The Most Intriguing Classes

Wednesday, March 10, 2016

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Ultimate Intrigue is only a few weeks away, and it's time for the first rules preview blog—this time focusing on classes!

The new class in Ultimate Intrigue is the vigilante. An upstanding member of society by day and adventurer by night, the vigilante has two different identities which can even have different alignments. Unless someone discovers that the two identities are the same, divinations like scrying only work when the vigilante is in the form the diviner is trying to scry. Each vigilante chooses to be either a stalker, focusing on sneaking up on foes and punishing them before the foe notices the stalker is there, or the avenger, focusing on giving foes a more straightforward beatdown and gaining a full base attack bonus. The vigilante class is extremely modular, with a talent option at every level, switching off between social talents that give him an edge in social situations and other intrigue hijinks out of combat, and vigilante talents, which generally provide powerful combat options that he can use in either identity, though it might give him away if people see him using them in his social identity.

Illustrations by Tomasz Chistowski

If you've been with us since the playtest, the biggest change is that zealot and warlock are now archetypes, and while avenger and stalker each have some talents that only that specialization can choose, many of the talents that seemed like they fit the vigilante in general are now available to all vigilantes, as you requested in the playtest. Also, you asked for social talents based on being a craftsman or professional, and those are now available as well!

So I mentioned that warlock and zealot (which were arcane and divine vigilantes for those of you not part of the playtest) are now archetypes. All told, the vigilante has 10 pages of archetypes, the most that any class has ever received in a book. After all, he has plenty of catch-up in order to match his older cousins that have been around for more books. The brute has a hulking out-of control vigilante identity, and he can't always stop the transformation when he's in danger. Cabalists make blood pacts with dark patrons, gaining witch spells, blood powers, and a familiar. Gunmasters bring justice with firearms, and they gain a bunch of deeds as potential vigilante talents. The magical child archetype covers the "magical girl" trope, with a transformation sequence ability (faster switch between identities, but with flashy lights and music), summoner spells, and an otherworldly buddy. Mounted furies are mounted vigilantes like Zorro whose steeds also have a secret identity. Psychometrists are gadgetmasters and tinkerers who create personal occult gadgets to do things like fly (basically creating gadgets that each perform a single occultist focus power). Warlocks, are arcane casters from the magus list, with elemental options and mystic bolts of energy. Wildsouls are vigilantes who gain animalistic features in their vigilante identity. Finally, zealots are secret champions of their faiths, often because their religion is outlawed or persecuted, who cast from the inquisitor list and smite foes of one opposing alignment.

But vigilantes aren't the only ones with archetypes. Exciting archetypes for other classes include the tyrant (a lawful evil antipaladin archetype!), cardinal (a politics-heavy cleric with 6 skill points per level), gray paladin (can be one step from lawful good and smite any foe, but the lack of absolute conviction makes many abilities less absolute), fey caller (unchained summoner that summons a fey, with an all-new fey eidolon), zeitgeist binder (spiritualist that calls in a local zeitgeist based on a settlement statistic like corruption or society), battle scion (Celt/King Arthur blend skald that can call others to a quest and go into a deathlike sleep to return some day), dandy (a courtly ranger with the ability to manipulate rumors instead of wild empathy), vizier (a mesmerist that has a "power behind the throne" ability to make it look like his allies are the real threat while insidiously influencing them for his own agenda), feyspeaker (a fey-themed druid with 6 skill points per level that casts using Charisma!), and plenty more. In addition, the classes chapter two new inquisitions (Crime and Secrets), three new ranger combat styles (deceptive, menacing, and underhanded), four new rogue talents (follow along, shades of gray, hidden mind, and stalker talent), an oracle mystery (Intrigue), and even five intrigue-themed kineticist utility wild talents (earthmeld, flame trap, spying touchsight, greater voice of the wind, and greater watersense).

Tune in next week to hear more about some of the cool feats, spells, and magic items of intrigue!

Mark Seifter

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Tags: Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder RPG Tomasz Chistowski Ultimate Intrigue Vigilante
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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

So, there are pictures mentioned at several placed in this interview. ... I don't see them. I see a Mesmerist picture and a Warlock picture, but not a Magical Child and Dandy as the text suggests.

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

My hope for ninja archetype is still alive as unlikely as that is <_<

That being said, all archetypes mentioned sound amazing :D

Community Manager

We opted for some different art than what was originally selected—references have been removed in the blog text. :)

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

The choice to make a gray paladin is interesting. From a design standpoint, I think it's neat in terms of being a more nuanced paladin, but recognizing that nuance is not a part of a paladin's strength.

I'm excited to see how I can update my avenger, but almost all of this sounds really... intriguing. ;D

Silver Crusade

You guys lost me with this book, but now you're pulling me back in! Sounds pretty awesome!

Dark Archive

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Oh, for the ability to embed a "Shut up and take my gold pieces!" meme image...

Oh god Battle Scion has me all in the vapors.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I had planned to get the book, but now I would buy it for sure, only for that magical girl archetype. Now I feel the hype. ^^

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Now I just need a Chaotic Good Paladin archetype (assuming one does not already exists) and I'll be happy.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

"The brute has a hulking out-of control vigilante identity, and he can’t always stop the transformation when he’s in danger...
...The magical child archetype covers the “magical girl” trope, with a transformation sequence ability (faster switch between identities, but with flashy lights and music), summoner spells, and an otherworldly buddy."

Been wanting this book since the vigilante was announced as part of it, but these few lines of text are making the wait almost PAINFUL...


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Corbynsonn wrote:
Oh god Battle Scion has me all in the vapors.

The battle scion's "Once and Future Scion" power is indeed pretty cool. Hmm, I wonder who that other archetype with the "Skald of Twists and Turns" power could be based off? :D

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Oh man! This blog and new Captain America trailer today makes me wanna get playing my vigilante again soon. Can't wait to get the book!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Mark Seifter wrote:
Corbynsonn wrote:
Oh god Battle Scion has me all in the vapors.
The battle scion's "Once and Future Scion" power is indeed pretty cool. Hmm, I wonder who that other archetype with the "Skald of Twists and Turns" power could be based off? :D

Stop teasing damn you. :D

Still, book is a guarantee for me.

15 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I can have my own theme song? And all I have to do is transform into a magical girl? SIGN ME UP!

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

This has almost everything my play group has wanted in a long time. Instantbuy.

Silver Crusade

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My soul is full of joy!

9 people marked this as a favorite.

Time to write up that 40 year old man Magical Girl character I've been wanting...

Man, I hope my subscription ships next week instead of the week after...definitely looking forward to some of these, they sound quite...intriguing...

Most interested in the brute, cabalist, magical child, warlock for vigilante, and the fey caller, feyspeaker, vizier, and zeitgeist binder for the other archetypes...and looking forward to the new oracle mystery and kineticist wild talents...

Now, we'll have to wait and see if I need the new blog post next week to see what new feats or spells might be of interest or not.

Liberty's Edge

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I will make a contract and become a magical girl!

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Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

For some reason, the two archetypes I find most intriguing are the fey caller (presumably an update of the First World Summoner to the Unchained version of the summoner) and the feyspeaker (since I prefer to play spontaneous casters and thus had no good druidic options until now).

By the way: The magical child archetype is not actually a child (as in, using some variant of the Young Character rules from Ultimate Campaign), right?

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Rogue Talent for a Stalker Talent? Praise the sun!

Grand Lodge

I'll just leave a whole dollar bill here...If this book happens to find its way into my downloads through a "glitch" then I'll just keep that to myself. You enjoy that dollar.


Xethik wrote:
Rogue Talent for a Stalker Talent? Praise the sun!

It's a once-only advanced talent with other limitations, but yep, it's in there!

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Also...lawful neutral gray paladins of Asmodeus?

It only took a few minutes for someone in our group to suggest running an AP or mega-module for a team of only magical girls and boys. I so look forward to this.


3 people marked this as a favorite.
Luthorne wrote:
Also...lawful neutral gray paladins of Asmodeus?

Nope, she must still follow a lawful good, neutral good, or lawful neutral deity.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I remember running the Spice Girls (five bards and skalds) at last year's Gen Con. Anyone want to bet that the Sailor Moon and her friends show up to this year's Gen Con?

Mark Seifter wrote:
Luthorne wrote:
Also...lawful neutral gray paladins of Asmodeus?
Nope, she must still follow a lawful good, neutral good, or lawful neutral deity.

Aww, no paladins of Cayden sad. Ah, well.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Mark Seifter wrote:
Xethik wrote:
Rogue Talent for a Stalker Talent? Praise the sun!
It's a once-only advanced talent with other limitations, but yep, it's in there!

I was figuring as much. Still, I remember some great Stalker talents in the beta and thinking it was a shame Rogue could not access them.

Really awesome to have the option to snag one of these without dipping.

Thanks for the Rogue love! My only concern is this not having a clause making it available to Unchained Rogue. Say it ain't so Mark! I want to sleep easy tonight.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I was iffy about this book for a while. This post has made me unreasonably excited. The amount of archetypes and details with the class shows that Paizo continues to listen to the players. If only Paizo would release the Harrow-based medium.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Xethik wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:
Xethik wrote:
Rogue Talent for a Stalker Talent? Praise the sun!
It's a once-only advanced talent with other limitations, but yep, it's in there!

I was figuring as much. Still, I remember some great Stalker talents in the beta and thinking it was a shame Rogue could not access them.

Really awesome to have the option to snag one of these without dipping.

Thanks for the Rogue love! My only concern is this not having a clause making it available to Unchained Rogue. Say it ain't so Mark! I want to sleep easy tonight.

They are only for Unchained rogues (it says to consider allowing them for regular rogues) but not for any other class or alternate class that can gain access to rogue talents.

Hi Mark

I always love to see a new cleric archetype (especially if its clothy!)..... but the description for this one has me concerned:

"Cardinal (a politics-heavy cleric with 6 skill points per level)"

This description combined with the book subject matter obviously strikes me as an archetype with a heavy emphasis on skill points, skill ranks, discussion and debate.... not at all IMO the areas where the cleric needs help/directing. Hope I’m mistaken and not jumping the gun (apologies if I am)!

As demo'd by the Herald Caller - 4 pts/level is absolutely fine when it is allied to abilities that provide a useful impact in other areas. Conversely, the Cloistered Cleric is an excellent example of emphasis in an unnecessary area combined with neglect in others.

I’ve always felt that too many cleric archetypes don’t provide a really different ‘flavour’ or the concept is great but the execution is lacking.

Hope you understand where I’m coming from! Really looking forward to seeing the Vigilante in its full Batman glory!! ;))

Hm, Feyspeaker Druid Archetype sounds interesting to me, an aspect of Druids that appealed to me,
but not well served by their standard options which emphasize beatstick companion, beatstick shapechange, beatstick summons.
Domain spells + Spontaneous Casting would help spell diversity, and hopefully other abilities synergize as well,
to create a more caster-y-, skill-y less beatstick focus class...
Would that also come with Familiar built in instead of Companion?
I'm willing to give up medium armor etc, no problem... :-)

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

My Ravindork's Crazy Character Emporium thread features tyrant, cardinal, and vizier characters already. I will be looking very closely at these archetypes to see if they will be a better fit for said characters' concepts.

So very excited.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Can I have CG warforged Paladin of Sex who follows Nyarlathotep? ;)

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Silver Surfer wrote:

Hi Mark

I always love to see a new cleric archetype (especially if its clothy!)..... but the description for this one has me concerned:

"Cardinal (a politics-heavy cleric with 6 skill points per level)"

This description combined with the book subject matter obviously strikes me as an archetype with a heavy emphasis on skill points, skill ranks, discussion and debate.... not at all IMO the areas where the cleric needs help/directing. Hope I’m mistaken and not jumping the gun (apologies if I am)!

As demo'd by the Herald Caller - 4 pts/level is absolutely fine when it is allied to abilities that provide a useful impact in other areas. Conversely, the Cloistered Cleric is an excellent example of emphasis in an unnecessary area combined with neglect in others.

I’ve always felt that too many cleric archetypes don’t provide a really different ‘flavour’ or the concept is great but the execution is lacking.

Hope you understand where I’m coming from! Really looking forward to seeing the Vigilante in its full Batman glory!! ;))

I think that with the books two weeks away, any suggestions as to changing its content are way too late.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

A "Hulk" vigilante, an Arthurian Skald, a skill focused Cleric, a political mastermind Mesmerist, a Lawful Evil Antipaladin... Paizo, my birthday's not until April!

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Mark Seifter wrote:
Xethik wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:
Xethik wrote:
Rogue Talent for a Stalker Talent? Praise the sun!
It's a once-only advanced talent with other limitations, but yep, it's in there!

I was figuring as much. Still, I remember some great Stalker talents in the beta and thinking it was a shame Rogue could not access them.

Really awesome to have the option to snag one of these without dipping.

Thanks for the Rogue love! My only concern is this not having a clause making it available to Unchained Rogue. Say it ain't so Mark! I want to sleep easy tonight.

They are only for Unchained rogues (it says to consider allowing them for regular rogues) but not for any other class or alternate class that can gain access to rogue talents.

Oh, huh. Now I'm curious what the other limitations are and if they somehow relate to Unchained Rogue specific-abilities, but I can be patient.

I can't tell if your recent comments regarding Ninjas were because your mind was on the topic of alternate classes writing this material or if that is just coincidence.

Anyways, I can celebrate URogue love even if there isn't Ninja love! Still have my fingers crossed for a Ninja archetype in the book, though.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
This page wrote:
Mounted furies are mounted vigilantes like Zorro whose steeds also have a secret identity.

... What?

Wow so many awesome sounding archetypes.

I am a little disappointed that the magical child archetype uses the summoner spell list. I was hoping for healings spells and some purification and holy spells on there spell list.

Community Manager

22 people marked this as a favorite.
My Self wrote:
This page wrote:
Mounted furies are mounted vigilantes like Zorro whose steeds also have a secret identity.
... What?

He-Man and Battle Cat.

She-Ra and Swift Wind.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Ah, a way to build Cardinal Richelieu! Excellent!

Scarab Sages

7 people marked this as a favorite.
Liz Courts wrote:
My Self wrote:
This page wrote:
Mounted furies are mounted vigilantes like Zorro whose steeds also have a secret identity.
... What?

He-Man and Battle Cat.

She-Ra and Swift Wind.

Also, Ace and Gary

The fey speaker and the fey caller sound awesome.

Also some new kineticist utility powers, an intrigue oracle mystery, and some new rogue talents.

Plus a paladin archetype that lets you be less rigid in your alignment.

So the grey guard can't be chaotic good then?

Dark Archive

Cardinals, Viziers and Dandies.

As if court wasn't dangerous already.

Haladir wrote:
Ah, a way to build Cardinal Richelieu! Excellent!

"Yeess, exactly as planned." *rubs hands together*

Viziers will be the most common BBEG very soon. Never neglect your Will Save.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Brew Bird wrote:
A "Hulk" vigilante, an Arthurian Skald, a skill focused Cleric, a political mastermind Mesmerist, a Lawful Evil Antipaladin... Paizo, my birthday's not until April!

To be fair, UI was originally supposed to come out in April, so...

Gorbacz wrote:

I think that with the books two weeks away, any suggestions as to changing its content are way too late.

I wasnt suggesting last minute changes merely expressing hopes and fears!!

Stalker Talent for Rogue Talent....please oh please tell me that the Sniper talent is the same as the playtest version; it is a perfect fit for my new Eldritch Scoundrel character....

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