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Hmmm, that throwaway line about a warforged paladin is haunting me ... I have an interesting idea, but the secret min/maxer in me is struggling with a paladin with a penalty to both wisdom and charisma!
My backup idea is a rogue or bard type build, focusing on intelligence and charisma based skills, particularly investigation.
Given the direction others are starting to think for their characters, this one might "round out the party" a little better.
Anyway, I'm away this weekend, so I wont have much time to post, but I'm still in even if you dont hear from me for a couple of days!

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I am for all intents and purposes computer illiterate, so I post this way:
First, I do all the paperwork on a Word document
Then I search for my as-of-yet unposted character. Naturally, DMTools won't find it; however, it gives you the option to make that page. I do that.
Then I cut and paste everything in, before editing the wiki for esthetic purposes.
Obviously, you need to sign in at DMTools first; otherwise, it won't let you create or edit anything...

Trose |

Trose d'Tharashk
Human male
Age 17
Everyone in the family seemed to have something they wanted me to do. Take over the business, ID this item, find a good mate, you name it.
I want to see the world. So I'm going to.
Grandmother says she spent some time away from the family, and now she's a force to be reckoned with. She also says she'll keep me from being hunted down or excoriated.
Once I've seen Xendrik, and maybe Sarlona, and found something worth bringing back, I'll be ready to take over the business, and ID items, and find a good mate.
Just not yet.
Character Sheet
Male Human Rogue 1
True Neutral
Strength 14 (+2)
Dexterity 14 (+2)
Constitution 12 (+1)
Intelligence 14 (+2)
Wisdom 12 (+1)
Charisma 14 (+2)
Size: Medium
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 160 lb
Skin: Tan
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Light Brown
Total Hit Points: 7
Speed: 30 feet
Armor Class: 14 = 10 +2 [leather] +2 [dexterity]
Touch AC: 12
Flat-footed: 12
Initiative modifier: +2 = +2 [dexterity]
Fortitude save: +1 = 0 [base] +1 [constitution]
Reflex save: +4 = 2 [base] +2 [dexterity]
Will save: +1 = 0 [base] +1 [wisdom]
Attack (handheld): +2 = 0 [base] +2 [strength]
Attack (unarmed): +2 = 0 [base] +2 [strength]
Attack (missile): +2 = 0 [base] +2 [dexterity]
Grapple check: +2 = 0 [base] +2 [strength]
Light load: 58 lb. or less
Medium load: 59-116 lb.
Heavy load: 117-175 lb.
Lift over head: 175 lb.
Lift off ground: 350 lb.
Push or drag: 875 lb.
Region of Origin: Breland
Dragonmarked House: Tharashk [Mark of Finding](Identify 1/day)
Languages: Common Elven Giant
Dagger +2 attack [1d4+2, crit 19-20/x2, range inc 10 ft., 1 lb., light, piercing]
Punching Dagger +2 attack [1d4+2, crit x3, 1 lb., light, piercing or slashing]
Light Crossbow +2 attack [1d8, crit 19-20/x2, range inc 80 ft., 4 lb, piercing]]
Short Sword +2 attack [1d6+2, crit 19-20/x2, 1 lb, light, piercing]
Leather armor [light; +2 AC; max dex +6; check penalty 0; 15 lb.]
Point Blank Shot
Precise Shot
Action Points: 5 (this level)
Appraise Int 2 = +2
Balance Dex* 6 = +2 +4
Bluff Cha 6 = +2 +4
Climb Str* 6 = +2 +4
Concentration Con 1 = +1
Craft (any) Int 2 = +2
Diplomacy Cha 6 = +2 +4
Disguise Cha 2 = +2
Escape Artist Dex* 2 = +2
Forgery Int 2 = +2
Gather Information Cha 6 = +2 +4
Heal Wis 1 = +1
Hide Dex* 6 = +2 +4
Intimidate Cha 2 = +2
Jump Str* 2 = +2
Knowledge (local) Int 6 = +2 +4
Listen Wis 1 = +1
Move Silently Dex* 6 = +2 +4
Perform (any) Cha 2 = +2
Ride Dex 2 = +2
Search Int 6 = +2 +4
Sense Motive Wis 1 = +1
Spot Wis 5 = +1 +4
Survival Wis 1 = +1
Swim Str** 2 = +2
Use Magic Device Cha 6 = +2 +4
Use Rope Dex 2 = +2
* = check penalty for wearing armor
• Extra feat at first level (already included)
• Four extra skill points at first level (already included)
• One extra skill point at each additional level (already included)
• Sneak Attack +1d6
• Trapfinding
• Evasion (level 2)
• Trap Sense (level 3)
• Uncanny Dodge (level 4)
• Improved Uncanny Dodge (level 8)
• Special Abilities (choices begin at 10th level)
HP rolled
Level 1: Rogue 6
Weapons / Armor / Shield (from above)
Crossbow bolts (quiver of 10) x2
Case (for map or scroll)
Flint and steel
Grappling hook
Ink vial
Ink pen
Paper sheets x10
Pouch x2
Rope (50', silk) x1
Thieves' tools

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Vattnisse wrote:'Twould be fun to play a hobgoblin, but since we are starting on level 1, I guess they are out of reach. For now... Goblins suck too much - but how about an Orcish ranger, presumably from the Shadow Marches?Orcs are fine.
Went with human - see right above.

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Vattnisse wrote:'Twould be fun to play a hobgoblin, but since we are starting on level 1, I guess they are out of reach. For now... Goblins suck too much - but how about an Orcish ranger, presumably from the Shadow Marches?Orcs are fine.
You're late Aubrey - he's already dropped the orc, changed to human and posted the character! ;-)

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You're late Aubrey - he's already dropped the orc, changed to human and posted the character! ;-)
Man, I am so unhip.
Frogshanks, eh? Hmm, well it's your character. :-)
Vatters, the background might need a little bit of work. Jakers character is from House Tharashk, which is a house of humans and half-orcs based originally in the Shadow Marches and with a dragonmark useful for finding things (the Mark of Finding). I suggest that you ally yourself with that House, and probably should know Jakers as part of this. It is unusual for a human character to have a druidic background outside the Eldeen reaches, but far from unprecedented, so we can run with that. If you are going for a druidic background, your character should speak orcish if he doesn't already. If not, you probably worhip a bastardised version of the Sovereign Host (it isn't really appropriate for a PC to worship the Dragon Below - that's tantamount to being a cultist of the Far Realm). Up to you, I'm happy with either.
I'm posting more info on religions, the dragonmarked houses and so on, in a moment.

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Hmmm, that throwaway line about a warforged paladin is haunting me ... I have an interesting idea, but the secret min/maxer in me is struggling with a paladin with a penalty to both wisdom and charisma!
How about a cleric or fighter/cleric instead? Easier on the stats.

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The gods of Eberron are grouped into two major pantheons, plus a series of other unrelated religions. With a few exceptions, noted below, the religions are not racially based. Even where a religion is practiced exclusively by a single race, the reasons are cultural rather than a facet of the gods themselves. The gods of Eberron are impersonal forces – they do not interfere at all in the ways of mortals. Some philosophers even doubt whether they truly exist at all.
A number of these gods have domains that are not in the core rulebooks – they are set out in the ECS, and probably the Spell Compendium too. It is possible to worship a pantheon rather than a specific god, and thereby a cleric can choose two domains from that pantheon even if they come from different gods.
Priests of deities in the broader Eberron setting tend not to be of the Cleric class. They are often adepts, or even experts with no magical powers. Clerics tend to be the knights militant of a faith, rather than the local parish priests.
Alignments and clerics
One rule change from the core setting is that a cleric of a god does not need to be within one alignment step of his chosen deity. In fact, he could have a wildly different alignment and still draw power from that deity. A good cleric can cast spells with the Evil descriptor (or perform other acts of evil), and vice versa, without recourse to Atonement spells.
The Sovereign Host
This pantheon is the most commonly worshipped in Khorvaire. It is the mainstream religion of the Five Nations, with the exception of Thrane. It is typically worshipped as a pantheon, rather than on a god-by-god basis.
Arawai, God of Agriculture – NG – Good, Life, Plant, Weather
Aureon, God of Law and Knowledge – LN – Knowledge, Law, Magic
Balinor, God of Beasts and Hunting – N – Air, Animal, Earth
Boldrei, God of Community and Hearth – LG – Community, Good, Law, Protection
Dol Arrah, God of Honour and Sacrifice – LG – Good, Law, Sun, War
Dol Dorn, God of Strength at Arms – CG – Chaos, Good, Strength, War
Kol Korran, God of Trade and Wealth – N – Charm, Commerce, Travel
Olladra, God of feast and Good Fortune – NG – Feast, Good, Healing, Luck
Onatar, God of Artifice and the Forge – NG – Artifice, Fire, Good
The Dark Six
The negative counterparts to the Sovereign Host, they are rarely openly worshipped. However, it is a rare citizen who hasn’t offered a surreptitious prayer to them, such as the farmer hoping to propitiate the Devourer to prevent his crops being ruined in a flood. Worship tends to be of a specific god, rather than of the pantheon.
The Devourer, God of the Tempest – NE – Destruction, Evil, Water, Weather
The Fury, God of Violence and Hatred – NE – Evil, Madness, Passion
The Keeper, God of Death – NE – Death, Decay, Evil
The Mockery, God of Treachery – NE – Destruction, Evil, Trickery, War
The Shadow, God of Dark Magic – CE – Chaos, Evil, Magic, Shadow
The Traveller, God of Deception – CN – Artifice, Chaos, Travel, Trickery
The Church of the Silver Flame
The Silver Flame is the force that binds the rakshasa and demon lords within Khyber (see below). While it has existed since the end of the Age of Demons, humanity only became aware of it when Tira Miron, a paladin of Dol Arrah, sacrificed herself to help a couatl defeat a demon that was about to shrug its bonds. Through her selfless act, she merged with the flame and became its voice, able to communicate with mortals. The Church sprang up from that moment, its mission to purge the world of evil and corruption. With its stronghold in Thrane, it is a powerful crusading force against the machinations of fiends and other foulness. It is also the instigator of a number of atrocities carried out in the name of the Silver Flame, either though excessive zeal or corruption from within.
The Church of the Silver Flame – LG – Exorcism, Good, Law, Protection
The Blood of Vol
The doctrine of the Blood of Vol is that blood is the source of life, and that death is an abomination. Undeath is a way to achieve divinity, and many within the cult aspire to become one of the sacred undead like Vol, Queen of the Dead. Formerly the state religion of Karrnath, it is now discouraged within that country to some extent, though not outright banned. Karrnath is still the stronghold for the religion.
The Blood of Vol – LE – Death, Evil, Law, Necromancer
The Dragon Below
The various cults of the Dragon Below are rarely connected with one another. Instead, a charismatic leader gathers a small band of similarly insane followers to worship some aspect of the works of Khyber, either through trafficking with fiends, the adoration of aberrations from the depths, or dwelling within the deep places of the earth and practicing hideous rites.
The Dragon Below – NE – Earth, Evil, Madness
The Path of Light
The religion of the kalashtar, it emphasises the perfection of body and mind, the importance of the kalashtar communities, and readiness to strike against darkness.
The Path of Light – LN – Law, Meditation, Protection
The Undying Court
The Aerenal elves revere their ancestors. Indeed, their reverence has granted the ancient dead post-mortal animation as members of the deathless. As such, they continue to act as councillors and rulers within that realm.
The Undying Court – NG – Deathless, Good, Protection
The druid sects
A number of sects exist of which the key leaders are druids. They revere the natural world, though some of them different in doctrine (some wildly) and in their relationship with the more civilised lands. The most prominent, and doctrinally mild, are the Wardens of the Wood, who also rule the Eldeen Reaches. They see agriculture as compatible with the natural order, provided that the land is respected. At the other end of the spectrum are the Children of Winter, who revere death and decay as the key natural forces of the world, and the Ashbound, a terrorist-like group who consider any form of civilisation and arcane magic as an abomination. The Gatekeepers are a sect based in the Shadow Marches, mostly comprised of orcs, who were instrumental in the defeat of the daelkyr (see below) and maintain constant vigil to prevent further incursions from Xoriat.

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Trose d'Tharashk
Human male
Age 17
Everyone in the family seemed to have something they wanted me to do. Take over the business, ID this item, find a good mate, you name it.
I want to see the world. So I'm going to.
Grandmother says she spent some time away from the family, and now she's a force to be reckoned with. She also says she'll keep me from being hunted down or excoriated.
Once I've seen Xendrik, and maybe Sarlona, and found something worth bringing back, I'll be ready to take over the business, and ID items, and find a good mate.
Just not yet.
I think there is an error in your character sheet. Having a dragonmark is a feat, but you have two (Point Blank Shot and Precise Shot) already. That makes three which is one too many for a lvl 1 human rogue. Also, is the skill bonus from having the Least Dragonmark feat included? Finally, have you worked out your encumberance?

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I had a chance to check on a diffrent play-by-post game and the lvl of ability to acctually roleplay your char. is outstanding and meta-gameing is gone, im looking forward to this.
Yes, one of the strengths of this medium is that you can write what you might not be able to deliver verbally so well. Plus you get a chance to think about your next move (very useful for a DM).

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Age of Dragons: date ????
The world as it exists was created following the struggle between the three progenitor wyrms: Eberron, Siberys and Khyber. The struggled ended in their mutual destruction. In the end, Siberys formed the heavens and created the dragons, Eberron the surface world and all manner of other living things, and Khyber created the underdark and vomited forth the fiends.
Age of Demons: date -10,000,000 – -100,000
The fiends of Khyber overran the earth and ruled supreme for eons, creating a hellish environment where night hags and rakshasa rajas were supreme. Eventually, the dragons of Argonessen fought a war against the fiends, allied with other draconic races such as the couatls. Eventually, the couatls sacrificed most of their numbers to bind the most powerful fiends within Khyber. The dragons retreated to Argonessen and ignored the “lesser” races emerging from hiding after the conflict.
Age of Giants: date -80,000 – -40,000
An empire of giants emerged on Xendrik, which rapidly enslaved the elven population and, with draconic aid, grew to massive arcane power. However, an invasion by the inhabitants of Dal Quor, the plane of dreams, led to the giants unleashing devastating draconic magic. The invasion was driven off but severely weakened the empire, causing mass devastation across Eberron through earthquakes, floods and plagues. A subsequent uprising by the enslaved elves led the giants, in a bid to quell the conflict, into attempting to reuse the powers that drove off the previous planar invasion. The dragons pre-emptively reacted by destroying the giant empire, which collapsed into barbarism.
Age on Monsters: date -38,000 – -5,000
Goblinoid and orcish kingdoms arose in Khorvaire. Eventually, the goblinoids united into the Dhakaani Empire, which dominated western Khorvaire. About nine thousand years ago, the daelkyr of Xoriat, the plane of madness, attempted an invasion of Eberron. The Dhakaani Empire and the orcs drove off the invasion, but at great cost. Eventually the Empire fell into civil war and destroyed itself.
Current age: -5000 –
In this age, several of the humanoid races began to manifest dragonmarks. About three thousand years ago, the pioneer Lhazaar led the first human colonists from Sarlona to Khorvaire. About fifteen hundred years ago, the War of the Mark was launched to eliminate the bearers of aberrant dragonmarks, and the system of the twelve dragonmarked houses was established. About one thousand years ago, Galifar united the human kingdoms into the empire that bore his name. In 299 YK the Church of the Silver Flame was established in Thrane, when the self-sacrifice of the paladin Tira Miron bound a marauding demon and created the pillar of silver fire from which the religion takes its name. In 894 YK, the last king of Galifar, Jarot, died. Although tradition dictated than Mishann of Cyre should become the new monarch, her right of succession was challenged by Thalin of Thrane, Wroann of Breland and Kaius of Karrnath, with only Wrogar of Aundair supporting his sister’s claim. The Last War resulted from the ensuing dispute. In 965 YK, the first of the “modern” warforged were built in Cyre by House Cannith. In 994 YK, Cyre was utterly destroyed in the Day of Mourning. After a century of conflict, and the birth of several new nations from the ashes of Galifar, the Last War formally ended with the signing of the Treaty of Thronehold in 996 YK. It is now 998 YK.

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Within the last few thousand years, a number of the humanoid races have manifested dragonmarks, strange sigils which appear on the skin and grant the bearer specific magical powers. The causes and meanings of the marks are mysterious, though the dragons of Argonessen have taken some, albeit aloof, interest in lesser races since they began appearing. The marks appear to be heritable, and as such families bearing the marks have formed themselves into twelve “Houses” which have, over the centuries, accrued considerable economic power to themselves though the use of their marks. The dragonmarks are partly responsible for one of the key elements in the Eberron campaign – the relative prevalence of low level magic in the setting. Because the Houses are arranged on commercial lines, their magical powers are for sale. For example:
- long range communications are facilitated through House Sivis speaking stones
- House Orien runs the lightning rail (effectively, magic trains) across the Five Nations to speed up long distance travel, or you can charter a House Lyrandar airship if you have the money and a more out-of-the-way destination in mind
- House Kundarak runs a series of magically protected banks, and you can always take out the items you have lodged there, from any branch, irrespective of where you placed it in their safekeeping in the first place
- House Tharashk can track down anything, or anyone
- House Jorasco can cure whatever ails you (in fact, no one “goes to the temple” for healing as the priest is usually not a cleric, they go to House Jorasco)
- House Cannith manufactures all manner of magic items, from potions of Cure Light Wounds to lightning rail carriages or warforged (though the manufacture of warforged is now expressly forbidden by the Treaty of Thronehold).
The lesser powers of the Houses can be purchased by the man on the street. The more powerful abilities require serious money, from the wealthy individual or even states. Either way, it all adds to the commercial power and political clout of the Houses.
Other, aberrant, marks exist but are much less common following the War of the Mark, which established the current House system. The holders are not arranged into houses, and the nature of their powers can vary wildly, though they are rarely particularly powerful. Indeed, holders of aberrant marks are often shunned by society and can suffer from madness. The War of the Mark pitted the holders of the aberrant marks against the nascent dragonmarked houses, and led to their virtual extermination (in the ages following the War, the Houses still killed holders of aberrant marks, though this is no longer common).
The Houses stayed neutral in the Last War, and indeed profited mightily in some cases (especially House Deneith and House Cannith). The Houses technically are not involved in politics and cannot aspire to office or power. However, given their wealth, they are often deeply involved in political machinations, often in concert or against one another.
The particular marks of the different Houses grant specific, related powers that allow them to dominate in particular fields of enterprise. These are as follows:
House Cannith - Mark of Making - Humans - Manufacture and repair of goods, especially magical items
House Deneith - Mark of the Sentinel - Humans - Personal physical protection and mercenary services
House Ghallanda - Mark of Hospitality - Halflings - Inns, taverns, dining
House Jorasco - Mark of Healing - Halflings - Healing
House Kundarak - Mark of Warding - Dwarves - Banking, security of property
House Lyrandar - Mark of the Storm - Half-elves - Sea transport, air transport, weather-control
House Medani - Mark of Detection - Half-elves - Investigation, personal protection
House Orien - Mark of Passage - Humans - Courier and land-based transport services
House Phiarlan - Mark of Shadow - Elves - Entertainment
House Sivis - Mark of Scribing - Gnomes - Communication, notarisation of documentation
House Tharashk - Mark of Finding - Humans, Half-orcs - Investigations, finding dragonshards
House Thuranni - Mark of Shadow - Elves - Entertainment
House Vadalis - Mark of Handling - Human - Animal husbandry and training
In game terms, receiving a dragonmark requires a feat to be taken. There are four types of dragonmark: least, lesser, greater and siberys. The first three can be obtained by taking the relevant feats (a lesser mark requires that the least mark feat has been taken, and so on) or by taking the Dragonmarked Heir prestige class (in the ECS). The siberys mark requires the Heir of Siberys prestige class to be taken (and this can’t be taken if the character has any dragonmarks already). The dragonmark allows a specific spell-like ability, to be activated one or more times a day.

Trose |

You are correct, he no longer has precise shot. Mark bonus added. As for enc., I'm at work, but I'm pretty sure it's under 50 lbs. I'll check when I get home.
New sheet below:
== Trose d'Tharashk ==
Male Human Rogue 1
True Neutral
Strength 14 (+2)
Dexterity 14 (+2)
Constitution 12 (+1)
Intelligence 14 (+2)
Wisdom 12 (+1)
Charisma 14 (+2)
Size: Medium
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 160 lb
Skin: Tan
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Light Brown
Total Hit Points: 7
Speed: 30 feet
Armor Class: 14 = 10 +2 [leather] +2 [dexterity]
Touch AC: 12
Flat-footed: 12
Initiative modifier: +2 = +2 [dexterity]
Fortitude save: +1 = 0 [base] +1 [constitution]
Reflex save: +4 = 2 [base] +2 [dexterity]
Will save: +1 = 0 [base] +1 [wisdom]
Attack (handheld): +2 = 0 [base] +2 [strength]
Attack (unarmed): +2 = 0 [base] +2 [strength]
Attack (missile): +2 = 0 [base] +2 [dexterity]
Grapple check: +2 = 0 [base] +2 [strength]
Light load: 58 lb. or less
Medium load: 59-116 lb.
Heavy load: 117-175 lb.
Lift over head: 175 lb.
Lift off ground: 350 lb.
Push or drag: 875 lb.
Region of Origin: Breland
Dragonmarked House: Tharashk [Mark of Finding](Identify 1/day)
Languages: Common Elven Giant
Dagger +2 attack [1d4+2, crit 19-20/x2, range inc 10 ft., 1 lb., light, piercing]
Punching Dagger +2 attack [1d4+2, crit x3, 1 lb., light, piercing or slashing]
Light Crossbow +2 attack [1d8, crit 19-20/x2, range inc 80 ft., 4 lb, piercing]]
Short Sword +2 attack [1d6+2, crit 19-20/x2, 1 lb, light, piercing]
Leather armor [light; +2 AC; max dex +6; check penalty 0; 15 lb.]
Point Blank Shot
Least Dragonmark (Mark of Finding) (identify 1/day)
Action Points: 5 (this level)
Appraise Int 2 = +2
Balance Dex* 6 = +2 +4
Bluff Cha 6 = +2 +4
Climb Str* 6 = +2 +4
Concentration Con 1 = +1
Craft (any) Int 2 = +2
Diplomacy Cha 6 = +2 +4
Disguise Cha 2 = +2
Escape Artist Dex* 2 = +2
Forgery Int 2 = +2
Gather Information Cha 6 = +2 +4
Heal Wis 1 = +1
Hide Dex* 6 = +2 +4
Intimidate Cha 2 = +2
Jump Str* 2 = +2
Knowledge (local) Int 6 = +2 +4
Listen Wis 1 = +1
Move Silently Dex* 6 = +2 +4
Perform (any) Cha 2 = +2
Ride Dex 2 = +2
Search Int 8 = +2 +4 +2
Sense Motive Wis 1 = +1
Spot Wis 5 = +1 +4
Survival Wis 1 = +1
Swim Str** 2 = +2
Use Magic Device Cha 6 = +2 +4
Use Rope Dex 2 = +2
* = check penalty for wearing armor
• Extra feat at first level (already included)
• Four extra skill points at first level (already included)
• One extra skill point at each additional level (already included)
• Sneak Attack +1d6
• Trapfinding
• Evasion (level 2)
• Trap Sense (level 3)
• Uncanny Dodge (level 4)
• Improved Uncanny Dodge (level 8)
• Special Abilities (choices begin at 10th level)
HP rolled
Level 1: Rogue 6
Weapons / Armor / Shield (from above)
Crossbow bolts (quiver of 10) x2
Case (for map or scroll)
Flint and steel
Grappling hook
Ink vial
Ink pen
Paper sheets x10
Pouch x2
Rope (50', silk) x1
Thieves' tools

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Dragonshards are magical crystals that can be incorporated as key elements of magic items. They come in three types: eberron, siberys and khyber.
Eberron – these shards are found in rocky nodules buried shallowly under the ground. They are useful for attuning to various spells, which has numerous applications. For example, a specially attuned shard can be used instead of a spellbook for a wizard, or in the everglowing lamps which light many of the cities of Eberron.
Siberys – siberys shards appear to have an affinity for dragonmarks, and can be incorporated into items to enhance the effects of dragonmark spell-like abilities. Siberys shards fall from the sky like meteorites, and are obtained by prospecting the areas where they are likely to fall.
Khyber – khyber shards are used in binding elementals and other such creatures. They are found deep under the earth, growing around lava pools.
House Tharashk makes a lot of its money prospecting for dragonshards.

Trose |

Fine. I notice you don't have Open Lock and Disable Device. It's not a problem, just useful for me to note as DM. And your Knowledge (Local) is presumaby Breland?
GAH! He's not much of a tomb robber then, is he!
I'll fix him and post a fresh character sheet tonight.***mutter, mutter, grumble.... moron can't make a simple 1st level rogue... embarrassing yerself....***

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Frogshanks, eh? Hmm, well it's your character. :-)
Vatters, the background might need a little bit of work. Jakers character is from House Tharashk, which is a house of humans and half-orcs based originally in the Shadow Marches and with a dragonmark useful for finding things (the Mark of Finding). I suggest that you ally yourself with that House, and probably should know Jakers as part of this. It is unusual for a human character to have a druidic background outside the Eldeen reaches, but far from unprecedented, so we can run with that. If you are going for a druidic background, your character should speak orcish if he doesn't already. If not, you probably worhip a bastardised version of the Sovereign Host (it isn't really appropriate for a PC to worship the Dragon Below - that's tantamount to being a cultist of the Far Realm). Up to you, I'm happy with either.
Well, I am a swamp-dweller... And I do speak Orcish.
However, I think the Sovereign Host suggestion sounds a little better - the swampers probably worshipped the nature and combat aspects of it, adapted to local needs. For the background, I'll take the Least Dragonmark of Finding next time I get a feat - I'm currently affiliated with House Tharashk, but I have no standing as of yet; getting the Mark will represent a promotion or some such thing. I probably looked them up when I came to Sharn and offered my services, and as I am already a rather competent tracker, they took me in.
Off to tweak...

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Well, I am a swamp-dweller... And I do speak Orcish.
However, I think the Sovereign Host suggestion sounds a little better - the swampers probably worshipped the nature and combat aspects of it, adapted to local needs. For the background, I'll take the Least Dragonmark of Finding next time I get a feat - I'm currently affiliated with House Tharashk, but I have no standing as of yet; getting the Mark will represent a promotion or some such thing. I probably looked them up when I came to Sharn and offered my services, and as I am already a rather competent tracker, they took me in.
Off to tweak...
There is no particular reason to take the dragonmark feat(s) unless you really want to. In terms of flavour, plenty of people with the surname d'Tharashk don't have it, so there is no reason (even less, actually) for you to have it as a non-Tharashk. The house has plenty of people on the payroll who are not strictly family members.
Also, bear in mind that the Mark is inherited, not bestowed by the House, so you will have to have d'Tharashk blood in you - not impossible, of course, as bastards abound. It is a feat in game mechanics terms, but that is just for balance - it isn't something that the player gains by training, it is something that happens to someone whether they like it or not, and it isn't their choice (only the players's, not the character's).

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OK, I'm still waiting for characters from Jakers, Ithuriel and Mothman.
Well I apparently left this window open too long as I was typing up my character sheet in it. Cause when I posted it redirected me to Paizo's welcome page and my post isn't here. So for now I'll just have to leave it at this- I'm working up a Karnathi arcane military cadet type of character. Human, Wizard. My idea is still a bit hazy- but taking shape. Irritated by spending his time post graduation as a scroll factory for frontliner magewrights he is out on his own now and being a bit shy on realworld experience- cocksure and impulsive. I'm going to be working all day today, but should be able to have a finished sheet with background up very early Sunday morning.
btw- Spell Compendium ok?

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Well I apparently left this window open too long as I was typing up my character sheet in it. Cause when I posted it redirected me to Paizo's welcome page and my post isn't here. So for now I'll just have to leave it at this- I'm working up a Karnathi arcane military cadet type of character. Human, Wizard. My idea is still a bit hazy- but taking shape. Irritated by spending his time post graduation as a scroll factory for frontliner magewrights he is out on his own now and being a bit shy on realworld experience- c%*@&ure and impulsive. I'm going to be working all day today, but should be able to have a finished sheet with background up very early Sunday morning.
btw- Spell Compendium ok?
Spell Compndium OK, but let me know what you want that is in it. My take on it is that the spells in it are available, but unusual and so not in everyday circulation. But I'm also a pushover....
Re the character, maybe write it up in Word and copy and paste it into the website - that is what I did for most of the campaign setting info.

Trose |

Okay... This is final (Unless you find some math problem)
Character Sheet
Male Human Rogue 1
True Neutral
Strength 16 (+3)
Dexterity 14 (+2)
Constitution 10 (+0)
Intelligence 14 (+2)
Wisdom 10 (+0)
Charisma 14 (+2)
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 160 lb
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Light Brown
Total Hit Points: 6
Speed: 30 feet
Armor Class: 14 = 10 +2 [leather] +2 [dexterity]
Touch AC: 12
Flat-footed: 12
Initiative modifier: +2 = +2 [dexterity]
Fortitude save: +0 = 0 [base]
Reflex save: +4 = 2 [base] +2 [dexterity]
Will save: +0 = 0 [base]
Attack (handheld): +3 = 0 [base] +3 [strength]
Attack (unarmed): +3 = 0 [base] +3 [strength]
Attack (missile): +2 = 0 [base] +2 [dexterity]
Grapple check: +3 = 0 [base] +3 [strength]
Light load: 76 lb. or less
Medium load: 77-153 lb.
Heavy load: 154-230 lb.
Lift over head: 230 lb.
Lift off ground: 460 lb.
Push or drag: 1150 lb.
Region of Origin: Breland
Dragonmarked House: Tharashk
Languages: Common Elven Giant
Punching Dagger +3 attack [1d4(+3), crit x3, 1 lb., light, piercing or slashing]
Light Crossbow +2 attack [1d8, crit 19-20/x2, range inc 80 ft., 4 lb, piercing]]
Short Sword +3 attack [1d6 (+3), crit 19-20/x2, 1 lb, light, piercing]
Leather armor [light; +2 AC; max dex +6; check penalty 0; 15 lb.]
Least Dragonmark [Mark of Finding](identify 1/day)
Point Blank Shot
Action Points: 5 (this level)
Appraise Int 2 = +2
Balance Dex* 2 = +2
Bluff Cha 2 = +2
Climb Str* 5 = +3 +2
Concentration Con 0 = +0
Craft Int 2 = +2
Diplomacy Cha 6 = +2 +4
Disable Device Int 5 = +2 +3
Disguise Cha 2 = +2
Escape Artist Dex* 2 = +2
Forgery Int 2 = +2
Gather Information Cha 6 = +2 +4
Heal Wis 0 = +0
Hide Dex* 5 = +2 +3
Intimidate Cha 2 = +2
Jump Str* 3 = +3
Knowledge (local) Int 4 = +2 +2
Listen Wis 4 = +0 +4
Move Silently Dex* 5 = +2 +3
Open Lock Dex 5 = +2 +3
Perform Cha 2 = +2
Ride Dex 2 = +2
Search Int 7 = +2 +4 +2 [mark of finding]
Sense Motive Wis 0 = +0
Spot Wis 4 = +0 +4
Survival Wis 0 = +0
Swim Str** 3 = +3
Tumble Dex* 6 = +2 +4
Use Magic Device Cha 6 = +2 +4
Use Rope Dex 2 = +2
* = check penalty for wearing armor
• Extra feat at first level (already included)
• Four extra skill points at first level (already included)
• One extra skill point at each additional level (already included)
• Sneak Attack +1d6
• Trapfinding
• Evasion (level 2)
• Trap Sense (level 3)
• Uncanny Dodge (level 4)
• Improved Uncanny Dodge (level 8)
• Special Abilities (choices begin at 10th level)
21 lb Weapons / Armor / Shield (from above)
2 lb Crossbow bolts (quiver of 10) x2
2 lb Backpack
Flint and steel
Ink vial
Ink pen
5 lb Crowbar
5 lb Rope (50', silk)
1 lb Thieves' tools
6 lb Sunrods x6
Travelling Papers
Identity papers (w/portrait)
1 lb Basket
1 lb Case (for map or scroll)
Paper sheets x10
1 lb Pouch x2
1 lb Whetstone
4 lb Waterskins x1
8 lb Explorer’s Outfit
58 lb Total

King of the Jakers |

sorry it took so long
well here he is let me know if there is anything wrong with it
Noxaderaz "Nox" Gahallanda Cleric of Olladra God of Feast and Fortune
Male Halfling lvl 1 Cleric
NG Small
Init +2; Senses diplomacy +0 Heal +7(4 ranks) knowledge (arcane)+1 knowledge (history)+1 knowledge (the planes)+1 knowledge (religeon)+4(3 ranks) Proffesion +5(2 ranks)(cook) spelcraft +1 , diplomacy +0 Heal +7(4 ranks) knowledge (arcane)+1 knowledge (history)+1 knowledge (the planes)+1 knowledge (religeon)+4(3 ranks) Proffesion +5(2 ranks)(cook) spelcraft +1
Languages common, halfling, gnome.
AC 20 (+5 chainmail, +2 sheild,+2 dex,+1 size)
hp 10 (1 HD)
Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +6 (+2 morale against fear, +1 to all saves)
Speed 15 feet (20ft base)
Melee sickle +2 1d4 crit.20 x2
Base Atk +0; Grp +0
Special Actions Spells, Rebuke undead
Combat gear Chainmail, heavy steel shield, sickle
Spells known Cleric spells 0 lvl 1st lvl
Spells prepared 3 0 lvl 3 1st lvl
5 action points
Feats augment healing (complete divine)
Skills diplomacy +0 Heal +7(4 ranks) knowledge (arcane)+1 knowledge (history)+1 knowledge (the planes)+1 knowledge (religeon)+4(3 ranks) Proffesion +5(2 ranks)(cook) spelcraft +1
Possessions combat gear plus Cook +5
Spellbook 0 lvl 1st lvl
Rebuke undead, (very scared of undead)
-----------------------------------------------------------------------Hook "Everything in life is luck yours has just run out."-Nox
Height 3'1"; Weight 45lbs ; Hair Bright Red; Skin tan; Eyes Bright Green; Age 20; Patron Deity Olladra (Eberron)
Campaign: Eberron
Nox has a tremendous fear of the undead and attempts to avoid them whenever possible, he is also a fairly good cook. From house Gahallada has strayed awayfrom the business of owning taverns and inns to travel and bring the gift of hospitality through the worship of Olladra, The God of Feast and Fortune. Nox is also quite young.

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sorry it took so long
well here he is let me know if there is anything wrong with it
No problems, Jakers, thanks for posting. A few comments:
- you have left out your basic stats. I have no idea what your STR, DEX etc etc are.
- the character's name should really be Nox d'Ghallanda or something like that. That said, interesting choice of house. Why does Nox wish to adventure, given his background as a hotelier (sort of)? And where is he from? Is he from the Talenta Plains or is he more of a sophisticate?
- your skill list is in twice, in different forms. Also, you seem to have some Knowledge skills in there, but I'm not sure if you have actually taken ranks in them. Knowledge skills (and a few others) cannot be used untrained.
- don't know what gear you have, beyond your weapons and armour. Don't forget encumbrance.
- a good cleric cannot rebuke undead, only turn them.
- what domains has Nox chosen?
- you mention his fear of undead. Any particular reason why? Problems with Karrnathi troops during the war? House d'Ghallanda is quite close to its roots in the Talenta Plains, which border Karrnath.
That said, cool character. I've got a soft spot for little guys in armour (had a gnome barbarian once) and I like the halfling cleric concept a lot.
I suggest you have a basic copy of your character sheet in Word or something similar (in the unlikely even you don't have Word, consider using the DMtools.org/world website). This will mean you will be easily able to update your character, as this site is a bit cumbersome for character creation. When you put it up here, it is simply a case of cutting and pasting from your Word version. Just a suggestion to save a bit of labour.

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Hmm this board doesn't like my nicely anal sheet from enworld. Just compresses everything regardless of the tabs and spacing that originally made it look all nice.
Was going with Summon Undead I and Lesser Orb of Electricity from Spell Compendium if they get the ok. Won't be using either at first, just adding them to the collection.
Background should still be up today, but I'll have to sleep first. Interesting group for rivalries. I had to read the section on Karranth
this morning and hadn't realized that the Karrns and the Valenese(?) consider themselves to still be at war. Then as a Karrnathi, Ezreal is going to have a very different opinion about the undead than our halfling cleric. Should be good stuff.
Name: Ezreal Farlowe
Class: Wizard
Level: 1
Race: Human
Region of Origin: Rekkenmark, Karrnath
Size: Medium
Gender: Male
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Action Points: 5
Deity: None
Str: 10 +0 (02p.)
Dex: 16 +3 (10p.)
Con: 14 +2 (06p.)
Int: 16 +3 (10p.)
Wis: 10 +0 (02p.)
Cha: 10 +0 (02p.)
BAB: +0
Grapple: +0
Speed: 30'
Init: +3
ACP: -0
HP: 6 (1d4+2)
AC: 13 Touch: 13 Flatfooted: 10
Fort: +2
Ref: +3
Will: +2
Light Crossbow--Attack +3, Damage 1d8, Crit: 19-20/x2 Range: 80ft
Dagger +0/+3, 1d4, 19-20/x2, 10ft
Club +0/+3, 1d6, x2, 10ft
Notes: +1 Attack & Damage for ranged within 30'
No penalty for firing into melee
Languages: Common, Elven, Draconic, Abyssal
Raven Familiar: Cassius (speaks Common)
Feats: Scribe Scroll (class), Point Blank Shot (L 1), Precise Shot (Racial), Alertness (when familiar w/in arms reach)
Spells prepared (Save DC 13 + spell level; 13/14):
0 - Read Magic, Detect Magic, Light
1st - Color Spray, Mage Armor
0 - All 0 level wizard spells;
1st -
True Strike
Mage Armor
Magic Missile
Lesser Orb of Electricity
Summon Undead I
Color Spray
Skill Points: 24 Max Ranks: 4/2
Concentration +7
Knowledge(Arcana) +7
Knowledge(History) +7
Knowledge(Nobility) +7
Knowledge(The Planes) +7
Spellcraft +7
Appraise +6 (+3 from Cassius)
Spot +0 (+2 when Cassius w/in arms reach)
Search +3
Listen +0 (+2 when Cassius w/in arms reach)
Move Silently +3
Explorer's Outfit --gp --lb
Light Crossbow 35gp 4lb
20 Bolts 2gp 1lb
Club -gp 3lb
Dagger 2gp 1lb
Backpack 2gp 2lb
Bedroll 0.1gp 5lb
Parchment (10) 2gp -
Ink Pen 0.1gp -
Ink 8gp -
Waterskin 1gp 4lb
Spell Component pouch 5gp 2lb
Wizard's Spellbook 15gp 3lb
Scroll Case 1gp 0.5lb
Scroll: Obscuring Mist 25gp
99.2 spent
Total Weight: 25.5lb
Money: 20gp 8sp
Max Weight: LGT 0-33, MED 34-66, HVY 67-100, LIFT 100, PUSH 500
Age: 27
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 150lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black
Skin: Pale

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I'm happy with the Orb spells and Summon Undead spells (don't know what our resident cleric will make of them, though). I also don't mind waiving the 100gp cost for a familiar either - wizards should have a familiar if they want one.
I think once Jakers amends his character sheet we should be up and running.

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Tomorrow I'll post some info on Sharn. In the meantime, the action will kick off in a somewhat scuzzy bar in the rough part of town - your characters need to think what are their reasons for being there.
Looks like a good party - this should be fun.

King of the Jakers |

Ok lets try this again...I think I got it right this time, I will get a background posted.... later today if I have time, if I dont it will be up tomorrow.
Male Halfling lvl 1 Cleric
Nox d'Ghallanda, Cleric of Olladra
NG Small
Str-12 (+1)
Dex-14 (+2)
Con-14 (+2)
Int-12 (+1)
Wis-16 (+3)
Cha-10 (+0)
Languages common, halfling, gnome.
Height 3'1"; Weight 45lbs ; Hair Bright Red; Skin tan;
Eyes Bright Green; Age 20;
Patron Deity Olladra (Eberron)
Init +2
Speed 15 feet (20ft base)(medium load)
AC 20 (+5 chainmail, +2 sheild,+2 dex,+1 size)
FF AC (18)
Touch (13)
hp 10 (1 HD)
Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +6 (+2 morale against fear, +1 to all saves)
*Immune to ingested poison and diseases spread by ingestion
Melee sickle +2 1d4 crit.20 x2
Base Atk +0; Grp +0
Special Actions Spells, turn undead
Combat gear Chainmail, heavy steel shield, sickle
Spells known Cleric spells 0 lvl 1st lvl
Spells prepared 3 0 lvl 3 1st lvl +cure light wounds & good berry
Cleric Domains- Healing, Feast (pg 106 ECS)
5 action points
Feats augment healing (complete divine)
Skills: concetration+5 (3 ranks), diplomacy +0, Heal +7(4 ranks),
knowledge (religeon)+4(3 ranks),Proffesion +5(2 ranks)(cook),
spellcraft +1
Possessions combat gear, back pack, bed roll, rations(one day),
water skin, silver holy symbol of Olladra
Spellbook: 0 lvl 1st lvl cleric spells+ domain spells
Gold pieces-15
Silver pieces-4
Copper pieces-0
Hook "Everything in life is luck yours has just run out."-Nox
Campaign: Eberron
Nox has a tremendous fear of the undead and attempts to avoid them whenever possible, he is also a fairly good cook. From house Gahallada has strayed awayfrom the business of owning taverns and inns to travel and bring the gift of hospitality through the worship of Olladra, The God of Feast and Fortune. Nox is also quite young.

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Ok lets try this again...I think I got it right this time, I will get a background posted.... later today if I have time, if I dont it will be up tomorrow.
That looks fine. Just to clarify, as you may know this already but it is ambiguous on your character sheet, you only get one domain spell per spell level, not both. Other than that, fine.
I'll put up some info on Sharn tomorrow, and hopefully we can kick off in the next few days. Obviously, waiting for Mothman's character too, though he did say he was away this weekend.

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The action will kick off in a somewhat scuzzy bar in the rough part of town - your characters need to think what are their reasons for being there.
Hmmm... Trose and myself are the corporate drones here, and crave a change of pace. So, after a long day at work, we are off to for a few pints at our favourite watering hole?

Trose |

I'm good with that, although I'm trying to "live down" the whole corporate drone thing. That's why I ran away from home.
"Who knew that the Houses would be so intertwined in everyday life in Sharn? They're freaking everywhere - my House as much as any other. We really need to get out of here and find some ancient ruin to crawl around in for a while."
<<heh... who needs a DM to get the RP rolling?>>

King of the Jakers |

Well Nox currently passing through Sharn on my way toward the site of his clans massacre. Oh and I am taking the healing domain first sorry about that.
Here is some more indepth background

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Sorry Aubrey, I've been a bit tardy...
Well, the good news is I've decided to go wth the Warforged Paladin, and I'm about halfway through finishing the character.
The bad news is I probably won't b able to post it for another 10 hours or so, is that going to hold you up?
No, don't worry - we are ready when we are ready. These play-by-post move with glacial slowness anyway - it's part of the charm.

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No, don't worry - we are ready when we are ready. These play-by-post move with glacial slowness anyway - it's part of the charm.
Don't I know it!
Ok, here is the first draft of my character, Lightbringer. I still need to work out equipment properly and write up a background and reason for being in the depths of Sharn - any idea which district we'll be in?
Male Personality Warforged Paladin 1
Lawful Good
Strength 15 (+2)
Dexterity 10 (+0)
Constitution 14 (+2)
Intelligence 10 (+0)
Wisdom 13 (+1)
Charisma 13 (+1)
Height: 6’6”
Weight: 303 lbs
Eyes: Silver
Colouration: Dark metallic charcoal grey with silver highlights.
Total Hit Points: 12
Speed: 20 feet
Armor Class: 18 / 20 = 10 +8 [adamantine plating] +2 [heavy steel shield]
Touch AC: 10
Flat-footed: 18
Damage Reduction: 2/adamantine
Initiative modifier: +0
Fortitude save: +4 = 2 [base] +2 [constitution]
Reflex save: +0 = 0 [base
Will save: +1 = 0 [base] +1 [wisdom]
BAB: +1
Grapple check: +3 = 1 [base] +2 [strength]
Region of Origin: Breland
Languages: Common
Great Sword +3 attack [2d6 (+2), crit 19-20/x2, slashing]
Shortbow +2 attack [1d6, crit x3, range inc 60 ft., piercing]
Warhammer +3 attack [1d8 (+2), crit x3, bludgeoning]
Slam +3 attack [1d4 (+2), bludgeoning]
Adamantine Plating [heavy; +8 AC; max dex +1; check penalty -5.]
Adamantine Body
Action Points: 5
Diplomacy +5 = +1 +4 ranks
Knowledge (religion) +4 = +4 ranks
• Living Construct Traits
• Light Fortification
• Slam attack
• Aura of good
• Detect Evil at will
• Smite Evil once/day (charisma bonus applies to attack roll, extra damage equal to paladin level)
Flint and steel
Holy Symbol (Silver Flame)
Travelling Papers
Identity papers (w/portrait)
Case (for map or scroll)
clothing: tabard and hooded cloak

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Ok, here is the first draft of my character, Lightbringer. I still need to work out equipment properly and write up a background and reason for being in the depths of Sharn - any idea which district we'll be in?
That looks fine (nice work with the stats). The adventure will begin in the Bazaar area of Middle Dura - not quite as bad as Malleon's Gate, but rough enough. It is, incidentally, quite close to the Tharashk house enclave and the Ghallanda Inn.

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Sharn is the largest city in Breland, and the whole of Khorvaire. Sharn is built in a manifest zone with the plane of Syrania, the Azure Sky (a manifest zone is where the effect of a plane “bleeds” into the material plane, boosting certain types of magic). The effect of this zone is to enhance magic connected with flight and leviation, and has helped Sharn to achieve its distinctive style: Sharn, the City of Towers, its lofty buildings held aloft by unique magic which would not work anywhere else in Khorvaire.
Sharn itself is bordered to the west and south by the Dagger and Hilt rivers, and to the north and east by cliffs. It is built on a series of volcanic plateaux that rear up above the river, with the towers stretching further skyward (with some structures being completely free-floating). This has led to Sharn developing a somewhat vertical complexion, with individual districts being divided into upper, middle and lower segments. Generally, the “lower” the district, the lowers it’s cachet and wealth. A brief overview of the areas:
Central Plateau – an upper class area, with embassies, grand temples and the seat of Sharn’s government.
Menthis Plateau – the entertainment district, and also home to Morgrave University.
Northedge – a mostly residential district.
Dura – the largest district, the oldest and worst, with extensive slums in Lower Dura. The home to the majority of Sharn’s goblinoid population.
Cliffside – the dockside region set below the cliffs where Dura squats. A rough area.
Tavick’s Landing – the eastern edge of the city and the landward route in, holding the terminus for the Orien lightning rail line and trade road.
Skyway – magically floating above the rest of the city, and home to the city’s ultra-wealthy.
The Depths – the ruins upon which Sharn is built are still present underneath the bustle of the city above, and have their own population of scavengers.
The Cogs – the industrial heart of the city, sited below even the Depths and drawing its power from volcanic vents.
Sharn has a mixed population – generally, most races and cultures are represented somewhere. Getting about is either by foot, utilising elevator platforms to move vertically, or by skycoach (small aerial taxis).
OK, that's it with background - let's get the game rolling....

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Some minor changes...
-I forgot ID papers and traveling papers.
-Traded Abyssal for Giant in the language dept.
-Traded True Strike for Repair Light Damage as it will be useful to eventually write up some scrolls to keep our paladin in good working order.
-Dropped the familiar. I forgot that you have to pay for it and do the casting. I don't mind waiting for that.
In the 'Why I'm in Sharn' department I've decided that post war Karrnath has a number of teams and individuals pursuing leads for anything that might lead to greater national security, deter future aggression, cement their role as a superpower etc. As the lost arcane arts of the giant empire was his area of independent study at Rekkenmark, Ezreal has been tasked by Malakar Yeorvos (superior officer in the Karrnathi Navy) to sign on at Morgrave University for the next outgoing expedition to Xen'drik. Unfortunately, the next expedition he could find a place in won't be leaving for another month. So it is that Ezreal is in a foreign country impatiently passing time and pursuing his own arcane studies when the story kicks off.