Huge Woolly Mammoth, bodyguard archetype animal companion
Str 36, Dex 14, Con 24, Int 4, Wis 13, Cha 7
HP: 138 (12 HD), BAB +9, Init +2, Fort +15, Ref +10, Will +5, +4 morale vs enchantment spells and effects, +2 resistance vs spells and effects, +1 circumstance vs diseases.
AC 35 (+9 armor, +2 dex, +16 natural, -2 size), touch 10, Flatfooted 35). Speed 30 ft (40 without armor)
Gore +20 (+24 if Shamira is threatening same target) 3d6+12 (+1d6 if Shamira is threatening the same target)
Slam +20 (+24 if Shamira is threatening same target) 2d6+12 (+1d6 if Shamira is threatening the same target)
Trample 3d6+19 reflex DC 29 half
CMB +24, CMD 36 (+4 vs trip)
Dire Collar effects:
Str 38, dex 12, AC 32, CMB +26, CMD 38 (+4 vs trip)
Gore +19 (+23 if Shamira is threatening same target) 4d6+12 (+1d6 if Shamira is threatening the same target)
Slam +19 (+23 if Shamira is threatening same target) 3d6+12 (+1d6 if Shamira is threatening the same target)
Trample 4d6+21 reflex DC 30 half
Fort 15, ref 9, will 5
Animal Growth effects:
Str 44, dex 12, con 28 (162 hp), AC 32, CMB +30, CMD 41 (+4 vs trip)
Gore +22 (+26 if Shamira is threatening same target) 4d6+17 (+1d6 if Shamira is threatening the same target)
Slam +22 (+26 if Shamira is threatening same target) 3d6+17 (+1d6 if Shamira is threatening the same target)
Trample 4d6+25 reflex DC 33 half
Fort 17, ref 9, will 5
- Huge Masterwork Noqual Fullplate Barding
- Dire Collar
- Exotic Military Saddle
- Saddlebag
- Clear spindle ioun stone in wayfinder
- Bead of New Prevention
- Training Harness
Acrobatics: 3 rank + 3 class + 1 dex - 2 armor = +3
Escape Artist: 1 rank + 2 dex -2 armor = +1
Perception: 7 ranks + 3 class + 1 wis = +11 (+2 when adjacent to Shamira)
Linguistics: 1 rank - 3 int = -2 (Hallit)
Light Armor Proficiency, Medium Armor Proficiency, Heavy Armor Proficiency, Narrow Frame, Vital Strike, Outflank, Shake it Off, Precise Strike, Pack Flanking, Eldritch Claws, Alertness when adjacent to Shamira.
Tricks (12 from int, 5 from animal companion, 1 from hunter. Skirmisher tricks 7/day)
Attack (2), Defend, Guard, Flank, Heel, Watch, Down, Aid, Detect, Exclusive, Menace, Fetch, Rattling Strike, Tangling Attack, Catfall, Cunning Pantomime
Shared Vigilance, Tenacious Guardian, Devotion, Uncanny Dodge, Improved Empathic Link