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We could hire a couple of first level half-orc warriors through my connections with Tharashk. We'll pay full price, but that is okay.
If we can max out the number of people at the heroes feast, it is a chunk of a bonus:
You bring forth a great feast, including a magnificent table, chairs, service, and food and drink. The feast takes 1 hour to consume, and the beneficial effects do not set in until this hour is over. Every creature partaking of the feast is cured of all diseases, sickness, and nausea; becomes immune to poison for 12 hours; and gains 1d8 temporary hit points +1 point per two caster levels (maximum +10) after imbibing the nectar-like beverage that is part of the feast. The ambrosial food that is consumed grants each creature that partakes a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and Will saves and immunity to fear effects for 12 hours.
at least 6 (1d8+5) hp for each of us, and a +1 to hit.
I don't have Dragonmarked on me so I can't be sure of the cost on 1st level warriors for combat duties, but it is probably only going to be about a gold piece per for them.
Leaves us with plenty of cash to upgrade Runzyl and Lightbringers weapons to masterwork, get a healing wand, and have about 500 gp more, thoughts?

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Leaves us with plenty of cash to upgrade Runzyl and Lightbringers weapons to masterwork, get a healing wand, and have about 500 gp more, thoughts?
The hirelings seem a tad unnecessary, but everything else sounds good. I'm just one of those players who hates having NPCs (including hirelings) in the party. If everyone else is up for it (especially Aubrey), then I won't object. Runzyl will probably be equally disappointed since having more warriors with us means spreading the glory more. He's got ancestors to honor, you know.

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He would prefer not to wait till morning, but if anyone has a good argument for resting the night, he might be swayed.
Good arguement for resting? I'm still missing 2 hit points, I've used my Rage ability for the day, Ezreal is down a spell or two, and... I think that's really it. I have no problem popping a couple Action Points to fire up the rage-machine again, but saving them would be nice too. :)

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Dragonmann wrote:Leaves us with plenty of cash to upgrade Runzyl and Lightbringers weapons to masterwork, get a healing wand, and have about 500 gp more, thoughts?The hirelings seem a tad unnecessary, but everything else sounds good. I'm just one of those players who hates having NPCs (including hirelings) in the party.
Me, too. Also, I'm for going to the tannery right away.

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On the meat shields, ordinarily I would discourage it as, like Fatey and Vatters, I find playing NPC grunts a pain. However, the PbP format makes it a lot easier , so I am perfectly happy to run with it. I can adjust the threat levels as necessary to keep it challenging. They would suck up xp, though.

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Like I say, I'm chilled about the half-orc help. They can die amusingly/spectacularly without me having to kill a party member - always useful to a DM with a point to make.
Plus, if they die, we can always rifle their pockets and get our money back! :D
(Chaotic Neutral FTW!)

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It might be quite fun if you are more "career-focussed" than Lightbringer - a nice bit of mild conflict and debate between characters spices up the roleplaying.
I'll try to deliver on this angle as well; I just have to familiarize myself with Eberron's backstory a bit more.
I briefly perused the Forge of War at the bookstore last night...
Oh, and one general question to anyone who knows more about Eberron than I: since the Campaign Setting came out, it still hasn't been established who or what exactly is responsible for the "Day of Mourning" that destroyed Cyre, correct?

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Aubrey the Malformed wrote:It might be quite fun if you are more "career-focussed" than Lightbringer - a nice bit of mild conflict and debate between characters spices up the roleplaying.
I'll try to deliver on this angle as well; I just have to familiarize myself with Eberron's backstory a bit more.
I briefly perused the Forge of War at the bookstore last night...
Oh, and one general question to anyone who knows more about Eberron than I: since the Campaign Setting came out, it still hasn't been established who or what exactly is responsible for the "Day of Mourning" that destroyed Cyre, correct?

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My first observation as a player with this pbp--one has a lot of time to figure out what one is going to do. I haven't gamed in a while, so I'm a little rusty, and I am not the world's greatest expert on Eberron, but I have found that I have plenty of planning time to plot my next move, so it's pretty immaterial.

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Here's a serendipity...
A few years back, National Geographic had a special about this pride of lions who had an ongoing turfwar with a pack of hyenas.
The camera crew called the younger male lion "Ntwaidanela" (sp?) which was Swahili for "he who comes bringing fire."

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Note to self...Sargent Croke, serious crimes division...
wondering if there's any detectives still mucking about at the shrine.
That's your mind. I'm guessing that a succesful Local Knowledge or Gather Information check may point the way to the SCD's headquarters?

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Ok, I think we need a shopping list if we are tending towards pooling resources, rather than just buying our own things.
We have 3000gp.
Heroes Feast: 660gp
Wand of CLW: 500gp
Masterwork Two bladed Sword: 700gp
Other weapons:?
Special equipment?
Also, there was a knowledge check spoiler I got on the first page which indicated that sometimes harpies and medusa have been known to work for Daask, and I think they have trolls too. Should we take any precautions against these sorts of threats? Trolls might be easiest to prepare for (and most likely) – acid, alchemists fire, etc.

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Aw, heck. "Tannery" also suggests to me a lot of caustic and probably inflammable chemicals. We should think about the acid route then, and only set the whole place on fire as a last contingency.
I'd like a scroll of hold person; dmg says 150 g.p., so we could perhaps use it to take a prisoner if possible.

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Heroes Feast: 660gp (all)
Wand of CLW: 500gp (Xativa / all)
Mwork 2bladed sword: 700gp (Runzyl)
2 thunderstones: 60gp (?)
2 tanglefoot bags: 100gp (?)
4 flasks of acid: 40gp (?)
Scroll of Hold Person: 150gp (Xativa)
Mwork greatsword: 350gp (Lightbringer)
Scroll(s) for Ezreal?: ? (Ezreal)
If I’ve done my math correctly, this should leave us with 440gp (not including some arcane scrolls, and I have not factored in Nox’ credit note or additional contribution).
EDIT: Sorry, 770gp, with the half price Heroes Feast. (Should read the DMs posts before I post...)

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EDIT: Sorry, 770gp, with the half price Heroes Feast.
That should be a pretty nice chunk of change for Ezreal to secure some scrolls with to expand his spellbook. Could probably also use it to upgrade someone else's weapon and/or armor to masterwork. Maybe get some masterwork thieves tools for our rogue?

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Maybe get some masterwork thieves tools for our rogue?
That's a good idea, might prove more efficient than bashing down doors.
Also, I'm not sure if I posted this before, but I'd like to add a scroll of Repair Light Damage for Ezreal (to use on Lightbringer) and possibly an extra potion of the same (given that CLW is not as effective on a 'forged).

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770gp, with the half price Heroes Feast. (Should read the DMs posts before I post...)
Should be a little bit more - your masterwork weapons seem slightly expensive, in that the basic "weapon" bit cost seems to be over-estimated.

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Revised list: sound ok to everyone so far?
Heroes Feast: 660gp (all)
Wand of CLW: 500gp (Xativa / all)
Mwork double scimitar: ?gp (Runzyl)
2 thunderstones: 60gp (?)
2 tanglefoot bags: 100gp (?)
4 flasks of acid: 40gp (?)
Scroll of Hold Person: 150gp (Xativa)
Mwork greatsword: 350gp (Lightbringer)
Scroll(s) for Ezreal?: ? (Ezreal)
Scroll of Repair Light Damage: 25?gp (Ezreal / Lightbringer)
Potion of RLD: 50gp (Lightbringer)
Masterwork Theives Tools: 100gp (Trose)
Anything for harpies or medusa? Ear plugs, anti venom, potions of Owls Wisdom (for Will saves), potions of Bear's Endurance (for Fort saves)?

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Revised costing, from PHB and other sources:
Heroes Feast: 330gp (inc. Nox discount)
Wand of CLW: 500gp (inc. Cannith discount)
Mwork double scimitar: 725gp (ouch!)
2 thunderstones: 60gp
2 tanglefoot bags: 100gp
4 flasks of acid: 40gp
Scroll of Hold Person (divine): 150gp
Mwork greatsword: 350gp
Scroll of Repair Light Damage: 25gp
Potion of RLD: 50gp
Masterwork Theives Tools: 100gp
Manacles: 15gp
Total = 2445gp
That leaves 555gp for assorted scrolls, nicknacks and so one. Ezreal so far has received nothing. He also has a Cannith voucher.

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Revised costing, from PHB and other sources:
Heroes Feast: 330gp (inc. Nox discount)
Wand of CLW: 500gp (inc. Cannith discount)
Mwork double scimitar: 725gp (ouch!)
2 thunderstones: 60gp
2 tanglefoot bags: 100gp
4 flasks of acid: 40gp
Scroll of Hold Person (divine): 150gp
Mwork greatsword: 350gp
Scroll of Repair Light Damage: 25gp
Potion of RLD: 50gp
Masterwork Theives Tools: 100gp
Manacles: 15gp
Total = 2445gpThat leaves 555gp for assorted scrolls, nicknacks and so one. Ezreal so far has received nothing. He also has a Cannith voucher.
Sounds good to me, I think Ezreal should take at least a couple hundred gp on scrolls or whatever, wizards run out of spells mighty fast at low levels.

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Mothman wrote:Rodergo Xativa wrote:Hey, anybody around that could hook up a know (local) of 10 roll so I can figure out where to go and talk to Sargent Croke?Remember that you can Take 10 on rolls like that!You're right!
*takes 10, gets a 9*
DUUUH! Okay, I'm writing "take 10, dumbass" on a piece of paper and stapling it to my forehead.

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I don't know what I'm gonna find out from Sgt. Croke. I just thought when I was reading the thread, that if he wasn't ticked off at us he might tell us something more(?) and since I'm not 100% officially in the group yet maybe I could get something more out of him, as an "envoy from the Church" or some such. Also, since the church is pretty much hands off with regards to me,...I guess I decide who's an official envoy and who isn't. ;)

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Mothman wrote:Rodergo Xativa wrote:Hey, anybody around that could hook up a know (local) of 10 roll so I can figure out where to go and talk to Sargent Croke?Remember that you can Take 10 on rolls like that!You're right!
*takes 10, gets a 9*
Yes, quite a good plan, excellent in all but one small detail ...