Iceman1077's page

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A further extension of this question would be regarding the Extra Manifestation ability. With Solar Connection and 9th level Solarian, would you be able to have 3 solar manifestations when fully attuned? It would look pretty awesome with a sword, shield, and armor.

sanwah68 wrote:
Personally, I am not unhappy with the change. Plastic should be a little more robust, and unassembled allows for easy moding

The plastic doesn't really bother me other than the fact that we paid for the more expensive resin. The unassembled is a huge issue for me, though. Like Freedom Snake said, I don't have the time, the tools, or the experience to deal with unassembled minis. I realize Archon didn't have to give us anything, but such a huge departure from what was pitched...I can't even think of the right words at the moment.

Have you guys seen the latest update? Not only are we getting plastic instead or resin, now they don't even come assembled!. This is not what we paid for in any way whatsoever.

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Summersnow wrote:

I'm just assuming the game plan from paizo is to stall, stall, stall some more and then JAZZ-HANDS look at the awesome new minis from Wizkids in stores now! and sweep this entire project under the rug.

A small part of my brain is afraid this is exactly what is going to happen. If the new Wizkids minis show up before there is a resolution for this, I don't know that I can put any more trust in Paizo.

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What I think would be useful is an annual compilation of the non-adventure material from the APs. The new planets, races, mmonsters, archetypes, etc. that were in the previous years APs.

Definitely not.

lock wood wrote:

player wants to remote hack shuttle and fly it

the player want to do this i said no that it need some one at the controls he said auto pilot there is know auto pilot in the book and even then it would not work like that as auto pilot is like cruse control.

dose this seem right or are there rules i'm missing

The only thing I see that specifically allows remote piloting a ship is this mechanic ability on pg 71 of the Core Rulebook


SUPERIOR RIG (EX) 19th Level

Your custom rig’s computer functions now gain bonus lockout and wipe countermeasures. You can use your custom rig normally even when its lockout is active (you have special authorization no one else can access under any circumstances), and while any wiped data cannot be recovered by anyone else (as if the data module were destroyed), you can automatically recover it with 8 hours of work. These countermeasures have no additional cost and do not count against the maximum number of countermeasures your custom rig can have. Additionally, you can use your custom rig to communicate over an encrypted channel with your ship at a range encompassing a planet and its close orbit, allowing you to remotely pilot your starship from point to point on the same planet or to and from orbit (as well as use the encrypted communications functions of your expert and advanced rig at the same range). If you have a drone, you can
ssue commands to or directly control your drone over an encrypted channel at the same range.

Since this is a 19th level ability, I would probably say that if the character has this ability, and has completely taken over another ships computer system (including disabling all countermeasures), I would allow them to remote pilot that ship. But the signal would not be encrypted and could be easily disrupted or counter hacked, and possibly traced.

The Epic Obozaya at $400k looks cool, but I was really hoping for a Dragonkin and a Shirren Fleet to show up.

Browman wrote:
weird that they started on a Sunday then shift to Thursday after two episodes. That seems like bad planning.

It was intentional. They goal was to get the football audience to stick around for the show, then hopefully follow when they moved it to Thursday. Thursday they will see if it worked.

Josheva wrote:

Master Control (Ex)
1st Level
As a move action, you can directly control your drone. This allows the drone to take both a move action and any standard action this turn (one from your control, and one from its limited AI). If you also take a swift action, your drone can take a swift action as well, or it can combine its actions into a full action. Your drone must be able to see or hear you, or be within range of your custom rig, for you to directly control your drone.

Based on the bolded part, the drone gets a move and a standard. Basically, you are giving up your move action to give your drone one.

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I haven't had a chance to thoroughly read all the classes yet, but the Solarion definitely makes me hope for some class specific archetypes in the future. The Solarion needs an option to focus on either Graviton or Photon, instead of having to balance the 2, and an option to use your solar weapon at range would be nice too. A multi-Solar weapon option would be interesting too.

Brew Bird wrote:

This question is a contentious one, and looking around on the forums, I see a different consensus on every thread. Simply put, if an archetype grants me the "Studied Target" ability of a slayer, does Studied Target grant an increase to the DCs of abilities from that class?

If the Studied Target ability gained from an archetype doesn't increase the DCs of the abilities of another class, does it affect the DCs of abilities gained through Slayer Talents that the archetype might grant?
** spoiler omitted **

Take the Nature Fang for example. Does the studied target increase the DC of your spells against the target? What about domain powers? If not, does it still work for the "Assassinate" ability, if taken as an...

The way I would rule it is it would increase the DC of any ability granted by the class that granted the Studied Target ability. For the Nature Fang, spells are a class ability of the Nature Fang, so yes the DC increase would apply, as would the DC of any talent selected. Same thing for the Serial Killer vigilante. Basically, you are replacing the word slayer in the Studied Target text with whatever the class getting the ability is, i.e. The DCs of Nature Fang class abilities against that opponent increase by 1. instead of The DCs of slayer class abilities against that opponent increase by 1.

Think Theon/Reek from Game of Thrones, but take it even further.

Has a Rogue/Monk or Monk/Rogue been done? I was thinking about doing a Gambler/Scoundrel type class that blended them giving a luck pool instead of ki, and based around Charisma.

Is the Spellslinger archetype legal in PFS play? If so, that may be the way to go for the OP.

Really like the new update, especially the shadow forte (needs the ability to move stealthily at full speed though). I would love to see a sniping forte.

As for the Improved Forte ability of the Dual-Forte Trickster, I really wish those abilities had been included as part of the original Fortes. That way the new ability that helps set the Trickster apart would scale thru the entire class, and not end halfway thru the class.

Eldritch Scoundrel!! I would change the following: Skill points 6+Int mod instead of 4+Int mod, able to cast in light armor, Sneak Attack at 1st level and every 3 levels after, Rogue Talents at 2nd level and every 3 levels after with Advanced Talents at 11th level.

Patrick C. wrote:
I didn't even know there was an adaptation of the Shannara Chronicles. Should I look it up?

Shannara Chronicles was on MTV. It wasn't horrible, but it wasn't great either.

As for the races/cultures, I always felt like the Aiel were Arabic, Tear, Illian, and Altara were more Mediterranean - Greek, Roman, Turkish, etc. Then the Borderlanders were similar to Eastern Russians, Mongols, some Chinese. Sea Folk were very Caribbean feeling to me, and the Seanchan were from all over Africa. Finally, the rest of it felt like variations of European ancestries.

No one has any suggestions? And if it's just bad, please tell me so and why it's bad.

Hey everyone. I am working on creating a gambler type character, sort of a cross between Gambit and Mat Cauthon from Wheel of Time. I've been working on it for awhile, and I came up with the idea of using the Unchained Monk as my base. I am making it a chaotic alignment, and having the AC and ki pool use CHA instead of WIS, kind of indicating that he is bending luck to fuel his abilities. I am turning some of the Luck feats from 3.5 into ki powers, and getting rid of some of the existing powers (need help deciding which to drop - about 10-12). I also wanted to give him Deadly Dealer as a bonus feat, and let him act as if he has Arcane Strike as long as he has at least 1 ki remaining. This would replace stunning fist, and he would get the increased plus to damage at 4th level and every 4 after that, and at 8th level he could do it as a free action instead of a swift. I would let him flurry with cards and/or unarmed strikes(not sure if it should just be one or both). Finally, I want to replace the style strikes with abilities for using his cards. At 5th level, he would have basically a bonded deck of standard playing cards that were treated as masterwork and could be enchanted, and the cards aren't destroyed when he throws them. At 9th level, he would get the Ki missile ability from the Far Strike Monk archetype, and at 13th, he would get the Trick Throw ability from that archetype. I still need an ability for 17th level. Finally, I want to add Diplomacy and Sleight of Hand to his skill list, and remove a couple of skills (which ones?). And the couple of obvious changes, make ki strike (lawful) into chaotic, and for perfect self he get DR lawful instead of DR chaotic.

So I need help deciding what powers to drop to add the luck powers? Should he be able to only flurry with cards or with cards and unarmed? Any recommendations for a 17th level ability? Any other abilities that I should replace and with what? Should I add some ranged feats to his list of bonus feats? Any other suggestions or constructive criticism appreciated.

Aelryinth wrote:

I did something quite different for a spellcasting rogue.

Instead of Sneak Attack damage, they gained an elevating Minor Magic at every level.
So, they gained spells as SLA's, instead of spellcasting, signifying just how different they are then normal casters, but had VERY restricted numbers and use of them.

So, instead of +1d6 to +10d6 SA dmg, they got 3 each of 0-9th level spells as they went up in level (instead of being restricted to 0-1 level spells).

It made them less useful in combat, unless they chose spells to be useful in combat. But they still had lots of skill points.

==Aelryinth [/QUOTE}

That's not a bad idea. Are they able to cast each of them 3/day like the minor magic talent?

If you want world-breaking power, mythic can get pretty ridiculous pretty quick.

Feros, thanks for the input. I was hesitant to restrict spell access like that because there are some handy evocation spells (twilight knife, blacklight, darkness immediately come to mind) that work well. I considered giving it a specific spell-list, but I'm horrible at coming up with those. I ended up just using the Eldritch Scoundrel as inspiration. Something to look at though, thanks.

Anybody have any constructive criticism at all?? I know it needs work, so any help would be greatly appreciated.

Okay, I've been looking for a good rogue/caster, and I haven't been able to find exactly what I was looking for. The Arcane Trickster didn't fit what I had in mind, and the Eldritch Scoundrel archetype took away far too much from the rogue in my opinion, so here is what I came up with. The Infused Scoundrel - a Rogue with spontaneous casting. I know it probably needs some alteration so please critique and let me know what needs changing.

INFUSED SCOUNDREL (Unchained Rogue Archetype)
Armor Proficiency: An infused scoundrel is not proficient with any armor or shields. Armor sometimes interferes with an infused scoundrel’s gestures, which can cause his spells with somatic components to fail. This alters the rogue’s armor proficiencies.
Class Skills: An infused scoundrel gains 6 skill ranks (plus a number of ranks equal to her Intelligence modifier) at each level instead of a normal 8. He gains Knowledge (arcana) and Spellcraft as class skills. This alters the rogue’s skills.
Spellcasting: An infused scoundrel casts arcane spells drawn primarily from the sorcerer/wizard spell list. He can cast any spell he knows without preparing it ahead of time. He learns and casts spells exactly as a sorcerer does, but uses the bard’s progression for spells known and spells per day.
The infused scoundrel receives bonus spells known from her bloodline, but does not gain them as quickly and never learns 7th-9th level spells. An infused scoundrel gains access to a bonus spell from her bloodline when she first gains spells known of that spell level.
Blood of Shadows: At 4th level, an infused scoundrel gains the shadow bloodline, as the sorcerer ability, using his infused scoundrel level -3 as his sorcerer level to determine what abilities he gains.
At 4th level, and every 6 levels thereafter, the infused scoundrel gains a bonus feat from the list for the shadow bloodline. He must meet the prerequisites for these bonus feats.
This replaces danger sense and debilitating injury.
Sneak Attack: This increases by 1d6 at 4th level, and again at every 3 rogue levels thereafter. This modifies the rogue’s normal sneak attack progression.
Rogue Talent: At 2nd level and every 3 levels thereafter, the infused scoundrel gains a rogue or ninja talent for which he meets the prerequisites (treating his rogue level as his ninja level). If a talent requires him to expend points from his ki pool, he can instead expend a spell slot with a spell level equal to the number of ki points he would normally expend. If a talent functions only if he has ki in his ki pool, it functions as long as he still has a spell of 1st level or higher prepared. At 11th level, he can select an advanced talent in place of a rogue talent. This modifies the normal rogue talent progression and advanced talent.
Uncanny Training: An eldritch scoundrel does not gain uncanny dodge or improved uncanny dodge. Beginning at 5th level, she can take uncanny dodge instead of a rogue talent. Beginning at 11th level, the eldritch scoundrel can choose to take improved uncanny dodge in place of an advanced talent. This modifies uncanny dodge and improved uncanny dodge.

Stalker Talent for Rogue Talent....please oh please tell me that the Sniper talent is the same as the playtest version; it is a perfect fit for my new Eldritch Scoundrel character....

RaizielDragon wrote:

Not a fan of Pestilence at all. Ghoul isn't bad, with the resistance, AC, haste, and fast healing, but not great either, and not very flavor-fitting.

There's a 3rd party one that seems fitting: Stone Bloodline

It fits the flavor of the character (Dwarven earth Kineticist), gives a built-in enhanced sling, AC, Fort, and Con bonus. 15th level power is wasted though. Bonus feat could be armor prof. I might consider doing the VMC if my GM lets me use that bloodline, but otherwise, I think I would stick with the feats I had in mind.

On the 15th level power, you might see if he will let you use it with the Spark of Life talent, since it works as a summon monster spell.

Calth wrote:
Iceman1077 wrote:
Advanced Race Guide wrote:
Multi-Armed: Members of this race possess three arms. A member of this race can wield multiple weapons, but only one hand is its primary hand, and all others are off hands. It can also use its hands for other purposes that require free hands.

The key word here is wield, which means to hold and use. Using a weapon is attacking with it; therefore, in my opinion, the Multi-Armed trait does grant attacks with the extra arms. The kasatha was built using that trait, so the Kasatha at least can wield weapons in their extra hands, which by definition means they can attack with them.

As an extension of this, I would still say since there is no IMWF or GMWF, and MWF says it replaces TWF, a character with MWF could take ITWF and GTWF, but they would each only grant one extra off-hand attack, not one with each off-hand.

Wield does not mean hold and use in Pathfinder. A human can wield 7 weapons, doesn't mean he gets to multiweapon fight with all 7. And besides, a large number of creatures discussed in this thread don't have the multi-armed racial trait, making it further irrelevant.

And where did that supposed rule come from? Please find me the rule that says a human can wield 7 weapons. A human can CARRY 7 weapons, but he can't wield them all at the same time.

Pathfinder doesn't redefine the English language, it uses it to great effect.
Most of the discussion is pretty well focused on a PC using MWF, with the use of other monsters as examples. Right now, as far as I know, there is only 1 PC race (Kasatha) that has multiple arms (I admit I might be wrong about that), so the multi-arm trait is relevant.

Advanced Race Guide wrote:
Multi-Armed: Members of this race possess three arms. A member of this race can wield multiple weapons, but only one hand is its primary hand, and all others are off hands. It can also use its hands for other purposes that require free hands.

The key word here is wield, which means to hold and use. Using a weapon is attacking with it; therefore, in my opinion, the Multi-Armed trait does grant attacks with the extra arms. The kasatha was built using that trait, so the Kasatha at least can wield weapons in their extra hands, which by definition means they can attack with them.

As an extension of this, I would still say since there is no IMWF or GMWF, and MWF says it replaces TWF, a character with MWF could take ITWF and GTWF, but they would each only grant one extra off-hand attack, not one with each off-hand.

Another question regarding the Double Hackbut, and the spell "Reloading Hands".

Reloading Hands wrote:
Once per round, phantom hands load a single ranged weapon or firearm with conjured ammunition. This ammunition counts as magical for overcoming damage reduction and attacking incorporeal creatures, but is the standard for its type (a normal bullet or pellets and black powder in the case of firearms). Conjured ammunition ceases to exist 1 round after it is removed from the weapon, or at the end of the duration, whichever comes first.

Does the spell create a bullet and 6 doses of black powder when used on a double hackbut? And how long does the spell take to reload the weapon?

Stephen Radney-MacFarland wrote:

"A double hackbut uses a bullet and 6 doses of black powder" (Ultimate Combat page 137). I have no idea why that information is missing from Ultimate Equipment.

Currently, there are not hackbut paper cartridges in the rules. Your GM may rule that you can use them at a higher price.

Thanks Stephen! Good to have some clarification; that certainly makes a big difference to my next character.

Okay, I have looked all over the place, and a lot of people think the double hackbut is overpowered. The one thing that NO ONE ever mentions is the fact that the double hackbut requires 6! doses of black powder to fire, according to Ultimate Combat at least, and I see no errata saying otherwise. Does the Ultimate Equipment Guide version supercede the Ultimate Combat version? If not, how does this work with paper cartridges? Can you make them, but for a higher price?

I feel like kineticists that focus on one element could use a little bit of versatility, so I had the idea for this feat. Let me know what you think, please.

Prerequisites: Elemental Focus class ability and Expanded Element class ability (must match the elemental focus) OR Focused Element class ability (see Elemental Scion archetype in "Knights of Porphyra" supplement)
Benefit: You may select one composite blast that has your element as a prerequisite. For example, a geokineticist could select Sandstorm Blast, Magma Blast, or Mud Blast.
Special: This feat may be selected multiple times, but to select it more than once, you must have the Expanded Element class ability twice, with both matching the element initially chosen, OR have the Elemental Master class ability (again see Elemental Scion archetype in "Knights of Porphyra" supplement)

Also, as an aside, I think for kineticists that don't specialize, they should be get an infusion at level 7 and level 15. Kinda sucks that they don't, and this seems like it should be a standard part of the progression.

Infinityshift wrote:
I think the idea of leaving the 2nd level replacement is good. Instead of doing the tiers though, I would just let the choose them as gunslinger -3 and let them have 1 deed per talent. I am of the opinion archetypes should have more restricted numbers of items from other classes but the choice to select what few items they get, i.e they only get one of the several deeds available at lvl 1 but they take what they want so they have the freedom to build what they want. I do think you have a good idea here for a base of the archetype. Anyway thats just my opninion

I worked on this a bit more with another member of my group, and here is what we came up with.


Have Gun: At 1st level, the desperado gains the Amateur Gunslinger feat and Gunsmithing as a bonus feat. He also gains a battered gun identical to the one gained by the gunslinger. This ability replaces 1st studied target. He still gains Studied Target at 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th level, but all bonuses are reduced by 1, and the number of targets he can study is reduced by 1. He does not gain the ability to study an opponent as a move action until 12th level.
Firearm Combat Style: At 2nd level, the desperado gains a number of grit points equal to his Intelligence modifier and can use any 1st level gunslinger deed. Anytime the desperado gains a new slayer talent, he can take a grit feat or select a gunslinger deed of his level or lower. This ability replaces the slayer talent gained at 2nd level, and the desperado can no longer select Ranger Combat Style as a slayer talent.
Gun Training (Ex): At 10th level, a desperado can select one specific type of firearm (such as an axe musket, blunderbuss, musket, or pistol). He gains a bonus equal to his Dexterity modifier on damage rolls when firing that type of firearm. Furthermore, when he misfires with that type of firearm, the misfire value of that firearm increases by 2 instead of 4. This replaces the slayer talent gained at 10th level.

The Firearm Combat Style is almost identical to the one in the Trophy Hunter Ranger archetype.

Infinityshift wrote:
I need to read more of the slayer myself but from other archetypes, instead of replacing the slayer talents entirely, let the player use them to learn deeds. Talents are one of the core atributes that make each slayer unique. If you just replace them with deeds then you may as well just give the gunslinger studied target and call it a day.

They still get Slayer talents at the other even levels, and they have more skills and skill points. I get what you are saying though. Maybe leave the 2nd level replacement as is, but then make it an OPTION to take Firearm Combat Style as a Slayer Talent at 6th, 10th, 14th, and 18th level, and each time they take take it, they gain access to the next tier of deeds. So if I chose not to take it at 6th level, but waited until 10th, I would still only get the 3rd level deeds, and so on.

I like the Slayer class, but I want to play a character that is good with firearms, so I developed an archetype for the Slayer class (still need a good name, if anyone has suggestions). I've basically taken some things from other archetypes I've seen. I feel like something is off, but not sure what. Please critique for me.

GUN SLAYER (again, not the final name)

Have Gun: At 1st level, the gun slayer gains the Amateur Gunslinger feat and Gunsmithing as a bonus feat. She also gains a battered gun identical to the one gained by the gunslinger. This ability replaces 1st studied target. He still gains Studied Target at 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th level, but all bonuses are reduced by 1, and the number of targets he can study is reduced by 1. He does not gain the ability to study an opponent as a move action until 12th level.

Firearm Combat Style: At 2nd level, the gun slayer gains the Extra Grit feat and can use any 1st level gunslinger deed. Every 4 levels beyond 2nd, he can use use any gunslinger deeds at his level-3, i.e. 3rd level deeds at 6th level, 7th level deeds at 10th level, etc. This ability replaces the Slayer Talents gained at 6th, 10th, 14th, and 18th levels, and the gun slayer cannot select Ranger Combat Style as one of his Slayer talents.

I have thought about giving him the Gun Training ability, but not sure what to replace. Is giving up Swift Tracker enough for that? Or should I give it to him twice by replacing both of the Slayer's Advance? Or just give it to him once by replacing one or both of the Slayer's Advance?