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Sorry for the hold up. My phone has transformed into a useless hunk of plastic that won't even start for the last week. It is getting service now. Also the last three weeks of December are the worst time of year for me as far as free time, but I'll be fine again after the new year.
And I assume I'll have a phone again in a couple of days which lets me do a little transit posting.

therealthom |

They've been gagging to get out of these caves for months, and just as the make it, they all slope off for Christmas...
Aubrey, are you a Mark Twain fan? "Sloping off" is a phrase I've seen most often in his writing.

therealthom |

Moving the illusion discussion here 'cause it's getting long.
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, F (a bit of fleece)
Range long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level)
Effect visual figment that cannot extend beyond four 10-ft. cubes + one 10-ft. cube/level (S)
Duration concentration
Saving Throw Will disbelief (if interacted with); Spell Resistance no
This spell creates the visual illusion of an object, creature, or force, as visualized by you. The illusion does not create sound, smell, texture, or temperature. You can move the image within the limits of the size of the effect.
I had been thinking that Sol could create the view of the street without us standing there as seen from the library door, but on re-reading the rules he gets "1 object." Aubrey, can he recreate a static street scene that way?
I've always played that the area of effect is static once cast. I don't think we can use it to move inside the library undetected. Also to create a convincing illusion of the library's interior, Sol would have to see it. He's been there before, but he doesn't know the current state of sacking.
If he can create the street scene it would be in an el shape outside the entrance. The illusion can't cover the entrance because the bad guys have to be able to see Rhok and they would have to run through it. An illusion placed right next to the door and arcing around the front would minimize the bad guys saves.
The illusion idea may be a non-starter after all.

therealthom |

Guys, a big project on short deadline hit the office yesterday.
I'll be incommunicado til Tuesday or Wednesday.
If the wall looks useless, please have Sol drop it and move toward the melee. He is out of spells, but has his dagger and miscellaneous items that could be of use.

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Hi guys, I’ve been reading through your game thread and have been very much enjoying the story, characters and group dynamic. I’m up to the bit where you’ve just found the bodies of some ‘crusaders’ bearing symbols of Baphomet whilst travelling with the three mongrelmen (though I’ve also jumped ahead to the current library scene).
Aubrey has been good enough to invite me to join this game, as it is easier to insert a new character quickly into this game than it would be to immediately re-introduce my characters in the Eberron or RotRL games. I hope that is ok with everyone. It will be great to play with some of you again, and I look forward to meeting those of you I don’t know so well.
I have a character idea in mind that I think will gel with the current situation as well as having abilities that will complement the abilities of the group, and will hopefully have some sort of connection with the group despite not having been around from the start. Of course, I expect everyone to be duly suspicious of this semi-random stranger who offers to help you, given what you have been dealing with and discovered so far!

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OK, I've had a quick look and can't see anything wrong. The only thing I noticed is that you need to determine your traits. One of those needs to be a campaign trait from the Wrath of the Righteous players' guide, which are linked to the mythic path that you intend to take (although taking that path isn't obligatory). You'll also need to consider working the info regarding the campaign trait into your backstory.

Kaygan Veer |

Oops. I chose traits (and factored their bonuses in) but just didn't list them on the sheet. They are there now, just under the Skills section.
I have chosen the Riftwarden Orphan campaign traits, there is some stuff in the background section at the end of the sheet that relates fairly closely to that.

Kaygan Veer |

My concern is that the character might be a bit too 'bookish' and not be able to contribute much in a fight, though the intention is that that changes as things progress and he picks up better spells and more combat oriented abilities.
I figured, based on the current party lineup, you could do with a full progression arcane caster, and someone who can specialise in Intelligence based skills (other than just Knowledge (planes), though he has that one too!)

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I agree. The party is quite well set up for combat with a couple of powerful fighter-types, but also some good support types too. Given that demons are not straightforward to fight, especially as the levels progress, something a bit left-field will be useful. The non-smackdown stuff will come in handy too, so he's a good addition.
It's also worth pointing out at this stage that I don't intend to go the full 10 levels of mythic, since the higher levels (being immune to death) get a bit silly. Also, by all accounts the upper levels of the AP get a bit easy with full mythic progress, so it will provide a bit of balance to tone that down.

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Given Kaygan's current situation I'm not sure what he'll have in the way of equipment. I purchased equipment based on 1st level starting gold, but let me know if he's sans weapons or anything else (hopefully he'll at least have his spellbook and familiar nearby).
Otherwise I'm pretty much ready to go.
Edit: spoiler deleted now that I am up with current events

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So, Kaygan's a librarian at Blackwing then? Sol worked there as a page, and Hannik hung out there, at least enough to know the elven mage Aravashniel.
Sol's young and has ambitions to join the crusade too, but not in the rank and file because that didn't work out well for his father. On the other hand, maybe he just wants to leave town.
Possible Kaygan and Sol knew each other prior to the recent trouble.

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So, Kaygan's a librarian at Blackwing then? Sol worked there as a page, and Hannik hung out there, at least enough to know the elven mage Aravashniel.
Sol's young and has ambitions to join the crusade too, but not in the rank and file because that didn't work out well for his father. On the other hand, maybe he just wants to leave town.
Possible Kaygan and Sol knew each other prior to the recent trouble.
Likely he knows all four of those. Aravashnial probably not well, how well he knows the others is down to the PCs.

Kaygan Veer |

I'm thinking that Kaygan does know Sol, probably not well, but they have spoken. He knows Hannik and Aravashnial by sight, but probably hasn't spoken to them.
Given my choice of campaign feats, it is quite possible that Hannik and Kaygan are actually siblings, though neither of them is aware of this fact. Kaygan bears a similar birthmark to Hannik, though he keeps it hidden.
He seems to recognise something familiar in Hannik, but has never been sure how to broach the subject with this feisty young woman whom he hardly knows.
Does that work for everyone involved?

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One downside of working nights is that when the company has a meeting it is essentially at 3am for me. We finished the fight and went crazy posting at the same time. I'll get in there tomorrow.
Btw Hannik was working as night security at the museum with Ghroth as the muscle. So she was coming in around closing time every day.

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Given my choice of campaign feats, it is quite possible that Hannik and Kaygan are actually siblings, though neither of them is aware of this fact. Kaygan bears a similar birthmark to Hannik, though he keeps it hidden.
He seems to recognise something familiar in Hannik, but has never been sure how to broach the subject with this feisty young woman whom he hardly knows.
Does that work for everyone involved?
I went way younger than normal with this character. Hannik is only 17 and has only been out of church foster care for a year or so. If they are the same parents Kaygan was already more or less an adult when they died and probably wouldn't have gone to church foster care.