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Secrets of the Azlanti, With Erik Mona

Wrangling 16 authors to write 16 levels of a massive superdungeon is no small feat, but after getting the physical copy of The Emerald Spire Superdungeon in our hands we can say that it was totally worth it.

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Tags: Abrar Ajmal Emerald Spire Interviews Pathfinder Modules Rob Lazzaretti

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Faction Evolution, Part III: History and Politics

Three weeks ago, we briefly discussed the impact of faction PCs' decisions in the campaign and how these decisions have shaped the direction that these factions are going. The following week on the Know Direction podcast, John Compton expanded on what this evolution might entail for many factions: name changes, shifting goals, and even changes in leadership. Most recently, we shared how the Andoran an Cheliax factions are developing over time.

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Tags: Ben Wootten Osirion Pathfinder Player Companion Pathfinder Society Taldor

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Friday Publisher Preview: Erik Trolls the Internet

We're less than a week from PaizoCon, and the office is exploding with activity required to get ready for the Big Show. I'm franticly working on the Preview Banquet presentation in another window, we've just sent the on-site book to the local printer, and the warehouse team is packing up the products that will appear in our on-site Paizo Store. Upstairs, our CEO Lisa Stevens is playing the just-released Alpha Build of Pathfinder Online, and the editorial team is, as usual, working nose to the ground to hit its regular deadlines.

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Tags: The Lost Coast Miniatures PaizoCon Pathfinder Battles

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With a Blade in Your Hand and a Song in Your Heart

Syrinscape has recently announced that their first group of Paizo-licensed Soundpacks will follow the Rise of the Runelords Adventure Path. To start, they have released the Burnt Offerings Soundpack, containing everything you will need to fill your players with dread and terror! Whether you're already playing the Rise of the Runelords Adventure Path, or planning how best to run this classic adventure, you'll find the perfect atmospheric setup in this Soundpack. It's stuffed full of audio goodness for use in any Pathfinder game—there are goblins, a town festival, catacombs, mercenaries, and even an evil priest!

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Tags: Music Rise of the Runelords

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Advanced Class Guide (OGL)

Meet the Iconics: Crowe

Today we introduce the next of the new iconic characters from the Advanced Class Guide: Crowe the bloodrager. While the complete rules for making your own bloodrager characters will debut this August in the Advanced Class Guide, Quinn features in this year’s Free RPG Day adventure, Pathfinder Module: Risen from the Sands.

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Tags: Bloodrager Iconics Meet the Iconics Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Wayne Reynolds

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The Tides of Blood!

Darvin wasn't sure whether the bluff worked or not, but the result was the same. The sewer rats were chasing Darvin and Fife and the two storytellers were chasing the assassin, trying to make him believe the pack was under their control.

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Tags: Lucien Soulban Michael Rookard Pathfinder Tales

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Advanced Class Guide (OGL)

Advanced Class Guide Preview: Bloodrager

Even during the brainstorming and initial design for the Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide, the bloodrager was the "weird" class. The concept was strong—a mix of the barbarian and the sorcerer that used bloodlines to fuel its arcane rage—but the weirdness came from the lack of precedent for the class. Hunters, investigators, shaman, and swashbucklers were all over history, folklore, and were even mentioned in Golarion before they were added to this book, but the bloodrager was created out of whole cloth. We thought about toying with the name or forcing it into some kind of classical archetype, but when we tried either of those, something got lost along the way.

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Tags: Bloodrager Géraud Soulié Pathfinder Roleplaying Game

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Faction Evolution, Part II: Secrets and Liberty

Two weeks ago, we briefly discussed the impact of faction PCs' decisions in the campaign and how these decisions have shaped the direction that these factions are going. Last week on the Know Direction podcast, John Compton expanded on what this evolution might entail for many factions: name changes, shifting goals, and even changes in leadership.

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Tags: Alex Aparin Pathfinder Society

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Free at Last, Free at Last, the Runelord of Greed is Free at Last!

Very soon, the final chapter of our year-long Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Rise of the Runelords will be hitting shelves, stores, and front steps. In Rise of the Runelords Adventure Deck 6: Spires of Xin-Shalast, our heroes have mastered the lore and magic of the Runeforge, and are now ready to take the battle to the ultimate force behind their troubles to date: an ancient master of magic, the Runelord of Greed, somehow returned from the long-lost Thassilonian Empire. Armed now with Runeforged Weapons, you need but find the secret redoubt of the Runelord, and you will be able to end his threat once and for all.

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Tags: Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Rise of the Runelords

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Free RPG Day is Here!

Today is the day! Across the world, game stores are currently participating in Free RPG Day, and Paizo has two exciting products that are being released just for this event. This year we are releasing Pathfinder Module: Risen from the Sands and Ranzak the Goblin Raider for the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game as we get ready to release the Skull & Shackles Base Set. You can learn more about these products in our blog from this past Thursday. If you've already picked up Ranzak from your local game store, we have put together downloadable character sheets so you can drop him into your game right now!

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Tags: Free RPG Day Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Pathfinder Modules Skull & Shackles

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Pathfinder Module: The Emerald Spire Superdungeon (PFRPG)

Chaos and Drowning in the Emerald Spire, with Sean K Reynolds and James L. Sutter

The Emerald Spire Superdungeon is the largest Pathfinder Module ever, which means there's a lot to keep track of for GMs and players braving its perils. Adventurers can end up on a number of different quests, talk to various recurring allies and foes, and acquire a trove of odd relics and treasures. Players without good notes might end up a bit lost somewhere between The Automaton Forge and The Pleasure Garden.

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Tags: Damien Mammoliti Emerald Spire Firat Solhan Interviews Pathfinder Modules

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Friday Publisher Preview: The Runes Shall Rise Again!

One of my favorite things about the "open" theme of November's The Lost Coast set of prepainted plastic Pathfinder Battles figures is that it allows me to do pretty much whatever I want. Unlike sets based on a specific Adventure Path, The Lost Coast does not require a certain number of Russian soldiers, or very specific and unusual monsters key to an important encounter in a campaign. The loose theme of "wilderness area in Varisia" is enough to play home to high-utility figures based on amazing drawings, with pretty much no other restrictions on what to include in the set.

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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Battles Rise of the Runelords

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Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Skull & Shackles Base Set

Join Paizo for Free RPG Day this Saturday!

One of the best days in gaming hits this weekend: Free RPG Day! This Saturday—June 21st—all across the world, participating game stores will literally be giving away incredible RPG rules, adventures, and accessories, and you're not going to want to miss it! As for us, this year Paizo's got not just one, but two fantastic Pathfinder Free RPG day offerings!

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Tags: Free RPG Day Open Game License Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Pathfinder Modules

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The Tides of Blood!

"Run!" Darvin screamed. Behind them, the wall of rats fell over each other as they raced along the partially submerged sewer ledge.

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Tags: Lucien Soulban Michael Rookard Pathfinder Tales
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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Advanced Class Guide (OGL)

Advanced Class Guide Preview: Warpriest

Many years ago, back in the days of the Advanced Player's Guide, there were plans to open up the paladin class to characters of any alignment. Unfortunately, the constraints of the class and its many alignment-based abilities made it too much of a challenge to fit in the pages of that book. Fortunately, the Advanced Class Guide gave us the opportunity to revisit the idea in the form of the Warpriest.

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Tags: Igor Grechanyi Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Warpriest

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Welcome Mark Seifter!

Hi, I'm Mark Seifter, the newest Pathfinder RPG Designer. Nice to meet you! You might know me better as Rogue Eidolon on the boards. Clearly a "Promoted Fanboy", I have plenty of experience in the field as a 5 Star PFS GM and have authored several popular products as a 3pp designer. Until now, I served with my girlfriend Linda as co-Venture Lieutenant of Boston (Boston Lodge represent!).

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Tags: Mark Seifter Paizo

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Year of the Sky Key

PaizoCon 2014 is less than a month away, and traditionally that convention debuts the thrilling conclusion of one season of Pathfinder Society Organized Play and lays the groundwork for the exciting story arc that begins a month later at Gen Con . The Pathfinder Society is poised to march to Jormurdun, a lost dwarven Sky Citadel, but several of their sworn enemies have taken it upon themselves to claim the prize first. Of course, we can't let that happen, so gear up to tackle some major campaign villains at PaizoCon! On Friday evening, we're also doing a test run of "Legacy of the Stonelords," one of the upcoming season's two Special adventures.

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Tags: Pathfinder Society

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Friday Publisher Preview: Denizens of the Lost Coast

I'm writing today's blog from the Origins Game Fair in Columbus, Ohio. Origins is one of the longest-running gaming conventions in the country, and this year a small contingent from Paizo is at the show running demos of the Skull & Shackles Base Set for the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game, playing some Pathfinder Society Organized Play games, and hob-nobbing with other game industry folks. Last night, I had a chance to introduce some friends from Wizards of the Coast's D&D team to the glorious wonders of White Castle hamburgers, and just a few minutes ago I finished up a fun PFS table at which our own Jason Bulmahn played an obnoxious priest of Razmir, the fak—er, "Living" god. Good times.

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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Numeria, Land of Fallen Stars (PFRPG)

The Stars Are Falling Soon!

The latest volume of the Pathfinder Campaign Setting line has started shipping out to subscribers, and it's one that I know a lot of players and Game Masters are very excited to get their hands on—Numeria, Land of Fallen Stars I asked one of the book's co-authors, Jim Groves, to write a few words about his own excitement surrounding the book, and what a few of his favorite elements of it are. Here's what he has to say (as well as a few pieces of preview art I generously appended to his text).

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Tags: Caio Maciel Monteiro Iron Gods Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Campaign Setting Patrick Reinemann

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Advanced Class Guide (OGL)

Meet the Iconics: Oloch

Introducing the next of the Advanced Class Guide's new iconic characters, Oloch the warpriest. While the complete rules for making your own warpriest characters debut in the Advanced Class Guide this August, Oloch himself stomps onto the scene in our upcoming Free RPG Day adventure, Pathfinder Module: Risen from the Sands, available at participating game stores Saturday, June 21st.

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Tags: Iconics Meet the Iconics Oloch Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Warpriest Wayne Reynolds

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The Tides of Blood!

They struck the raging sewer river hard, the cold lacerating them and the turbulence spinning them around. The rushing water caught them in its torrent and Fife scrambled for purchase. His fingers scrabbled slimy brick and then water, and then brick again.

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Tags: Lucien Soulban Michael Rookard Pathfinder Tales

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Advanced Class Guide (OGL)

Advanced Class Guide Preview: Investigator

Funny story. While brainstorming the Advanced Class Guide, and determining which classes were to appear in it, the investigator almost didn't make the cut.

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Tags: Igor Grechanyi Investigator Pathfinder Roleplaying Game

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Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Pathfinder Society Field Guide (PFRPG)

Faction Evolution

Nearly a year has passed since we introduced the check boxes to scenarios' reporting sheets in Pathfinder Society Organized Play. Perhaps you haven"t had the opportunity to GM a Season 5 scenario, so let me recap the idea. Almost every scenario in Season 5 has had four check boxes labeled "A" through "D," and the end of scenario provides instructions of which ones to check off depending on what happened during the adventure. Did the PCs ally with Team 1? Check box A. Did they ally with Team 2? Check box B. If they instead destroyed Team 1 or 2, check box C or D respectively.

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Tags: Damien Mammoliti Pathfinder Society

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Pathfinder Module: The Emerald Spire Superdungeon (PFRPG)

Demons and Fire in the Emerald Spire, with Chris Pramas and F. Wesley Schneider

When reading about all the dangers our amazing designers have prepared for the Emerald Spire Superdungeon, it might sound like GMs are going to have to spend most of their time preparing these sixteen levels of deathtraps and ancient mystery. Luckily, the largest Pathfinder Module ever is also associated with the largest Flip Map Pack ever!

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Friday Publisher Preview: One Promo, Four "BIG" Minis!

We're in the thrall of the summer convention season here at Paizo, with employees spread hither and yon across the globe at conventions near and far. In the last two weeks, we've had employees at Comicpalooza in Texas, UK Games Expo in Birmingham, KublaCon in San Francisco, and Book Expo America in New York City. Yours truly was at the last two, and in the ensuing fracas there was a bit of confusion here at Paizo regarding the Friday preview blog. In short, we completely missed last week, and the week before got posted in a super-secret ninja way that kept it hidden from sight for all but the cleverest members of the paizo.com community.

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PaizoCon Event Registration Closes Soon!

PaizoCon 2014 is swiftly approaching in less than a month and we are super excited to start seeing our friends and fans rolling in from both far and near!

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Tags: PaizoCon

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Advanced Class Guide (OGL)

Meet the Iconics: Quinn

Introducing the next of the Advanced Class Guide's new iconic characters, Quinn the investigator. While the complete rules for making your own investigator characters debut in the Advanced Class Guide this August, Quinn features in the our upcoming Free RPG Day adventure, Pathfinder Module: Risen from the Sands, available at participating game stores Saturday June 21st.

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Tags: Iconics Investigator Meet the Iconics Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Quinn Wayne Reynolds

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The Tides of Blood!

Earth and sky rumbled, the hellish magma-filled fissures radiating out from the necromancer's crumbling manse.

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Tags: Lucien Soulban Michael Rookard Pathfinder Tales

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Advanced Class Guide (OGL)

Advanced Class Guide Preview: Swashbuckler

As a kid, I spent a good chunk of my weekend hours watching just about anything that had swashbuckler goodness. Pirates, musketeers, and masked avengers were among the first sparks that ignited my fledgling imagination. When we set out to design the swashbuckler class our chief goal was to create a class that was fun in that Errol Flynn sort of way, while creating enough room for the many fine swashbuckler variants that have appeared in the many decades after Captain Blood.

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Tags: Igor Grechanyi Pathfinder Roleplaying Game

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On Completing 14 Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Products in Two Weeks

But after sending the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Skull & Shackles Base Set, its Character Add-On Deck, the S&S Adventure Decks #2—6, and the first seven Class Decks to the printer, I have some observations that I'd like to share. I'll ask Tanis, Chad, and Gaby to go deeper into the details of each product in the coming months, but I'd like PACG fans to hear some more global thoughts from me.

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Tags: Daryl Mandryk Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Skull & Shackles