Welcome Mark Seifter!

Monday, June 16, 2014

Surprise! Waits for shock to die down before continuing.

Hi, I'm Mark Seifter, the newest Pathfinder RPG Designer. Nice to meet you! You might know me better as Rogue Eidolon on the boards. Clearly a "Promoted Fanboy", I have plenty of experience in the field as a 5 Star PFS GM and have authored several popular products as a 3pp designer. Until now, I served with my girlfriend Linda as co-Venture Lieutenant of Boston (Boston Lodge represent!).

Here I am researching in Angkor Wat to ensure an authentic experience for my Jade Regent campaign

My roots are deep in the Paizo messageboard community, so expect to continue seeing me around in various threads as much as my new job permits. My experience has burned into me an insatiable desire to FAQ various topics, so expect to see those pick up as well.

You have no idea how much awesome we on the Design Team have in store for you, and with me on the team, we have more members than ever before. If we combine my new blood and enthusiasm with the experience and brains on this team, the world may not be prepared for the eldritch horrors we unleash!

Mark Seifter

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3 people marked this as a favorite.

Welcome, Rogue Eidolon to the Pathfinder Design Team!!! Can't wait to see what designs you are able to pull out of your imaginative mind!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

You just got tired of being on the giving end of the "thanks for the FAQ" treats, didn't you?

Welcome, and congratulations. :)

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Congrats Rogue Eidolon! :)

Dark Archive

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Yay! I'm sure all of us here in Boston are happy (as I am) to have you represent us. Now get to work on those FAQs! :)

Dark Archive

Congrats Mark

Congratulations Mark! I hope the new job is everything you hoped. I am very happy for you, and very sad to that you and Linda had to leave Boston. I have always had a great time gaming with you and Linda, even when you killed me. Really glad we got through Eyes of the Ten before you left.

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

Congratulations, Rogue Eidolon!

Congrats, Mark!!!

Scarab Sages

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I've been gaming with Mark for as long as I've known him, and so I feel qualified to say that his creativity, enthusiasm, talent, and rules-fu are top-notch, and he will be an asset to the Paizo team. Congratulations, dear! I'm proud of you.

Silver Crusade

Congratulations! :-)

Congrats, Mark! I'll echo everything David Neilson said. Especially when you killed me.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Wow congratulations!
My expectations for awesome Pathfinder stuff just went even higher^^
May you bring a constant level of quality into the Player Companion Line and move things into order between Player Companions and Campaign Setting line :D
And yes Tian Xia!
Long live the Krakens!


8 people marked this as a favorite.
Hayato Ken wrote:

Wow congratulations!

My expectations for awesome Pathfinder stuff just went even higher^^
May you bring a constant level of quality into the Player Companion Line and move things into order between Player Companions and Campaign Setting line :D
And yes Tian Xia!
Long live the Krakens!

Those actually aren't my lines to meddle with. Expect to see a lot more from me in the core rules line though.

EDIT: Oh, would you look at that, avatar's in. Fear the Unfettered Eidolon who was once a Rogue Eidolon :D

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Nerf Monks, buff Wizards plx.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Mark, your new avatar is horrifying, use it to put the fear in those rules lawyers and munckins!

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Congrats, Rogue Eidolon! Good luck!

DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
Mark, your new avatar is horrifying, use it to put the fear in those rules lawyers and munckins!

I know right? I think Stephen needs to step up his "Horrifying avatar" game.

Grand Lodge

Congratulations Mark! This is awesome news.

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010

Cool! Well done Mark. Congratulations.


4 people marked this as a favorite.
Cheapy wrote:
DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
Mark, your new avatar is horrifying, use it to put the fear in those rules lawyers and munckins!
I know right? I think Stephen needs to step up his "Horrifying avatar" game.

It was either Unfettered Eidolon or Jabberwock. UE won out for poetic reasons. Need to keep a connection to my Rogue Eidolon roots!

Congradulations! I was wondering when this was happening.

Congrats, man! I've read your guide, and you're knowledge of the system's top notch. Good luck at the job!

Paizo Employee Developer

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Welcome, Mark! Great to have you on the team! The Lovecraftian horrors of copyfitting await you!


2 people marked this as a favorite.
Logan Bonner wrote:
Welcome, Mark! Great to have you on the team! The Lovecraftian horrors of copyfitting await you!

Uh oh. Well, as long as we don't approve that idea about non-Euclidean page layout from the last meeting, I should be in the clear!

Liberty's Edge


Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Yeah Rogue Eidolon! You're going to do great!

Congrats! I can credit Mark and the Boston lodge for helping me understand and getting me involved with Pathfinder and Golarion just as I was starting out in it. I've met few people with such a comprehensive understanding of the rules and setting, and the ability to explain it all to complete noobs.

Welcome to the Northwest!

Dark Archive


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Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Maps Subscriber

On a personal note, I just wanted to thank Mark and his girlfriend Linda for working so hard to get Boston PFS to where it is today. When I first started playing, there were only four or five people showing up at Pandemonium, and not always on a regular basis. In my very first session, I had the pleasure of having Linda turn half of our party into monkeys and have the rest of us fear anything remotely foggy. Mark was very encouraging of my horribly ineffective dwarven cleric who could do nothing but ask "Do I heal now?" as Mark's character got tossed around by a crocodile and a sorcerer peeled back his eyelids and stretched out his arms a lot. With their work, we've gone from wondering if we'd get three or four people to play each week, to trying to figure out how to split three or four tables a week. Your presence will be greatly missed. I know a lot of players in the area are voracious consumers of Pathfinder rules and/or lore thanks to watching you two and what you can do with it. You will most definitely be missed. Feel free to stop by and join a game!

Scarab Sages

Congratulations on your addition to the Paizo team!! I am looking forward to what you have in store for us in the community.

Grand Lodge Global Organized Play Coordinator

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Damn it! Stop stealing my VOs. ;-). Welcome aboard, Mark!

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Congrats Mark! Your tremendously thorough Swashbuckler playtests, excellent class guides, commitment to PFS, and general Pathfinder savvy on the forums makes this a pretty great announcement.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Congrats, Mark! Have fun!

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Congrats! It was good to have gamed with you and Linda; Sarah and I will miss the ridiculous roleplaying that occurred during our string of scenarios and modules. I hope you are acclimating well to the Pacific Northwest. I've never been to the Seattle area, and now have a couple more people to say hi to when I finally make it out there. :)

I'm very much looking forward to seeing some more of your design work, some more archetypes, perhaps? But that will come in due time, I'm sure. At the moment, I only have two requests: 1) Don't spoil yourself on the two modules we didn't get a chance to run yet. 2) Don't forget Doli.

Grand Lodge


That is all.

:) Congratulations - glad I had the opportunity to meet you before you moved on, I hope you'll come back when you can for some the conventions out this way; it's not just TotalCon around here yanno!

Congratulations Mark. TotalCon won't be the same without you, but I'm sure our PFS lives are about to become much more 'interesting' soon.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Congratulations to the new guy! Can some link to some of his guides and 3rd party work? I'd like to see what awesomeness is coming.:-)

Dark Archive

Congratulations Mark.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Nate Z wrote:
Congratulations to the new guy! Can some link to some of his guides and 3rd party work? I'd like to see what awesomeness is coming.:-)

Since the focus on this is for Paizo and Mark, spoilerin' this stuff away.

Third party stuff:

Convegent Paths: Fey Archetypes (disclosure: I was the developer on this one, with Mark as the designer)
The Secrets of the Masquerade Reveler (an off-shoot of the above, taking the most popular archetype and adding a ton of material)
Book of Heroic Races: The Reapers ("Plane-touched psychopomp people". Think Ifrit and the elemental races, but for the neutral Psychopomps.)

Of course, now that he's at Paizo, he obviously needs to make it so that there's no possible optimizations for rogues or fighters ;)

Congratulations, Mark!
We'll miss you around the Boston Lodge, but it'll also be exciting to see the new toys you produce.


1 person marked this as a favorite.

Congrats on joining the Paizo team Mark! :)

Silver Crusade

And even considering they snuck in the announcement after I'd glanced at the PaizoBlog for today, congrats!

President, Jon Brazer Enterprises

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Cheapy wrote:
Book of Heroic Races: The Reapers ("Plane-touched psychopomp people". Think Ifrit and the elemental races, but for the neutral Psychopomps.)

Even more than that, he helped the:

Book of Beasts: Monsters of the Shadow Plane and
Book of Beasts: Legendary Foes
be as amazing as these books are. He is credited in both as an editor. And he was one of the original playtesters of the Shadowsfall: Temple of Orcus adventure.

Mark has done some awesome work. Couldn't have happened to a better guy.

Shadow Lodge

Congrats Mark!

Paizo Employee Developer

13 people marked this as a favorite.

Since I am already the office's "Mark," you're going to have to go by something else. Like "Rules Mark" or "New Guy." Welcome, New Guy!

Congrats and well done! Looking forward to seeing all the new stuff.


3 people marked this as a favorite.
Mark Moreland wrote:
Since I am already the office's "Mark," you're going to have to go by something else. Like "Rules Mark" or "New Guy." Welcome, New Guy!

Seifer's pretty awesome on its own. I vote for using surname nomenclature!

Congradulations on being the last applicant standing, Mark! You have some deep shoes to fill, but I'm sure you'll do a smashing job. Looking forward to the first Rulebook as a Paizonian!

Grand Lodge

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Mark Moreland wrote:
Since I am already the office's "Mark," you're going to have to go by something else. Like "Rules Mark" or "New Guy." Welcome, New Guy!

I vote "Rogue Mark".

Grand Lodge

Loved chatting PFS story-lines and plot threads with you on the boards, very excited that you won this role.
:thumbs up:

Sovereign Court PaizoCon Founder, Wayfinder Editor-in-Chief

6 people marked this as a favorite.

And featured in Wayfinder #11, too! Well done, Mark! Level UP!

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