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Strongly suspect Monster 2 is some sort of mimic variant. That white gluey aesthetic and all.
Monster 4 has got to be an aquatic draconic something.
Monster 3: Winged griffon?
What the hell is Monster 1?! Alien? Construct? Mecha-daemon?
They are nice.
Might be a good call on Monster 2, I hadn't thought of that.
Monster 3 I suspect is a garden variety Hippogriff.
Monster 4 looks like a reasonably 'classic' dragon to me - you might be right on it being aquatic, but I wouldn't immediately jump to that conclusion.

Darkmeer |

Okay, until I get it, my guesses:
Monster 1 (top Left): Alchemical Golem of some sort (with a formeldehyde preserved brain).
Monster 2 (top right): A rat-plant=spider thing, judging by the "base" of the creature, possibly infectious with parasitic worms of some sort?
Monster 3 (bottom left): Hippogriff. This is great for my soon to be released Hobgoblin Hippogriff Calvalry on some unsuspecting players (mwahahahahahaha)
Monster 4 (bottom Right): Water or Salt Drake. Perhaps an aqua dragon...
There's me guesses, I hope that at least ONE of them is right :P

Marcus Ewert |

I suspect monster 2 was influenced by the real world parasite Cordyceps unilateralis.
Wow- just read the wiki article. Fascinating! Thanks for posting...

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wow these are great!
I throw my iron helm in with monster 1 being some sort of golem an alchemist makes.
Monster 2, whatever the hell it is looks to be JUST the monster I have been looking for! Been needing a new monster for a horror/chtulhu adventure.
Monster 3: about time!
Monster 4: thinking some kind of gem monster. In the Dragons book it talks about different types of dragons, one of them being a few gem dragons. And those were always popular enough to be in secondary Monster Manuals for ages past.

wraithstrike |

I suspect monster 2 was influenced by the real world parasite Cordyceps unilateralis.
I read the article which led me to another one about a parasite that makes grasshopper commit suicide

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Has anyone taken the position that monster #3 is not a hippogriff, and that anyone who thinks it's a hippogriff is wrong, and should feel bad about being so wrong? Because, if not, I call dibs on that position. I will henceforth be intractable regarding the identity of monster #3 (which I believe is actually a pegasus with a magic item that makes it look like a beak) and belligerent* towards any who claim otherwise.
*More belligerent than normal.

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#1 Intellect Devourer Battle Armour!
One of my players actually has two intellect devourer corpses in jars in his laboratory (I planted them in Carrion Hill as set-dressing). I might have him find one of the jars has gone missing, and his laboratory is in shambles. Would be a fun little side-trek :-).