Pathfinder Adventure Path: Curse of the Crimson Throne (PFRPG)

4.80/5 (based on 6 ratings)
Pathfinder Adventure Path: Curse of the Crimson Throne (PFRPG)
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A Campaign Fit For a Queen

The kings and queens of Korvosa have long ruled under the shadow of the Curse of the Crimson Throne—an infamous superstition claiming that no monarch of the city of Korvosa shall ever die of old age or produce an heir. Whether or not there is any truth to the legend of the curse, Korvosa's current king is but the latest victim to succumb to this foul legacy. Now, the metropolis teeters on the edge of anarchy, and it falls to a band of new heroes to save Korvosa from the greatest threat it has ever known! This hardcover compilation updates the fan-favorite campaign for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, including new and revised content and nearly 500 pages packed with mayhem, excitement, and adventure!

This hardcover edition of Curse of the Crimson Throne contains:

  • All six chapters of the original Adventure Path, expanded and updated for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.
  • An in-depth gazetteer of the city of Korvosa as it exists under the rule of its new queen.
  • An array of new rules options for characters, ranging from campaign traits to spells to magic items.
  • An expansive appendix with statistics, descriptions, backgrounds, and rules support for the 12 most important NPCs in the campaign.
  • A bestiary featuring nine monsters from the original Adventure Path making their debut under the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game rules.
  • Dozens of new illustrations, never-before-seen characters, location maps, extensive new encounter locations, and more!

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-890-8

Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Sanctioned Content
Curse of the Crimson Throne is sanctioned for use in Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild.

Download the rules for running this Adventure Path and Chronicle sheets — (681 kb zip/PDF)

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Hero Lab Online
Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletop
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Archives of Nethys

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Average product rating:

4.80/5 (based on 6 ratings)

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The Gold Standard For Adventure Paths


This AP is widely considered one of the (if not THE) best Adventure Paths for good reason. It really is that good. Tons of really interesting NPCs and storylines. Lots and lots and lots of room for a GM to add their own touches. An excellent story that makes the PCs feel like heroes. Villains they really want to beat. Heck, it's even a good introduction to the pathfinder system and world.

Not only that, but since it's so popular, there's tons of advice about what changes to make, what to keep an eye on, and how to make changes that can improve it. This edition is a fantastic deal and an excellent campaign and I can't recommend it highly enough.

Frick it my review got deleted


I wrote fricking long review about great time I had with running the whole campaign(and post campaign) and then it got deleted by the fricking "too much backtracking" page dagnabbit

I'm not gonna write the entire thing again, so here is in short: This campaign has great recurring NPC cast(most of later APs have problem with introducing cool NPCs and then rest of books never mentioning them again), great themes, great villains, Kazavon's awesome hair, allows multiple approaches to different situations(such as infiltrating with sneaking or talking through places instead of just fighting through them. Kinda reminds me of Deux Ex computer games in a way), awesome locations, awesome post campaign potential and is one of my favourite APs ever.

Good value, but some reservations


Short Version: A smart buy but held back by structural issues.

It's hard to get better adventure value for your dollar than this or the Rise of the Runelords collected edition. If I were reviewing on that alone, this would be 5 stars and then some. But there's more to an adventure than that.

The AP's hook is quite good, but almost immediately discarded in favor of saving the city. This can be helped a good session 0, but still feels artificial.

Even looking at the new plot, many elements feel shoehorned in. People point to volumes 4 and 5 for this, but there are sections in 2 that exist only to kill time as the plot advances and an entire dungeon in 3 that is cool but can seem forced if the players don't kick in the door right away. Any of these alone would be fine, but each makes the next more obvious.

That being said, there's a lot of cool stuff going on here, it just takes at least a star's worth of work to stitch it together.

3.5 vs. Pathfinder comparison!


I´m gonna list the differences between the original AP#7s chapters and it´s adaption into the hardcover edition:

Inside front cover:
The "Korvosan Hierarchy" overview is not reprinted.
Part 1:
The illustration on page 6 is exchanged for a cartoony new one on page 12 of the HC.
Page 10 of AP#7 has a map where the 8 locations in Korvosa that are important for book 1 are marked and named. This map is reprinted on page 400 of the HC but that one shows ALL important locations of the campaign at once, marked with letters and numbers.
"Lamm´s Lambs" stats are upgraded to young human on page 18 of the HC.
"Yargin Balko" now has a full body illustration instead of an upper body one. "Hookshanks Gruller" gets a full body illustration. "Giggles" gets a fbi. "Gaedren Lamm" gets a fbi.
Part 2:
King Eodred Arabasti gets a head illu. "Imps and Dragons" gets an illustration. "Meet the mob" gets a "Amin Jalento" head illu and his battle stats.
Part 3:
The illustration of "Sabina Merrin" on page 25 is not reprinted (she gets a new one on page 455).
Part 4:
"Cressida Croft" gets a head illu (and fbi on page 443). The Queens gets a new veiled head illu (the old one is more mysterious). The "renegade guards" stats in "All the Worlds Meat" get new stats. "Verik Vancasterkin" is upgraded from fighter 3 to fighter 4.
Part 5:
The "Ambassadors Secret" gets a new head illu. The fbi of "Vencarlo Orisini" from page 34 is not reprinted. The fbi of "Devargo Barvasi" on page 37 is replaced with a new one that is very much less impressive. He is upgraded from rogue 4 to rogue 5. "Majenko" is changed from pseudodragon to house drake. The illustration on page 41 is replaced with a new one (page 57). Both are equally creepy.
Part 6:
The "Trinia Sabor" fbi from page 43 is not reprinted (she gets a new look on page 460, but the old one is flashier). She is upgraded from bard 4 to bard 5. "The Shingle Chase" gets a better illustration. Curiously it features the old flashier Trinia Sabor outfit instead of the new.
Part 7:
The Owlbear skeleton gets gorgeous art on page 59 of the HC. The cool illustration on page 52 is replaced by a cool new one on HC page 61.
Cabbagehead´s head illu is replaced by a fbi. The "Gaekhen" head illu is not reprinted. "Vreeg" gets a much better new fbi.
Concluding the adventure:
The famous "green dress Illeosa Arabasti" illustration from page 56 (on which the first miniature is based) is NOT reprinted!
The Blackjack illustration from page 57 is replaced by a much better one on HC page 67.
The 4 page Harrow article is updated to a 14 page one!
The 8 page "people of the road" article about varisians is not reprinted.
The 6 page Pathfinder´s journal is not reprinted.
The illustration of the "Dream Spider", the only creature that hasn´t been adapted to a Bestiary yet, is not reprinted from page 82 but it´s stats are.
Inside back cover:
The "Korvosas enemies" overview is not reprinted.

While the new edition HC is better overall and everything needed for playing the campaign is included, updated and streamlined, quite a few cool things are left out.
I´m glad i got the original AP #7 too.

Even better than the original


Read my full review at Of Dice and Pen.

It was perhaps inevitable that Curse of the Crimson Throne would one day also receive a similar treatment to Rise of the Runelords. There’s no special anniversary to celebrate this year, but does there really need to be? Much like its Runelords predecessor, the new hardcover compilation of Crimson Throne updates the adventure path to Pathfinder rules and also expands on the story where beneficial and streamlines in other areas. It also takes advantage of the most recent rules supplements, making use of newer monsters, classes, and feats where appropriate.

At nearly 500 pages in length, it is actually a substantially larger tome than the hardcover Runelords (a good 50 pages or so longer), and its extra length is certainly put to good use. Indeed, it manages to make one of the best adventure paths even better.

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Community & Digital Content Director

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Announced at GAMA Trade Show and now available for preorder! Cover is very close to final, but may change when we go to print. Description is not final.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Just in time for my birthday, awesome!

6 people marked this as a favorite.

But I just finished this :(

Already pre-ordered!

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'm so glad we waited to run this! Looking forward to it!

My Birthday is also in October. Thank you, Paizo!

Question #1: Pre-ordering now will I be charged now or just when it is shipped?

This is amazing. I ran this a few years ago and had a blast. Will there be a Pathfinder Pawns set in the near future to go with it?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Lokifrid wrote:

My Birthday is also in October. Thank you, Paizo!

Question #1: Pre-ordering now will I be charged now or just when it is shipped?

when it ships.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Can we get get flip-mats, minis and a new Korvosa campaign setting and poster map folio for this?

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Any quick sanctioning for PFS?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
when it ships.

Yay! Pre-ordering now then!

Liberty's Edge

captain yesterday wrote:
Lokifrid wrote:

My Birthday is also in October. Thank you, Paizo!

Question #1: Pre-ordering now will I be charged now or just when it is shipped?

when it ships.

If that's a problem for you/budgeting, I am an advocate of buying a gift card, applying it to your account and allowing the order to use that as its payment option.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Best AP ever! So glad they give it the ROTRL treatment - I was desperately needing it without even knowing!

Dark Archive

2 people marked this as a favorite.


Silver Crusade

6 people marked this as a favorite.


3 people marked this as a favorite.


2 people marked this as a favorite.

This is an awesome adventure path, the best I've run so far! Too bad we finished it few months ago though.

Rysky wrote:

Sadly I won't be able to preorder through Paizo because international shipping and import tax. I'll definitely preorder via a Danish online retailer, though.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

Will there be a deluxe edition?

2 people marked this as a favorite.

*throws money at computer screen*

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Well, since my RotRLAE game is ~50% of the way through Book 5, this clinches what I'm running next.

Community & Digital Content Director

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Robert Jordan wrote:
Will there be a deluxe edition?

We have nothing to announce on that front at this time, but leaning to likely "no" as the Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Deluxe Edition was a pretty special 10 year anniversary product.

Dark Archive

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Questions on the "updates" to the rules within it:

1) Are these direct conversions (3.5 Fighter -> PF Core Fighter) or we going to see expanded rules sets within core be utilized (i.e. Archetypes, Non-Core Rulebook Feats/Spells, Etc.)

2) If we are seeing expanded rules sets utilized, any hints as to what we might see? Occult content? Unchained? Golarion specific rules options?

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Can you make the Canadian dollar go up before September?

2 people marked this as a favorite.

HA! Procrastination pays off! Paizo, do you take blood?

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The Best AP that Paizo ever published, now updated so I can run it without restarting everything?!

I'm so in.

Hopefully they do a limited. I love this path.

Scarab Sages

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Wow. Yeah. Gotta have this. My wife and I tore through the original CotCT AP in about a month, back when it was fairly new.

I *WAS* planning to cancel my AP sub after Hell's Vengeance, but if I want this in print and PDF, I'm better off extending my sub a couple more months! (Between the AP sub discount and the free PDF!)

Good play, Paizo. 8^)


bdk86 wrote:

Questions on the "updates" to the rules within it:

1) Are these direct conversions (3.5 Fighter -> PF Core Fighter) or we going to see expanded rules sets within core be utilized (i.e. Archetypes, Non-Core Rulebook Feats/Spells, Etc.)

2) If we are seeing expanded rules sets utilized, any hints as to what we might see? Occult content? Unchained? Golarion specific rules options?

I'm running this with my group currently and may miss out, but I'd be curious to know the answer to this. I've taken things further than just direct conversions, like making Grey Maidens Order of the Lion Constable Cavaliers. Also have converted a certain boss into an occult class. So it's definitely possible with some invention. Depends on how sacred they think the source material is, I suppose.

Dark Archive

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I hope Paizo are going to do the rest of the Adventure Path's in this form as I will buy the all of them

Not surprised to see this one redone, seeing how it keeps coming up in other Adventure Paths.

I hold out hope for some of the others eventually being updated as well, but this is a cool one!


I've been holding out for this for years! This is the best AP, and we finally got an official coversion!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Arazyr wrote:

Wow. Yeah. Gotta have this. My wife and I tore through the original CotCT AP in about a month, back when it was fairly new.

I *WAS* planning to cancel my AP sub after Hell's Vengeance, but if I want this in print and PDF, I'm better off extending my sub a couple more months! (Between the AP sub discount and the free PDF!)

Good play, Paizo. 8^)

You went through an entire AP in a month?! :-O

It took us at least two years to complete CotCT!

I am very excited about this!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

8 people marked this as a favorite.
bdk86 wrote:

Questions on the "updates" to the rules within it:

1) Are these direct conversions (3.5 Fighter -> PF Core Fighter) or we going to see expanded rules sets within core be utilized (i.e. Archetypes, Non-Core Rulebook Feats/Spells, Etc.)

2) If we are seeing expanded rules sets utilized, any hints as to what we might see? Occult content? Unchained? Golarion specific rules options?

As with Runelords, my philosophy for updating it is to maintain and retain... don't change things unless it makes absolute sense to change things.

1) They are in almost every case direct conversions, but several of the elements introduced during Crimson Throne (be they character options like the Thunder and Fang feat or the chase rules, etc.) have since become part of the game's rules and will, of course, still be part of the campaign.

2) The expansions to the AP are more in the nature of story expansions rather than rules expansions... but there are a few new things in there that expand on elements throughout the currently available rules.

I like what was done with the Rise of the Runelord's Anniversary. Will it be similar to what takes place here?

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Jam412 wrote:
Arazyr wrote:

Wow. Yeah. Gotta have this. My wife and I tore through the original CotCT AP in about a month, back when it was fairly new.

I *WAS* planning to cancel my AP sub after Hell's Vengeance, but if I want this in print and PDF, I'm better off extending my sub a couple more months! (Between the AP sub discount and the free PDF!)

Good play, Paizo. 8^)

You went through an entire AP in a month?! :-O

It took us at least two years to complete CotCT!

We spent pretty much every waking moment (outside of work, etc.) playing that. Those two characters just "clicked" so well we couldn't stay away. 8^) (Okay, it might have been closer to two months, but still...)

must wait until i order my books for school before i can even think of preordering this

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Arazyr wrote:
Jam412 wrote:
Arazyr wrote:

Wow. Yeah. Gotta have this. My wife and I tore through the original CotCT AP in about a month, back when it was fairly new.

I *WAS* planning to cancel my AP sub after Hell's Vengeance, but if I want this in print and PDF, I'm better off extending my sub a couple more months! (Between the AP sub discount and the free PDF!)

Good play, Paizo. 8^)

You went through an entire AP in a month?! :-O

It took us at least two years to complete CotCT!

We spent pretty much every waking moment (outside of work, etc.) playing that. Those two characters just "clicked" so well we couldn't stay away. 8^) (Okay, it might have been closer to two months, but still...)

That's still pretty impressive. I'd think that's a record.

Paizo Employee Pathfinder Society Lead Developer

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Qstor wrote:
Any quick sanctioning for PFS?

I expect this will get the same treatment as Rise of the Runelords received: six Chronicle sheets, one corresponding to each of the original volumes. Any additional backmatter will receive the usual consideration regarding whether it should be incorporated into the campaign.

Sovereign Court

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Oh, man! I'm just about to finish running this for my home group using the original books! All that time I've been swearing at how much I need to update to make it work with the Pathfinder rules.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Will this get a new Player's Guide as well, like RotR did for the anniversary edition?

The Exchange

Chris Lambertz wrote:
Announced at GAMA Trade Show and now available for preorder! Cover is very close to final, but may change when we go to print. Description is not final.

And now we know why James got pulled off Strange Aeons. I hope Shattered Star, Second Darkness and one to two more of the older paths (I hope either Carrion Crown, Serpents Skull or Skulls and Shackles) go this way in a year or two. I love that you guys update them and add some new material. Great call!

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber
Chris Lambertz wrote:
Robert Jordan wrote:
Will there be a deluxe edition?
We have nothing to announce on that front at this time, but leaning to likely "no" as the Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Deluxe Edition was a pretty special 10 year anniversary product.

Sounds good! I got both the Deluxe special of Rise of the Runelords and the standard hardcover of it as well, which look fantastic next to the 1st print run of the orginial AP volumes. Figured I would check before offering my bank account as offering to the purple golem.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber
Flynn Greywalker wrote:
Chris Lambertz wrote:
Announced at GAMA Trade Show and now available for preorder! Cover is very close to final, but may change when we go to print. Description is not final.
And now we know why James got pulled off Strange Aeons. I hope Shattered Star, Second Darkness and one to two more of the older paths (I hope either Carrion Crown, Serpents Skull or Skulls and Shackles) go this way in a year or two. I love that you guys update them and add some new material. Great call!

I'd personally like Legacy of Fire and Second Darkness before they revisit any of the actual Pathfinder APs. The 3.5 ones should get priority imo.

The Exchange

James Jacobs wrote:
bdk86 wrote:

Questions on the "updates" to the rules within it:

1) Are these direct conversions (3.5 Fighter -> PF Core Fighter) or we going to see expanded rules sets within core be utilized (i.e. Archetypes, Non-Core Rulebook Feats/Spells, Etc.)

2) If we are seeing expanded rules sets utilized, any hints as to what we might see? Occult content? Unchained? Golarion specific rules options?

As with Runelords, my philosophy for updating it is to maintain and retain... don't change things unless it makes absolute sense to change things.

1) They are in almost every case direct conversions, but several of the elements introduced during Crimson Throne (be they character options like the Thunder and Fang feat or the chase rules, etc.) have since become part of the game's rules and will, of course, still be part of the campaign.

2) The expansions to the AP are more in the nature of story expansions rather than rules expansions... but there are a few new things in there that expand on elements throughout the currently available rules.

Lol, we all know you got pulled off of Aeons to supervise and help with this or Shattered Star or Second Darkness. Hopefully all of these will go the same route, along with a few other older APs that are popular (say Carrion Crown that would be great with Investigator classes and some new baddies).

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Just go ahead and take my money already (I think I can function perfectly well on one kidney).

3 people marked this as a favorite.

The kidney is only the beginning...

Silver Crusade

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Flynn Greywalker wrote:
Chris Lambertz wrote:
Announced at GAMA Trade Show and now available for preorder! Cover is very close to final, but may change when we go to print. Description is not final.
And now we know why James got pulled off Strange Aeons. I hope Shattered Star, Second Darkness and one to two more of the older paths (I hope either Carrion Crown, Serpents Skull or Skulls and Shackles) go this way in a year or two. I love that you guys update them and add some new material. Great call!

I wouldn't hold my breath for any PF-era APs to be done like this. That would be suicide for Paizo.

Nice! I'm looking forward to this. Definitely running this as my next AP.

September is not too far off.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Flynn Greywalker wrote:
I hope Shattered Star, Second Darkness and one to two more of the older paths (I hope either Carrion Crown, Serpents Skull or Skulls and Shackles) go this way in a year or two. I love that you guys update them and add some new material. Great call!

Don´t hold your breath for other updates. James said as much in another thread. IF this happens at all, my guess would be that it would be the remaining two 3.5 APs, nothing newer.

EDIT: ninja´d by Gorbacz (where in Poland are you anyway?)

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