Green Giant |

Guys, I just dropped a message to Vattnisse to see how he was faring and to let him know the games are here and ready for him whenever he wishes. It turns out he's had a really brutal couple of months, including health problems, a car accident, job loss and bereavement. He's got some interviews lined up so there's a bit of light at the end of the tunnel. If any of you are either friends on Facebook or otherwise in touch with him, it might be nice to send a note of support.
Oh, damn! If you get in touch again, tell him I'll be praying for him.

Kobold Catgirl |

Happy holidays, y'all! Lurker here. I really hope things have gotten better for Vattnisse since the last update on his situation.
Okay, so this might seem like spam—and it kinda is—but this is one of the longest-running PbP on the forums, and just so happens to be the longest-running Eberron game, too. It's also one of the most "Eberron" games I've ever seen played. The intrigue, the branching paths, the airship fights, the split nationalities and rampant goblinoid oppression; it's been a big influence on how I see the setting. So I honestly thought I'd really like to get the thoughts of some of its contributors.
I'm conducting a survey right now to gauge how people generally see the races of Eberron. I'd really love to see some feedback from this group! You've been playing this game for over a decade, now, and you may well have more insight than anyone else on these boards.
Anyways, sorry for the, uh, rampant threadjacking self-promotion. I'll see myself out!

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So my guys... Last Jedi? Where are you on that? I loved it and will see it again when I have time. Solo this time because I was peppered with questions about every 20 seconds through the first round ;) But I was really glad our boy was borderline old enough to share it with in the theater. (We went during the Steelers / Patriots game so the place was half empty. Pittsburgh. Hehe.)

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I just saw it today with the family. Spoiler free, I will say it didn't feel like a 'typical' Star Wars movie in many respects - which isn't necessarily a bad thing; Rogue One also wasn't a typical Star Wars movie imo, and it is probably my second favourite.
In most respects I thought the Last Jedi was quite good, though the editing could have been tighter (as I thought both The Force Awakens and Rogue One were). There were two things about it I really didn't like, but overall it was enjoyable (and some things I thought were really good).

Green Giant |

All right, I went back and reread since we arrived at the fort to the last round of combat and here's what I think happened in regards to buffs and so forth (not counting sphere of invisibility since its already gone):
Buff Round 0: Telepathic bond (120 minutes - All)
Buff Round 1: Overland Flight (13 hours - Ez), Invisibility (12 minutes - Gil), Communal Air Walk (20 minutes - LB, Janosz, Rod, and Hal; 30 minutes - Kaz)
Buff Round 2: See Invisibility (130 minutes - Ez), Gravity Bow (3 minutes - Janosz), Weapon of Awe (8 minutes - LB), Bull's Strength (11 minutes - LB), Fly (12 minutes - Gil)
Buff Round 3: Longstrider (3 hours - Janosz), Arcane Sight (13 minutes - Ez), Ironskin (8 minutes - LB), Bless (11 minutes - All)
We then took about 2 minutes to get into position. LB said it was 900 feet to the trenches assuming double move of slowest characters (LB, Kaz and Hal) to keep some stealth.
At 100 feet, Gil casts Extended Haste on everybody(24 rounds). We then took a single move wasting 1 round of Haste before we appeared on the map.
Combat Round 1: Divine Bond (13 minutes - Hal), Obscuring Mist (12 minutes - Gil), Greater Invisibility (13 rounds - Ez), Righteous Might (11 rounds - Kaz, Rod), Divine Favor (1 minute - Hal[swift casting]), Good Devotion (1 minute - LB, Janosz, Kaz, Rod, and Hal)
Combat Round 2: Divine Power (11 rounds), Blade Barrier (11 minutes - Rod), Summon Monster VI (starting - EZ)
Combat Round 3: Flame Strike (Kaz), Summon Monster VI (13 rounds - Ez), Shield (13 minutes - Ez), Greater Invisibility (12 rounds - Gil)
Combat Round 4: Spiritual Weapon (12 rounds - Rod), Fireball (Ez), Chains of Light (11 rounds)
Combat ends
5 rounds of Talking with Darkheart.
New combat

Green Giant |

Hopefully, I’ve got this right…
Time remaining of buffs (in order of casting) –
All: Telepathic Bond (116 minutes 3 rounds), Bless (5 minutes), Extended Haste (4 rounds)
Ezreal: Overland Flight (12 hours 56 minutes 8 rounds), See Invisibility (126 minutes 9 rounds), Arcane Sight (10 minutes), Greater Invisibility (5 rounds), Summon Monster VI (7 rounds), Shield (12 minutes 4 rounds)
Gil: Invisibility (8 minutes 8 rounds), Fly (8 minutes 9 rounds), Obscuring Mist (11 minutes 2 rounds), Greater Invisibility (6 rounds)
Haladon: Communal Air Walk (16 minutes 8 rounds), Divine Bond (12 minutes 2 rounds), Divine Favor (2 rounds), Good Devotion (2 rounds)
Janosz: Communal Air Walk (16 minutes 8 rounds), Gravity Bow (expired), Longstrider (2 hours 57 minutes), Good Devotion (2 rounds)
Kazadar: Communal Air Walk (26 minutes 8 rounds), Righteous Might (3 rounds), Good Devotion (2 rounds), Divine Power (4 rounds), Chains of Light (6 rounds)
Lightbringer: Communal Air Walk (16 minutes 8 rounds), Weapon of Awe (4 minutes 9 rounds), Bull’s Strength (7 minutes 9 rounds), Ironskin (5 minutes), Good Devotion (2 rounds)
Rodergo: Communal Air Walk (16 minutes 8 rounds), Righteous Might (3 rounds), Good Devotion (2 rounds), Blade Barrier (10 minutes 3 rounds), Spiritual Weapon (6 rounds)

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GG, You are a king for that casting recap. Much appreciated!
Happy New Year guys! Hope it was well spent with your favorite people. Wife was shocked at how many adults here just give it a 'meh' and go to bed by 10pm. I was shocked at how many 20 something year old guys from my work didn't bother to go out or do anything. Younger Greeks will party till 7 or 8 in the morning then go for breakfast. 40 something Greeks (of our acquaintance) play cards or karaoke or whatever until 4 or so. We managed till 1:30 this year and the party was over ;)

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Ok that was half right. We hit L13 in Sept of 2016 after having to flee from Helkashtai and her goons, but before we fought them again in the Citadel. It was exact XP to level because Aubrey gave us the last 350.
We are on Medium pace right?
L13 = 315,000 xp
L14 = 445,000 xp
11,200 Citadel fight vs Helkashtai & Co.
1066 Living spell in LB's keep
1371 Warforged Titan taken out by oozes
116,363 more to L14
Current Total: 328,637 xp

Pixie Rogue |

Late to the conversation - late to everything lately - I did indeed spend the evening with my favorite person enjoying each other's company and doing not much. We turned on the rarely-used TV in time to see the last hour or so of televised festivities and went to bed.
Honestly, after the way this holiday season went for us (and the mess immediately afterwards at work), I'm perfectly good with getting back to the workday routine.
And thanks to GG and Ithers both for recaps and research.

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It has unfortunately been a long time since I kept track of xp for this one (circa 2010 or so). Janosz seems to have kept his sheet up to date until the Helkashtai audience chamber fight (he has 221201, which puts it at 11201 xp above level 13 for FAST track – pretty much on the money).
Working from this, and the xp Ith has tracked, we should be at 223,637 on the fast track (and we need to hit 295,000 to reach 14).

Gil |

I will be offline from Sunday 21 through Sunday 28. Gil's got plenty of tricks available including shadow evocation fireballs if you think they would work well. Be creative - it's time she got out of the rut I put her in.
See you at the end of the month!

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How bad are we doing right now?
Hal is down.
Rod is a little above 50%
Kaz is about 50%
LB is below 50%
Janosz, I have no idea.
Gil and Ez are uninjured I think, but I don't think Ez has the spells to turn the tide here. I have another Summon VI and then I'll be roasting targets for moderate to minimal damage. Not enough to do much more than irritate that dragon between scorching rays, a fireball and magic missiles.
Thoughts on strategy?

Kazadar Soranath |

yeah i dont imagine my spells will be all that great from here on out, other than healing. I can manage that if people wanna come over. I can reach when needed with a metamagic rod (3rd level and below though)

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I'm into what I've seen so far. Unchained was a hint and Starfinder was another hint about what was to come with rules revisions. I really like dropping iterative attacks.
I did listen to Buhlman and Mona's actual play playtest with glasscannon podcast. I like skills being tied into other actions including init and combat maneuvers. The main objection for me isn't rules based or the need for a revision, it is 10 years worth of purchased books and pdfs. If I can still adapt adventures I won't grumble too much.