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I have come to a reluctant decision. You will have noted that I am really struggling to post in these games at the moment. I'm not suffering some sort of existetial crisis, I just don't seem to have the time. I used to post a lot at work but that has become quite unconducive these days, and at home I can't just disappear into my garrett and post when I come home in the evening as I have family responsibilities, plus I'm tired. It's not fair on you guys to keep you hanging around, and it's not good for the game either as enthusiasm wanes and we find other stuff to do.
So I am afraid I'm calling time on my games here at Paizo. I just can't run them anymore. This is a painful decision because I have a group of really outstanding players with whom I have shared the strange thoughts that lurking my mind (and not been run out of town for it... again) and who have also contributed mightily to the games, shaping them in ways I never considered, surprising me and making them much the better for it. It's tough because some of us have invested years. But I guess life moves on.
So I thank you all, players past and present. It's been a real blast.

AinvarG |

Oh, how I have dreaded this day. I have often in the the last few years considered bowing out because I was afraid I wasn’t holding to the high standards I felt your quality games deserved, but could never bring myself to do it.
I have always admired your flexibility with regards to your players’ crazy ideas (dive-bombing warforged comes to mind) but even more the depth and detail of the world you created and invited us to enjoy.
Thank you, thank you, thank you. May you find the balance of work, life, (and gaming) that brings you joy. And may we meet again.

Mulluq'Tar Sheptat |

Totally understandable, as that's almost exactly the issue I had run into when I just recently ended the games I was running. It was indeed a pleasure gaming with you in each campaign. Both Arakan and Mulluq were much better characters for having been able to live in your worlds.

therealthom |

Can't help it. I am disappointed because I'll miss these games. I'll miss the inventiveness, the immersion, the improvisation, that you've used to make them so enjoyable.
But I also can't complain -- it has been fun which originated solely through your generosity of effort. And like Troy I found myself in much the same position a few years ago. I can sympathize with the tensions between gaming and real life concerns.
So let me join PR in thanking you for the games, and your time.

thereal thom |

I can't believe the boards just ate my post -- again.
I've enjoyed playing with all of you so much. Great characters, good times.
Aubrey, I can't say I'm not disappointed, because I will miss these games, but I have no cause for complaint. You've made the games great with inventiveness, immersion, and improvisation. They've been a great gift of your time and effort.
I'll join Troy in sympathy. I found myself in much the same position a few years ago and had to terminate the games I was running.
Finally I'll join PR in saying thanks to you, Aubrey, and all the players.
I hope to see all of you around the boards.