Ravingdork |
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It's finally here! I thought we could all celebrate the fact--and show our appreciation--by sharing what our favorite errata changes are.
Don't be a negative Nancy. Make a new thread for that.
For me, it's gotta be...
GM Core 174: In The Universe’s stat block—yes, Pathfinder truly does have a stat block for everything—change the second paragraph to...
Developers sure know their audience, and totally nailed it with that one! X'D

TheFinish |

My favorite is the Ruffian clarification. I've always ran it as presented in this errata, but I had some heated arguments about it both IRL and online and the vindication is nice.
And I appreciate the rewording of Barrelling Charge. That one was genuinely confusing to my barbarian player and myself.

Squark |
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My favorite is the Ruffian clarification. I've always ran it as presented in this errata, but I had some heated arguments about it both IRL and online and the vindication is nice.
Tricky Pick Ruffians rejoice!
I quite appreciate the ability to use save spells with spellstrike by default as well.

Perpdepog |
Really happy to see the expansion to Spellstrike, the clarifications surrounding bloodrager, and I'm also weirdly happy that we've got a nailed down number of minions now.
Also, I like the sneaky peeky we got at a few new angels and devils coming down the pipe; I believe the demons are all from older material.

Sibelius Eos Owm |

I laughed at the Universe's stat block.
I think my favourite change--because I just happened to look at the unfurling brocade magus just last night--is the expansion of spellstrike. No one at my table has taken the chance to play a magus yet, but I can at least be happy knowing they can have their thunderstrike bread and butter whenever they want it.
I was pretty thrilled with the deity anathema changes, too. I felt all of them were really well worded to correct for previous headaches.
- Desnans being locked out of any kind of fear effect, or even intimidating felt like it could be thematically cool, but I don't mind specifying not to terrorize the innocent.
- Nethys' anathema is how I would have played it, anyway, but it's good to have it in print
- Pharasma's new anathema does a great job splitting the difference between grave robbing and looting foes that happen to have died in a tomb. Surely there are many good-faith reasons to move things from a tomb, and any actual theft-from-the-dead is just as effectively covered by the new wording
- I kind of liked how Urgathoa's anathema put the worshipper in a catch-22 of "don't let yourself die" and "don't destroy undead" that could force you to try resolving things non-violently if possible, but the clarification means you can still do that and don't have to squint too hard to find an interpretation that just works

Hilary Moon Murphy Super Fan |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

I love threads like this. Thank you, Ravingdork!
Yes, Ravingdork! Thank you for making Hilary smile! 8D
*Quickly scribbles something down in a small notepad* (Click here if you wish to see what was written down.)

Tunu40 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
It’s absolutely been a long road going through the Remaster Project, but Paizo. You did it. I hope you guys get some good relaxing time with family and friends over the holidays.
If I can celebrate one thing: thank you for changing Wild Witch’s Armament a Iron Teeth! It went from a .0025% (~0.0%) of ever doing anything to approximately 2-3% chance!
Still…not great for a lvl. 6 feat, but the design idea of using spell DC for a caster’s weapon/unarmed crit is definitely much better design!
And I’m glad we finally got the *official* ruling on Fey Gifts. I thought it was pretty clear based on the Remaster that it was going to be Illusion/Mental, so that’s great to hear! I also really like the Meld into Eidolon ease and possibility of using the eidolon for movement needs.

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I was very happy with most of what was included. Fey gifts getting a proper fix is wonderful, and I'm enjoying theory-crafting with the updated spellstrike.
I am also cautiously optimistic regarding the sure strike nerf. If this means we can see "Striking runes" for spell attack rolls, I will be very happy. I love blaster builds and I'd be very happy to see that get a helping hand.

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My name is Nancy (jk) and I'm being negative as hell because I genuinely thought some erratas were too clear cut and extensively discussed to not have been addressed.
If you want to picture my surprise not seeing them addressed in any way, just think of the surprised Pikachu meme.
This is a valid point, Lightning Raven! However keep in mind, this thread is about celebrating the errata, and we try to keep the comments on threads within the intended subject matter. This is not to silence you, though! If you'd like to make a separate thread about your issues and negative feelings, you may freely do so!

Teridax |
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Just posting to say that I'm really glad to see this errata released. I don't think they address literally every problem I perceive with Pathfinder and in the exact way I'd want them addressed, but they've brought a lot of improvements I've been hoping for. Importantly, the fact that we have two batches of errata a year that Paizo's delivered on so far gives me confidence that the developers are committed to improving the quality of existing content, and not just pushing new releases. I look forward to the next batch, and to more interactions with Paizo where our feedback gets heard! Thank you for all the hard work, as well.

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4 people marked this as a favorite. |

It is finally here. Many many thanks to all the people who made this possible, even those who do not work for Paizo anymore.
My favorite errata are the edicts and anathemas that are the results of a thorough effort that included asking the community's feedback in order to make them better suited for use by PCs.

Gisher |
9 people marked this as a favorite. |

My personal favorite errata is
Page 231: Change the Bulk of moonlit chain from 2 to 1.
It was a really minor error where someone confused the chain shirt and chainmail bulks, but I've been mentioning it in errata threads since I noticed the error in the first printing of the CRB.
It survived four printings of the CRB and the first printing of the GM Core, but now that bug has finally been squashed!
For me it's symbolic of the thoroughness that the Paizo team applied to this first bi-annual errata.
And since it hasn't been mentioned, I really appreciate the reorganization and reformatting of the entire errata page.
I'm sure that it took a lot of work, but it is so much easier to find particular changes and to identify the timing of those changes than it was before.
So thank you to the "errata team!"

QuidEst |
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It feels really good that these are happening. The original post about the new errata was a very exciting announcement, followed by a little too much excitement with the OGL mess. Hitting the point where we are actually getting them feels like things are back on track and Paizo is moving forward.
As for my favorite errata... probably the balance being struck by the dragonkin natural armor change. It works better than the "perma-medium" armors, but I won't feel cheesy taking it to get that unarmored feel.

Finoan |
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I think my favorite is to the Invested items. Not only does that allow for invested items that are not worn, but I think it answers the questions and concerns people had about temporary doffing of an item like tipping your hat or enemy strategy cheese of disarming or stealing your invested items.
Honorable mentions to Summoners not getting punked by their Eidolon when summoned with Ostentatious Arrival and Ceremonial Knife being limited to one at a time.

Gisher |

As for my favorite errata... probably the balance being struck by the dragon-kin natural armor change. It works better than the "perma-medium" armors, but I won't feel cheesy taking it to get that unarmored feel.
Yeah, combining Scaly Hide, +3 Dex, and Mystic Armor to give a Wizard, Witch, etc. a 24/7 +6 armor bonus at 1st level really was too good.
Keeping the Scaly Hide bonus to +1 until buying actual armor runes is possible makes a lot of sense.
So now those spellcasters can still get the equivalent of wearing medium armor but not heavy armor.

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I think my favorite is to the Invested items. Not only does that allow for invested items that are not worn, but I think it answers the questions and concerns people had about temporary doffing of an item like tipping your hat or enemy strategy cheese of disarming or stealing your invested items.
Honorable mentions to Summoners not getting punked by their Eidolon when summoned with Ostentatious Arrival and Ceremonial Knife being limited to one at a time.
Oh I didn't spot the one for Ostentatious Arrival. I can go back to an old character concept now because I really wanted to use that for manifesting ny eidolon.