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Discussion thread for the forthcoming PbP for Wrath of the Righteous. Currently in the frame:
Please note, this recruitment prioritises existing players from my other PbPs, so there is no open recruitment yet. However, I'm looking for six players so, if I do not get the right number from there, I might look to recruit. However, at the moment, I am not looking for players I haven't expressly invited.

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Actually, don't have to read much. I'm thinking possibly Paladin (It's a long time since I played something that gets up front and bashes things), or more likely Inquisitor there's some pretty nice looking things in there, and not too squishy.
Either way, probably a girl.

Aardvark Barbarian |

Also, as a Tiefling, am I allowed a variant (with or without the Feat)?
The Idea is:
Warrior of Holy Light Paladin,
Demon-spawn Tiefling,
Taking the Eldritch Heritage feat chain (Brutal bloodline) to over time keep adopting more and more of a demonic visage (claws, wings, fangs).... which only leads to increased self-hatred.

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Warrior of the Holy Light - that's an archetype, right? And where is Eldritch Heritage - is it in the tiefling book? A brutal tiefling paladin... I knew running this game was a good idea. Wrath of the Righteous is pretty gonzo already, but this is icing on the cake.

Aardvark Barbarian |

I was able to play the idea up to level 2 in a PbP here, but then the GM lost focus. He is a great character, and true to both paladin and self-hating form, did everything to put others before him. So, you know, the complete opposite of Arakan ;)
Also, he will take the Touched by Divinity Trait.
The Archetype:
Warrior of the Holy Light
The Eldritch Heritage Feat tree:
Eldritch Heritage
Improved Eldritch Heritage
Greater Eldritch Heritage
Brutal (Sorcerer) Bloodline:

AinvarG |

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Just to recap, we currently have:
- Vatnisse - he's sneaky, so sneaky we don't know what he is yet
- Nevynxxx - suspicious Inquisitor of Iomedae
- Aadvaark Barbarian - self-loathing tiefling paladin of Iomedae (I accidentally typed elf-loathing at first - could be applicable too)
- AinvarG - short-sighted Iomedae-worshipping Oracle of Metal

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I'm interested, but there are so many new classes and variations since the last time I made a character that I might like to take a day to look through the options. At first glance I was thinking cleric, but it looks like you may have a primary healer and 2 secondary ones already.
Possibly a summoner since they have been placed in cannon as Sarkorian tribes. Have you read the Radovan / Jeggare novel that ties into this AP Aubrey?

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Damn. With two inquisitors and a paladin, we already have three divine semi-spell users (yes, I'm an old RoleMaster player). I was thinking of some kind of stealthy character (monk, maybe rouge), but the way this is going I may want to play some sorta arcane caster. Maybe a magus?

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I may well move to something more front line as I said earlier. May start out fighter and add the inq in later as the inclination takes me...any number of things.
We don't have anything that can properly heal at the moment, which is worrying anywhere near the world wound! ;)

Mulluq'Tar Sheptat |

This is Aardvark's old profile for this concept.
I am a spell-less Paladin. As the Archetype I have, I lose spellcasting (which I actually hate on Paladins and Rangers). So, no spell use here, more tank focused.

Mulluq'Tar Sheptat |

Because it's about him hating himself for becoming more Demonic, and the visual of wings is more iconic than just getting stronger.
Like being around the Worldwound is amplifying his heritage, much to his dismay.

AinvarG |

I had another thought, but it doesn't address any lacks - my oracle could be considered a proper healer other than not having channeling, but I was wondering about a ranger of the switch-hitter variety. (I lost a game featuring one of those, also - my roster of games experienced a recent bloodbath when the DM of several got sideswiped by RL.)
He would be a demon hunter, naturally.
For that matter, I may do some digging into the slayer or hunter hybrid classes to see if there's anything fun there. I don't have a lot of practice with pets, though - I might make the poor thing a liability rather than an asset if I go hunter.

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Based on the original line-up, I'm not sure where Nevynxxx gets the idea the party would lack for healing - an oracle, and the spell-less paladin also has potent healing abilities.
- Vatnisse - dwarf monk
- Nevynxxx - maybe a suspicious Inquisitor of Iomedae, maybe a fighter
- Aadvaark Barbarian - self-loathing tiefling paladin of Iomedae
- AinvarG - short-sighted Iomedae-worshipping Oracle of Metal, or maybe a ranger, or maybe a slayer, or maybe a hunter
What's a switch hitter?
Still nothing arcane. Also, while we have sneaky, we don't have anyone to handle traps and stuff.

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Because it's about him hating himself for becoming more Demonic, and the visual of wings is more iconic than just getting stronger.
Like being around the Worldwound is amplifying his heritage, much to his dismay.
That said, you could get all deformed and gnarly and look ever more uber-demonic without the wings - I'm sure I could think of something to make you look seriously freakish. And +6 to STR for a paladin is nothing to be sneezed at. At your option.

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Correction, strictly, the list is:
- Vatnisse - dwarf monk
- Nevynxxx - maybe a suspicious Inquisitor of Iomedae, maybe a fighter
- Aadvaark Barbarian - self-loathing tiefling paladin of Iomedae
- AinvarG - short-sighted Iomedae-worshipping Oracle of Metal, or maybe a ranger, or maybe a slayer, or maybe a hunter
- Ithuriel (possible) - as yet unknown
- therealthom - as yet unknown

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Ok, if we have a good hitter up front, I'll def go inquisitor. Long sword for up close, and cross bow for most of the time.
I get some funky stuff with teamwork feats as we get up in levels, so if anyone has ideas along those lines, do let me know and we can work them for maximum effect.
Aubs, could you do what it is that's needed to make this an actual "campaign" so it shows in my campaigns list? This it's just filling in details on the campaign info tab.

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Possibly a summoner since they have been placed in cannon as Sarkorian tribes. Have you read the Radovan / Jeggare novel that ties into this AP Aubrey?
I have, and a good book it is too. Interestingly, the relic that is the goal of that novel pops up subsequently towards the end of this AP, so they are linked together somewhat (although you totally don't need knowledge of the book to enjoy the AP, or vica versa, nor does it contain spoilers for the AP).
A summoner would be cool (and canon, as you point out). It might be a better fit as well, to some extent, since traditional blast 'em type arcane spells are less effective due to the various resistances that demons get. The utility spells might be missed, however, although possibly other (divine) casters can take up the slack to some extent on that.

therealthom |

Hi, Guys,
Aubrey, thanks for asking me. I am very happy to be playing with you all. I haven't lurked the first Eberron thread in a while, but I am a big fan of that game.
A switch hitter is a ranger who takes the ranged weapon fighting style and grabs two-handed melee feats with his level-based feats. I first saw it pitched in treantmonk's ranger guide.
It's been awhile since I applied, unsuccessfully, to a WotR game. I'll have to read the player's guide again.
Depending on what ithuriel would like to do I am happy to try an arcane caster or a rogue with a touch of bard.
In either case, would anyone like to coordinate backgrounds and improve their social status by having a servant of sorts. Someone bound by gratitude to repay some favor done before the campaign begins.
Alternatively is anyone else thinking about the Stolen Fury campaign trait.
demonic ritual as a youth after having been captured
by cultists. Whatever the ritual’s purpose may have
been, it didn’t work out the way your captors
envisioned—rather than corrupting your soul,
you absorbed the ritual’s energy and made it your own
before you escaped to safety. Ever since, you’ve been
haunted by strange nightmares about the ritual, and
have long felt that the energies it bathed you in have
changed you. Recently, those energies have changed—
it’s as if you’ve f inally managed to come to terms with
your past and have turned the ritual’s aftereffects to
your advantage, following the old adage of what doesn’t
kill you makes you stronger. You’ve been unable to learn
more about the ritual or what it was for, but the question
lingers in the back of your head to this day. This
nagging has instilled in you a fury against demonkind.
Today, when you face demons in combat, those energies
bolster your fury, granting you a +2 trait bonus on all
combat maneuver checks against demons. Associated
Mythic Path: Champion. Multiple Characters: You and any
other PC who takes this trait were all part of the same
ritual, and it was only by working together that you
managed to escape—further, the support of your fellow
ritual survivors has played a key role in your coming to
terms with it, and you retain a close bond of friendship
(or perhaps a friendly rivalry) to this day.
Touched by Divinity: As long as you can remember,
you’ve had an unexplainable interest in one deity in
particular. One of your parents may have been a priest
of this deity, or you may have been an orphan raised
by the church, but these alone cannot explain your
deep connection to the faith. You’ve always felt calm
and at ease in places holy to the deity, and often have
dreams about the god or goddess visiting you—most
often in the form of a sacred animal or creature. Your
faith is strong, even if you don’t happen to be a divine
spellcaster—if you are a divine spellcaster, you should
be a worshiper of this deity. You begin play with a silver
holy symbol of your chosen deity for free. In addition,
choose one domain associated with your chosen deity.
You gain the use of that domain’s 1st-level domain spell
as a spell-like ability usable once per day (CL equals
your character level). Associated Mythic Path: Hierophant.
Multiple Characters: If other characters choose this trait,
you should all work together to decide what deity you’re
associated with—it should be the same deity shared by
all of you. You might even share the same dreams.

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Nice to have you onboard, thom!
OK, things may be firming up a bit:
- Vatnisse - dwarf monk
- Nevynxxx - a suspicious Inquisitor of Iomedae
- Aadvaark Barbarian - self-loathing tiefling paladin of Iomedae
- AinvarG - maybe short-sighted Iomedae-worshipping Oracle of Metal, or maybe a ranger, or maybe a slayer, or maybe a hunter
- Ithuriel (possible) - maybe a summoner
- therealthom - maybe a rogue, maybe an arcane caster
It seems to me the critical decisions will be:
- if AinvarG doesn't go oracle, we will need another healer of some kind (though that doesn't have to be a divine caster, necessarily)
- we still need a trap person. Disable Device is a class skill only for rogue, alchemist and investigator
- may need an arcane caster, depending, but probably mainly to ensure access to utility spells. However, there are probably a number of ways to skin that cat.
If I can throw in a suggestion, an alchemist could probably cover off all three of those roles to various levels of ability, or provide very useful support. Just a suggestion, no one is obligated if they don't fancy it.

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That sounds like the old excuse, "the dog ate my homework".
OK, so now we have:
- Vatnisse - maybe a dwarf monk, maybe a mad bomber
- Nevynxxx - a suspicious Inquisitor of Iomedae
- Aadvaark Barbarian - self-loathing tiefling paladin of Iomedae
- AinvarG - maybe short-sighted Iomedae-worshipping Oracle of Metal, or maybe a ranger, or maybe a slayer, or maybe a hunter
- Ithuriel (possible) - maybe a summoner
- therealthom - maybe a rogue, maybe an arcane caster

Mulluq'Tar Sheptat |

Mulluq'Tar Sheptat wrote:That said, you could get all deformed and gnarly and look ever more uber-demonic without the wings - I'm sure I could think of something to make you look seriously freakish. And +6 to STR for a paladin is nothing to be sneezed at. At your option.Because it's about him hating himself for becoming more Demonic, and the visual of wings is more iconic than just getting stronger.
Like being around the Worldwound is amplifying his heritage, much to his dismay.
It isn't about being deformed and gnarly. It is about the core look. Horns, tail, claws, fangs and bat-like wings.
In this profile, I have two links, for the voice and appearance ideal behind the character. He isn't as hideous as he thinks he is, and actually others may even see him as almost attractive.

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Strictly, that's a bit more devilish rather than demonic (per the D&D interpretation) but it's cool whatever you want to do.
Checked the link:

AinvarG |

The slayer gains talents like a rogue. One grants the trapfinding and trap sense abilities of a rogue as well as Disable Device as a class skill. Full BAB, sneaky, reduced sneak attack, bonus vs 'studied' foes, no spells (that I am aware of), potential trap skills (at 2nd, I believe)
The hunter looks cool and also gets teamwork feats (to work with his animal companion, but they would certainly work with the inquisitor with some planning). I'm thinking he would be a ranged warrior for the most part, with a flying pet. Mid BAB, spells, animal companion
The ranger would be the damage dealer of this lot, and with the right enemy selection, could hit even harder. As therealthom described, uses class bonus feats and standard feats to hit hard at range or in melee. Full BAB, divine spells
My short-sighted oracle is of little use at range due to her vision curse and is a Mid BAB, but is certainly capable of being a protect-and-heal tank. Spells
Right now, the hunter is probably the last choice (sorry, Nevy!) and the slayer and ranger are sounding more interesting at the moment, but I'm sure I would have fun with any of them. As always, I will accept comments and suggestions for what you think would interface with your character or the rest of the party best. (At least I narrowed it down somewhat this time!)

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If you prefer arcane I'm pretty adaptable and not settled on anything at the moment.
For your original idea had you considered the brawler? More of a hand to hand ass beater, less mysticism. d10 HD, Full bab.
If AinvarG does not go with an oracle, I will likely play a cleric of Shelyn.
If we have a cleric, but no arcane, I will play a Kellid summoner.
If we are fine on healing and arcane and Vattnisse prefers the brawler, I'll play a gnome alchemist.