The multi posting thing happens sometimes. For games in Memphis here is the link for FORGE a local group that does PFS and some other games almost every other weekend. They also run a significant portion of the games at the local cons. I think 901 comics also has a 5ed D&D group. What kind of game are you interested in?
draugr_hrafn wrote:
I know it is moot now but due to language in the double sling (AKA a sling staff with another sling on the other end) you actually could use the sling free reload methods on it. Which made the whole thing more ridiculous. This was mentioned during the FAQ discussion to no avail. My PFS staffslinger spent multiple sessions retraining talking about if only there were another long piece of leather on the other end and both my hands were full at opposite ends I'm sure I would remember how to do it again. Then I would probably forget how to hit them with the stick though. That charecter just finished the rebuild fest to switch to sling sling then I took a break with it for a couple of years and now I will add one more to be able to get back to where I was before. YAY!
Dervish Dancing Magi have been the most common builds (frequently using Shocking grasp intensified with metamagic reducers)that I hear of online and see at the tables for as long as I can remember them being discussed. The only conpetitor for most common build would probably be a debuff stacking build, whip, prehensile hair, enforcer etc.and this one is a distant second in popularity at best. They may change the leagilty (and probably will based on the other feats) but the combo is now legal and always has been. Disclaimer: There are infinite ways to build and play your character and I am not implying that these builds are better and certainly not the true way to play. I am just stating that from my experiences it appears that most players have thought that Dervin Dance worked with spellcombat for quite a long time.
graywulfe wrote:
BretI wrote:
If you do this PFS scenario name: has a very famous magus The Dalsine Affair
Helcack wrote: You should combine your guides because with the new double-barreled weapon errata I'm actually thinking long live the conductive double-barreled shotgun/vital strike kineticists(though I'm not sure if it would work, but if it did this would be the best way to shoot lightning out of your gun like a badass) Even better if the shotgun bit works you now have a Ghost Rider archetype in the same book as the ability to gain a hellfire shotgun. This book is occult.
Ciaran Barnes wrote: Why does he need untyped bonuses to to hit and damage, and a natural armor bonus to AC, all at 1st level? Is there a duration on this ability? It seems to me that gaining just natural attacks and spellcasting at 1st level is already pretty good. Yeah I meant to bring up the attack thing in my post.
Comments and possible filler powers Scaling bonus to save vs effects that target the summoner's type ( humanoid). An ability to burn evolution points as an immediate action to reduce/prevent damage. Have the points either gone for the day or return at 1 a minute after the character is fully healed. Maybe an alignment detection power based on patron alignment. I agree on the temp familiar feeling odd I would move the improved down or make the starting an improved with no sp, su, or ex abilities beyond what being a familiar adds. Make share essence more simple and preferably break it up into smaller bits that you gain over levels. At high level give plane shift as a sp limited to the patron's plane. Maybe once daily free transmogrify that lasts until you regain spells at first when you get it you have less evolution points after the change then it upgrades to full. Other odd ball ideas give it reduced spell casting by 1 a level so you can boost and or balance the class abilities since that is what is really unique about this. Add a cost to some of the abilities that you pay by spending evolution points that return in the morning. Kind of like the playtest Occultist this could overcomplicate the class if you want simple, but could be an interesting more advanced archetype. Look at the spiritualist for ideas. Forgive spelling sent from my phone.
A fast homebrew fix or option if Paizo wanted to add it later would be to make a feat or feats that allowed other lists of spells to be undercast. You could have one for SM I-IX and others for Beast Shape or Cure spells. The feats would list the specific spells and how the undercasting would work. I also imagine with a line in special allowing spontaneous casters to sawp a known spell covered by it for free when learning a higher level one that is also on the list.
Arestides wrote:
From the document wrote:
I'll try to show what I mean by clunky So an attack at 4th level with a 20 INT would be
So an attack at 8th level with a 22 INT would be
So an attack at 12th level with a 26 INT would be
So an attack at 16th level with a 30 INT would be
You have two methods of calculating attack that over time make you worse at grappling compared to your attack which I did not think was the intent. For total difference between the two of 5 points it almost seems like it would be easier to list you use your Level as BAB and INT as STR whenever you use your hair. With a caveat to also include the same substitution for calculating your CMD for the purposes of your grapples. Strictly speaking right some of the combat prehensile ticks make a witch worse at combat maneuvers by forcing them into that second form of calculating attack since maneuvers are attacks rolls they get the first method by default. Since you want to force the selection of prehensile tricks to be able to use combat maneuvers and flanking add some verbiage about the wild state of the hair limits it to basic attacks and prevents manipulations or combat maneuvers except as gained through tricks.
thejeff wrote:
The Shifter is a mid BAB 4 skill point class with good fort and ref saves class which uses wis based spheres casting but that is focused on shape shifting. It gains selectable discovery like abilities that give extra themed powers as it levels that can cover: senses (lowlight, darkvision, blind sense), combat (claws, gore, diehard, wolf style trip), movement (flight, swim speed with amphibious, burrow speed, sprint) and utility (permanent size changes, woodland stride, quick healing and tract). The base features gained through leveling include: wild empathy, endurance, enhanced natural attacks(silver, magic. etc) immunity to disease and poison, inherent boosts to con, communication abilities, and faster/longer shape shifts. All of this supports the Shifter's focus on the alteration sphere shapeshifting. The way SoP casting is set up is very flexible by default alteration like most spheres allows you to change your own form or that of someone else, you can take a drawback that limits your alteration sphere to yourself which gives you another talent (form or upgrade) to use with your alteration sphere. So from the outside it doesn't resemble a "caster" so much as someone who has a natural wildshape power. To show you the versatility SoP alteration/Shifter can cover everything from 4 armed tiny flying pixies to two headed huge undead dragons either of these ideas can be done at 5th level if you that's want you build towards. Fulfilling a primary shape shifter role was the whole point of the class and choices and ideas made during the Shifter development helped shape the alteration sphere that it draws it powers from. This does not make the Shifter the only option if you have to have a full BaB you can use one of the other classes in the book (Mageknight would be good)and still focus on alteration. Your shifting will not be as powerful and you won't have as much class feature support enhancing it but you can sill make a great character in theme. Product page includes a free preview PDF which may have an earlier version of alteration and the Shifter on it. It has been for ever since I looked at the preview. Full Disclosure: I was a backer for the SoP kickstarter and the Shifter is the class concept I chose and helped design, but other than that I don't have any ties to Drop Dead Studios. In fact when I submitted the idea I mentioned that this concept is brought up EVERY TIME there is a thread for missing tropes, classes, or archetypes.
Bandw2 wrote:
I always suggest SoP shifter for a martial shapeshifter if you keep all of your magic personal then it seems more like a supernatural shift than a spell caster.
A couple of ideas how about in the flavor of the class describing the witch's hair itself being the connection/manifestation of the witch's patron. Drop the framiler and comune with your patron by gromming in the morning. Think of the strands as pages and a braid here or extra curl there is a perpard slot. Add a trick to gain the familer back that the patron can form from or dismiss into your hair. The 1/2 level+Int unnamed bonus is clunky if you want to give another bonus give a constant automstic scaling enhancement bonus. Or give it something similar to the magus or other white witch base class idea. Another idea could be to incorporate "virtual hands" that the hair provides. You could call them locks. Have it start at 1 scale throughout the class with a level gated and limited trick to add more. Then instead of having everything stop when you do something else have all of the tricks take a certain number of locks to perform. I do like the big hair idea from above. Have it increase both your size for CMB/CMD and what size creature you can affect.
Hargert wrote: I am finding that once you have the basics down if I had any complaint at least in the first 7 levels is how little choice I have. The low level list is fairly short for each element and I am hoping the future will see them expand some to give more options. I will see how it will play out in my new game that is starting this weekend. Same feeling here, if you don't want to use the blast for melee the first few inufusion choices are pretty limited.
Alric Rahl wrote:
This isn't the combo people have been talking about over a year is done. The point is to put the infused skin send extract in your sack then make the dragons skin vacate his body along with half his hit points with no saving throw. Edit changed infusion to extract