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You had to push it too far - you're out Fatespinner, and take your psycho elf with you.
Actually, I don't know much about that item - sounds interesting. Is it in the Magic Item Compendium?
Don't own the MIC yet, i know it is in minis handbook. They have a few items in there that are once perday, swift action, nice effect
the belt is handy, but underpriced i think

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Dragonmann wrote:Is it one attack per day or one round per day? If it's one attack, that's pretty weak and I'll probably just hold out for a belt of giant's strength. If it's one round, then it might be worth it (depending on price). At this point, however, the DM has been extremely generous to me so far, so I will not deign to ask favors at this point.Wow, if the DM overlord allows it, you need a belt of one might blow from the minis handbook...
As a swift action you can add damage to 1 attack per day. 1d6 for light weapons, 2 for normal, and 3d6 for two handers. Talk about whirling blades of doom...
It is one attack per day, which is unfortunate, but combined with powerful charge, and a two handed cleave... it gets rediculous
especially with the ranger spell rhino's rush

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I'm quite pleased with my psychotic elf!
Since we arrived at the tannery, this has been the breakdown of my attacks:
- Total Attack Rolls Made: 13
- Total Hits: 9 (4 misses)
- Critical Threats: 4 (44.4% of hits)
- Critical Hits: 4 (100% of threats)
- Damage Dealt: 112
Hooray whirling blade death! I also included one bow shot in there, but it was a miss. In melee, I'm actually hitting 9 of 12. :D
EDIT: Please excuse my mathematics. This is a concept I've wanted to play for a really really really long time but the lack of an Eberron game to use it in combined with my friends' cries of "TWF is worthless without Sneak Attack and favored enemy!" has caused me to take a very analytical approach to the effectiveness of this character.

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Just curious-
Show of hands for anyone who has read the last Harry Potter book since it came out? It was /everywhere/ in ny from the day it came out till about four days later. On the train every day, being read in window seats of coffee shops, read by people standing in line, etc Everywhere you looked- there it was. Tops was two girls at the Siren music festival (@ Coney Island) in the front row, books open on the barricade. Nice. I had to start late, but finished it yesterday.

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I'm quite pleased with my psychotic elf!
Since we arrived at the tannery, this has been the breakdown of my attacks:
- Total Attack Rolls Made: 13
- Total Hits: 9 (4 misses)
- Critical Threats: 4 (44.4% of hits)
- Critical Hits: 4 (100% of threats)
- Damage Dealt: 112
Hooray whirling blade death! I also included one bow shot in there, but it was a miss. In melee, I'm actually hitting 9 of 12. :D
EDIT: Please excuse my mathematics. This is a concept I've wanted to play for a really really really long time but the lack of an Eberron game to use it in combined with my friends' cries of "TWF is worthless without Sneak Attack and favored enemy!" has caused me to take a very analytical approach to the effectiveness of this character.
Had a two-weapon fighter in my current Eberron campaign (which finished on Sunday, with the characters at 17th level - they fought the BBEG, a colossal red dragon, and would have been horribly wasted without action points and some kindly DM house rules - but I digress) who was a hobgoblin with weapon finesse. He started weedy, but turned truly devastating over time with suitable buffs (there is nothing like an artificer for combat buffs - you can get a bespoke Bane on your weapons and do severe damage, buy a Holy weapon, and away you go - something like 150 points in a round with good rolling was not totally unusual for this guy). So yes, I am aware of the power of two-weapon fighting.
I personally never get this "fighters are weak" argument - this guy was devastating. But it is a team effort, and it is dependent on getting the right buffs and equipment. But it isn't tricky to work it out, either.

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I agree,
I personally hate the exploratory stage of having power attack as you main damage source. 'can i afford -4, -8, -10... who knows' most fights don't last long enough to get the balance just right.
Give me some nice solid damage numbers and a reasonable chance to hit, and i will keep up on averages. Two weapon fighting, especially with a few feats and some magic tacked on rocks.
And of course there is always the 'I IGNORE YOU' fighter, such as the warforged fighter with adamanatine body, heavy shield, dodge, etc who can just crank his AC to bob awful...
Oh well, i guess i too am sick of the fighters are weak unless built exactly this way arguments

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Just to reiterate my approach to levelling:
- it is basically an instant process. Once you are awareded the xp, you can level immediately. No training required. Roll hp, allocate skill points and take feats immediately.
- you gain spell slots immediately, but anyone who needs to prepare spells must do that in order to actually populate them. So, for example, Rodergo could not prepare a 2nd level spell until he gets a chance to pray, but he can spontaneously cast CMW immediately after leveling with it. Likewise, Ezreal needs to write down his new spells in his spellbook and study it before he can make much use of his new spell slots. (He in particular is making rapid progress - 20+ years of cantrips, and in two days he has gone up two levels.) I think a bit of rest and recuperation might be in order after this little segment.

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Seriously though,
being this close to leveling i need to decide what i am going to do...
If i go rogue, i get better sneak attack and trap sense
if i go ranger i get some extra skills, and the bonus feat
if i go urban ranger i get skills that stack with my roguishness, and the bonus feat
whichever way i go, I am aiming for dragonmarked heir, which means my feat of choice has to be favored in house (which hopefully spitting in the eye of deneith and doing this job will net me)
decisions decisions

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Query: say I level today. Do the spell slots I've allready shot off today come back with prayer as well?
Well, you normally have a set time to pray, if I recall, depending on religion. Don't actually know what it is for the Flame, but I think we assumed it is the morning. So it isn't the case that you can just have an impromtu prayer session, but yes, when you finally do it you get all your spell slots back as normal. But you don't get your used spell slots back in a vacant state immediately on levelling, just the extra ones you get for going up a level.

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I'll be all sheepish about this...
Aubrey, if i take a level of urban ranger, will you consider letting me dump the wild empathy and or the favored enemy to pick up tracking and survival as a class skill?
My main conundrum is the character isn't that outdoorsy, but I really want to be able to find someone no matter where they go.
My alternate plan is a level of urban ranger followed by a level of human paragon, which IIRC gives me a bonus feat as well.
As for how fast to level, i say take your time, hate to see us bite it because someone forgot to increase their hp or BAB

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+1 Fighter level. Picked up Dodge and Mobility this level to better facilitate my suicidal tendencies. Also rolled a 7 on the hit die. Spent my one skill point on a cross-class rank of Knowledge(History). I'll need it for Revenant Blade... eventually.
Don't forget those two "free" ones you get for remaining illiterate!

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Also, Stage 2 of my house-moving starts tomorrow. It's only about 100 miles or so down the road, but we won't have internet for a while, probably until the beginning of September. I'll check it at the university, but I might be a little erratic until then.
Good luck with the move! I don't envy anyone for moving in the middle of an Arizona summer.

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+1 Fighter level. Picked up Dodge and Mobility this level to better facilitate my suicidal tendencies. Also rolled a 7 on the hit die. Spent my one skill point on a cross-class rank of Knowledge(History). I'll need it for Revenant Blade... eventually.
If it's cross-class, I think you need two skill points to get one rank.

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Fatespinner wrote:+1 Fighter level. Picked up Dodge and Mobility this level to better facilitate my suicidal tendencies. Also rolled a 7 on the hit die. Spent my one skill point on a cross-class rank of Knowledge(History). I'll need it for Revenant Blade... eventually.If it's cross-class, I think you need two skill points to get one rank.
Yeah, I meant a half-rank. My character sheet is correct, but my words are not. :P
I spent all 3 skill points on Know(History), giving me 1.5 ranks.

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Dragonmann wrote:You keep those eratic messages between you and yours... i could get fired for that stuffYour query has vanished - could you repost it?
I'll be all sheepish about this...
Aubrey, if i take a level of urban ranger, will you consider letting me dump the wild empathy and or the favored enemy to pick up track feat and survival as a class skill?
My main conundrum is the character isn't that outdoorsy, but I really want to be able to find someone no matter where they go.
My alternate plan is a level of urban ranger followed by a level of human paragon, which IIRC gives me a bonus feat as well.

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My alternate plan is a level of urban ranger followed by a level of human paragon, which IIRC gives me a bonus feat as well.
The 2nd level of Human Paragon gives the feat. The first one gives 'Adaptive Learning' which allows you to choose one skill to be forever in-class for you, no matter what class you're gaining a level of.

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looking at dragonmarked heir actually
and it is more of a theme thing... Trose still doesn't like House politics, even if he has gained some reputation therein, but he wants to be a good tharashk and find people...
have to look at the unpronouncable PrC for Tharashk from Dragonmarked

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I figured out a cure...
1 level of urban ranger, one level of human paragon will be all i need...
I won't pick up track until later in the build
new question:
can someone who owns UA tell me what the special rules are for the urban ranger's favored enemy
it says favored organization, and that is all in crystal keep summary sheet

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Aubrey the Malformed wrote:Fatespinner wrote:+1 Fighter level. Picked up Dodge and Mobility this level to better facilitate my suicidal tendencies. Also rolled a 7 on the hit die. Spent my one skill point on a cross-class rank of Knowledge(History). I'll need it for Revenant Blade... eventually.If it's cross-class, I think you need two skill points to get one rank.Yeah, I meant a half-rank. My character sheet is correct, but my words are not. :P
I spent all 3 skill points on Know(History), giving me 1.5 ranks.

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I figured out a cure...
1 level of urban ranger, one level of human paragon will be all i need...
I won't pick up track until later in the build
new question:
can someone who owns UA tell me what the special rules are for the urban ranger's favored enemy
it says favored organization, and that is all in crystal keep summary sheet
What and where is the Human Paragon class? Is it in UA? And more particularly, the SRD?
EDIT: Found it in the SRD. I'm fine with that.

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Just curious-
Show of hands for anyone who has read the last Harry Potter book since it came out? It was /everywhere/ in ny from the day it came out till about four days later. On the train every day, being read in window seats of coffee shops, read by people standing in line, etc Everywhere you looked- there it was. Tops was two girls at the Siren music festival (@ Coney Island) in the front row, books open on the barricade. Nice. I had to start late, but finished it yesterday.
Yep, finished it last week. But I haven't actually seen it around much since the day it was released. Here and there, but not as much as I expected.

Lightbringer |

Okaay … rolled a 10 on hit dice! Much better than last time, so I’m back above the curve with 31 hit points.
Paladin level 3 gives me +1 BAB, +1 to Reflex and Will saves, Aura of Courage (immune to fear, and allies within 10 feet get +4 morale save bonus against fear effects), taking Immunity to Stunning instead of Divine Health, and get 2 skill points, which are going to Know. Religion. I think I will take Fate’s good advice and take Power Attack as my 3rd level feat (despite Dragonmann’s well placed musings on the difficulties with PA at lower levels).

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I think I will take Fate’s good advice and take Power Attack as my 3rd level feat (despite Dragonmann’s well placed musings on the difficulties with PA at lower levels).
Looks good! You've almost caught up with Runzyl on the hit point scale. ;) Power Attack is practically required for two-handed weapon users, though. I think you'll be capable of inflicting some serious harm (especially when you combine it with Smite Evil and use your CHA bonus to offset the penalty).

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Lightbringer wrote:I think I will take Fate’s good advice and take Power Attack as my 3rd level feat (despite Dragonmann’s well placed musings on the difficulties with PA at lower levels).Looks good! You've almost caught up with Runzyl on the hit point scale. ;) Power Attack is practically required for two-handed weapon users, though. I think you'll be capable of inflicting some serious harm (especially when you combine it with Smite Evil and use your CHA bonus to offset the penalty).
Oh yeah!