Occult Adventures Playtest Coming to a Close

Friday, November 21, 2014

Greetings from the design team. I just wanted to take a moment to remind you that the Occult Adventures Playtest is coming to a close on Tuesday, November 25 at 2 PM Pacific time. At that time, the surveys will be closed and the boards will be locked.

We have received a mountain of feedback during this process, including a healthy number of reports from actual play experiences. While we are quite satisfied with the direction of the classes, your comments and thoughts have shown us the things we need to tune and alter for the final release of this book. We've got a lot of work in front of us, but you have done a great job helping us identify all of the areas that could use some revision. So, get those posts in now and please don't forget to fill out your surveys!

Finally, I wanted to show off another one of the sketches for these new classes. Take a look at the psychic!

Illustration by Wayne Reynolds

Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Wayne Reynolds

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Vudrani psychic...just WOW!

Great art!

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Would that be Sajan's long-lost sister?

(I was thinking that either the kineticist or the psychic may be slated for Sajan's sister mentioned oh-so-long-ago in his backstory).


1 person marked this as a favorite.

pretty drawing

Though I' malways curious.. why close the boards?

I can see no longer having specific support via Devs checking it daily. but there are some folks who wil be playing them in pfs and in home games until the thing comes out. Seems like it wouldn't be that problematic if they still wrote down stuff they did in the playtest--at worst no one would read it. At best some weird corner case in a homegame showed up. Since it comes out in aug, I'm guessing likely Dev work on it until summerish at which time lots of printing occurs.

The_Minstrel_Wyrm wrote:

Would that be Sajan's long-lost sister?

Isn't Sajan's sister the woman he's sparring with in the Qadira Player Companion? (I think it was Qadira; maybe it was a piece from the Inner Sea Combat book, though.)

In any event, I really like the looks of this psychic. Since these are both Wayne Reynolds pieces, I'm guessing these are two of the Occult Adventures iconics, then?

REALLY loving the sketch....

I'm really looking forward to the second iteration of the kineticist.

Burn is very taxing just to be okay compared to other classes.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Any chance we'll see some revisions to the Spiritualist prior to the playtest ending? Its current state is...puzzling.

As far as I know they've confirmed there won't be any second iterations or 2nd playtest versions sadly.

So be sure to copy any corrections they wrote out in those threads. Assuming you want to keep using them till next year.

though it would be awesome if they had a more updated version for it in the mean time so I could use it to try and play in home games for now

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Nice sketch, can't wait to it in color though.

It is a shame that there will not be a 2nd round of the playtest:(

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

The second Iconic has been revealed. And it is Awesome! I knew that one of the Iconics had to be Vudrani. Can't wait to see the next one. :)

(its probably gonna be revealed on Tuesday after the playtest closes)

The Iconic psychic looks so interesting it made me look back at the class. I am definitely rolling one up now! Also I'm a desperate sucker for Indian / Vudrani fashion. Jirelle may have some competition as my favorite female Iconic soon...

Who was the first occult adventures iconic revealed?

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

goldomark wrote:
Who was the first occult adventures iconic revealed?

The occultist, in a previous blog post. :)

love the new iconic

Will there be a "Occult Adventures Playtest Feedback thread"?

Shadow Lodge

I just discovered this stuff yesterday at a PFS game. Please tell me if playtest characters can be played after the playtest is over. PLEASE!
Go occultists and kineticists.

Saving Cap'n Crunch wrote:

I just discovered this stuff yesterday at a PFS game. Please tell me if playtest characters can be played after the playtest is over. PLEASE!

Go occultists and kineticists.

In order to play any of the Occult playtest classes after the end of the playtest, you must have played the class at least once and had your GM sign off on this chronicle sheet.

However the playtest ends Tuesday, so you'll need to get cracking.

Shadow Lodge

redward wrote:
Saving Cap'n Crunch wrote:

I just discovered this stuff yesterday at a PFS game. Please tell me if playtest characters can be played after the playtest is over. PLEASE!

Go occultists and kineticists.

In order to play any of the Occult playtest classes after the end of the playtest, you must have played the class at least once and had your GM sign off on this chronicle sheet.

However the playtest ends Tuesday, so you'll need to get cracking.

Thanks, but it's too late for that. Is there an approximate date for the actual release? I'm looking forward to it.

Currently scheduled for release in July.

Shadow Lodge

redward wrote:
Currently scheduled for release in July.

Hey, that's not soon, but it's sooner than I expected. Thanks again.

Zwordsman wrote:

pretty drawing

Though I' malways curious.. why close the boards?

I can see no longer having specific support via Devs checking it daily. but there are some folks who wil be playing them in pfs and in home games until the thing comes out. Seems like it wouldn't be that problematic if they still wrote down stuff they did in the playtest--at worst no one would read it. At best some weird corner case in a homegame showed up. Since it comes out in aug, I'm guessing likely Dev work on it until summerish at which time lots of printing occurs.

I would guess they want to make sure that people don't get mad if they make posts/threads after the playtest closes that are not responded to. Also...if they didn't close the playtest threads, just think of how hard it would be to follow the board, given the number of former playtest forums.

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

So soon? Alas. My group just started trying out a 9th level module last Tuesday, so we haven't really gotten to do much. Ah, well.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

My hope is the devs will throw us a bone in the form of some post-play test analysis for people like myself who want to play these classes in a functioning form until the book releases. I don't need all the bells and whistles but a little duct tape should hold us over.

Aaron Scott 139 wrote:
My hope is the devs will throw us a bone in the form of some post-play test analysis for people like myself who want to play these classes in a functioning form until the book releases. I don't need all the bells and whistles but a little duct tape should hold us over.

Check the first posts in the various class threads; several of them have updates of things that have come up during the course of the playtest and are as good a measure of how the final class is going to end up as you're likely to get before release (the Mesmerist, in particular, has a host of changes). For those classes that don't have any or many changes, just assume they're pretty much going to stay as is.

The Medium also has a bunch of Spirit "unlocks" scattered throughout the thread from the designer Mark Seifter.

redward wrote:
Any chance we'll see some revisions to the Spiritualist prior to the playtest ending? Its current state is...puzzling.

I second this. Love the class... just needs some tweaking.

MMCJawa wrote:

I would guess they want to make sure that people don't get mad if they make posts/threads after the playtest closes that are not responded to. Also...if they didn't close the playtest threads, just think of how hard it would be to follow the board, given the number of former playtest forums.

Well I was more thinking keeping open the "playtest data" area, and closing them entirely once the book come sout. Not keeping them open forever and more~ Just keeping them within the usuable life span.

Even if they never look at them, it still seems like usuable data if they happen to find a weird case themselves and wanna see something etc.

Granted they have plenty of pfs data but it's harder to get home data at high-mid levels anyway with it in playdata.

makes sense and all just they might get more data now that folks who use that herolab? thingy finally got support for it. (whatever herolab is. i'm guessing an auto fabrication program for pfs or sometin')

granted they probably have all they need/want and might be altering things enough that old data is invalid but not enough for ano ther playtest

Liberty's Edge

The thing I enjoy about the Spiritualist so much is that it dosnt have to worry about Godawful Eidolon build mechanics. You get a choice of emotions then a choice between Incorporeal and Ectoplasm forms and thats it.

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