Which core deity will we lose?

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

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The real deity are the friends we made along the way.

Or, building on my Rovangug idea, we end up losing two deities since Sarenrae throws herself into Rovangug's prison to lure him away so the other deities can seal it shut.

Liberty's Edge

Phillip Gastone wrote:
Or, building on my Rovangug idea, we end up losing two deities since Sarenrae throws herself into Rovangug's prison to lure him away so the other deities can seal it shut.

Only Asmodeus is cunning enough to lock the door.

DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
I've never been in a situation that was not improved by the addition of more "hot, dark and tragic goth" goddesses.

There's also Naderi and (a bit less gothic) Arshea. Somehow I can't imagine that's all.

I'm hoping it's one of the good deities for the sheer emotional punch of "one of the forces of righteousness and hope is straight up gone" but I get the feeling that's not going to be the case and it'll be one of the evil deities that goes.

Shadow Lodge

SP3CT3R wrote:
I'm hoping it's one of the good deities for the sheer emotional punch of "one of the forces of righteousness and hope is straight up gone" but I get the feeling that's not going to be the case and it'll be one of the evil deities that goes.

Given that alignment is going the way of THAC0 shortly, neither your wish nor your fear will come true.

Dark Archive

SP3CT3R wrote:
I'm hoping it's one of the good deities for the sheer emotional punch of "one of the forces of righteousness and hope is straight up gone" but I get the feeling that's not going to be the case and it'll be one of the evil deities that goes.

With alignment out of the picture, it's entirely possible that playing a more LN cleric of Torag or Erastil who flirts with some of their questionable 'less good' previous characterizations, or a non-vile cleric of a formerly evil god like Norgorber or Lamashtu, focusing on their less sketchy areas of concern (like alchemy or birth) could finally be an option seen as not 'playing the game wrong.'

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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Set wrote:
SP3CT3R wrote:
I'm hoping it's one of the good deities for the sheer emotional punch of "one of the forces of righteousness and hope is straight up gone" but I get the feeling that's not going to be the case and it'll be one of the evil deities that goes.

With alignment out of the picture, it's entirely possible that playing a more LN cleric of Torag or Erastil who flirts with some of their questionable 'less good' previous characterizations, or a non-vile cleric of a formerly evil god like Norgorber or Lamashtu, focusing on their less sketchy areas of concern (like alchemy or birth) could finally be an option seen as not 'playing the game wrong.'

The removal of alignment is not going to change how we portray established characters, nor is it an opportunity for us to embrace lore errors that we've worked hard to correct.

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zimmerwald1915 wrote:
SP3CT3R wrote:
I'm hoping it's one of the good deities for the sheer emotional punch of "one of the forces of righteousness and hope is straight up gone" but I get the feeling that's not going to be the case and it'll be one of the evil deities that goes.
Given that alignment is going the way of THAC0 shortly, neither your wish nor your fear will come true.

...You do realize that good and evil will continue to exist as concepts within the setting even after they're no longer represented by in-game mechanics, right?

Hmm.. perhaps the God of coffee decides it is time to move up in the world. After all, so many people worship them in the morning
And have their little altar where holy ambrosia is made. ;)

Shadow Lodge

Phillip Gastone wrote:

Hmm.. perhaps the God of coffee decides it is time to move up in the world. After all, so many people worship them in the morning

And have their little altar where holy ambrosia is made. ;)

Ambrosia's a kind of solid food. Coffee would be a kind of nectar :V

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zimmerwald1915 wrote:
Phillip Gastone wrote:

Hmm.. perhaps the God of coffee decides it is time to move up in the world. After all, so many people worship them in the morning

And have their little altar where holy ambrosia is made. ;)
Ambrosia's a kind of solid food. Coffee would be a kind of nectar :V

If I recall correctly, ambrosia was a kind of magical kykeon, which was a kind of drinkable savoury cheesy porridge. But probably good after-care for a hangover!

Morhek wrote:
zimmerwald1915 wrote:
Phillip Gastone wrote:

Hmm.. perhaps the God of coffee decides it is time to move up in the world. After all, so many people worship them in the morning

And have their little altar where holy ambrosia is made. ;)
Ambrosia's a kind of solid food. Coffee would be a kind of nectar :V
If I recall correctly, ambrosia was a kind of magical kykeon, which was a kind of drinkable savoury cheesy porridge. But probably good after-care for a hangover!

Plus bacon.. Mmm..Bacon sammich!

Liberty's Edge

The new deity is then the deity of Food (Drinks are already covered).

They empowered a new kind of servants across Golarion, but those are still Rare.

This new Rare class is called the Inspector (As in Restaurant Guide Inspector).

Could have been the Gourmet or the Culinarian.

Sounds like there could be a game of Delicous in Dungeon manga, travel the world to eat new things.

Dark Archive

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James Jacobs wrote:
Set wrote:
With alignment out of the picture, it's entirely possible that playing a more LN cleric of Torag or Erastil who flirts with some of their questionable 'less good' previous characterizations, or a non-vile cleric of a formerly evil god like Norgorber or Lamashtu, focusing on their less sketchy areas of concern (like alchemy or birth) could finally be an option seen as not 'playing the game wrong.'
The removal of alignment is not going to change how we portray established characters, nor is it an opportunity for us to embrace lore errors that we've worked hard to correct.

Ooh, that gives me the notion that there might be a non-evil alternative patron for alchemists (other than Blackfingers), then, which would be cool. Off the top of my head, Abadar (quest for the philosopher's stone, lead to gold, dross to wealth, Artifice and Earth) or Irori (search for perfection, experimentation as meditation, internal alchemy to external alchemy, Knowledge) could make cool non-evil alchemist patrons.

Thanks for the inspiration!

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Set wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Set wrote:
With alignment out of the picture, it's entirely possible that playing a more LN cleric of Torag or Erastil who flirts with some of their questionable 'less good' previous characterizations, or a non-vile cleric of a formerly evil god like Norgorber or Lamashtu, focusing on their less sketchy areas of concern (like alchemy or birth) could finally be an option seen as not 'playing the game wrong.'
The removal of alignment is not going to change how we portray established characters, nor is it an opportunity for us to embrace lore errors that we've worked hard to correct.

Ooh, that gives me the notion that there might be a non-evil alternative patron for alchemists (other than Blackfingers), then, which would be cool. Off the top of my head, Abadar (quest for the philosopher's stone, lead to gold, dross to wealth, Artifice and Earth) or Irori (search for perfection, experimentation as meditation, internal alchemy to external alchemy, Knowledge) could make cool non-evil alchemist patrons.

Thanks for the inspiration!

Aakriti has Alchemists for followers.

Laundinmio does not seem evil.
Brigh and Casandalee might fit too. Also Alglenweis, Daikitsu, Magrim, Uvuko, Yelayne, even Yuelral.

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The Raven Black wrote:
Set wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Set wrote:
With alignment out of the picture, it's entirely possible that playing a more LN cleric of Torag or Erastil who flirts with some of their questionable 'less good' previous characterizations, or a non-vile cleric of a formerly evil god like Norgorber or Lamashtu, focusing on their less sketchy areas of concern (like alchemy or birth) could finally be an option seen as not 'playing the game wrong.'
The removal of alignment is not going to change how we portray established characters, nor is it an opportunity for us to embrace lore errors that we've worked hard to correct.

Ooh, that gives me the notion that there might be a non-evil alternative patron for alchemists (other than Blackfingers), then, which would be cool. Off the top of my head, Abadar (quest for the philosopher's stone, lead to gold, dross to wealth, Artifice and Earth) or Irori (search for perfection, experimentation as meditation, internal alchemy to external alchemy, Knowledge) could make cool non-evil alchemist patrons.

Thanks for the inspiration!

Aakriti has Alchemists for followers.

Laundinmio does not seem evil.
Brigh and Casandalee might fit too. Also Alglenweis, Daikitsu, Magrim, Uvuko, Yelayne, even Yuelral.

There's also the Empyreal Lord Bharnarol!


Liberty's Edge

Animism wrote:
The Raven Black wrote:
Set wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Set wrote:
With alignment out of the picture, it's entirely possible that playing a more LN cleric of Torag or Erastil who flirts with some of their questionable 'less good' previous characterizations, or a non-vile cleric of a formerly evil god like Norgorber or Lamashtu, focusing on their less sketchy areas of concern (like alchemy or birth) could finally be an option seen as not 'playing the game wrong.'
The removal of alignment is not going to change how we portray established characters, nor is it an opportunity for us to embrace lore errors that we've worked hard to correct.

Ooh, that gives me the notion that there might be a non-evil alternative patron for alchemists (other than Blackfingers), then, which would be cool. Off the top of my head, Abadar (quest for the philosopher's stone, lead to gold, dross to wealth, Artifice and Earth) or Irori (search for perfection, experimentation as meditation, internal alchemy to external alchemy, Knowledge) could make cool non-evil alchemist patrons.

Thanks for the inspiration!

Aakriti has Alchemists for followers.

Laundinmio does not seem evil.
Brigh and Casandalee might fit too. Also Alglenweis, Daikitsu, Magrim, Uvuko, Yelayne, even Yuelral.

There's also the Empyreal Lord Bharnarol!


Thanks for the info. I thought all PF1 deities had been converted to PF2. I searched PF2 AoN for adequate deities with the Creation domain for my post above. My bad.

Thanks for the enlightenment.

Dark Archive

Animism wrote:

There's also the Empyreal Lord Bharnarol!


Definitely a good choice (I was just reading Chronicles of the Righteous again a few days ago, so, so many cool Empyreals!).

I was thinking of members of the 'big 20,' but there are probably a half-dozen or more viable options among the less popular or more race-specific gods.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

War of the Immortals and info about Exemplars is definitely implying multiple gods will die :'D

I guess some of them might be new ones introduced just to die or nameless ones we don't hear of, but I really do hope they don't kill large number of existing gods just to trim down number of them x'D

Perhaps some lower ranked beings will die. Having Folcas mulched would be nice.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

That would require them to acknowledge that Folcas existed in first place though.

(I'm still kinda annoyed they defiled good boogeyman daemon concept by making implications sexual. Child kidnapper or murderer Folcas would probably have gotten phased out anyway by paizo moving to less edgy direction, but they never should have made Folcas be child molester god)

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Yeah, there are more horrific things in the Outer Rifts than Paizo is willing to talk about. So even if there's "A Demon Lord of Autocannibalism" or something equally horrific, they're probably not going to appear in a Paizo adventure. You can use them in your game, but standard "don't mistreat your players" stuff applies.

We could hypothetically lose a number of minor deities, it's just that from a marketing perspective "we're going to lose one of the Core 20" gets across that you're serious in a way that "we're going to kill a god" doesn't. Since if like Zyphus or Hanspur died, that would really only be interesting if the specific circumstances of death were ironic.

Zyphus slips in the shower!

Dark Archive

Phillip Gastone wrote:
Zyphus slips in the shower!

Dying in accordance to his portfolio of 'accidental death' could even be the thing that pushes him over the top to a big 20 god!

Or not. Only one way to find out...

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I do think with strong implication about war between good and evil, its probably good or evil deity dying that initiates the conflict (while LN/N/CN deities just sitting in corner) unless its someone particularly well liked neutral deity

Verdant Wheel

I... really hope it's not Erastil, but I've got a feeling. I've grown a deep fondness for the grumpy old man with the bow... Thing is, I can also see him, after all the other gods have fought or fled, sitting resolutely on his porch with a longbow 'cross his knees as whatever this apocalypse is comes for the heavenly homestead. "Now. I think we all know what's about to happen, but I won't make it easy. Turn around, now, go back to whatever family you got. We can all go back to our lives."

...On the other hand, I feel like Gorum really, really doesn't want to go out as a pile of peaceable rust at the end of the last war, as is said will happen. Being ripped in half during a proper War of Immortals would suit him far better, I think, and it would explain why there are no caster Exemplars; it's tough to survive being socked sideways by a gobbet of Gorum... It would also, assuming some form of timeline continuity (I reckon Nocticula is in deep cover in SF), explain why he's not declaring holy Square Go against Damoritosh in Starfinder.

Really, if there is any god being killed in this, whoever killed them is presumably going to be challenged by Gorum at least, right? The guy's whole deal is glorious combat, and what's more glorious for a god than killing a godkiller?

Nitro~Nina wrote:

I... really hope it's not Erastil, but I've got a feeling. I've grown a deep fondness for the grumpy old man with the bow... Thing is, I can also see him, after all the other gods have fought or fled, sitting resolutely on his porch with a longbow 'cross his knees as whatever this apocalypse is comes for the heavenly homestead. "Now. I think we all know what's about to happen, but I won't make it easy. Turn around, now, go back to whatever family you got. We can all go back to our lives."

...On the other hand, I feel like Gorum really, really doesn't want to go out as a pile of peaceable rust at the end of the last war, as is said will happen. Being ripped in half during a proper War of Immortals would suit him far better, I think, and it would explain why there are no caster Exemplars; it's tough to survive being socked sideways by a gobbet of Gorum... It would also, assuming some form of timeline continuity (I reckon Nocticula is in deep cover in SF), explain why he's not declaring holy Square Go against Damoritosh in Starfinder.

Really, if there is any god being killed in this, whoever killed them is presumably going to be challenged by Gorum at least, right? The guy's whole deal is glorious combat, and what's more glorious for a god than killing a godkiller?

The reactions of the other gods to whichever one ends up dead is something I'd really like to see. Obviously Gorum as you mentioned getting really hyped at the thought of a divine war, but say, what about Shelyn if either Sarenrae or Desna died. How would Iomedae react if Erastil fell? What would Irori think of Nethys just going poof? Maybe Zon-Kuthon with Shelyn, or Desna with Lamashtu, or vice versa with either. It's fun to think about.

Anyway, I've a strange fondness for Erastil that I can't quite explain, though I'd understand if he died. I can't help but have that feeling as if Pharasma might be in deep danger. I mean, who else's death would shake up the world more, especially in the wake of prophecy ending. There's talk of excluding the gods in Starfinder canon, but I don't think they're safe, what with talk of SF not being directly canon to PF stories. Still, if we don't take them into account, our list shrinks down to Gozreh, Nethys, Norgorber, Torag, and Rovagug.

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If Shelyn goes Zon-Shelyn, I keep seeing her all dark and gothy. Beret, small round glasses, clove cigarette, turtleneck and dramatic poetry.

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Sarenrae would be the most shocking, Asmodeus has an OGL-shaped target on his back, and Pharasma would throw the whole of reality into chaos... but part of me wonders if it might not be Nethys. He's got as wide a set of interests as you can imagine ("creation" and "destruction" are big categories), so his chunks could empower all sorts of Exemplars, while the death of the main god of magic could certainly cause all sorts of opportunities... and hey, isn't he already missing from Starfinder?

Phillip Gastone wrote:
If Shelyn goes Zon-Shelyn, I keep seeing her all dark and gothy. Beret, small round glasses, clove cigarette, turtleneck and dramatic poetry.

Zon-Shelyn was revealed along with a Starfinder 2e Iconic, and has been said to not mean either deity is gone in that setting. It's not gonna apply to anything Pathfinder, I don't think.

Did they not say “goddess ripped in half’ or something like that in the announcement??

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Mammoth Daddy wrote:
Did they not say “goddess ripped in half’ or something like that in the announcement??

I believe the quote is "[when] a God is ripped in half" so it's "God is" not "Goddess".

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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Just a friendly reminder that the Gap is a thing, and that means that not everything that happens in Starfinder is a foregone conclusion in Pathfinder. The reverse is also true, not everything that happens in Pathfinder will cause an effect in Starfinder.

They can and often do, but not always. The Gap is there to help keep each game's continuity separate as needed, but also to prevent everyone who works on Starfinder from having to know everything about Pathfinder, and to prevent everyone who works on Pathfinder from having to truncate their stories to only set up Starfinder.

None of that is meant to narrow the predictions of who's in the crosshairs in the core deity list, but what's going on in Starfinder isn't necessarily a clue as to what's going on in Pathifnder, or vice-versa.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Ye, Gap is what keeps starfinder au as "possible future" rather than "100% not canon to pathfinder" since unknown nature of it actually is and what happened during it means things like gods coming back from death isn't impossibility

Liberty's Edge

PossibleCabbage wrote:
Mammoth Daddy wrote:
Did they not say “goddess ripped in half’ or something like that in the announcement??
I believe the quote is "[when] a God is ripped in half" so it's "God is" not "Goddess".

Even this might not be a clue for the Core 20 sacrifice since apparently many deities will meet their end.

I forget if I brought it up, but a deity of the lost and abandoned might be a workable idea. The worshippers of a dead deity could go to that deity until the time they figure things out and can then stay or have a no strings attached hop over to a different deity.

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Alright, I've been totally uninterested in this thread, until I wandered across this sentence in the wiki while looking for something else.

In 4717 AR, the good elemental lord Ranginori was freed by the Pathfinder Society and returned to his old realm, leading to conflicts that could escalate to planar wars.

Apparently, it was a PFS Senario Unleashing the Untouchable

Has that 'planar wars' been resolved?

Liberty's Edge

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Dancing Wind wrote:

Alright, I've been totally uninterested in this thread, until I wandered across this sentence in the wiki while looking for something else.

In 4717 AR, the good elemental lord Ranginori was freed by the Pathfinder Society and returned to his old realm, leading to conflicts that could escalate to planar wars.

Apparently, it was a PFS Senario Unleashing the Untouchable

Has that 'planar wars' been resolved?

It was a fun multi-table special, I remember running it fondly! They decided telling the same story 3 more times would be less than interesting, so the other elemental lords have been freed 'off-camera', so to speak - not in adventures, but in setting books. It's a very recent development, however, and has led to the planes of Metal and Wood returning as well - there's a decent chance it could all be involved in the upcoming planar war, for sure!

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Arcaian wrote:
has led to the planes of Metal and Wood returning as well

Who is the ruler of plane of Metal? Lemmy, Ronnie James Dio, Dimebag Darrel, Alexi Laiho?

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

The Lord's of Metal are Jack Black and Kyle Gass. No one can destroy the metal!

WagnerSika wrote:
Arcaian wrote:
has led to the planes of Metal and Wood returning as well

Who is the ruler of plane of Metal? Lemmy, Ronnie James Dio, Dimebag Darrel, Alexi Laiho?


If there is a plane of wood, if someone believes in it, does that mean they got wood?

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Dio is at least an Infernal Duke.

I think Jack and Kyle are more of Mythic Heroes of Metal rather than gods.

Radiant Oath

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

It's easy to make metal music jokes regarding the Plane of Metal, yes, but consider this: Laudinmio's title is "The Sovereign of Alchemy." They are...a FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST!

Liberty's Edge

And the various Woodys are the leaders of the plane of Wood.

Phillip Gastone wrote:

Hmm.. perhaps the God of coffee decides it is time to move up in the world. After all, so many people worship them in the morning

And have their little altar where holy ambrosia is made. ;)

Arise, my followers!

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All hail the Coffee God!

WagnerSika wrote:
I think Jack and Kyle are more of Mythic Heroes of Metal rather than gods.

I'm pretty sure they said something along the lines of:

"We are but men"

So that's canon.

Liberty's Edge

Just thinking that a War of the gods would be extremely likely to weaken the Iron Gaol that imprisons Rovagug.

So, let's say the forces of Good and Evil finally start fighting for good this time and, as a gloating Asmodeus stands ready to finally smite Sarenrae, the Cage opens just enough for Rovagug's maw to crunch on the Lord of lies.

And then the battered survivors of all sides have to unite again to push the Great Beast back to its prison.

After that, all Hell breaks loose, until an ascended Razmir, who took advantage of the chaos to reach the Starstone, finally conquers the Hellfire Throne of the Pit.

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