a clue is buried with him. That might mean inside the casket."

|Ruins |WBGoblins|RotRL| Emerald Spire|

Tellerin, the inside is just as plain as the outside, to include a lack of carvings or anything on the sarcophagus. Kefilwe is watching you, but not in a judgmental manner.

Liberty's Edge

Human (Varisian) fighter (two-weapon fighter) 2 AC 16, T 13, FF 13 | hp 22/22 | Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +2 (+1 vs. Fear)

Calephe pulls out the note. She takes it to the caretaker. "We found this note with some records, and it lead us here. Can you find anything that would be helpful from it?" she ask very polity. She looks at Dolvin with terror in her eyes as she fumbles on her words.

Diplomacy: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (8) - 1 = 7

The Exchange

Tracked Abilities:
Channels 6/6 BoL 6/6 Agile Feet 6/6 Bolts: 15/20 Bless: 45/50 Calephe CLW: 48/50
Dwarf Dwarf Cleric 1 HP 20/20 AC:17 TAC:12 FF: 15 Saves 1:0:5 Init: +0 Per: +7 ACP: -6/-4

"What my companion hear means is that we may need to look a little closer at thus sarcophagus. And if there is any information that you can gleam from the note it would be greatly appreciated. And don't worry about us preserving the integrity of this place. I am a holy man, like youself and would never to anything to befoul a sacred place. Of course our presence may have disturbed the area a bit and if that is the case perhaps a few coins could go towards the church of Abadaf and the up keep of these grounds." at that Dolvin produces 2 gold coins and hands them to the cleric, along with the note Calephe gave him.

diplomacy: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8

Liberty's Edge

Male Nagaji Fighter 6.0 | AC 30 (T 15/FF 27) *+2 AC vs Critical Confirmation | CMB +12 CMD 26 (FF 23) | HP 70/70 | Init +2 | Fort +8 Ref +4 Will +2 (All +2 vs Mind-Affecting Effects & Poison; +1 vs Fear); +4 Hot/Cold Environment & Suffocation) | Perception +2 | Low-Light Vision | Speed 20' | Active Conditions:

Hskoro glances around and nods with the others, "It does seem the clue might be on Arkath's body."

|Ruins |WBGoblins|RotRL| Emerald Spire|

The cleric looks over the note before handing it back. "Well, it seems pretty clear to me, that whatever he took, should be here somewhere. I do not believe that it would be left out here where anyone could have access to it. However, I must insist that anything Arkath "took to his grave" remains with the stonemason. As for recompense, 20 gold should be enough to reseal and resanctify the remains once you are finished here."

If you are going to open the sarcophagus, please give me a strength check and describe what/how you do it.

Grand Lodge

Male Gnome Sorcerer (Tattooed Sorcerer) 2 | AC 13 T 13 FF 11 | HP 15/15 | F +3 R +5 W +4 | Init +2 | Perc +8 | Spells Avail:: L1(5/5)

"Ah." Tellerin seems at a loss for words at the cleric's response.

I didn't realize clerics of Abadar were so mercantile, and practical, in matters like these... but I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Maybe Dolvin could teach me more about them.

After a long pause he opens up his coin pouch and offers his 5 gold pieces to the cleric. "Here's my part. Whatever we find inside, we'll be sure his physical legacy remains intact."

Tellerin rummages in his pack and takes out his dagger, holding it awkwardly. "I won't be much help with this, I think. But I'll try to get it wedged in there to make the lid easier to lift."

Tellerin will use his dagger as a wimpy makeshift crowbar once the rest begin to move/lift the lid.

STR check, aid: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (18) - 1 = 17

Liberty's Edge

Male Nagaji Fighter 6.0 | AC 30 (T 15/FF 27) *+2 AC vs Critical Confirmation | CMB +12 CMD 26 (FF 23) | HP 70/70 | Init +2 | Fort +8 Ref +4 Will +2 (All +2 vs Mind-Affecting Effects & Poison; +1 vs Fear); +4 Hot/Cold Environment & Suffocation) | Perception +2 | Low-Light Vision | Speed 20' | Active Conditions:

With the priest's permission, Hskoro moves over to the sarcophagus. He lays his shield down before planting both of his hands on the lid of the sarcophagus. Planting his legs firmly onto the ground, he braces himself as he pushes the lid, attempting to slide an opening to the sarcophagus.

STR check: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 3 = 16

|Ruins |WBGoblins|RotRL| Emerald Spire|

Tellerin and Hskoro work together to slide the lid of the sarcophagus to the side, revealing the long dead desiccated remains of Arkath the Stonemason clad in tattered and rotted finery. Clenched within the teeth of the skeleton is an ancient coin.

Liberty's Edge

Human (Varisian) fighter (two-weapon fighter) 2 AC 16, T 13, FF 13 | hp 22/22 | Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +2 (+1 vs. Fear)

The boards ate my post yesterday."

Calephe looks looks into the sarcophagus at the remains to see if she notices anything. "Dolvin do you know anything about a coin in the teeth? Is it religious or a clue?"

Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13

Liberty's Edge

Male Nagaji Fighter 6.0 | AC 30 (T 15/FF 27) *+2 AC vs Critical Confirmation | CMB +12 CMD 26 (FF 23) | HP 70/70 | Init +2 | Fort +8 Ref +4 Will +2 (All +2 vs Mind-Affecting Effects & Poison; +1 vs Fear); +4 Hot/Cold Environment & Suffocation) | Perception +2 | Low-Light Vision | Speed 20' | Active Conditions:

"Could the coin in his teeth be some kind of religious ritual or something like that?"

Grand Lodge

Male Gnome Sorcerer (Tattooed Sorcerer) 2 | AC 13 T 13 FF 11 | HP 15/15 | F +3 R +5 W +4 | Init +2 | Perc +8 | Spells Avail:: L1(5/5)

After another glance at Kefilwe, Tellerin lifts himself up over the sarcophagus and pulls out the coin to inspect it in more detail.

"Arkath isn't THAT old, I think at least, this coin looks way older than him."

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18

"You're the expert on religious things Dolvin, what do you think?"

The Exchange

Tracked Abilities:
Channels 6/6 BoL 6/6 Agile Feet 6/6 Bolts: 15/20 Bless: 45/50 Calephe CLW: 48/50
Dwarf Dwarf Cleric 1 HP 20/20 AC:17 TAC:12 FF: 15 Saves 1:0:5 Init: +0 Per: +7 ACP: -6/-4

"I wouldn't call myself an expert but I do know some, let me have a look," Dolvin takes the coin, turning it over in his hands.

Knowledge Religion : 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8
Perception : 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10

-Posted with Wayfinder

|Ruins |WBGoblins|RotRL| Emerald Spire|

No one can see anything odd about the coin, and Dolvin does not remember any religious significance to placing a coin in a deceased persons mouth.

The Exchange

Tracked Abilities:
Channels 6/6 BoL 6/6 Agile Feet 6/6 Bolts: 15/20 Bless: 45/50 Calephe CLW: 48/50
Dwarf Dwarf Cleric 1 HP 20/20 AC:17 TAC:12 FF: 15 Saves 1:0:5 Init: +0 Per: +7 ACP: -6/-4

"Like I said, I'm no expert and this doesn't seem to have a religious significance. Perhaps there is more here we haven't seen,"

Dolvin casts detect magic and then proceeds to look through the sarcophagus, reverently of course, looking both in it and at the lid.

Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14

Liberty's Edge

Human (Varisian) fighter (two-weapon fighter) 2 AC 16, T 13, FF 13 | hp 22/22 | Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +2 (+1 vs. Fear)

"I'm at a loss. We've looked in the sarcophagus, and at the walls. The coin seems to be nothing special. Other than speaking with the dead, which I'm not even sure we can do or afford to do, I don't know what to look for next." Calephe stands next to the body frustrated with her inability to help.

Male Fox AC 15 T 14 FF 13 | HP 7/7 | F +3 R +4 W +3 | Init +2 | Perc +8

Cupper leaps up onto the sarcophagus' lid, pads about in a circle, and then stares down at the desiccated body. He gives out a few yips, then looks imploringly at Tellerin.

Grand Lodge

Male Gnome Sorcerer (Tattooed Sorcerer) 2 | AC 13 T 13 FF 11 | HP 15/15 | F +3 R +5 W +4 | Init +2 | Perc +8 | Spells Avail:: L1(5/5)

Tellerin shakes his head at the fox. "No Cupper, we can't just light the body on fire the second we get frustrated. Our new friend Kefilwe would have a hard time consecrating it again if we do that."

Liberty's Edge

Male Nagaji Fighter 6.0 | AC 30 (T 15/FF 27) *+2 AC vs Critical Confirmation | CMB +12 CMD 26 (FF 23) | HP 70/70 | Init +2 | Fort +8 Ref +4 Will +2 (All +2 vs Mind-Affecting Effects & Poison; +1 vs Fear); +4 Hot/Cold Environment & Suffocation) | Perception +2 | Low-Light Vision | Speed 20' | Active Conditions:

The others not seeming to find anything worth while on the body, Hskoro decides to take a look for himself. He searches the body, even moving the body a little to look underneath it.

Perception: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16

|Ruins |WBGoblins|RotRL| Emerald Spire|

Detect Magic + DC 18 Spellcraft on the coin:
This is a Pathfinder Coin. This apparently simple coin, usually styled to resemble ancient currency, hides intricate gold and platinum wires within. This matrix, carefully modeled after fragmentary Azlanti coins, causes the Pathfinder’s coin to rise an inch into the air and slowly spin in place if placed atop a wayfinder. In addition, when levitating
above a wayfinder, the coin can be given a message of 25 words or fewer. This message repeats in the speaker’s voice the next time the coin is floated above a wayfinder. Only one message may be stored at a time, and once it is triggered, the message is expended and a
new one may be recorded.

Dolvin casts detect magic on the coin and is able to see that there is a magical aura.

As Hskoro begins to reach into the sarcophagus, the cleric gently clears his throat and raises an eyebrow meaningfully before the body can be disturbed. "I hope that you are not actually going to disturb the departed in such a manner.." he says.

Liberty's Edge

Male Nagaji Fighter 6.0 | AC 30 (T 15/FF 27) *+2 AC vs Critical Confirmation | CMB +12 CMD 26 (FF 23) | HP 70/70 | Init +2 | Fort +8 Ref +4 Will +2 (All +2 vs Mind-Affecting Effects & Poison; +1 vs Fear); +4 Hot/Cold Environment & Suffocation) | Perception +2 | Low-Light Vision | Speed 20' | Active Conditions:

Hskoro stops his attempt to search underneath the corpse. "Sorry. Got carried away in my search."

Hskoro sighs, "I can't think of anything else unless there is something hidden beneath sarcophagus." He eyes the sarcophagus, wondering if even he would be able to move it.

Grand Lodge

Male Gnome Sorcerer (Tattooed Sorcerer) 2 | AC 13 T 13 FF 11 | HP 15/15 | F +3 R +5 W +4 | Init +2 | Perc +8 | Spells Avail:: L1(5/5)

Spellcraft vs Dolvin's casting: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13

"I agree Hskoro, it seems we're at a dead end here, unless Dolvin's spell can reveal something we're not seeing." Tellerin scratches his eyebrows in frustration "I'd hoped he would have taken some kind of journal, diary, last will... something like that to his grave. It would have told us a lot more about him."

The Exchange

Tracked Abilities:
Channels 6/6 BoL 6/6 Agile Feet 6/6 Bolts: 15/20 Bless: 45/50 Calephe CLW: 48/50
Dwarf Dwarf Cleric 1 HP 20/20 AC:17 TAC:12 FF: 15 Saves 1:0:5 Init: +0 Per: +7 ACP: -6/-4

"I'm not going to get in,"Dolvin exclaims to the cleric "just getting a closer look. Say what can you tell us about this coin?"

He shows the coin to the cleric.

If nothing comes of this I am ready to look into other avenues unless anyone has another idea

-Posted with Wayfinder

Liberty's Edge

Human (Varisian) fighter (two-weapon fighter) 2 AC 16, T 13, FF 13 | hp 22/22 | Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +2 (+1 vs. Fear)

Dolvin do you have spellcraft? It's not like we can take the coin with us for someone else to examine.

Grand Lodge

Male Gnome Sorcerer (Tattooed Sorcerer) 2 | AC 13 T 13 FF 11 | HP 15/15 | F +3 R +5 W +4 | Init +2 | Perc +8 | Spells Avail:: L1(5/5)

Assuming Dolvin shares the fact that the coin pinged on detect magic... "Mind if I take a look Dolvin? Maybe I can work out what kind of magic this coin has."

Tellerin examines it while casting detect magic himself.

Spellcraft: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6

"Nope, never seen anything like this before. And since we can't take it with us, we can't get someone more experienced in magic items to take a look at it."

"Maybe if we checked the Arcanamirium, we'd understand what's going on here a little better."

Liberty's Edge

Male Nagaji Fighter 6.0 | AC 30 (T 15/FF 27) *+2 AC vs Critical Confirmation | CMB +12 CMD 26 (FF 23) | HP 70/70 | Init +2 | Fort +8 Ref +4 Will +2 (All +2 vs Mind-Affecting Effects & Poison; +1 vs Fear); +4 Hot/Cold Environment & Suffocation) | Perception +2 | Low-Light Vision | Speed 20' | Active Conditions:

Hskoro scratches his chin, "Understanding magic is not my thing. Unless it is a sword or armor, so I leave it up to you guys on how we will investigate the coin."

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