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I see Sol has leapt completely out of initiative order - again. And Kira. Ah well.
In my defense, work is a bear this week. I didn't want to hold things up by waiting to post. Also, it was the surprise round, so the enemy wasn't going to do anything.
That said, I should have spoilered my post. I'll try to remember next time.

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Ideally we could use the entry to the room we came through to bottleneck them so that only one opponent can get to us at a time. Also, while Ghroth does have reach and could be in the back row he also has an AC of 23 at the moment and 27 if he needs to fight defensively. When he isn't at reach he has 3 attacks instead of two, and the most important feature- he can be banished by damage, but he won't die. Let him eat up some attacks for now while our paladin is severely wounded and we have very little in the way of healing resources.
Hannik might be full of opinions, but she's not a tactician. If you guys want to go with the bottleneck maybe Kira or Rhok will bring that IC.

Mulluq'Tar Sheptat |

No, Mulluq isn't really a great tactician himself. As a paladin, there were so many other areas he needed focus other than the thinkin ones.
Ideally, I did want to bottleneck them, but it would mean getting everyone out into the other room and having the enemy come out 1 at a time. It may be a much bigger undertaking than we have time for before the enemy arrives.
Also, it allows us all to be productive to finish the fight sooner.

Jod Eastwind |

Sorry, didn't look here. If someone's going to grab Jod's arm to prevent him moving to the far wall, he won't fight it. He's not necessarily a indoors-tactics guy, either.

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Huh. While looking at evolutions I found an FAQ regarding the reach evolution. It only applies to one single attack, not attack type. So only one claw would have reach and it can't be selected again to give them both reach. It was meant for use with a dragon type build where the bite might have reach. First I've heard of it.
Anyway, one long arm is a little weird so I'll reshuffle that for something else.

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Sol HP roll 1d8 ⇒ 3
So that goes to 4?
BAB +1 Good Saves +3, bad +0
Uncanny dodge, and he's now got mechanics for being the trap guy.
New cantrip is mage hand and 1st level spell, TBD.

AinvarG |

One long arm is freaky but kinda memorable - maybe an extra-long arm and killing claw with a more normal hand.
It's not the arm being longer, it's that he uses a lunge that to recover from requires him to fall back on his heels, causing the second swing to be shorter.
That's my theory.

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Or maybe he has a long, retractable neck?
Or, even better, he has a 10' long Alien-style tongue-striker? Scary!

Mulluq'Tar Sheptat |

So, roll or half, whichever is higher? Okay, got it.
HP 1d10 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 2 + 1 = 8 (+Con+FC)
I clearly decided to buck the system, I'm going to take the average of half and my roll.
Spent all 2 of my Skill points on Diplomacy, at +8 now
Updated status bar, but will update profile when I can get to my HeroLabs.

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Kudos, guys on working the flavor on Ghroth. Totally awesome.
Silent image for Sol's new spell.
New skill points in
Diplomacy ,
Disable Device ,
Escape Artist ,
Use Magic Device
I still have 1 skill point open which I thought I'd drop into a knowledge skill. Are we missing any? Sol's got know(local) already. Maybe something less popular like Know(engineering)?
Other than that skill point Sol's good to go.

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As you know I'm on holiday at the end of the week. As usual, I've got stuff to do at home (or more specifically, in the garden, where I bought a load of plants and need to stick them in the ground before we go on holiday, lest the heat turn them into little withered sticks in their pots by the time we get back) and to a lesser extent at work (though that is largely done). Sorry for being a bit quiet the last few days. I'm hoping to set things up properly in the games before I go away.

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We'll be in Crete for a couple of weeks starting tomorrow afternoon. I imagine I'll have wifi and be around at least once a day, but if you find yourself waiting on me be free to take my turn.
Once Ghroth can get in, Hannik will enlarge him and let him power attack his way through the mob. Other than that, guidance spells for allies and possible crossbow attacks if the opportunity presents itself.

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I thought you'd say that, but best to be sure!
I'm tracking them in rounds, but I don't know if you skipped any while we waited for the next batch of enemies. It doesn't matter for the judgement, but if you want me to bump the duration of Shield of Faith and Magic weapon, let me know.

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Assuming Hannik finishes casting enlarge person but there are not enough free squares for Ghroth to expand into how would you resolve that? It seems almost certain that it will be the situation and I don't know of any rules that really address it. At this point ending the casting will result in expending my last spell slot to no effect, but it might be the thing to do depending on what is going to happen.
I looked around a little and some people suggested squeezing rules, others that you might attempt a strength check to force allies and opponents back (as per bursting enclosures). In the end it all looks like DM's call.

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I think I'll just move people as seems appropriate, based on your description.
Also, discussing Hannik: the summoner has been given a bit of a rewrite in the Unchained rules. Basically, the original summoner appeared a bit over-powered (which doesn't seem entirely unreasonable - Ghroth pretty much owns this combat and Hannik will get access to spells like Haste at 4th level under the current version). I'm wondering if you wouldn't mind converting Hannik and Ghroth to the Unchained version, albeit that it's basically a nerfing? You can find it on the PFSRD (or just type the appropriate query into Google. I'd be interested in your thoughts.

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I haven't read the unchained version but I don't have any problem converting to it. The summoner was my most (only) hated class when running PFS for the same reason. I thought maybe I hadn't given it a fair chance so took the opportunity to play one here. Part of the problem here was the bottleneck locking other people out of actions but it seems like without even trying he is just too overpowered at least at low levels, especially in a large group.
I'm also considering a story reason for a full conversion to sorcerer at some point. For example whatever entity Ghroth represents may have made a pact of service for 100 years or something and as it expires the link is severed. She reclaims all of her own arcane energy invested in the link and reinvests it in herself. I thought I might give the summoner a little more play time before deciding but I'm leaning that direction. Might as well use that time to see the unchained version.

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It's up to you. If you are going sorcerer don't bother because it becomes more obvious at higher levels and you might not get there. Effectively, they made some quite potent spells lower level for the summoner - like Haste, which is 2nd level for a summoner, meaning it is available to a summoner at 4th level, but including plenty of others. In the Unchained version, these are put up a level, so Haste is a 3rd level spell again, available at 7th level. So these things won't come into play for a couple of levels.
That said, I am a bit torn about losing the summoner. A sorcerer would have much greater flexibility, and as a primary arcane caster having spells available up to the highest levels in the party, instead of capping out at 6th as both Sol and Hannik currently do, would be important for facing down some epic baddies. But... I kinda like Ghroth, albeit I don't necessarily welcome an overpowered version.

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I don't think that's necessary. The reason I'm interested in the Unchained summoner is because it's a nerf of an over-powerful class to bring it in line with the baseline (whatever that is). I'm not interested in change or experimentation for its own sake. If people want to go Unchained, I'll certainly consider it - I don't own the book, however I've been gleaning information from the PFSRD.
On the eidolon thing, I wondered if a water elemental might be appropriate for Ghroth since he looks like the Creature from the Black Lagoon.

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In the rebuild I see that the biped form gets 2 claws as before, but the elemental type gets a slam attack. I think I could have the claws be on his feet and the slam represent powerful punches. Or I could say that the claws and slam were both with his arms and the slam has replaced the claws as an evolution.
Sound right? It is difficult to search through message boards on a phone.for answers

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I think we can go with claws on his hands. The slam can be his tongue attack (which isn't exactly in the spirit of the rules but is legal in the letter) - sort of a beefed up frog tongue, perhaps, but not sticky (yet). If you want you can add his 1pt evolution to his tongue to give it reach, like he has now.