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...thinking you are an elf wizard or barbarian or something.
Well, no, that's normal. It's these hallucinations about being an insurance company's customer service representative that are really disconcerting. Of course, a few minutes in the woods and little bit of spellcasting later I remember what the real world is like.

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Can someone tell me what the political relationship between Talenta and Valenar is like? Are they on friendly terms, less-than-friendly terms, or outright hostile terms?
The talenta and the valenar often clash. The problem with the valenar is that they seem to clash with everyone - they are extremely warlike. However, most urban halflings probably wouldn't be terribly bothered, not having been raided. You are even adventuring with a clansman halfling (Nox is from the plains) so I wouldn't worry about it too much in this particular instance. It is probable that a Talenta halfling would judge an individual valenar elf as they find them. En masse, they are normally part of an attacking warband so they would be less friendly. But it will vary.
According to the valenar, they are honoring their ancestors' memories though emulating their prowess in battle - doesn't make for easy relations. As a quick run-down on those with a reason to have a grudge against you (in general, rather than specific terms):
Cyrans - Valenar was a part of Cyre, and the indentured humans who work the land are of Cyran stock
Goblinoids from Darguun - irregular clashes due to proximity, though separated by sea or the Mournland
Talenta halflings - regular clashes, being the nearest to Valenar
Karrns - the valenar often strike north across the Talenta Plains to attack southern Karrnath
House Vadalis - occasional attempts to steal valenar horses

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Does anyone know Stunty_the_Dwarf, aka Trose in my PBP? He hasn't posted for over a week, and I am wondering if anyone has any info to suggest why this is. Thanks.
Haven't seen him around the boards since his last post on the game thread ... not sure where he's at.
Yep, I think we need him back, it's a sign of desperation when the warforged is "the diplomatic one" in the group!

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OK - if he doesn't come back I guess it will become a permanent arrangement. His character sheet is on the second page of this thread - make sure you get the final one, there were about three.
As an aside, it might be an idea for everyone to post their PCs stats on the profile page on this website. This allows easy reference - it works quite well in Dragonmann's game.

Trose - Clone |

OK - if he doesn't come back I guess it will become a permanent arrangement. His character sheet is on the second page of this thread - make sure you get the final one, there were about three.
As an aside, it might be an idea for everyone to post their PCs stats on the profile page on this website. This allows easy reference - it works quite well in Dragonmann's game.
I wipe off the amneo-paste from the cloning vat, and dress quickly. When no one is looking I thump the original, and seemingly unconcious Trose over the head and leap into his space. Hopefully no one looks under that rug for a while...

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Thanks. I'm enjoying it too. Eberron seems to get my creative juices going for some reason - it just fits me snugly, I guess. I was going to ask people how they were finding things two months in, so thanks for the feedback.
Two months - and we have had one and a half game days of action!

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Thanks. I'm enjoying it too. Eberron seems to get my creative juices going for some reason - it just fits me snugly, I guess. I was going to ask people how they were finding things two months in, so thanks for the feedback.
Two months - and we have had one and a half game days of action!
I have the same feeling about Eberron... Just fits the stories I want to tell better.
As for the game, it is most excellent. I have been reading along the whole time, though I admit not with an extreme attention to detail, so I have good idea what is going on, though not perfect. But the story so far is enthralling.
And I hope I am not doing too much damage to the original concept of Trose, in case he turns back up.

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So this is a minor issue and all, but as I have inherited Trose, I find it troubling that he had no currency on him.
I have gone back through the thread, and I think caught all the references to me making or spending cash (I hope I did anyway) so I have that money, but if I had any left over from the start...

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Everyone had maximum cash for a starting character of that class, so hopefully you can work back based on his equipment at the start and any purchases. Trose didn't use his Cannith voucher, which should simplify things. Don't worry too much about incidental expenditure - it's only been one day, so any errors will be trivial.

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Ah, that was a rookie move wasn't it, leading the bad guys right to your npc allies' doors... ah well. No more Mister Nice Paladin.
Hey guys, sorry to do the "I'm the paladin, so the story must revolve around me" thing - Im sure we can come to an understanding. ;-)
It's mainly because seven foot adamantine warforged paladins of the Silver Flame are very distinctive and unusual - and so easy to find by word of mouth.
I hate to say it, but Nox and Janosz knew about this last night (there's a spoiler above where they overheard a conversation in the Crown and Thorn). Maybe they didn't want to upset you.... :-)

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It's mainly because seven foot adamantine warforged paladins of the Silver Flame are very distinctive and unusual - and so easy to find by word of mouth.
Heh. Yep, that'll do it!
I hate to say it, but Nox and Janosz knew about this last night (there's a spoiler above where they overheard a conversation in the Crown and Thorn). Maybe they didn't want to upset you.... :-)
Oh, lets hope Lightbringer doesn't put two and two together on that ... or if he does, that forgiveness is one of the virtues he's decided to hold on to! Mind you, it was probably already too late by that point...
Ah well, things get missed sometimes, especially in pbps I'm finding.

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Yep - elf with big funny sword: not loads of them either. If you all played accountants or something, you'd be fine.
My next DM is going to hate me because I'm going to do just that. I will play the most 'under the radar' character imaginable. With max ranks in Profession (Accountant). Ah, yes. And perhaps Skill Focus: Craft (Spreadsheet).

Utak |

Just your friendly neighborhood half-orc on vacation, back again. This time with the 'Explorer's Handbook'.
Lightning Rail passenger cart rates:
Standard 2 sp/mi
First Class 5 sp/mi
From Sharn to Korranberg is 2,146 miles and take 2 days 23.5 hours

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I've often wondered about those rates for lightning rail - they seem a bit wrong to me, hardly mass transit. I have seen it costing a bomb, and I've seen it costing not too much. Dunno - I can't rule now, maybe it's an idea we can park as haggling over the cost for a ticket for an NPC whose name I haven't even created yet seems a bit of a dead end, campaign-wise. In retrospect, you have to wonder where Dala got the cash from. I'm going to research this tonight and come up with a ruling. Maybe she can take an Orien coach, any takers on how much that costs?

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You paying? Veeery generous.
OK, we have a bit of an impasse here - let's suggest that you spend over an hour trying to find some sort of solution to the ticket crisis, and failing. You return, somewhat chastened, to find Dala already gone to House Lyrandar to charter a luxury airship to fly her around the world for a couple of months, as it's cheaper than the lightning rail to Wroat.

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OK, let's deal with the cost of travel by lightning rail, now I'm home and have the books. There are three classes of travel: first (5sp/mile), standard (2sp/mile) and steerage (3cp/mile). Most people would travel steerage - no food, and it's cramped, but it beats the price of the others. Dala's trip would cost about 60go that way - quite a lot, but do-able for a relatively low level NPC/PC.