Orator Kent |
If your character’s actions in the game reflect his Belief, you earn one Fate point.
If your characters’ actions worked toward your Goal, but did not accomplish it, you earn one Fate point.
If you have your character perform the action described in the Instinct at the proper time during the game, you earn one Fate point.
If you accomplished your Goal during the session, you earn a Persona point.
If you play against your Belief in a cool and dramatic fashion—if you make a decision in the game that’s counter to what you believe— and you let everyone know about it through your performance of your character, you earn a Persona point.
Within your respective tables, nominate someone by describing how they...
MVP: made the crucial roll so that the patrol could complete its mission.
Workhorse: carried the group through a lot of tough stuff. His character had all the right skills, and he made all the rolls to keep things moving.
Embodiment: roleplayed in a believable and entertaining manner throughout the entire session: if they used an accent, described all their actions in vivid detail, or brought their Belief, Goal and Instinct into play in a cool way...
This is then an opportunity to change or adjust your Goal. If you acted against your Belief, this is a chance to change that too. Finally, since it's our first mission, you can change or adjust your Instinct.
Finn of Ivydale |
Belief: Food brings mice together. Nope
Goal: Find Nathaniel's notes. Yep, been there done that got the t-shirt
Instinct: I never delay while on a mission. Yep
Thinking about the others.
Barton_the_mouse |
I'm not sure if I have anything else to say to Mitzi until we're on the road. She seems...less happy than I'd assume about having her life spared.
I know our larger mission is to map the Lockhaven>Ivydale>Sprucetuck>Elmoss>Lockhaven loop, but surely given the circumstances we'd want to go back the way we came (using our clear paths and revised maps) and not try to trailblaze back home while carrying a prisoner, right? Seems unnecessarily risky.
Orator Kent |
End of Mission:
•If your character’s actions in the game reflect his Belief, you earn one Fate point.
•If your character’s actions worked toward your Goal, but did not accomplish it, you earn one Fate point.
•If you have your character perform the action described in their Instinct at the proper time during the game, you earn one Fate point.
•If you accomplished your Goal during the session, you earn a Persona point.
•If you play against your Belief in a cool and dramatic fashion—if you make a decision in the game that’s counter to what you believe—and you let everyone know about it through your performance of your character, you earn a Persona point.
As for MVP, Embodiment, and Workhorse, how would you like to treat these three Persona points? Should we just grant a flat 1 Persona each? Are there other features of play you'd like to highlight with this award? How do we feel about this part of the rules?
Take a look at your Belief and Instinct, and think back on your previous end of session fate and persona numbers. If you’ve missed out on any persona, or two or more fate, you should consider changing at least the wording of your Belief or Instinct.
Bry: Your instinct seems like it hasn’t served you very well, and I can think of a few themes in this past adventure which might serve better: “I always forget my manners/lose my temper when others are avoiding hard work.”, “I always prioritize others before myself”, “I can’t rest knowing someone’s hurt.” Something like that. The Belief will create circumstances where hard work is outstripped by talent, or money, and I think we’ve baked that into the setting so far, it just needs some time to surface.
Barton: Yours have worked well so far, and sum up your character nicely without being one-note. I wouldn’t worry about your belief.
Seyth: I think your belief works, but you might tweak the wording. It seems to need signs of clear cosmic karma in order to be challenged, or for Seyth to have a reason to commit injustice, so it might not generate Persona very often. The best wording is often one I can easily negate to help push toward Persona. “The guard is not an incorruptible force of good” “The best way to get what you want is not with a hard day’s work” “there is justice other than what you make just?”
Barton_the_mouse |
1 fate point for talking Mitzi into staying because of how much I believe in the goodness of the Guard.
1 persona point for getting Mitiz to Lockhaven safely.
I think we should just give out 1 persona each. Everyone does a great job sharing the load, RPing and being badass.
I agree that my belief is working well. I also think that Barton is intentionally working against his instinct. I don't want to change that. I like the internal conflict, even though it costs me fate.
Bry |
1 Fate Point for Going from being imprisoned, his speech, to gathering clovers, to healing people because of the belief Since all of that took place withing a very closed amount of time. Same thing with the Mushroom farm and healing the sick mouse. Just overall I think the belief was played out. But feel free to argue :)
1 Fate point for failing to complete the goal of avoiding family. After all, he did run into his dad when he was angry.
Nothing for Instinct. I tried to play it once but it is very out of place I will admit. I think I rushed that one a bit. I'll go with "I Can't rest knowing someone is hurt" since that came into play 4 times and each one tended to during a big event, the only one where it wasn't was with the sick ones I healed in the beginning.
I would vote Barton for Embodiment. He just seemed to be the mouse who truly did learn from the mission. And Seyth seemed to be a set static figure for the most part, which was awesome. So I would vote him for MVP.
Seyth the Eternally Grumpy |
Initial goal was "Make the governor see reason"... failed hard, but secondary, after the Spruce tuck scene, was "Get him safely to Lockhaven, so... Persona?
fate for instinct.
I support Persona all around
as for belief... Hows about "Good isn't usually pretty" something to contrast Bry's Deontological leanings, and Barton's Idealism.
Orator Kent |
"It's my job to make hard choices"
"The greater good hangs on small evils."
"The destructive deserve to be destroyed."
"The territories outweigh any one mouse."
Something you can see Seyth acting against under the right circumstances. Something clear enough where you'll know it when it comes up. Most importantly, it informs Seyth's actions or choices, rather than stating his outlook. It can also be more personal.
"Barton is showing discipline, maybe he's ready for more responsibility."
"Tiegh is paranoid."
"Gwendolyn shouldn't be trying to appease everyone."
Orator Kent |
"Captain Julian of the Mayfair has been sailing the northern bay and beyond since the time of Arturus." Kent's tone is sombre. "A notorious hoarder of treasure and a legendary Weather Watcher, it's said the winds are his mate. His story began before most of those I know. He did not come from across the waters with the First Guard. Instead, he was born in wild country to a mystic. In those days, the titans, like Thunder, Pyrope, Eclipse, and Knives roamed the territories, killing mice wherever they were found."
"One autumn day, Julian's mother found herself in Pyrope's glowing gaze. One mouse, even a mystic, is no match against a fox. It was all she could do to send Julian downriver on a leaf: the first leaf boat. Julian said the winds lamented his mother's death. They howled, tore down trees, and hurled the land into a dark and terrible winter overnight."
"After hearing this story, Gilaed thanked Julian and told him it was very interesting, but that he was rather asking how his wound had been healed and if the captain would like to register his dock as part of Arturus' dream of united mouse territories." Giggles pass through the crowd of young mice listening to Kent impersonate Gilaed's nervous, earnest demeanor.
"Ignoring the first question again, Julian offered Gilaed a deal. The green guard was not the first person taken in by the captain. A small mouse had been recovering for days on the ship, and that was why he had remained docked for so long, but Julian needed to go out for supplies. He proposed that Gilaed stay with her, but warned: 'do nothing with this girl you would not do with me on my return.'"
"The night that Julian left, the sick mouse called out to Gilead. 'young sir, I fear I am fevered.' Gilaed put a paw to the mouse's head, but could feel no fever. 'My mother would kiss my head to check for fever,' the mouse pleaded. Gilaed touched his lips to the sick mouse's head, and found no sign of fever. 'Only lay with me, young sir, I am frightfully cold." The audience, catching on, is overcome with a mix of piqued interest and disgust, depending on their ages. "Gilaed sat beside the pallet where the mouse lay, wrapped her in her blanket, and hugged her through the night."
"When Julian returned, he stood before Gilaed, waiting. When Gilaed asked if Julian would accept the stewardship of the Guard, Julian opened his arms wide. 'Only after you do with me what you did with that innocent girl, unless you would have me strike you down to save your gallant pride.' Shrugging, Gilaed touched Julian's cheek, kissed him, wrapped him in his own cloak and hugged him." The room dissolves into giggles. When he regained the room's attention, Kent concluded, "Julian was very disappointed, but nevertheless joined Port Sumac to the territories."
Hope everyone's doing okay.
Orator Kent |
The blanket was sold by the crew. Julian is missing owing to an accident that made the Mayfair late to Portcall.
Julain is from Anne Rice's Witching Hour
Gaelad is Galahad of round table lore, and this story is pretty close to a real one. (Originally it was Percival, but Percival got replaced by Galahad in later writings.)
@Seyth is Gaelad real or parable? You would have been around the same age, and would both have worn green cloaks.
BastianQuinn |
![Queen Esmyra](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9072-QueenEsmyra_500.jpeg)
Chrono Trigger had this fun tutorial section at a fairground, and there was a bunch of stuff to do like shops, games, a robot you could fight, etc. Then later, after disappearing with the princess, you get put on trial and all the little things you did, like steal an old man's chicken to heal between fights, or find a girl's cat, come back to haunt/vindicate you. It was a scene that told you the game wasn't linear, and that choices mattered.
I think in this case Satchel is your best witness... but we'll see where this goes.
BastianQuinn |
![Queen Esmyra](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9072-QueenEsmyra_500.jpeg)
You can certainly hold these two mice until you get a response from Lockhaven.
Just be aware that the Guard is less FBI and more USPS/Army. In Berach's case, Sprucetuck requested that he be arrested and tried, and his crimes were very public. Until you can get to the bottom of Port Sumac's shadowy underbelly, don't count on dragging Peiter out of town without consequences.
Satchel was one of the seven Captains of the Bay Leaf Fleet. The barmouse also has a high opinion of you...
Orator Kent |
Not saying you're wrong, or that putting a stop to some of the things going on in Port Sumac isn't a good thing, just making sure you folks know ahead of time that things might not go smoothly. Think of Peiter as a mob boss. You can't be sure who he's got strings on.
We'll have an end of session overnight, I'll post a little scene at Lockhaven, and you'll have a Player Turn to try and sort this out before we return to the mission. (You'll have like 8 Checks between the three of you.)
For now, figure out how you want to keep Peiter and Brian secure for the night.