Succubus in a grapple.

Rules Questions

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Usual Suspect wrote:
I'm going to have to kick start this as a real world research project.

[Pinky]I dunno Brain, where are we gonna find a Succubus at this time of night?[/Pinky]

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[Brain]The same place we find them every night.[/Brain]


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Hereby the situation has been put into practice in PFS.


Magus: (name self) knows that his attacks have very limited effect on the demon. In a desperate attempt he tries to grapple the succubus.

Witch ooc:
Not sure how that would work...could you describe this action further, or uh, maybe post some pictures?

Magus ooc:
You wish ;-) I am sure you can find some nice pictures if you just use your search engine or imagination. The opportunity is too good to pass on and (name self) has no idea that this might not be the wisest action.

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We've been dealing with this succubus grappling a female druid for a few years now.

To be honest, it's the sheer stamina I'm baffled by.

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Yes. It returns. It always returns.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

One might say that it just keeps coming back.

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She just needed some rest, that's all :)

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Wait.... Did the succubus feel drained?


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they are still going at it...

it's one way to poke a bear with a schtick

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I thought the bear was the one doing the poking.

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This succubus is not fully enraged yet, so the bear is going to poke her with a... Uhhhh... Stick!!!

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What if the succubus is the bear druid? Or the paladin?

EDIT: Psst, it's back. Again.

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So having done some actual wrestling in the past, and running exactly the kind of game this thread belongs in... I have to go with "succubus needs to control the grapple" here. Nothing that happens in a grapple is an "act of passion" unless one is a very frustrated individual, eager to find such acts anywhere that adult movies might try to cram them. I know that such comments are all in jest, but as a question of the rules, I just wanted to toss in an answer that won't screw a tetori any more than they already are.

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Now I'm pondering the new options now available with Succubus Unchained...

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I have two rules bloat jokes, and both are equally terrible.

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Dr. Jan Jansen III, Turnip King wrote:
Now I'm pondering the new options now available with Succubus Unchained...

I'm sure we all think that the Chained version is more fun...Pathfinder, that is.

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Dr. Jan Jansen III, Turnip King wrote:
Now I'm pondering the new options now available with Succubus Unchained...

That's easy. Restart the grapple, because all my hard work has been undone and it's time to do it all over again.

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RogueMortal wrote:
an answer that won't screw a tetori any more than they already are.

I just... I can't... you... perfect... how has no one commented on this before me?!

I... I can't do it. It's... it's too... it's right there.

Scarab Sages

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Tacticslion wrote:
RogueMortal wrote:
an answer that won't screw a tetori any more than they already are.

I just... I can't... you... perfect... how has no one commented on this before me?!

I... I can't do it. It's... it's too... it's right there.

I know, right? The problem is all the comments I thought to say had a good chance of those ninjas swooping in and taking me out of the action. :(

And, for the record, I'm with RogueMortal as another real life wrestler. Controlling the grapple should be necessary.

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Dr. Jan Jansen III, Turnip King wrote:
Now I'm pondering the new options now available with Succubus Unchained...

Unless of course the succubus prefers the chains (and she probably does.)

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And in case anyone needed any extra entertainment, this thread looks promising.

Shadowborn wrote:
Dr. Jan Jansen III, Turnip King wrote:
Now I'm pondering the new options now available with Succubus Unchained...
Unless of course the succubus prefers the chains (and she probably does.)

She just might. The question is does she enjoy the receiving or the giving of said chains. I'd ask, but she's not answering for some strange reason....

Sovereign Court

Lathiira wrote:
Shadowborn wrote:
Dr. Jan Jansen III, Turnip King wrote:
Now I'm pondering the new options now available with Succubus Unchained...
Unless of course the succubus prefers the chains (and she probably does.)
She just might. The question is does she enjoy the receiving or the giving of said chains. I'd ask, but she's not answering for some strange reason....

Ball gag probably a ball gag

Mad Alchemist wrote:
Lathiira wrote:
Shadowborn wrote:
Dr. Jan Jansen III, Turnip King wrote:
Now I'm pondering the new options now available with Succubus Unchained...
Unless of course the succubus prefers the chains (and she probably does.)
She just might. The question is does she enjoy the receiving or the giving of said chains. I'd ask, but she's not answering for some strange reason....
Ball gag probably a ball gag

Could be ;)

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Tacticslion wrote:
RogueMortal wrote:
an answer that won't screw a tetori any more than they already are.

I just... I can't... you... perfect... how has no one commented on this before me?!

I... I can't do it. It's... it's too... it's right there.

Right there? What's right there? I just can't seem to grasp your point. Perhaps a few more levels to get Incorporeal Grip so I can lay hands upon these ethereal concepts?

The Exchange

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So, we had this situation come up yesterday, three different instances at roughly the same time.

Situation sketch: 3 beautiful women in a pool requestion rescue because they are bound in there.

Partycomposition: Female human hunter with mammoth animal companion (me), female tiefling eldritch knight, female human cleric, male elven druid with crawling vine companion.

Ofcourse we want to help the three poor ladies get out of the pool, so my mammoth and I walk around it, using the mammoth's strength to pull them out of it without us getting wet, because I couldn't see any chains in the pool, just some platinum tiles.

After arriving at the third, just after my mammoth has put her trunk around it the damn woman shimmers and turns into a succubus.
At the same time the druid (in Sargassum Fiend shape) and the crawling vine are near the other two succubi and as they start casting (hostile) spells they grapple them.

Now, I was fast enough to tell my mammoth to let go of the demon lady (having been at the receiving end of a succubus kiss before, even though I don't swing that way) before it could try to do naughty things to her and sap her of her strength, but the druid and his companion did not.

However the two succubi didn't try to drain them, and I wonder why that was.

(Also meanwhile the tiefling had failed a suggestion to get into the pool and was stripping naked to get in, while the cleric was facepalming)

Shamira wrote:
having been at the receiving end of a succubus kiss before, even though I don't swing that way

There's another common point of contention. Personally I rule that if their current form isn't your deal, they don't get to drain you. Of course they can easily Alter Self or Charm/Dominate you, which works for them as demons but if there was an Infernal equivalent, I'd say that enchantments mess it up for them as devils want you to damn yourself by choice.

Sounds to me like we need to check to see if the mammoth gained any negative levels!

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Oh, RogueMortal, why do you nerf me so? I swear, it's getting harder and harder to be an upstanding (half) Succubus recently. Everyone talks about this "Raw" thing, and tell me I can't do stuff anymore! I don't even know what a "Raw" is! Is it like some kind of new kink, like the one you eat that uncooked Tian fish put on top of a naked girl?

Like, a month ago I was in this tavern, yes? At one point, a little jerk with a pointy hat with stars embroidered on it starts going "Monks suck, they can't do anything against the power of the arcane!". So I, reacting like any sane person would, charge off from the other side of the room shouting "I'll show you how monks suck!". So I get to him, grapple him, and he starts to go "Nu-uh, Mr. Pincers will reposition me". I was about to lure him into an act of passion, when a scorpion goes out of his coat and...and...lifts him and put him 5 feet away from me!
The scorpion!
I was sleeping trough most of my Physics classes (and with most of my class, now that I think about it), but I know that that is impossible! And that guy kept saying "It's RAW, you can't do anything". Now, I won't judge him for what he does with his scorpion behind closed doors, but I don't see how that helps him go against the law of physics! So I walk to his scorpion, throw it into a tankard of Ale, and toss the guy out of the window.

Ah, I get mad only thinking about it! I'll go grapple with my Rogue friend and see if she wants to get Unchained.

Raw my horns.*Grumblegrumblesuccugrumble*

Selena Halfblood wrote:

Oh, RogueMortal, why do you nerf me so? I swear, it's getting harder and harder to be an upstanding (half) Succubus recently. Everyone talks about this "Raw" thing, and tell me I can't do stuff anymore! I don't even know what a "Raw" is! Is it like some kind of new kink, like the one you eat that uncooked Tian fish put on top of a naked girl?

Like, a month ago I was in this tavern, yes? At one point, a little jerk with a pointy hat with stars embroidered on it starts going "Monks suck, they can't do anything against the power of the arcane!". So I, reacting like any sane person would, charge off from the other side of the room shouting "I'll show you how monks suck!". So I get to him, grapple him, and he starts to go "Nu-uh, Mr. Pincers will reposition me". I was about to lure him into an act of passion, when a scorpion goes out of his coat and...and...lifts him and put him 5 feet away from me!
The scorpion!
I was sleeping trough most of my Physics classes (and with most of my class, now that I think about it), but I know that that is impossible! And that guy kept saying "It's RAW, you can't do anything". Now, I won't judge him for what he does with his scorpion behind closed doors, but I don't see how that helps him go against the law of physics! So I walk to his scorpion, throw it into a tankard of Ale, and toss the guy out of the window.

Ah, I get mad only thinking about it! I'll go grapple with my Rogue friend and see if she wants to get Unchained.

Raw my horns.*Grumblegrumblesuccugrumble*

Oh my, I'm afraid that I'm hardly into that Raw sort of stuff. I prefer my fun with a side of Rai instead, and I don't mean that redhead with the giant eidolon. Oh sure, Raw makes a decent basis for things, but sometimes you need to consider that it can't cover everything, so you top it off with a dressing of House Rules. Now I'm sure that Mr. Pincers had some help there, it was a familiar after all and one never knows what the damn things might do when their owners remember to actually use them.

After all, by Raw you could certainly have your way with any mortal you fancied, but I felt that hardly makes sense when you drink of their sinful souls, and if they're not interested in sinning with you... well, time to pick another face, yes? Though I do hope that your Rogue friend is interested in getting Unchained, because that implies all the fun of chaining her up first~

RogueMortal wrote:
Rai instead, and I don't mean that redhead with the giant eidolon

... who?

Tacticslion wrote:
RogueMortal wrote:
Rai instead, and I don't mean that redhead with the giant eidolon
... who?


RogueMortal wrote:

...too tired, mixed up their names, Rei is the blue haired one >_<

Ah. Now I know who you mean. (I haven't actually watched much Evangelion, soooooo...) :D

Liberty's Edge

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

ok... funny story...

Back when Wizards had a "Mature" section of the board on their site, a user (Pipa) had started a slave market thread. Pipa set up a stage and other posters got on either as buyers or as the slaves being sold.

So about the third page in, one poster has a succubus come in, waiting her turn on the block, when her collar is taken off by someone. Another gives her some magazines of interest to keep her busy as another is trying to free the slaves and going toe to toe with the Pipa and guards trying to escape.

I enter in with the third character I had introduced in the thread, Claris, a half drow, half lizardfolk person that used to be human. (She got into a box of cursed items and really had bad luck previous to being used here)

She has a specialized collar with balls around it, sneaks behind the reading Succubus and slaps it on her. It limits her actions as a regular magic slave collar, except when following an order by the owner of the collar.

Claris points to the man on the stage after explaining the collar to her, and says "Blank-Blank-Blank-Blank Him!!"

Hilarity ensued. After she was finished (The guy was zapped but still alive at this point, turned into the authorities) Claris gets the collar back. The balls had went from black to a bright light red as she was enjoying the man's company. She took it back to the Kobold Assassin that owned her.

After the Mature boards was gone, I continued the story, having that Kobold Assassin commission the making of a few magical items, using the succubus extract as a focus to effect the purpose of them.

This thread reminds me of happy times... oh yeah.

Silver Crusade

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So in a game I am running here on these boards, the question of does a succubus sweat while doing jumping jacks came up.

I ruled that being from the abyss they do not, as you can imagine this was not an easy call. So what say you experts?

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Sometimes I wonder if this thread should be taken out back and given the Old Yeller treatment.

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Watched repeatedly and cry every time?

Silver Crusade

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Randarak wrote:
Watched repeatedly and cry every time?

Watching the succubus doing jumping jacks was not an issue, in fact I gave our rogue a -5 to his ability to find traps. I think that may be going soft on him.

Scarab Sages

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Ipslore the Red wrote:
Sometimes I wonder if this thread should be taken out back and given the Old Yeller treatment.

You mean given Classic status so it can be freely enjoyed by millions and so it can be translated into a myriad of languages?

Liberty's Edge

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Was she wearing a tube top and skirt at the time of doing jumping jacks? Did her wings need to be concentrated on to not unfold when she was going down from a jump? Was she smiling at the time, or was her concentration giving her an "O" face? Was there some Bards around playing music to Jumping Jack to? Were they playing Jumping Jack Flash? She wasn't doing this on the head of a pin, by any chance?

Silver Crusade

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thaX wrote:

Was she wearing a tube top and skirt at the time of doing jumping jacks?[/qoute]

The player did not specify what if anything she had on, so I guess she was naked.

Did her wings need to be concentrated on to not unfold when she was going down from a jump?

I assume her wings were folded behind her back

Was she smiling at the time, or was her concentration giving her an "O" face? Was there some Bards around playing music to Jumping Jack to? Were they playing Jumping Jack Flash? She wasn't doing this on the head of a pin, by any chance?

I am going to assume she had a wicked little smirk on her face.

Unfortunately our bard was not there, but other players were clapping in rhythm and tossing gold coins.

Shadow Lodge

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Hrmmm, coins...

Does grappling a succubus count for day job checks? If there's jello? No???

Dark Archive

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I am very late to this thread.

I suggest that we create a 'grapplingsuccubi' subreddit, and fill it with pictures. Only then can we know anything for certain.

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Tin Foil Yamakah wrote:

So in a game I am running here on these boards, the question of does a succubus sweat while doing jumping jacks came up.

I ruled that being from the abyss they do not, as you can imagine this was not an easy call. So what say you experts?

She sweats only when it inspires passion in the audience.


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How is this still considered a rules question? How many pages ago did the mods just tune out and go "I guess they're really REALLY interested in how these mechanics work out"?

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I'm tempted to FAQ your post, tgtg.

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I'd just like to point out that Erinyes are hotter. They'll do everything they promise to the letter. Everything.

Despite being a chaotic bastard, I like my ladies lawful.

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Even to the Law of Diminishing Returns?

You know the devil is in the details. :-)


Erinyes Cha 21
Succubus Cha 27

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Erinyes may have less charisma, but I play charisma as facial beauty. The body is all about the physical stats, and Erinyes got that locked down compared to the Succubus.

20, 23, 21 vs a mere 13, 17, 20.

Succi may have a cuter face, but Erin is bringing the body!

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