"Oz" |
I actually have no idea what I'm doing for a level 3 feat, but i do know my first rogue talent is being Fast stealth.
Gaileyon Madstout |
A DM buddy of mine always did 10 + the challenge rating of the enemy you're aiding your ally against. That might be another interesting one.
I have 0 issues with either. I personally never use Leadership for the same reason Tanjvats doesn't like it at all... But it doesn't bother me. I just don't use it for myself. The less micromanaging I have to do, the better!
Aardvark DM |
I was going to mention that I was waiting to hear from Oz about the house rules, when I realized I haven't heard back from him on ANY of the house rule posts.
Oz, I'm just wondering if you saw any of them (as Lein even told you of the Weapon Finesse).
Did you see the free single background skill point, the roll for comliness, the nat 1 or 20 modifiers to skills, the removal of taking 10/20, or the free leadership? I never got any, either positive or negative, feedback from you about any of them.
As for changing aid another, it's not a big deal, if people take issue with it, then we can skip it (though I do like the DC equaling the CR, but how would that work on skill checks?)
Gaileyon Madstout |
It'd work the same way on skill checks. The difference is he'd make the CR based upon the required save. So if, for instance, I was being helped to overcome a willsave, and that DC was a 15... The CR would be 5 (or atleast that's how my DM always treated it - 10 minus the DC requirement).
"Oz" |
Oh! I did see them, I went back after that and took a look. I'm more concerned with the fact that I got to see a dwarf flip a table onto a pugwampi.
Because that happened. And I lulled.
Gaileyon Madstout |
Erhm... I'm not sure where you're getting PVP from, as it was in no way meant to harm you. Plus, given the common knowledge of agility of elves, it's safe to surmise that he should be able to surefootedly land without harm.
"Oz" |
I'd like to point out that getting flung off the table probably doesn't do any damage. At the worst, you get knocked prone. I actually liked it, and it seems in his character. A destructive drunkard dwarf barbarian.
"This tables in the way" *Flip*
"This door's in the way" *Smash*
"This giant rock needs to move" *Push*
"This elf is on the table" *Flip*
Gaileyon Madstout |
I'll gladly retcon the entire thing if it's going to be an issue... I did not do it to be 'Jerky', I did it to Role-play the character as designed. I did it for the exact reasons Oz list. It's very much in character. Plus given the information from the fight, the creature is under 'cover'. So, moving the cover seemed the most logical answer at the time to a Dwarf with a 9 intelligence.
So, explanation aside... I apologize. I'm sorry. I in no way intended or expected for you to take the maneuver personally or as an attack against your character.
Aardvark DM |
Okay, I decide to play a game with the family and get back to a post explosion. I will try to address them in turn.
Oz, you acknowledged them, but yet still have no opinions from you.
Elrawein, for aiding on saves it could be a variety of things based on save and how you flavor text it. Say you aid a Fort save vs poison, maybe you squeeze the injury to get some of the toxin out. Helping a Reflex, maybe you give them a shove or pull them out of the way a little bit, for Will saves it could be talking them out of control, or empowering them with words of wisdom.
Regardless, I'm not going to adopt the rising aid another DC's.
As for the table flip, I don't see it as an attempt at PvP, either intentional or accidental. You are only 5' up (at most since it is a study table, and they tend to sit lower than dining tables). If anything you'd be more likely to slide of onto your feet with a table in front of you.
Since Oz and Dareon still have yet to go before it happens, it might even be a moot point. Although Dareon's last act was to use his turn to aid the will save.
Elrawein, the map didn't update, because your turn hasn't come up yet. So for Tanjvats and Oz's turns there was nothing that had changed movement-wise, and won't until.
So all that said, I still need Oz's turn.
"Oz" |
Hmm... Flanking... Flanking...
I considered just tossing 2 more daggers, but it's under the table, there are people in the way, and this is kind of overkill for just 1 pugwampi.
I think they actually have negatives to strength, so no one's going to take more than 3...
Dareon Niroden |
Sorry if I did something wrong there, I got sort of confused about what's going on in the combat. Such a small room, so many people in it, and I'm lost on whose turn it is. Anyway, feel free to interpret what I'm doing however you like.
Faedrin Lantherion |
A friend of mine ran me and another buddy of mine through the first installment of the Legacy of Fire AP a while back and I think these pugwampis made their first appearance in that book. They were SOOOOO irritating! They're like Paizo's love-letter to GM's, because I have no doubt my friend was enjoying himself to no end while the two of us floundered about in roll-two-d20s-and-take-the-lowest impotence every time we bumped into one.
"Oz" |
Pixies are worse, but Pugwampis are universally hated by every creature in the world, even other gremlins, though.
Don't be surprised if a gnoll tries to kill one in the future. It honestly wouldn't surprise me.
"Oz" |
In other news, flipping a table is common practice when being presented with Pugwampi.
Especially when 3 of your PbP's have sent them at you.
I die a little inside every time I have to deal with them.
"Oz" |
So yeah, at this point I think I'm just abstaining from combat, however, Oz may take an excessive interest in the dagger that just went under the dresser.
Also, I've been playing way too much Dmitri, lol. I felt the urge to grab the dagger and sleight of hand switch it with one of my own and enjoy the benefits XD
Clever as that was, I think I'll abstain. Oz is still going to be curious, however.
Faedrin Lantherion |
I think we should right the table, put the items back in the paradox box, close it back up, and return to our previous positions in the room before the pugwampis sprung out as quick as we can.
That way, when those Pathfinder ladies return, we'll look like nothing happened, but the tapestries, curtains, and everything else will look completely destroyed =P
You know, for the lulz.
"Oz" |
Those "Shiny" things seemed rather important. I'd almost sleight of hand one, actually.
Also if that's even remotely possible, give me the opportunity to make the call on that. It's not so much evil as it is information gathering.
Unless of course by "Shiny thing" you mean the equivalent of "Tears of Jesus" but I highly doubt that.
Then again... I did think Lucre was kind of silly, but I'll be damned if that didn't work.
That said, I just realized that when I type Oz's things up, it's mostly his constant rambling thoughts.
"Oz" |
Oh this is far from my first, but this is certainly one of my more "hard to handle" characters.
I'm torn between being a severely quirky, yet masterfully stealthy rogue, or just being mysterious.
And dam is the quirky version much more fun.
"Oz" |
He's actually got a bit of a quizzical tone. He's always curious about whatever he can get his grubby hands on, really. A batman voice is far from what he actually sounds like XD but it's not an annoying tone, atleast.
Tanjvats |
Traveling for a few days, and I'm not sure of available time nor internet coverage, so I might be slow to post. Back home on Tuesday night.
Given the number of posts happening on this game, if you need a reaction from him, he's closed off but not shy; he's kind but not effusive; religious but not preachy; he wants to help but not to lead.